Tiggerific04's DFTW Trip Report 8/10-8/25

wow, i can't beleive that randy took all those pics for that low cost...now i'm rethinking my package, i was going to get the second package, the one that costs 1700...did he shoot any part of your reception?
Wow, your pictures are great! You look beautiful :) And I love the Epcot ones - I really like the dress you wore for Epcot!

You must be really pleased...can't wait to read the rest!
wow, i can't beleive that randy took all those pics for that low cost...now i'm rethinking my package, i was going to get the second package, the one that costs 1700...did he shoot any part of your reception?

Well, it says 785 photos on his site but a lot of them were uploaded twice so that doesn't seem to be an accurate number. I need to go through them more carefully, but it looks like there are actually around 350 unique photos, plus the Photoshopped and B&W ones. Not bad since he says you will get around 150 photos with that package.

We didn't have a reception because we had an Intimate/Escape wedding, but he did take pics at the cake/champagne reception and it looks like there are a couple from the Gardenview Lounge where we had tea after the wedding.
I am loving this report! You two are so cute! Going to look at pictures! and so far all the food looks delicious! I must be hungry.
Day Seven: The Wedding Day!

Before I went to sleep the night before, I set out some stuff I was going to need today: my jewelry, tiara, bra, shoes, BEO, and floral budget (just in case!)

The alarm went off at 3:00am, but we kind of layed there for a while and pulled ourselves out of bed around 3:20am. We had to move my dress so that DF could take a shower, so we carried it over to the door and hung it on the door hinge (?).


(I don't know why I brought HP with me, I knew there was no way I was going to have time to finish reading it!)

DF hopped in the shower while I set out to straighten up the room and make myself presentable before Ana got there. DF was out and dressed in record time and then we had to move my dress back into the bathroom so that Ana could get into the room! He just put his tux pants and an undershirt on so that he wouldn't have to change in front of Ana, lol.

I was getting anxious so I kept looking out the window -- it was so weird to be awake so early. Ana showed up promptly at 4:00am with her two big suitcases of supplies. She was so nice, but she was also professional and got to right to work unloading everything she was going to need.

I had pictures of hairstyles on my computer, but I wasn't really sold on them so I didn't bring anything to show her. I told her that I'd like it half up, half down (as long as she didn't think it would frizz) with curls and side-swept bangs to cover my abnormally huge forehead. She said no problem and set to work. It was mostly quiet because DH and I were still so tired, but Ana chatted and got us talking. She was really sweet. She finished my hair and showed it to me to make sure it was ok -- if not, she said she was willing to redo it! I thought it was cute so she started on my makeup. I don't wear much makeup at all so I told her I wanted to look natural, but "done" since it was my wedding after all. My eyes are really sensitive so she had some difficulty with me doing my eye makeup, but we finally got through it just in time. It was about 5:15am when she finished and DF and I had to meet the photographer downstairs at 5:30am. Ana was still there, but there was no time to waste so I stripped and hopped into my dress! Normally I'm very self-conscious but I didn't have much of a choice. DF had trouble getting my dress done in the back, so Ana helped him and then he was on his own to lace it up while I tried to put my necklace on.

Overall, I am sooo happy I went with Beaute Speciale. Ana did just what I asked for with very little direction and no visuals. She was friendly and efficient and my hair ended up holding all day -- mostly. I have this one stray hair in my bangs that refuses to cooperate with me and go to the right. It always tries to go to the left. She used a TON of hairspray and the hair ended up staying put until after the ceremony when we were outside in the wind. I was so worried about my huge zits, but she told me not to worry and covered them up as best she could. They really only started to show badly at dinner, but by then I had had the makeup on for around 12 hours and had been galavanting out in the hot sun taking tons of pictures and sweating like a pig. She left me the rest of her bottle of hairspray, 4-5 lipstick samples, and two sponges with foundation and coverup for touchups. I only ended up touching up my lipstick and hair, I completely forgot about the foundation extras.

He did a great job and we made it downstairs just in time. Sorry I don't have any pics of us getting ready -- there wasn't really anyone to take pics. DF was busy getting dressed and doing his hair and I couldn't exactly take self-portraits while Ana was working, lol. MOH was extremely disappointed later when I told her this because she thinks it's necessary for every wedding album!

