Thinking of trying Universal? Read this first timer’s impressions (kinda long)

Do you have a favorite restaurant? Do you feel guilty if you decide to eat at another restaurant? My favorite restaurant serves Mexican food. Sometimes I'm just in the mood for seafood, or Italian, or Chinese food or a steak or bar-be-cue. I certainly don't feel guilty for going to another restaurant even though they are in competition with each other. Neither should you feel guilty for going to Universal instead of Disney.

There is lots for your son to do.

Woody Woodpecker Kid Zone

Animal Actors is a is a great show to watch if your son likes animals. Be aware there is one part where a large snake is brought on stage.

The Barney show is another show your son might like. There is also a play area and a meet and greet with Barney.

Curious George is tons of fun for kids of all ages. They can shoot water at others and run though a building with lots of water effects. At the Ball Factory, kids can shoot and throw nerf balls.

Woody's Coaster is a kiddy coaster and was mentioned earlier. ET is also a great ride. Be sure and listen for ET to say your name at the end of the ride.

Fieval's Playland has a slide where kids can take a two person water raft down a small incline.

Production Central

Jimmy Neutron is 3 D simulator ride with stationary seats for younger kids. It features the Nick characters. When you exit, there is an interactive play area and also a meet and greet with Sponge Bob.

Shrek is a 3-D show. There is a meet and greet with Shrek, Fiona, and (my favorite) Donkey. I can spend quite awhile just listening to Donkey interact with the kids.

Suess Landing

The whole land is built for kids. One Fish Two Fish is similar to Dumbo but with water. I'm sure your son will love the Cat in the Hat ride. I'd suggest reading him the book first for even more fun.

If I ran the Zoo is another play area. There are tons of interactive activities there.

The High in the Sky Trolley, takes you on a trolley ride in the sky above Seuss Landing. There are two tracks and four story lines all involving the Sneetches.

You can also meet the Grinch, Cat and the Hat, and Thing 1 and 2.

Jurassic Park

The Discovery Center is an exhibit/museum about dinosaurs. There are games to play to test your dinosaur knowledge. You can create a new dinosaur, or watch some dinosaur eggs hatch.

There is also a sky ride called Pteranodon Flyers where adults can only ride if they are accompanied by a child.

Lost Continent

The Flying Unicorn is a kiddie coaster.

Toon Lagoon

The Me Ship, the Olive is is a stationary boat with stairs to climb, slides, and areas to explore. You can also squirt the people who are on the boats on the Popeye ride.

Marvel Super Hero Island

Storm Force Acceltron is similar to the teacup ride. There are also super heroes who ride on ATV's into Marvel several times a day for Meet and Greet.

Here are the height requirements. All the things I mentioned can be done by your son who is 37 inches.

Don't fear change---change is good.


Not to knitpick Phamton's excellent run down, but just thought I would add in the Jurassic Park area around the Pteradon Flyers is that Camp Jurassic section with caves, water canons, and some other really neat things for younger kids. That is a cool area all the way around. It is very relaxing, has waterfalls etc.

Also, per the earlier discussion, am I the only one on this board that likes the old RP dark red or maroon colored rooms? I liked the colors with the dark wood fixtures that divide the bathroom area from the beds. I thought that was a good color scheme, but oh well.
Well, after my glowing review of Universal, I posted a pretty simple and true recap of the Disney part of my trip which in a nutshell said that while we still had a great time, I did not experience as much service and "Disney Magic" as I have in previous trips and not as much as I did at Universal. I suggested that perhaps this was due to the Year of a Million Dreams promotion to which I was called a whiner because I did not win anything. So, I think we know the answer to bubba's mom's query from my last thread:


Wonder if you'd get "flamed" if you posted this exact same post on the Disney Theme Park boards :scratchin ...
Well, after my glowing review of Universal, I posted a pretty simple and true recap of the Disney part of my trip which in a nutshell said that while we still had a great time, I did not experience as much service and "Disney Magic" as I have in previous trips and not as much as I did at Universal. I suggested that perhaps this was due to the Year of a Million Dreams promotion to which I was called a whiner because I did not win anything. So, I think we know the answer to bubba's mom's query from my last thread:

That's too bad they flamed you but I'm not surprised. :rolleyes:

BTW...where did you post? Do you have the link? Maybe some of us can give our opinions as well...hehehe. ;)
Well, after my glowing review of Universal, I posted a pretty simple and true recap of the Disney part of my trip which in a nutshell said that while we still had a great time, I did not experience as much service and "Disney Magic" as I have in previous trips and not as much as I did at Universal. I suggested that perhaps this was due to the Year of a Million Dreams promotion to which I was called a whiner because I did not win anything. So, I think we know the answer to bubba's mom's query from my last thread:


did they hit you with the 'I'm glad you enjoyed Universal, less lines for me at WDW!!! :love: princess: :cheer2: :wizard: :cloud9: :love1: :sulley: :mickeyjum :stitch: " schtick?
Well, after my glowing review of Universal, I posted a pretty simple and true recap of the Disney part of my trip which in a nutshell said that while we still had a great time, I did not experience as much service and "Disney Magic" as I have in previous trips and not as much as I did at Universal. I suggested that perhaps this was due to the Year of a Million Dreams promotion to which I was called a whiner because I did not win anything. So, I think we know the answer to bubba's mom's query from my last thread:


