This Is Us- Season two

You all need to hold good thoughts for me. I'm on the list for tickets to the Tonight Show being shot in Minneapolis after the Super Bowl (a couple of weeks ago, you had to go on line and get in the lottery....I got in the very second the lottery became available, and got was "sold out" within 60 seconds). Anyway, they JUST announced the guest list for that night, and (gasp) it's the ENTIRE (adult) cast from This is Us. OMG. I'd be so excited! (The other guests are Justin Timberlake and the that's ok too). It's a smallish theatre. I'm thrilled just to be on the list, and would fall over if I actually got in. LOL.
The "special" shows he does are always so good. I'm a huge fan of the Tonight Show. Oh I hope you get to go!!
You all need to hold good thoughts for me. I'm on the list for tickets to the Tonight Show being shot in Minneapolis after the Super Bowl (a couple of weeks ago, you had to go on line and get in the lottery....I got in the very second the lottery became available, and got was "sold out" within 60 seconds). Anyway, they JUST announced the guest list for that night, and (gasp) it's the ENTIRE (adult) cast from This is Us. OMG. I'd be so excited! (The other guests are Justin Timberlake and the that's ok too). It's a smallish theatre. I'm thrilled just to be on the list, and would fall over if I actually got in. LOL.

That's a good lineup, good luck!
You all need to hold good thoughts for me. I'm on the list for tickets to the Tonight Show being shot in Minneapolis after the Super Bowl (a couple of weeks ago, you had to go on line and get in the lottery....I got in the very second the lottery became available, and got was "sold out" within 60 seconds). Anyway, they JUST announced the guest list for that night, and (gasp) it's the ENTIRE (adult) cast from This is Us. OMG. I'd be so excited! (The other guests are Justin Timberlake and the that's ok too). It's a smallish theatre. I'm thrilled just to be on the list, and would fall over if I actually got in. LOL.

OMG you have to get in!!!! Good Luck!!!! You have to take pics for all of us so we can live vicariously through you!
You all need to hold good thoughts for me. I'm on the list for tickets to the Tonight Show being shot in Minneapolis after the Super Bowl (a couple of weeks ago, you had to go on line and get in the lottery....I got in the very second the lottery became available, and got was "sold out" within 60 seconds). Anyway, they JUST announced the guest list for that night, and (gasp) it's the ENTIRE (adult) cast from This is Us. OMG. I'd be so excited! (The other guests are Justin Timberlake and the that's ok too). It's a smallish theatre. I'm thrilled just to be on the list, and would fall over if I actually got in. LOL.

I saw that announcement this morning and I almost cried. I am SO not into celebrities at all - the ONLY ones I give more than a iota of care of are (meaning, they are the only celebs I follow on Insta ;) ) - JT, Jimmy Fallon, The Rock, and the a few of the TiU cast members. It's like my dream team, and I am so sad they are all going to be so close and yet so FARRRRR away...
i Have felt for awhile now that Kevin was an outsider so he did all this stuff to get attention. I guess I was right lol. I like how the 3 of them came together at the end though. I likee how the therapist tried to paint Jack in a real light not the light they idolize him in if that makes sense. Jack had faults and it affected them in one way or another. I liked the "others" too! All in all a great episode and I think next week will really have us!!!!
Mandy Moore was excellent tonight. I could really feel her sadness about the way the family dynamic made her the bad guy. Jack was a great Dad, but at the expense of his wife. And it’s true that Randall was the one of the three that gave her the love.
Mandy Moore was excellent tonight. I could really feel her sadness about the way the family dynamic made her the bad guy. Jack was a great Dad, but at the expense of his wife. And it’s true that Randall was the one of the three that gave her the love.

It was fascinating. It was nice to see where she was coming from, but to be fair it also showed her complicity in the way things were as well. Really makes me think about what I do or don't do, how it affects others -- and in turn how much my perspective colors my experiences and how I behave towards others. It gets kind of meta when you start peeling the layers, to reveal more and more layers.
Just watched on DVR, and loved it, as usual!! (It's only just come back, and I'm already missing it until next week!)

The part about Kevin feeling ignored has been coming ever since the pool episode, but I felt so bad for Rebecca. - Guilt about mistakes you made with your kids is just gut-wrenching! I totally didn't expect her speech about Randall being easier, but I just knew she was going to move down onto the floor with Kevin.

As hard as parents try not to play favorites, I do think it's inevitable that common interests - like the reading scene - will draw certain ones together. (In my family, I was like my dad and by brother was like my mom, but at least there was no third to feel left out.) I think that's why Kevin turned to peers/fans for validation - which in turn made him look like he had it all together, and made them worry less...