We met our photographer, "Big Mike", and I faced my first challenge of the day: how do I get myself into that van in this huge dress?!? I just sort of hopped and Mike and DF piled my crinoline and train on my lap, lol. DF climbed in and we were on our way!

DF and I are both very quiet, so Mike did most of the talking. It was sooo awesome getting to go into the MK "behind the scenes"!

To be continued... DH needs the computer!
Sorry for the interruption! DH is a teacher and needed to do some lesson plans for tomorrow.

Back to the story!

Wedding Day Continued

I forgot to mention that we had a nurse and aide coming at 6:00am for MOH to help her get dressed and ready, so we needed somewhere for MOHG (maid of honor's guest) to go while they were there. I left him my room key the night before and told him he could sleep in our extra bed until we got back from the MK shoot. Lisa Pena was coming at 7:30am to do our moms' hair/makeup and then she was going to do MOH's hair/makeup at 10:00am when she was all ready.

I left two notes taped to our room door. The first was for MOHG, reminding him to please let in Lisa and our moms. The second was for my mom, reminding her to pay Lisa, lol.

I had originally booked Beaute Speciale for everybody, but they wanted to get started on our moms at 6:30am and then they couldn't really hang around and wait until 10:00am to do MOH. I ended up cancelling with them for everybody but me and I booked a separate appointment with Lisa Pena. I was upfront with her about it and told her that I had already booked someone else for my hair and makeup, but that we needed someone who was flexible and willing to do our moms and then wait until MOH was ready. Lisa said this was fine and we booked her, despite my fears after reading Maggimus' TR. Otherwise, Lisa seemed to come highly recommended and she was the only one available.

Sorry, but I needed to add that background info in or else stuff later won't make sense :cutiepie:

SO! DF and I were on our way to the MK. We had passed the CR and were heading in the cast member entrance... soooo cool! We passed all the daytime parade floats and a bunch of buildings. Mike pointed at one and goes, "Pirates of the Caribbean." So weird that it's just a regular looking building from the back! We also got to see the back of Jungle Cruise which is just a bunch of trees, lol.

We pulled onto Main Street and there were soooo many cast members working already. I've read about this in other trip reports, but it's so odd to see it in person for yourself. And they were all bright and cheery and waved! At 5:30 in the morning! While they were cleaning and hosing down the street! Sorry, I was in awe.

We pulled up to the hub and a lady from Disney floral was waiting with my bouquet and DF's bout (I can never spell the whole thing, lol). I fell in love with my bouquet instantly. It was perfect!

Mike got right to work because we had to be out of there by 6:30am because there was an early opening that day. He did some shots of just me in front of the castle, then me and DF, then we headed up the ramp and did some shots in the archway, then the carousel, then CRT, then the little balcony on the castle (so cool to go up there!), then the ramp on the way back to the van, and then some shots of just DF. Whew!

Getting on the carousel was tricky... they both had to help me up and then I was holding on for dear life because I felt myself slipping. My gigantic dress didn't exactly fit in the tiny little "seat" area of the horse, lol. Mike stopped and said to me, "Erin, loosen the grip a little bit and try to look HAPPY!" haha, I was so nervous up there.

I know a lot of people debate whether the MK shoot is worth it, but to me it was worth every single overpriced penny. It was a once in a lifetime experience and I am so glad we did it because I will never forget being the park all "alone" (except for the hundreds of CM running around!) before opening. It was a great and unique experience. I would do it again in a second.

Here are some of my favorite shots:
(I know I already posted a link to them all, but I feel bad for the lack of pics in these updates!)










We hopped back in the van and Mike started chatting about who we were using for our wedding photography. I cringed a little because of the stories of Disney photographers who have been negative about using outside photography, but I told him Randy Chapman and he goes, "That hack? Just kidding, Randy's a good friend of mine. I like his work." Hmm. Well, I don't know if I believe that, but he dropped the conversation so I was relieved.

He dropped us off outside our building, wished us well, and we headed back to the room.

