Today was a "Bucket List" Day!

Give the kit a go just to get the process down, and then you can go from there. I do believe that is what my Dad did. He then put together his own "stuff" and tweaked the process until he was happy with it.

I suppose I could give the kit a try, but I'll never be able to do it on my own with grapes and barrels as long as we're living here. We don't have the room. The one thing that kinda sucks about living in Florida: no basements.
Space Shuttle launch viewing very cool. I always say before I kick the bucket I want to learn to play the panio. Turned 43 today so time is ticking...
Space Shuttle launch viewing very cool. I always say before I kick the bucket I want to learn to play the panio. Turned 43 today so time is ticking...

Happy Birthday, Sean! (a day late, but at least I was on time on facebook)

Learning to play piano, huh? That's a good one. I think it'd be cool to play a musical instrument. The only thing I ever learned to play was the stereo.
Not so much a "bucket list" thing, but I really want to get back into doing theatre. I realized recently that it's been 15 years since I did a show. To that end I'll be auditioning for a show with one of the local community theatres that Scott has worked with this weekend.

I hope you do get into theatre again. ::yes:: There is something so dynamic about community theatre and the dedicated people who put the shows together, as well as the actors.

Well, first audition out of the way. We auditioned for Pirates of Penzance last night, and were called back for the second round of auditions tonight! :woohoo:

They were having Scott and me read for the same role at one point. This could get interesting . . . :rolleyes1
It went well last night. I read really well for a couple of the big roles.

I think I'll definitely be in the show. I'm really hoping that she casts me in the chorus instead of in a principle role. I'm just not that good a singer, and wouldn't feel comfortable in a large role in a Gilbert and Sullivan operetta. All I really want to accomplish with this particular show is to get to know a lot of the people that work at this particular theatre, and since I know they need a lot of male bodies onstage, I figured I'd help out.

Scott really rocked the auditions, and could easily be cast in a major role and do very well with it. The catch there is that he's already in Ragtime at another theatre and there are some date conflicts. He's hoping to be able to do both, but might not be able to.

So far, it's been fun just getting back into the auditions.
Do whatever it takes to be a great big shiny STAR!

I don't WANT to be a great big shiny star. I want to prove myself as a dependable person who wants to get involved so they'll let me direct.:thumbsup2
Somehow I missed this thread Rob...SO awesome! Thanks for sharing your story & the pictures!! Don't you LOVE crossing things off your list? Life is an adventure, full of amazing side trips and itinerary changes! ;)
Somehow I missed this thread Rob...SO awesome! Thanks for sharing your story & the pictures!! Don't you LOVE crossing things off your list? Life is an adventure, full of amazing side trips and itinerary changes! ;)

Yes, I do love crossing things off the list! ::yes::

So, what's on your list?:bride::bride:


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