Tiggerific04's DFTW Trip Report 8/10-8/25

Your TR rocks! The pictures are fantastic. You and your new DH look so cute together. I can't wait to read more :surfweb:

Thanks! Glad you like the pics!

I'm loving your Trip Report!! :yay:

I think all your pictures are great!! :cheer2:

I'm exactly the same with my itineraries - I like things to be done properly and get disapointed if it doesn't go to plan!! :surfweb:

Haha, glad I'm not the only one with crazy itineraries!

Subscribing...your TR is great and I am looking forward to the rest! :yay: I am in suspense waiting for the wedding day pics :cutie:

I just finished up the "day before the wedding" post and will add it soon. I have a TON of wedding day pics and haven't even gotten the ones from Randy yet!

Cant wait to read more! Keep it coming :)

Yay, will do!

the longer the better:goodvibes
this is a settle down with a nice cup of coffee kinda report;)

I was worried it was too long and detailed, but I'm writing it for me as well -- so I don't forget anything!

LOVING this report so far--im waiting not so patiently for the next installment!

Glad you're enjoying it!

I am so excited you started a trip report! I loved reading your PJ. I am from NJ too - northern NJ, Morris County. Where are you from?

Also, I love the VegiBeta (sp?) (japanese soda in club cool), too, and I was also so disappointed when I went to Epcot a few weeks ago and I saw it was gone!

BTW, those huge birds you saw are sandhill cranes, in case you were wondering. I've been living in Orlando for about a year and I've gotten acquainted with some crazy new wildlife we definitely don't see in Jersey!

Anyway, love your TR and can't wait to read the rest! :)

I'm from Union County. Thanks for the info about the "huge birds" lol. I'm used to pigeons and seagulls, so I was a little taken aback when I saw those guys!!

Great TR! Congrats and welcome back! I can't wait to read more its fantastic!!!!!

Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it!
Day Six: Day Before the Wedding!

So it's the day before my wedding and I should be excited, right? Well, I'm not because when I woke up I was completely, totally sick. Runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, feverish, headache, aches all over, YUCK! I also had sprouted some more pimples on my chin, and when I got up to go look in the mirror I discovered that I had managed to get some random sunburn on my shoulders/chest area DESPITE all the sunscreen I had been spraying on myself. Great. My wedding dress was strapless and there was no way the redness was going to disappear in one day. In a way it was good I was sick because I couldn't focus on anything else -- otherwise I know I would have flipped out about the zits and burn.

I immediately took some Tylenol Cold and then decided against going anywhere to get my nails done -- I really didn't think I could handle it, that's how bad I felt at that point. I decided instead that we would go to Publix near DF's brother's hotel so that I could pick up some nail polish remover, files, and some clear polish.

It was mid-morning by this point (I don't remember what time exactly) so I got a waffle and DF got chicken alfredo. Something new about the DDP I wasn't aware of is that a juice is included with the entree, so I actually was able to get TWO juices. I got OJ thinking that the vitamin C might help knock my cold out (wishful thinking, I know).



As soon as we got in my car I got a call from Tanis telling me that she was back from vacation and just checking to make sure I was doing ok. Then she told me some GREAT news: She was actually going to be there tomorrow for my wedding!! I was sooo thrilled because I know most Intimate brides get stuck with someone else the day of the wedding, and I was really hoping that wouldn't happen. I really wanted to meet Tanis in person so that I could thank her for all her help with everything, especially with MOH.

After I hung up with her, we practiced driving to DF's brother's hotel because the plan was that he would pick up his bro, SIL, and the kids that night and drive them to Ohana for dinner. That way we would have that car (plus my parent's rental car that they were driving over in) to get everyone home afterwards. We got there much easier this time and then attempted to find the Publix that we swore we saw the other day when we got the marriage license. We ended up driving forever and finally found one on the corner of 535 -- perfect! We could just take that back to DD and get to Pop that way.

After we left Publix we realized that we didn't have a thank you gift for Tanis! I don't know how I forgot so many things even though I thought I was sooo prepared for this trip. I guess everything was just so overwhelming that it didn't matter how many lists and reminders I made!

We were already almost back at DD, so we decided we'd stop at Winn Dixie since they should sell some kind of gift cards. Score! They had the Amex ones which worked out perfectly since we had no idea what she likes or where she shops.

We got back to the room and I sat down to start doing my nails when I realize that I forgot to buy the nail polish remover! I could have screamed. I set DF to work wrapping the parents' and bridal party gifts while I went to Gooding's (more expensive, but slightly closer) to get some. While I was there I picked up some cough drops as well because my throat was getting worse.

I finally got back to the room and got my nails all done and then started writing out the thank you cards that went in the remaining welcome bags. Just as I was finishing up we got a call from DF's other brother saying that he and DF's parents had arrived! DF helped them find their way to Pop and then we grabbed their bags and ran down to the lobby to meet them. It was such a relief to have them there because that meant we were only waiting for MOH and her guest now and they should be here shortly.