MOHG was passed out, so we tried to be as quiet as possible since I knew he was exhausted. There was nowhere else to change, and he had the covers pulled over his head, so DF helped me out of my dress right there, lol. I hung it back up and then he got out of his tux and we tried to lie down for a little while.

I couldn't possibly sleep, so I just got up since it was almost time for Lisa to be there anyway. My parents got to the room a little early so my mom came in and my dad went to read by the pool while he waited for her. DF had gone to get his mom and they showed up around that time, so now there was no way MOHG was going to get any sleep.

It was about 7:45am and Lisa wasn't there yet, so I stepped out on the balcony to call her. Just as I got her voicemail, I saw her and her assistant walking towards me. They got to work right away -- Lisa on DF's mom, and the assistant on my mom. They were nice enough, but very... overbearing? Loud? I can't put my finger on it, but Lisa rubbed me the wrong way. DF and I just kind of sat and watched, and Lisa made a comment to me that my hair and makeup was already done. Um, yes, we discussed this. She asked me who did it and I was kind of uncomfortable but I told her anyway. She didn't say anything except to ask me if I did the MK shoot. Yes, again, we already discussed this. Then she says, "You know, I do those too. You could have had me do it." and she just stood there looking at me, I guess waiting for some kind of response.


Luckily there was a knock on the door -- it was the nurse from next door telling me that MOH was all ready to go. Wow, that was fast! So I ran next door and helped MOH pin her dress so that "the girls" didn't make a surprise appearance during the ceremony, and then we brushed teeth and whatnot. DF came over and we sent him and MOHG down to the food court to get us something to eat. I went back next door really quick just in time to see my mom leave. Her hair looked cute -- it was exactly like the picture she brought. I asked Lisa if they could go next door to do MOH's hair rather than have her come into my crowded room. She said that was fine and sent her assistant over.

MOH kind of told her what she wanted -- curls and kind of up -- but she mostly left it up to the asst to do something nice.

I went back next door to eat my fruit cup and DF's mom was leaving then. She looked great. DF walked her back to her room to get dressed so I was left alone with Lisa. I wanted to sink into the floor. She chatted with me -- all about how great she is and how much DFTW loves her and all the weddings that she does allll the time and how much experience she has and blah blah blah. OMG. It was so awkward. Finally MOHG comes over to get me so that I can see MOH's hair. It did not look good. All her hair was kind of pinned back from her face and it just looked funny. We explained to Lisa that she wanted it a little looser, so they fixed it and it turned out really cute.

We went back to my room so that Lisa could do her makeup, and that came out really nice as well.


Lisa left, I took MOH back to her room to hang out, and I went back to my room to do I don't know what. LOL I actually really had to go to the bathroom, so I attempted to without ruining my dress, and just as I was finishing up, DF and his brother showed up. Good thing I was done because the bathroom door didn't close!

For months before the wedding, I was paranoid that either DF or his brother would be late and our wedding would be cancelled. I emphasized over and over how important it was to be on time. DF and his brother are ALWAYS late for EVERYTHING. I had faith in DF and told him that he had to make SURE his brother was ready on time.

DF followed through and had his brother dressed in our room by 10am -- an hour ahead of schedule! I was still really anxious and excited about everything so my stomach started rebelling (I have IBS and it gets really really bad whenever I have a big event) so I ran next door and used MOH's bathroom.


I went back to my room and it occurs to me to check our BEO and double-check what time the guys are getting picked up. I thought it was 11:00am but it turns out it's actually 10:45am! Aaah! Good thing I checked because I needed to start getting ready before DF left. I hopped into my dress (sort of literally, lol) and he quickly laced me up again and ran to meet his family at the limo.

Notice that we have not seen or heard from Sue with DF's brother's new pants yet.

The plan for getting to the WP was this:

DF, his parents, the kids, his oldest brother and SIL would go in the limo. His other brother would follow in his car so that we would have a car later on after dinner to get everyone home.

The ceremony was at noon, reception at 1:00pm, and tea at the Gardenview Lounge was at 2:00pm. Dinner at Chef Mickey's was at 5:10pm.

