The Silly and Mischievous Adventures of Four Crazy Canucks - FINAL THOUGHTS 2/1

Hi Lessa!! I found your report through your pimping on Scott's thread :lmao:. I can't wait to see the pictures from this one :thumbsup2.

You might want to check out a certain other place, you might see some familiar people on the front page :rolleyes1 , just sayin.

Welcome, I am glad to see my pimping techniques are working, good for business, right Jordan. ;)

Oh cool! I'll have to check the other place out. :goodvibes

I may be quite busy then...;)

You gave me so many great pictures, I just couldn't choose. I have never put that many pictures in one of the banners, but I just had to.
so.... you're the one we're meeting eh...
well.. you don't seem that bad..hoping the pictures you posted are really you and not some alien that took over your body..
mhm.. well.
you're pre-trippy so far sounds great!! :yay:
can't wait to meet ya too! :)
so.... you're the one we're meeting eh...
well.. you don't seem that bad..hoping the pictures you posted are really you and not some alien that took over your body..
mhm.. well.
you're pre-trippy so far sounds great!! :yay:
can't wait to meet ya too! :)

:lmao: Yes, we are the Canadian family you are meeting up with.

I promise no alien body snatching going on here. :rotfl:
Hey there Lessa, checking in, great start and remember don't get between me and the puffy french toast, I like ya too much to hurt ya;)
The family had a lovely and magical time at WDW in July 2007, they knew they wanted to return and made plans to make a trip back to Orlando in 2010. Upon returning to their hometown your storyteller started her very first trip report here on the Dis Our Funfilled Action-Packed Trip to Disney Over the Fourth of July . She had such fun writing the report and made some wonderful Dis friends and eventually joined a lovely group called the Focker Watch. This is a group of individuals here on the Dis who love Disney and bonded over their trip reports and now are great friends. Some of these Fockers had met up for the first annual Focker meet in August of 2007, it was such a success that plans were made for a second annual Fockerfest for August 2008. Now your storyteller read along with their planning and wished desperately that she too could attend Fockerfest in August as a 2010 return to Disney World seemed so far away. In March of 2008 her dreams came true! Originally it was just going to be the mother and daughter traveling to Florida but soon the two brothers wished to come along as well for who could turn down a trip to Disney World! Now that the whole family was set on going the planning began in earnest and the girl became obsessed with reading restaurant menus and park hour charts and hoarding LGMH's. Her friends and co-workers shook their heads in wonder that one person could be so obsessed with Disney. The girl did not care though and continued on with her planning until everything was perfect and that brings us to the present day. The dreamer family is only 18 short days away from their trip to visit the Mouse and the excitement is building each day as the trip draws closer and closer.

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I don't blame you, I am really needing a week away to forget about all my troubles and worries.

::yes:: I just need to be away from work for a while. It is getting on my last nerve. I have no empathy for people right now, and in my job you have to have at least a little bit. :sad2:


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