We helped them all check in, and after a bit of a miscommunication with DF's brother's room (They thought he still had to pay his whole balance, but I know I paid the whole thing in full! Turns out sometimes things like that don't download to the resort's computer system until the person actually checks in.), we headed off to show them to their rooms. DF's parents were in the 80's and his bro was in the 60's. We drove over to the 80's parking lot and helped his parents with their bags and then I had to go because it was 3:30pm already and Sue was coming to steam my dress at 4pm.

I ran back to the room to take a quick shower and while I was washing my hair, MOH called to tell me they had just landed! I got out of the shower and a couple minutes later Sue showed up with her steaming equipment and the tux corrections from yesterday. While she was steaming I called DF to tell him that his dad and bro needed to try on their tuxes asap so that Sue could get replacements if needed. They wanted to eat first, which I understood, so they went to the food court and then came to pick up the tuxes. They went back to DF's bro's room (he got a king bed with a fridge! with a view of the Hippy Dippy pool!) to try them on and everything was ok except that his pants were too big. Sue said to hold on to them and she would bring new ones in the morning, around 11am. This made me extremely nervous because the wedding was at noon! She said that if worse came to worst she would drop them off with me and I could bring them to him at the WP and he would have to change there. She assured me it would be fine.

There was nowhere else in the room to put my dress, so it had to go in the bathroom, which meant no one could really use the bathroom:


MOH called and said that she and her guest had already checked in and just needed to know where to go. I sent DF down to get them since Sue was still finishing up some stuff and I obviously couldn't go. I looked out the window and saw them headed towards our building -- turns out they were right next door!! Before I got my Disney vacation planner certification, I had used a TA for my reservation and MOH's, so the TA must have mentioned that we were together.

It was so good to see her! She said the plane had gone smoothly -- it was her first time travelling since her accident so it was a huge deal and we weren't really sure how it would work out. She said to me that depending on how the rest of the trip went, she would like to come back for an actual vacation and go to the parks and everything! It was so amazing to hear her so positive because I know it was incredibly difficult for her to come back to a place she had been before, but now everything was different, and she is soooo self-conscious since the accident about how she looks and the wheelchair and everything. Plus the emotions of the wedding and everything... it was just overwhelming for her. I had actually told her that if it was too much for her to do, that I would understand if she didn't come, but she said she would regret it more if she missed it. Sorry for the tangent!

We hung out in her room for a bit and then DF left to go pick up his family. MOH wanted to wash her hair, so I attempted to do that for her and ended up splling a bucket of water alll over the floor! Oops. Then I helped her get changed and we left to go to my room so that her friend could nap a little bit -- he was exhausted. MOH and I looked at some pics and just talked about everything and then my dad called to ask what was going on tomorrow because he and my mom didn't really know. This about made me freak out. I have been going over things with them for the past 6 months, so there is no reason why they shouldn't know what is going on. I tell him we'll discuss it later, hang up, and quickly write out a schedule for them.

I needed to start getting ready, so I brought MOH back next door and then went back to my room where I discovered that the dress I planned to wear didn't fit! It was too big!


You can't really tell from the front, but the back was pretty obvious...


Ugh. Now what? I didn't have any safety pins or anything, so I ended up just wearing a tank top and skirt that I worn a million other times. I only have one bra that will work under this tank, and it doesn't really fit right but I was stuck. I was pretty upset about it but there wasn't really anything I could do. DF gets back with his family and it's about time that I need to leave with MOH and her guest because we are taking the bus to MK and then the monorail to avoid any car transfers for MOH.

SIL and DF's nephew decide to come with us so we all head out and we make it to the Poly just in time. My parents were there already and DF and his family showed up about a second later. He went to check us in while we took some pics.



Me and MOH. You can totally see my bra in this pic. Grr.


DF and his oldest brother

We were seated within a couple minutes and we had the weirdest table arrangement. Instead of a long rectangular table like I was imagining, we had two square tables and a round table on the end.

Day Six: Part Two

We hadn't really planned any seating arrangements for this dinner because we thought everyone could handle it and seat themselves, lol. Well, not quite. Everyone just kind of stood around waiting for us to tell them what to do, so I went ahead and quickly decided that I should sit next to MOH so that her guest didn't have to help her eat the entire time -- that way we could split it up and everyone would be able to eat calmly. I also knew MOH wouldn't really want anyone else feeding her. So my parents sat down at the round table and I positioned myself and MOH there, but then DF pointed out that maybe he and I should be in the middle. He really wanted our parents to sit together so that they could talk, but it didn't look like that was going to happen because his family had filled in all the seats at the other end of the tables. DF and I moved to the middle and I rearranged MOH until we were all good.