After tea, DF, his brother, and my dad were supposed to drive back to Pop to pick up my car and my dad's car -- this would give us two cars plus an SUV to drive everyone back. MOH had a van coming to pick up her and MOHG after dinner.

Coming up: Does DBIL get his pants? Does my stomach cooperate for the rest of the day? And how does our transportation plan work out?
i knew it was from alfred angleo! i love it! i might copy you!!!

i'm from a little town near princeton called dayton! it's in south brunswick township in middlesex county. the majority of my family still lives there, but i moved to tx about 4 years ago!

I've heard of Dayton! How do you like TX? DH and I are looking to move somewhere out of Jersey -- somewhere less expensive, warmer, friendlier, etc.

I haven't had a chance to look at your pro photos yet, but I wanted to tell you I love your TR, especially all the food pictures! I can't wait to read about your wedding day.

Thanks! I always feel silly taking pics of the food, but I love going back to look at everything we ate!

Your pictures are AMAZING!!!! You guys look so happy together! Just beautiful!

Your photos are fantastic!! They did a great job and you look great in your dress!! Congratulations again! And your TR is wonderful!! I am already subscribed to it! Thanks for Sharing!

Your pics are incredible!!!! You guys are such a cute couple and you looked absolutely stunning in your dress!!

I love all your pictures!! You look beautiful :D

Wow, your pictures are great! You look beautiful :) And I love the Epcot ones - I really like the dress you wore for Epcot!

You must be really pleased...can't wait to read the rest!

Your pictures are georgous. What a beautiful bride you were.

I am loving this report! You two are so cute! Going to look at pictures! and so far all the food looks delicious! I must be hungry.

Your pictures are fantastic!!! I can't wait to read the rest of your TR.

Thanks everybody for the compliments and comments! :grouphug:
OMG! OMG! OMG!! First off I am LOVING your TR! I love your photos! But I'm soooo excited to hear from a Bride who has IBS! I too suffer from this and my stomach acts up when I get nervous. I've been worried that mine won't cooperate on our big day and i'll have to try using the restroom in my big poofy dress :lmao: I can only imagine that catastrophe! I hope all went well and again you looked wonderful!
OMG! OMG! OMG!! First off I am LOVING your TR! I love your photos! But I'm soooo excited to hear from a Bride who has IBS! I too suffer from this and my stomach acts up when I get nervous. I've been worried that mine won't cooperate on our big day and i'll have to try using the restroom in my big poofy dress :lmao: I can only imagine that catastrophe! I hope all went well and again you looked wonderful!

HAHA, this was one of my biggest fears! I knew I could handle having people help me use the bathroom if I had to pee, but anything more than that and I would have DIED! I had tons of Immodium on hand and I took a Xanax in the morning before the MK pics, and again before I left to get into the limo. That's one reason all I ate before the ceremony was fruit. I really didn't want to eat anything to be safe, but I was starving and I was afraid of fainting during the ceremony!!

I am really enjoying reading your post. I can't wait to read more.

Yay! I'm so glad you like it!
Wedding Day Continued!

So when we last left off, DF had just finished lacing up my dress. I had him spray my hair one last time and sent him off to meet the limo and his family with all of our bags of stuff: basket with programs and bubbles, champagne flutes, cake knife and server, envelope with all of the money for our vendors, Tanis' card, tripod for the video camera, video camera and charger.

I had asked MOHG if he would mind videotaping the ceremony and reception for us since he's good with gadgets and stuff like that. The plan was that the guys would help him set up the tripod and all he would have to do is press record and move the tripod a couple times to catch the ceremony. He agreed.

After DF left, I gathered myself and my huge dress (and my camera and makeup samples) and went next door to wait with MOH and MOHG. I called my parents and told them to meet me there. We watched CNN while we waited for the limo, LOL.




A hidden Mickey! I was so surprised!

We were getting anxious so my dad and MOHG went to see if the limo and van were there yet -- they were! We all went downstairs and the limo driver was sooo nice! I think his name was Mike. The accessible-van driver from Mears was also very nice and got MOH situated in no time.



We hopped in the limo and we were on our way!



My dad was sooo hot in his tux.


