Tomorrow's Show

Hey Pete, no worries about the delay.....we will all still be here when you are able to upload it. :thumbsup2

Get well soon Walter......sending you both lots of good wishes from across the pond! Take care of yourselves.

Claire & Lee
Just happened across this while scanning the boards this morning.

I hope Walter is doing well and was able to come home last night to rest and recover. I have said a prayer for him and will watch for updates..

As for the ER I can just imagine the "rant";) and I am glad you got him in to be seen.

Wow another day in bed.......
But heey that's really no big deal, the most important thning here is that Walter gets better!!!!

:flower3: Get well soon Walter !!!!!!:flower3:
Oh Pete! Please tell Walter I hope all is well and he is doing ok. He is in my thoughts and prayers. I got to talk to Walter at the Pod meet and just love him! Please take care you are in my thoughts and prayers.
For you and Walter , hope Walter has full recovery soon.:goodvibes Danny
Hope all if well. Absolutely don't worry about the podcast. Family comes first. Speedy recovery to Walter.

Fiona & Jim
Just got back from WDW, and saw this.. I do hope that Walter is feeling well and doing better each day... Yes, Pete, I hear you on hospitals and treatment of patients who are in pain... I hear you.. Hugs..
Pete, our thoughts and prayers are with you and Walter. Hope he has a speedy recovery.
Saw the update thread first and I am really glad that he is on the road to recovery.

I'll admit that being the super sap that I am your comment "While I love all of you, I love Walter a lot more" got me right there and now look like I have dust in my eyes. Can be very scary when a loved one is :sick: .

:grouphug: Hugs to you both!!!
I saw the update thread first also.

I'm so glad Walter's well on his way to recovery. :flower3:

Pete, I can't believe you took the time to tell your crazed followers that the podcast would be delayed. That's certainly dedication above and beyond.

Just take care of Walter and yourself. Your empire will keep running without you - for a little while at least. That's why you hire the people you do.

No worries Pete! You take care of Walter and let him know that we send lots of good thoughts your way!!

Get well soon Walter!!
No worrys Pete, I hope Walter is feeling better soon!

Mind you, now I have to do more Product Design coursework, no podcast to distract me!

Not that I care if it distracts me...

Thanks for letting us know about Walter. Please give him a hug for me. (for you, too!)

I hope he recovers quickly, & will add my own prayers for you guys.


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