Toystoryduo's Journal....Moving Forward From Here

No mall walk for us yesterday. :( When I got home from church, both girls were complaining that they were sick. :( DD8 was throwing up and DD6 has a nasty cold. So we stayed home, vegged out, and watched movies all day. We even watched Prince Caspian twice: once with the actor and director's dialog and once without. I'm very unhappy with Disney's decision to abandon the Narnia series. The next book in the series would make an excellent movie! :thumbsup2 I know that Disney is saying that finances came into play in their decision, but don't release Prince Caspian when two other big movies are coming out and your revenues might have been much greater. I think they should have released the movie in theaters in December of 2007 or 2008. They released The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in December 2005 and look how well it did. Oh well. it's not the first decision that Disney has made that I strongly disagree with and I doubt it will be the last. :(

Sorry about the vent.....Moving on....

Today, we will be staying home again. I'm glad football is on. As much as I like Prince Caspian, I don't think I want to watch it again today.:lmao: My DH and I may work on our budget and maybe have a Disney meeting to brighten up the girls' day. Not really planning much....Just praying the girls feel better and that DH and I don't get sick.:goodvibes

Hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
A lot of things can change, remember when Disney parted ways with Pixar? That didn't last long, did it... So there is hope the Narnia series may continue after all!!

Sorry to hear everyone is sick, that is no fun! But at least you had a relaxing day to recuperate. ::yes::
Ugghh, vomit flu! That is the worst. I hope you and your husband don't get it! And I hope the girls feel better today.

I was bummed about Narnia too. But like Amy says, Disney does change their minds and plans all the time! Here's hoping, they are nice movies with action for the whole family.
wow -15 is COLD!!!
i didnt know Disney wasnt going to carry on with the Narnia series :(
My fav is voyage of the dawn treader & i was so looking forward to that!!
Hope everyone is feeling better!
Thanks ladies. :grouphug:

The girls are feeling better....Mom not so much. I didn't sleep well last night and when I woke up this morning, I started feeling like I am coming down with a cold. :( I took some Sambucol and hope that helps to ward off any bugs coming my way. :scared:

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling

* Laundry (one load)

* Work for DH

* Research (work at home jobs....any ideas?)

I really hope Disney re-considers the Narnia thing...I think VOTDT would make an excellent movie!:goodvibes

I hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Hope you feel better soon!

Sorry, I don't have any original suggestions about stay-at-home jobs. The only thing I could think of would be a daycare or maybe making costumes for dance studios or something like that. :confused3
Hey Tracy,

Glad the girls are better and I hope your cold never really gets in gear! Home daycare, some sort of bookkeeping, phone sales, I have done all of that. Daycare is generally the easiest thing to find. There are always people who need that. Especially part time or drop in. Good luck, I still haven't come up with much concrete ideas for my own work dilemma! I hope you have better luck, let us know what you find out/decide.
Thanks ladies....Still working on the work at home ideas...I have a book that I need to pick up at the library today that may help with the brainstorming process.

My DH started a part time job today. He'll be working early morning hours five days a week. That should really help us get our emergency fund re-funded and help us get some debt paid off this year. I really want to help with earning some money so I hope that an idea comes to fruition soon.:goodvibes

Today's Plan:

* Homeschooling

* Straighten the house up a bit

* Research

I can't focus on two major things at once (work at home and losing weight), so the losing weight thing is on the back burner for the time being. I will try and eat healthier and work some exercise into each day, but I want to focus on the work at home thing for now.

I hope everyone has a great day!:grouphug:
Tracy, I am really praying that a good solution to your work needs comes to you soon! Just do the best you can, you have a lot on your plate right now. Thats great dh found a part time job!
hi Tracy
i hope you find a solution soon,
in the meantime hope you have had a great weekend :)
Hello ladies....Just a quick post for now....I have two science tests to prepare! ;)

We have been kind of busy the past couple of days. My DH has been working a lot, the girls and I are slowly (and I mean slowly) trying to de-junk the house, we're homeschooling, and I'm still researching ways to make money from home. Add in a few CVS trips, a trip to the mall, a trip to Walmart, and some eBaying, and you've got a very hectic couple of days!:scared: Did I mention TOM was here too? :headache:

I'm hoping that things will calm down a bit over the next few days....I'll try and come back to visit journals later!:goodvibes
wow Tracy you are busy!!!
glad your ok :)
remember to take some 'chill' time :)
Hey, I was getting worried about you! Afraid maybe you had gotten stuck in a snowdrift! You are one busy lady, I agree with Tracey, take some time to chill.
Hey, I was getting worried about you! Afraid maybe you had gotten stuck in a snowdrift! You are one busy lady, I agree with Tracey, take some time to chill.

:lmao: You're too funny, Amy! Actually, I might get stuck in a snowdrift today...We got over a foot of snow in the past 24 hours and we're getting ready to go shovel my parents' driveway. (My dad was very sick last week and we're worried that he doesn't have the energy or stamina to shovel all that snow.)

No school today....Over 500 schools closed in the Cleveland area. (except the Cleveland Schools themselves :confused3 ) We're shoveling, de-junking, and working from home today.

Hope everyone has a great day! Stay warm!:goodvibes
Shoveling snow is great exercise!!!

Stay warm and hopefully springtime will arrive soon for you!
Oh my, a foot of new snow? You poor thing. Springtime can't get there fast enough I know. I agree with Amy, snow shoveling is good exercise. Its also hell on earth, but at least you burn calories!

Hang in there, maybe you'll warm up soon!

That's too funny, almost always when all the outlying suburbs here don't have school, Denver still will. I guess Cleveland is the same? Those poor kiddos in Cleveland knowing everybody else got a snow day.;)
Hi Tracy
Hope your surviving the snow!!
we have it forcast for sunday/monday - just hope the weatherman has got it wrong!!!
Well, I hate to be the dissenting voice, but I would LOVE a foot of snow! I'm just crazy like that, though! Always have been!

Hope you get a break, though! Stay warm!

Looks like otherwise you're doing pretty well. Hang in there, spring will eventually arrive!

Have a GREAT weekend!:grouphug:
Thanks ladies. :grouphug:

Today has been a pretty good day so far. We slept in, my DH went to work, we went to a local flea market (found a tool for my DH for work, magnifying glasses for the girls, and collapsible clothing hampers for WDW for less than $4!:cheer2: ), got some walking in, and went to Sonic for lunch.

Since today's the last day of the month, we'll count our change in the change jar and add it to our WDW fund. We'll also check our progress and saving for our vacation as well.:goodvibes

I haven't weighed myself in a few days, but I suspect the scale will be the same or even slightly higher than my last weigh in. My clothes are feeling a bit tight. :blush: Something to work on in the days to come....

Hope everyone has a great weekend!:grouphug:
Tracy, good job for walking at the flea market and finding some bargains. Drink some extra water, your tight clothes may be some salt that just needs a good flushing!

I hope you have a wonderful Sunday. January is gone so that means one month of winter behind us!!!:cool1:


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