Yeah I know the feeling:hug: I posted an innocent comment last year that i thought the room we had at BWV was showing its age and didn't think they were putting the dues money from DVC to full use (paraphrasing) and man did I get blistered:headache: you would have thought i killed somebodies dog (all apologies to any Vick fans :lmao: ) Seriously though, i'm a DVC member and I love Disney (love USO too), but can't anyone take any constructive criticism any more:confused3

We won dream hats at Disneyland! Big whoop!!!! I think the whole Dream thing is a promotion about making a mountain out of a molehill.

Before we went to Disneyland, there was a thread on the community board about other Disboard members finding more magic at Universal this summer. Long time, respected posters. They didn't seem to get as much flack as you are getting.

OUCH!!:headache: Man they really let you have it:furious: when it happened to me i tried to explain that my vacation was not ruined and i still had a great time and every reply I posted just made it worse, just like you...may i suggest:tiptoe: away from this thread:rotfl2:

You know i do hold disney to a higher standard than any other place i spend my disposable entertainment cash.The reason i do is because this is the standard and expectation that Walt set for himself, his company and his employees. I think if Walt could come back he would kick some corporate A** if he strolled through the parks of today as compared to the parks of even 10 years ago. this doesn't mean i hate disney or am bashing it. I will continue to go, i love going, and its still pretty darned great IMHO. That doesn't mean that i can't lament "my perception" that the running of the House of Mouse has slipped back to a level that is much more within the reach of its competitors. Are there still excellent cast members who make it a point to really try hard and give extra to make your stay "special" or "Magical" absolutely (two that come to mind, and i don't know names, but you have probably seen them, are the lady at the haunted mansion and the gentleman at the ToT. they get into character and really work it. that is what makes my visits "magical")
We got to sit in the front car of the monorail in December. Our monorail pilot (whatever they call themselves) wasn't very talkative, but that didn't prevent my cousin from being a total blabbermouth with him. She asked him to explain the Year of a Million Dreams. He said, and I am totally quoting verbatim here, "You mean the Year of a Million Nightmares?" He said many employees were calling it that because it's such a PINTA and it was ill-conceived without any clear guidelines. I remember that specifically because I thought to myself that had I posted what he said on the DIS I would get comments to the effect of:

- being insensitive that I could've cost the driver (pilot, whatever) his job, and don't they work so hard for so little to try to make the magic for the rest of us?

- not being tolerant. Maybe he was having a bad day, and EVERYONE is allowed a bad day .. after all, it's not like we had children with us!

- being a big fat liar myself, since it was my word against his, and he wasn't even there to defend himself so what type of person does that make me?

- what was I doing sitting in the front car of the monorail when I didn't have any kids with me? (We didn't ask; it just happened.)

In the end, I felt like it was sooo not worth it. People say it's too much pixie dust. I think that's just a euphemism for saying they're members of the Disney Cult.
always remember, you can't argue with an idiot.

one reason i don't post my love of universal in the community board.

I couldn't agree more...some of these Disney people scare me. :scared1:
Yes, like that nut job, er... gentleman who is completely covered head to toe is Disney tatoos. I love it too but you have to draw the line somewhere. People just a get a little too obsessed. or a lot.

one of the three ships Columbus used to discover America?

(bear with me, I'm only half-intelligent)

I'm with you there. School was sooo long ago!:laughing:
one of the three ships Columbus used to discover America?

(bear with me, I'm only half-intelligent)

I believe he said "it was such a pain." but I just wrote PINTA. Some say PITA. Either works cuz they both mean "Pain in the a**."

The gyst of the conversation was that some guests just didn't get it. A CM would hand a stuffed animal or a hat or fast pass or something to some family, and another family would want to know how to get one, etc. The CM would try to explain YOAMD to the family that asked, and they wouldn't get or they'd want to know how to be picked, etc. Then they were upset that they weren't chosen, etc.
I believe he said "it was such a pain." but I just wrote PINTA. Some say PITA. Either works cuz they both mean "Pain the a**."

The gyst of the conversation was that some guests just didn't get it. A CM would hand a stuffed animal or a hat or fast pass or something to some family, and another family would want to know how to get one, etc. The CM would try to explain YOAMD to the family that asked, and they wouldn't get or they'd want to know how to be picked, etc. Then they were upset that they weren't chosen, etc.

When we got our hats at Disneyland, the giverouters were inside the collecting room at Tower of Terror. That way, the whole room got hats and nobody could complain. The second time we got hats was leaving the hotel. Again anyone who was there got the hats and nobody could complain.

I can see where it would be a real PITA though. The places have to be carefully selected to distribute the freebies.


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