Bridal self-portrait!

The limo ride seemed so short. I was a little disappointed because it was so nice in there! As soon as we pulled up to the WP, I saw Randy standing there with his camera. MOH and MOHG had already gotten there as well. The limo driver told my parents to get out so that Randy could get shots of me getting out of the car... it seemed like forever that I was sitting there by myself waiting until they would let me out. Finally Randy came over and opened the door and said, "Hi Erin, I'm Randy" SNAP! He just started taking pics like crazy! It was awesome.

They finally let me get out and I definitely wasn't graceful, but you'd never know it from the photos. We stood around for a minute and then Randy had us all walk towards the pavilion.

I was so nervous about how the photos would work -- I am so self-conscious and hate having my picture taken. I just kind of ignored Randy and he would occasionally call my name and I would look over, smile, and he would take a picture. Otherwise I just pretended like he wasn't there and it seemed to work out ok.

We got to the WP and Tanis was there! Yay Tanis! She brought us into the Rose Room and the first thing we did was... take pictures!





And then I had to pee. Hmm. I'm a very private person but I knew I couldn't do it by myself, so I had to ask my mom to help me. It actually went very smoothly and was a lot easier than I expected!

MOH made me pretend to touch up my hair and makeup in the mirror so that I would have some "getting ready" pics, haha!




Then Pastor Sig came in and introduced himself -- he is sooooo sweet! I am beyond thrilled that I chose him to marry us because he was amazing and wonderful and a joy to have there. He did everything exactly word for word how we wanted and it was perfect. He had to leave, so he went back and Tanis! came in. Sorry, I just can't emphasize how great she is.

She was confused because she had picked up one of the Spanish programs, so she came in and was just like, "... are there... English programs?" haha, yes!



She left and we all kind of hung out and then she came back and said something about the guys walking up the aisle. Yay! Wait a minute... if the ceremony is starting and MOHG is here... who is videotaping the ceremony? Tanis had no idea about this plan (I should have told her), so she literally grabbed poor MOHG and yelled "Come on!" and they ran to find the camera and get him in there.

Tanis came back and told us we could move across to the WP because it was almost time for MOH and DF's brother to go. I briefly saw MOHG before he was shoved inside the doors, and he looked a bit frazzled but he was a good sport and did a great job with the tape.

I got pushed into the Groom's room at this point and our RB was in there. We had decided to let him carry the actual rings on the pillow because we trusted him and we knew he would feel really awesome being allowed to do that. He showed them to me and was soooo proud that he had such an important job. Too cute.

He left and I saw MOH and DF's brother go inside, and then RB and FG went. FG is only 2.5 and although everyone tried to quickly teach her how to throw the petals, she didn't seem to really get it. I wasn't expecting any flowers in the aisle :cutiepie:

My dad came in the room and he was so nervous. I couldn't figure it out -- I was perfectly calm and just wanted to get in there. I felt like I was missing everything. Tanis and her assistant set us up in front of the doors and it was then that she noticed the ribbons tying my bouquet were completely messed up. She did her best to fix them, but there wasn't much that could be done without retying the whole thing. She asked me if I was nervous and I said no, not at all. Then it seemed like a second later she opened the door and we started walking.

The WP is so much more beautiful in person. Pictures really do not do it justice. I was also originally concerned that it would look stupid with so few people in such a big space, but it doesn't seem as big in person either.

The first thing I saw when the doors opened? SIL taking pictures, haha. Then I saw Pastor Sig and then DF and then all I could do was smile. It was so surreal to see him standing up there waiting for me. I knew my dad was nervous so I whispered to him that there was a pile of flower petals at the end of the aisle -- turns out FG didn't drop any on her way up the aisle, so DF's dad tried to show her how to do it. Then her brother, RB, came over and showed her and she just dumped the whole basket in one place!

Before I knew it, we were at the end of the aisle and Pastor Sig asked who was giving me away and my dad said that he was. I took DF's hand and we stood there and the ceremony began. I tried my hardest to pay attention to what was being said, but I couldn't help but notice the altar arrangement and how perfect it was! I ordered the "Ring of Elegance" from Rosie and we brought our own little votive candles and small votive vases. I was so happy with the results. And then I saw the castle and completely tuned out what the Pastor was saying! I couldn't help it!

