This Is Us- Season two

I was tense and anxious the entire episode. Kevin needs help badly, but now I fear his moment to open up to Randall won't happen. I hope I'm wrong.

Large parts of the show had me loathing Kevin but then we'd learn tiny bits about him that prove he has a good side, too. I so wish I could just loathe him or love him and stop the back and forth. This show is so good at jumbling up the puzzle pieces of humanity and then spilling them all out for us each week.

It breaks my heart that Kevin lost the necklace.
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I feel very drained from tonight's episode. It is what it is, that is life for some, but I am drained. We have Kevin addicted to painkillers, Kate losing the baby and what should be quite the roller coaster, over time, for Randall with Deja (if it is to be realistic). And as a viewer when I'm too drained, I am not even emotional during scenes. Don't ask me to explain how that nonsense works, because I have no clue. :drinking1

I miss William. He really balanced everything. He was a man going through so much but still saw the beauty in the simplest things.


I enjoy the subtle. And what I did pick up tonight is that it seems that Randall spent his entire life trying to be something to Kevin, as in it really went from childhood right to adulthood. Continued year after year. Randall says he's sorry that he's missing his game - Kevin says something cold/harsh back (no huge deal to me, meaning good writing as they are teenagers with comments - realistic and Kevin could have been jealous about their trip/Randall's accomplishments). But when Jack says something to Kevin about how he's acting, Randall even tries to make that better for Kevin - find some kind of connection.

So much swallowing by Randall just to be in Kevin's universe. Exhausting.
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I feel very drained from tonight's episode. It is what it is, that is life for some, but I am drained. We have Kevin addicted to painkillers, Kate losing the baby and what should quite the roller coaster - ups and downs - for Randall with Deja (if it is to be realistic). And as a viewer when I'm too drained, I am not even emotional during scenes. Don't ask me to explain how that nonsense works, because I have no clue. :drinking1

I miss William. He really balanced everything. He was a man going through so much but still saw the beauty in the simplest things.
Drained is the right word for it. This episode was almost physically painful for me. It was also the first show that didn't make me cry. I was too angry.
I gasped at the end too. :guilty: Poor Kevin is a mess. I was just so relieved it was the woman his age and not the youngin' in bed with him that I didn't even care he was such a jerk to her. :scared: Lol! I worry after she calms down and returns the pendant ( if there) because of its importance to him that somehow Sophie will find out.

I don't think she has the pendant necklace. I'm pretty sure Kevin lost it elsewhere, maybe on the football field.
I'm sorry :goodvibes ;) I laughed just thinking about that line Twilight Sparkle because that's a realistic part of life.

Perhaps that's a realistic way of living for some, but I can't live that way. When I love someone, I love them faults and all (in this show that would be how I feel towards Jack and William). I can be upset with the people I love at times, but I don't loathe, hate, or despise them. When someone's character is so out of sync with mine that I feel myself utterly loathing them, I don't need to waste my time or theirs trying to make a relationship work (again, in this show that would be Jack's dad or the guy at the weight loss spa that was such a creep to Kate) - thus, no back and forth. I don't love someone one minute and then hate them the next just because they've said or done something I dislike. Nor do I despise someone and then suddenly love them just because they said or did something I don't find abhorrent. Like I said, I don't yet know how I feel about Kevin, and the back and forth of that is not for me. I wish the show would hurry up and make it easy for me to decide.
Perhaps that's a realistic way of living for some, but I can't live that way. When I love someone, I love them faults and all (in this show that would be how I feel towards Jack and William). I can be upset with the people I love at times, but I don't loathe, hate, or despise them. When someone's character is so out of sync with mine that I feel myself utterly loathing them, I don't need to waste my time or theirs trying to make a relationship work (again, in this show that would be Jack's dad or the guy at the weight loss spa that was such a creep to Kate) - thus, no back and forth. I don't love someone one minute and then hate them the next just because they've said or done something I dislike. Nor do I despise someone and then suddenly love them just because they said or did something I don't find abhorrent. Like I said, I don't yet know how I feel about Kevin, and the back and forth of that is not for me. I wish the show would hurry up and make it easy for me to decide.

I totally misunderstood your original post then Twilight Sparkle.

I don't loathe, despise or hate anyone that I love. So I understand now. There is no back and forth on love.

Just a push/pull at times with loved ones. I don't know what example to give.
I guess I would say that there are people that I have a soft spot for, that they can make me crazy in one minute but I see the good in them in the next. That's where I thought you were going with it all.
I totally misunderstood your original post then Twilight Sparkle.

I don't loathe, despise or hate anyone that I love. So I understand now. There is no back and forth on love.

Just a push/pull at times with loved ones. I don't know what example to give.
I guess I would say that there are people that I have a soft spot for, that they can make me crazy in one minute but I see the good in them in the next. That's where I thought you were going with it all.

No worries. I didn't explain myself very well at first.
I feel very drained from tonight's episode. It is what it is, that is life for some, but I am drained.
This is how I feel. This was so tough to watch.

I wish the show would hurry up and make it easy for me to decide.
I don't want the show to hurry. I think it's brilliant how they are interweaving all of these small little details to develop the characters; even though it's painful to go through at times.

Do you think the part with the electric breaker box is a foreshadowing? Possibly it was an electrical fire that burned the house down.
This is exactly what I thought.

I often wish that some of these shows aired at the same time so I could come on the boards and share my thoughts, but I always have to wait until I watch the show before coming to this board. However, this is the first time that I actually want to watch it twice (I pretty much do anyway) with pad and pencil to write down my thoughts. I had so many for the last show that I didn't write down here. I kind of feel like this is a book club/video version where we read the chapters and dissect them. I'm enjoying this ride with all of you even though I rarely post.

I'm an easy audience. I did not see that coming from Randall at the end.
You guys..I can’t even with this one.

I can’t even put all my thoughts down on this episode. It might be my new favourite, after William dying (what a sick thing to say lol)

I don’t know why but I connected with Kevin so much this week. I’m literally tearing up right now.

All I’ll add for now is that I think the dog causes the fire and/or Jacks death. It was very subtle but when Kate leaves the room because the coach arrived, she says something to Kevin as they pass in the hall and he says ‘train your dog’. I think that is a HUGE hint.

Also, as soon as I saw Toby’s name on the call display I said poop, she lost the baby.

One last thing, I’m really glad that Kevin didn’t end up in bed with the high school student. In the opening credits someone with the last name Metz was listed. Maybe Charlotte is Chrissy’s sister in real life?

ETA- I did some googling and the maid is Rebecca Metz but I couldn’t find a relationship between them.

I’m rambling now..
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I don't think she has the pendant necklace. I'm pretty sure Kevin lost it elsewhere, maybe on the football field.

I was watching with a group of friends and we thought the same thing. So we hit rewind back to the field and he was still wearing it when the girl came up and asked him to party. So I don't think he lost it at the field.

Do you think the part with the electric breaker box is a foreshadowing? Possibly it was an electrical fire that burned the house down.

For sure. This, and Kate's dog being shown throughout the episode I think were huge hints toward the death.


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