I really didn't like the therapist, but I did feel like she had helped Kevin figure things out. I loved the "others" at the bar! (I kind of felt like that went better than the formal therapy.) And I'm glad Kate came clean so Toby didn't have to bring it up. - I hate the thought that there is an "addiction gene" that's *dooming* them, though.
Just finished watching the episode on amazon. I thought it was great and really well done as usual. The therapist played Meredith's mother in Grey's Anatomy. I didn't mind her and thought she portrayed what a real therapist would be like in this situation.

I think I related the most to Kate in this episode. She really wasn't that overweight in the flashbacks and I think Rebecca was projecting how her own mother treated her onto Kate. She obviously did more harm than good in that way. The look on Kate's face when Jack tells her she's been eating a lot of sweets that week and needs to exercise - it was definitely a look showing she felt betrayed. Kate is one who feels things deeply. You could see it in the therapy session as well. She's been binging on junk food since her miscarriage. Food is her comfort and her way of dealing with the deep emotions she feels. I can relate to that in many ways. I think it is good that she told Toby. It will be interesting to see where she goes from here since she mentioned toward the end that she thought she knew why she had issues with food, but now she's not sure and basically she's saying that the reasons may be more complex then she thought.

I found the comparison that Kevin made of Tess feeling like he did growing up really interesting as well. There's a warning there for Randall and I hope he heeds it.

Beth was funny tonight and I enjoyed the scene with the "others" in the bar. A great mix of humor and drama in this episode.

Looking forward to next week!
I really enjoyed this episode.

I love Beth. She reminds of some of my friends in different ways. She is someone I could see myself hanging out with.
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I'm dealing with a suddenly overweight teen now myself so I really watch these scenes carefully. My question is, what is the mother supposed to do? Just let her eat ice cream everyday and watch her get bigger and bigger? Is that ultimately going to make the daughter happy? It's a very tricky situation!
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I'm dealing with a suddenly overweight teen now myself so I really watch these scenes cattefully. My question is, what is the mother supposed to do? Just let her eat ice cream everyday and watch her get bigger and bigger? Is that ultimately going to make the daughter happpy? It's a very tricky situation!

I think showing an emphasis to her that who she is on the inside is vastly more important than what she looks like on the outside is an important message to get across. Little comments can really stick at that age. I remember trying on coats once and my mom saying, "that would look really good if you lost ten pounds". It's passed down from generation to generation though. Her mom (my grandmother) was constantly making comments about every woman's weight as if that was the most important aspect of that person. I dated a guy who couldn't mention any woman without a comment about whether she was attractive or not. Needless to say, he got dumped. Yes, health is important and children should be guided to eat healthy foods, but without the comments about their physical appearance. Just my thoughts... definitely tricky at times.
Rebecca was trying to guide her to healthy foods in an earlier scene. After Kate asked for more cookies, she said both she and Kate had already had a few cookies and maybe she could slice up an apple instead. Kate’s face fell. I mean, if that scenario hurt her feelings I’m just not sure what really can be done that would be considered “right”.
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Rebecca was trying to guide her to healthy foods in an earlier scene. After Kate asked for more cookies, said both she and Kate had already had a few cookies and maybe she could slice up an apple instead. Kate’s face fell. I mean, if that scenario hurt her feelings I’m just not sure what really can be done that would be considered “right”.

Well, it's tricky to be sure. Kids aren't stupid and pick up on attitudes even when the right words are said.
I feel that no matter what Rebecca does she's always the bad guy and in the shadow of Jack. The kids just idolize Jack and she can't win.

I don't think what she did with Kate was wrong. My DD loves food. She's a foodie and loves trying new things. I don't think she's addicted but when she's bored she'll sometimes snack which I know is a bad habit.

I work out 4-5 days a week and eat a pretty good diet just to maintain my "fluffy" figure (meaning I'll never be smaller than a size 12). I know what genetics we have in our family. I can see DD putting on pounds so I do tell her to maybe trade in the cookies for a piece of fruit. I offer her more veggies at dinner rather than the mashed potatoes. I do not ever tell her it's about her weight. I just tell her that making healthier choices is better for us in the long run.

It's hard for us both when my son and SO are naturally thin people who can eat whatever they want when they want. And I see Kate has that surrounding her too.
I'm dealing with a suddenly overweight teen now myself so I really watch these scenes carefully. My question is, what is the mother supposed to do? Just let her eat ice cream everyday and watch her get bigger and bigger? Is that ultimately going to make the daughter happy? It's a very tricky situation!

So tricky!! It's a fine line because you want to help them grow into healthy adults, but you also want to reassure them that you love them as they are. I can absolutely see both Rebecca's and Jack's points of view.

I agree with the above about making any comments about health rather than weight - "the fruit has vitamins and the ice cream doesn't" rather than "the ice cream will make you fat and the fruit won't".
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