All of our readings went well. My mom was supposed to read but she was sick and didn't want to, so my dad read instead. I forgot to tell the Pastor this, so he said, "And now a reading from the bride's mother" and my dad got up and walked to the podium. Pastor Sig kind of looked at me confused and then said, "Well, obviously that is not the bride's mother. A reading from the bride's father then!" Everybody laughed and it definitely broke the tension.

He gave a lovely homily and then we did our vows. I'm definitely glad I went with the "I do" version instead of us having to say a lot because I would have cried for sure. Then I handed off my flowers to MOH and DF and I exchanged rings. We hadn't practiced our kiss at all, but I think it was ok -- we're not into PDA at all so it was a little weird kissing in front of all of our family, but it turned out fine. Then he announced us and I grabbed my flowers and we walked out husband and wife!

Tanis met us at the doors and ushered us into the Rose Room wher we hugged and showed off our rings to each other. We're such dorks :laughing:

She came back and told us how the bubbles were going to work -- walk through everybody, smile, and keep going all the way back to the altar for pictures. So that's what we did, and then Randy started setting us up for the formal pics. We took a few by the window and then Pastor Sig tried to leave. I think he forgot we still needed to pay him! So Randy told DH to go do that and he would take pics of just me. He's so sweet, he told DH, "Go, go, I could shoot Erin all day." (Maggimus, seriously, you were sooo right about him! He's awesome!)

DH's brother signed as a witness and then Pastor Sig said goodbye and left. We took a bunch of combinations of pics, and SIL and MOHG would stand either next to or behind Randy for all of them. MOHG kept getting in the way and I think Randy was a little annoyed... he made a couple comments and MOH told him to be mad at her because MOHG was only doing it because she couldn't.

We took pics with everybody and when it was time for us and MOHG, Randy kept telling him, "A little to your right... a little more... nope, you're still in the picture." haha! Poor guy.


Wedding Day Continued... Again





Me showing off my ring while other people took pics




Poor FG, she didn't want to take any more pics and ran to the back of the WP and hid under the pews! We finally coaxed her out and got this shot. She normally loves posing for the camera, but I guess it was too much for her.





After we were done with all the formals, Tanis started ushering everybody out to the limo. I didn't book any transportation for MOH and MOHG because it was $145 per ride and DH and I decided we would just walk over with them. Tanis looked at us like we were absolutely INSANE, but Randy's face lit up with excitement. He told us that there are some places along the path that he has always wanted to use but no bride ever wants to walk! He thought it was the best thing ever.

We ran outside and did a couple shots at picture point and then started heading for the GF. We stopped on the bridge and then Randy had us walk up this hill and pose on the grass. Tanis and some other assistant drove by in their golf carts at that moment and they were talking to someone on the radio I think... they said (kind of annoyed), "Yeah, they're on the grass... yes, the grass." Maybe we weren't supposed to be there? Oops! Those pics are some of my faves, too!

We finally made it to the GF and we ended up beating everybody there. We hung out with Randy and then everybody got there. Tanis told them to go right out to the terrace, so what did they do? They walked over to us to chat, LOL. We told them to go outside and they finally did.

Tanis came over and told us that we were running late (it was 1:25 and the reception was supposed to end at 1:30) so the violinist wouldn't be able to stay but she could let us have the terrace until 1:45. I thought that was generous, but DH told me later that it wasn't US who were running late, it was the wedding before ours. Apparently, when he and his family got to the WP, there was still a wedding going on, so they all had to wait in Franck's instead of the Groom's Room!

In any case, she explained how to walk in and where to stand and how to cut the cake. She asked if anyone was giving a toast and we said we didn't know, so she went out to ask the best men and maid of honor. The guys didn't want to, but apparently MOH had planned on it. Then she went out and introduced us and we walked out and yay! It was so exciting!

We all got champagne and Tanis brought MOH over by us for her toast.


