The Young and The Restless .. Take 5 .. Spoilers Welcome!

Devon wants Lilly to go to prison for being so horrible to Hillary all along. So, should he get an adjoining cell since there was quite a long time when he was horrible to Hillary too?
Devon wants Lilly to go to prison for being so horrible to Hillary all along. So, should he get an adjoining cell since there was quite a long time when he was horrible to Hillary too?

I think Victor made a good point yesterday when Devon was talking to him. Devon was saying how bad Lily treated Hillary. Victor said that he agrees but that Hillary gave as good as she got! Which is really true!
Looks like Lily's going to jail next week! And I'm curious about what Tessa is hiding about the guys she owes money to that helped Crystal!
I'm wondering what Tessa is up to :confused3 I leaning towards the idea that she is just in it now for the money shakedown :rolleyes1
Tired also of the re-write of history as far as Jack's father goes. Seriously, Jack a 60 something year old man is determined to find out who his father is? Your father is the MAN WHO RAISED YOU! I find it hard to believe a man of this age is that obsessed with DNA.
I might also add, that I am extremely bored by all the corporate nonsense that the show seems to be focused on as of late. WHO cares about these cosmetic companies?! I can only say that I can not sit through an episode. Thank goodness we DVR it.
Some of these storylines are dragging on just too long even by soap standards.

Sidenote: As a mother of two adopted children who are now in their 30's, it is my opinion that finding one's biological parent(s) is foremost in the mind of some and never thought of or desired in any way by others. It all depends on the individual whether there's a hole in their being not knowing who his/her birth parent(s) is/are and whether you want the hole filled or not. To each his/her own. I don't know that age matters if that hole exists.
Incredibly boring summer story lines. All this corporate nonsense. The rotating CEO's. Give me a break. As far as Jack and his search for his real father, I could see his wanting to know who is bio dad is. That being said, it is the re-write of history, (not to mention all his "visits" from John Abbott in the past) that irks me most about this search.
Incredibly boring summer story lines. All this corporate nonsense. The rotating CEO's. Give me a break. As far as Jack and his search for his real father, I could see his wanting to know who is bio dad is. That being said, it is the re-write of history, (not to mention all his "visits" from John Abbott in the past) that irks me most about this search.

Although our children were adopted at ages 3 and 4 and I didn't give birth to them, I am in every way that counts their "real" mother. Please use the terms biological or birth to describe the parents that produced them biologically and not "real." Thank you!
Rumor has it the Winters are being written out in favor of a new Latino family- Arturo, Rey, their sister Lola and Rey's wife for starters. Also it feels as if the Abbotts are being backburnered with Jack no longer an Abbot, Ashley leaving and Traci rarely seen.
Rumor has it the Winters are being written out in favor of a new Latino family- Arturo, Rey, their sister Lola and Rey's wife for starters. Also it feels as if the Abbotts are being backburnered with Jack no longer an Abbot, Ashley leaving and Traci rarely seen.
Why can't they have an African American family AND a Latino family? For crying out loud... I am rolling my eyes.
I think Jack is looking for his bio Dad hoping to hit the financial jack pot...
I do like that Y&R and General Hospital have storylines with family members battling Alzheimers'. It is something truly heart wrenching that so many families are going through. With Lily not on contract anymore, wonder what will happen to Cain and the kids?

Ashley is supposed to leave the show soon, too! And I hope we find out who Jack's father is! I still think it would be interesting if Victor is his father!
The picture of the mystery man today looked like Victor's FATHER. So maybe they will turn out to be half brothers.


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