My parents


MOH and her guest


SIL and our ring bearer


DF's parents and our flower girl


DF and his brothers


DF and his SIL










Everybody ended up having a great time and the food was sooooo good. I really thought I took pics of everything, but I guess I was preoccupied because I only got these two:



I was nervous about the food for me since it's focused on meat, but the sides were delicious! I filled up on shrimp and those yummy, yummy potatoes :banana: I was also super nervous about being picked on by the woman who makes people dance (I have no idea what to call her), but she wasn't there that night as far as I could tell so I was relieved! I know, I'm such a party pooper.

I ended up spilling some of the peanut dipping sauce on my skirt, but luckily I had one of those Shout wipes in my Baggalini that took it right out. We bought those on a whim as something to put in the welcome bags and we had an extra so I kept it with us. Turns out they work really well!

I had originally booked this dinner at 7:35pm because I was using a TA and she told me that was the only time available for large groups. I didn't think anything of it, but I was disappointed because I really wanted to be able to watch Wishes during dinner. I thought it would be a nice magical surprise for everyone. Once I got certified I took my vacation planning into my own hands and discovered that my TA was wrong -- we got a 9:10pm seating with no problem. Welll... no fireworks that night! haha Oh well.

After dinner I went with MOH and her guest via monorail back to MK and then we got the bus to Pop while everyone else drove back. When we got back to our rooms I helped MOH into bed. I had hired a nurse/aide for the other mornings/nights, but I didn't know what time we would be back this night so I figured we could just do it ourselves (we've both done it before many times, don't worry!). It was a little more difficult without all her usual equipment and with the foam padding I bought for her bed, but we managed just fine and I went back to my room when we were done. By that time it was 1:00am and DF and I had to get up at 3:00am so that he could shower and get dressed before Ana from Beaute Speciale got there to do my hair and makeup at 4:00am! We were exhausted and fell asleep right away...

Up next: Wedding Day!!
Subscribing also! I'm so happy you decided to start your TR. I remember when you first got back, you stopped in to say hi. Ever since then, I was checking to see if you started one yet. Thanks so much for sharing! I can't wait to hear about your wedding day!
Thanks everyone! I'm working on the wedding day recap, but there was so much that happened and so many pics, I'm probably going to have to break it up into a few installments.

I'm so amazed that so many people are enjoying it so far... I thought that I was pretty boring and no one would want to be bothered reading! :rotfl:
i LOVE your dress...i think that's the same one that i'm going to get...what designer is it? it's so cool! i'm from nj as well, though i'm living in tx now...love your trip report, can't wait to read more!
i LOVE your dress...i think that's the same one that i'm going to get...what designer is it? it's so cool! i'm from nj as well, though i'm living in tx now...love your trip report, can't wait to read more!

Thanks! My dress is by Alfred Angelo. Where in NJ are you from? I'm in Union County.
Thanks! My dress is by Alfred Angelo. Where in NJ are you from? I'm in Union County.

i knew it was from alfred angleo! i love it! i might copy you!!!

i'm from a little town near princeton called dayton! it's in south brunswick township in middlesex county. the majority of my family still lives there, but i moved to tx about 4 years ago!
I haven't had a chance to look at your pro photos yet, but I wanted to tell you I love your TR, especially all the food pictures! I can't wait to read about your wedding day.
Your photos are wonderful!

Can I be cheeky and ask what package you had from Randy? We have a date held with him for July and I can't make up my mind what package to go for!
Your photos are wonderful, you are a beautiful bride and your MOH is an amazing person. I cant wait to read your next instalment.
I love your Epcot photos too, it looks as if you went EVERYWHERE!!! ( I was under the impression they limited you to only a couple of places to take the photos, but these are great )
Your pictures are AMAZING!!!! You guys look so happy together! Just beautiful!
Your photos are fantastic!! They did a great job and you look great in your dress!! Congratulations again! And your TR is wonderful!! I am already subscribed to it! Thanks for Sharing!
Your pics are incredible!!!! You guys are such a cute couple and you looked absolutely stunning in your dress!!
Your photos are wonderful!

Can I be cheeky and ask what package you had from Randy? We have a date held with him for July and I can't make up my mind what package to go for!

Ask whatever you want! We got the standard intimate package from Randy -- the one that is $575. I wasn't expecting Photoshopped or B&W pics at all since we didn't choose the package that included them.

Your photos are wonderful, you are a beautiful bride and your MOH is an amazing person. I cant wait to read your next instalment.
I love your Epcot photos too, it looks as if you went EVERYWHERE!!! ( I was under the impression they limited you to only a couple of places to take the photos, but these are great )

Thanks! I'll explain more in my TR, but we took photos in just about every country. I think this is something new they're doing because I know someone else who recently had an Epcot honeymoon shoot and they had the same experience.


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