She almost started crying and she said how she didn't prepare anything, but she did want to say a little bit. She said how amazing we were and how supportive we've been throughout her whole accident and rehabilitation and how she considers me a sister and that she couldn't have wished for a better brother in law. There was more, and it was much nicer when she said it, but I had to literally choke back the tears. I gave her a big kiss when she was done and Randy missed it, so he made me recreate it.

Then it was time to cut the cake!




Like most of you, I had agonized over the cake for months. We decided that DH would pick the bottom flavors and I would pick the top. He chose chocolate/chocolate and I chose yellow/raspberry. We started to cut just like Tanis told us and then SNAP! The cake knife broke. Poor Mickey was beheaded :scared: We did the best we could and then it was time to feed each other and taste the cake I had been looking forward to for forever. And it was... ok. I didn't really care for it. I thought the cake itself was too dry, and the "mousse" was really heavy and more like pudding. I did like the buttercream, though.

Everyone got cake and we sat down and mingled a bit, but it was sooooo hot out there! They need an indoor location for the intimate receptions.

I realized that it was time for Randy to go, but we hadn't gotten any beach pictures yet! I went over to talk to him and he said that there were more shots he wanted to take and not to worry about it. He asked if we could go to the beach and I said yes but asked him if I could sit inside for a bit to cool off and he said it was no problem.

Tanis came over to give us our "surprise" gift. I knew about it from reading other TR, but I didn't tell DH so that he would be surprised. We LOVED the gift and everyone there thought it was such a nice touch. We use the gift everyday :P We gave her the card from us and we thanked her and she gave me a big hug and said that she's going to miss all my emails. Yeah, right!!

She asked if we were going to stay and hang out, but I told her it was too hot so everybody started heading back in.


Me and my new SIL -- look how shiny I am!!

FG was there, so I crouched down to talk to her and I told her how pretty her dress is. Her response? "I eat it!" and she popped the flower on the front of her dress in her mouth!

It was almost 2pm, so we sent everyone down to the Gardenview Lounge while we went outside with Randy. He wanted to take pics on the GF staircase, but there was another bride there and Tanis said we couldn't. Randy was not happy. That bride ended up coming right upstairs to where we were and walked right by us. We both smiled and said hi, and Tanis looked like she was going to have heart attack or like the world might implode if two Disney brides see each other.

Randy took a ton of pics on the beach -- it was awkward to walk on the sand in my dress. And it was so sunny and hot! Randy came over to me at one point and wiped off my face because he said I was just waaaay too shiny. I could hardly open my eyes anymore so he thought it was best if we stop and go back inside. He was actually going to just leave from there and I had to remind him that we owed him money! What is it with people not wanting us to pay them?!?

Well, we get to the Gardenview and there is ANOTHER bride taking pics right in front of the entrance. We can't get in, but Randy wants to walk right in front of her, lol. I told him I didn't think we were supposed to do that, so he opened up the back entrance and we snuck in that way instead! He took a couple pics in there while he was waiting and then we said our goodbyes and he was gone.

Coming up: Afternoon Tea, lots of waiting around, Chef Mickey's, and the end of the night
You look beautiful!

Your report made me glad I'm not going to use Lisa.

Can't wait for more.
your tr is great! to answer your question about tx...i do like it a lot, i've been here almost 4 years, but it took a full 2years for me to get used to tx! it's so different from the north, but all in all, much better. it gets really hot here in the summer, but i think it gets just as hot in nj, just not for long, in nj you have breaks from the heat and humidity, it's constant here. the lifestyle that you can have here is amazing!

can't wait to read more of your tr!!!!
I love your TR! You look beautiful! I can completely relate to the bathroom issues...I'm getting nervous just thinking about it for my upcoming wedding. Glad to hear you liked Ana -- I'm using her, too.
Thank you for sharing all of the details! Love it! Keep it coming!

Wow! I'm loving your trip report! I absolutely love all the pics and details! I'm excited about Ana being so good because she is doing my hair, my mother's hair and all of my BM's hair too. I do have one question for you though. Could you please tell me the info. that Maggie gave you about getting the paperwork filled out for the marriage license before you go? That would be a big help to DF and I. Thank you! I can't wait to read more!

Anna Marie:bride:


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