TR May 2010-An Aussie's Journey - California Here we Come

A few years ago, when I was working at the Rialto Tower (see #3), I was very fortunate to step into a lift that did it's own version of ToT for real. There were about 3 of us in the lift at the time, no seats and most definitely no seat belts.

I think we fell about 6 floors before the safety brakes took hold. I remember that the brakes took about 5 seconds to stop; so we weren't tossed around like salad leaves. But it was still jerky enough for me to lurch about and bump into the guy next to me. The lift stopped at a floor that none of us requested and the doors opened. We all laughed nervously when we stopped and immediately got out.

Ever since then, I haven't had the nerve to try out ToT. I've had one trip to the WDW and about 3 trips to DL since and I still haven't yet faced up to ToT.

I realise that 6 floors is no where near the thrill of ToT; but I am determined to go do this ride this time and am psyching myself up to the experience. And I'm looking for tips as to how best to enjoy ToT!!
A few years ago, when I was working at the Rialto Tower (see #3), I was very fortunate to step into a lift that did it's own version of ToT for real. There were about 3 of us in the lift at the time, no seats and most definitely no seat belts.

I think we fell about 6 floors before the safety brakes took hold. I remember that the brakes took about 5 seconds to stop; so we weren't tossed around like salad leaves. But it was still jerky enough for me to lurch about and bump into the guy next to me. The lift stopped at a floor that none of us requested and the doors opened. We all laughed nervously when we stopped and immediately got out.

Ever since then, I haven't had the nerve to try out ToT. I've had one trip to the WDW and about 3 trips to DL since and I still haven't yet faced up to ToT.

I realise that 6 floors is no where near the thrill of ToT; but I am determined to go do this ride this time and am psyching myself up to the experience. And I'm looking for tips as to how best to enjoy ToT!!

OMG how scary!!! Thank goodness for safety brakes. I don't think I'd ever set foot on an elevator again, much less ToT. You are brave! As for tips, I have never done it so I don't have any...but I'm trying it for sure on this trip! :goodvibes
Oh my gosh! I can't imagine being on an elevator that fell like that :scared1: I'm with Kayce, I'm not sure I'd ever have the nerve to ride an elevator again.

That aside, I have no great tips for ToT. I've only ridden it a couple of times, the theming is awesome - worth putting up with the drops to experience it at least once. And some major differences from your real life free fall - you will have a seat, bars to hold on to, and a seatbelt to keep you in place! :thumbsup2
Wow I think I would be scared too!! I used to be really clastrophic and for a very long time I couldn't get into an Elevator. I used to live in a high rise apartment complex and thankfully we only lived on the 4th floor but I refused forever to ride because I was so scared of the little box. Over the years I've finally grown out of the fear. Trust me it took me a really long time to muster up the courage to ride ToT too!
OMG how scary!!! Thank goodness for safety brakes. I don't think I'd ever set foot on an elevator again, much less ToT. You are brave! As for tips, I have never done it so I don't have any...but I'm trying it for sure on this trip! :goodvibes

Maybe we can try it together :rotfl2:

you will have a seat, bars to hold on to, and a seatbelt to keep you in place! :thumbsup2

Trust me it took me a really long time to muster up the courage to ride ToT too!

Yup. I think it's definitely time to add ToT to my list of "been there, done that". I'll be the one screaming, with no voice left.
Oh man I know! Haha DH loves it cause I scream like a little girl when I'm on it. Haha he likes it cause he says it tickles his stomach when the drops happen. I like the thrill but it still scares the mess out of me. I have to be on the inside. I've asked people to switch seats with me cause I feel more secure grabbing the side handle then by my legs. :yay:

We're having a party: party!

It's now 7 weeks or under 50 days to go before I'm on a plane heading for the US. And I've paid my Disney trip off this week. So I'm all set for accommodation, park tickets and 5 days of QSDP.

HOORAY! 7 weeks to go.
A few years ago, when I was working at the Rialto Tower (see #3), I was very fortunate to step into a lift that did it's own version of ToT for real. There were about 3 of us in the lift at the time, no seats and most definitely no seat belts.

I think we fell about 6 floors before the safety brakes took hold. I remember that the brakes took about 5 seconds to stop; so we weren't tossed around like salad leaves. But it was still jerky enough for me to lurch about and bump into the guy next to me. The lift stopped at a floor that none of us requested and the doors opened. We all laughed nervously when we stopped and immediately got out.

Ever since then, I haven't had the nerve to try out ToT. I've had one trip to the WDW and about 3 trips to DL since and I still haven't yet faced up to ToT.

I realise that 6 floors is no where near the thrill of ToT; but I am determined to go do this ride this time and am psyching myself up to the experience. And I'm looking for tips as to how best to enjoy ToT!!


I'm pretty sure that would be my last elevator ride!!
If I were to have lived in an alternate reality, I'm sure that I would have been a female version of Michael Palin. In fact, in this reality, I'm pretty sure that he and I switched bodies somehow at birth!

Every travel getaway I've ever dreamed about, he's done! Around the World, Sahara, Himalaya, Pole to Pole!

The only consolation I get out of watching Michael on MY trips, is that I don't think I'm cut out to travel with a full camera and sound crew. I'm much too shy for this..

So, I have to resort to taking my own camera on my holidays. Don't get me wrong, the only way I would ever have a decent picture is if I did have that full camera following me round and I could then pick the best picture after watching all the film on a frame by frame basis. For the last 6 years, I've been using an Olympus point and shoot camera. It's functional and good enough for normal snaps. But it is definitely time to update and upgrade up to something better.

I've been thinking about getting a dSLR camera for some time and this week, I found out that I'm not the only member of this family thinking about getting a dSLR. I just want to take pictures; but DH is actually a secret amateur photographer. It's even a secret to him! :)

I found DH in the kitchen this week with an electronic catalog and he was cutting out the camera deal. It turns out that he's been cutting out the camera deals since the start of the year (when we decided on this trip) and had a stash of them on his "cave-man" bench.

I digress here to explain - I have two designated spots in the house that are "cave-man" spots. DH is not exactly the tidiest person in the world and I'm obsessive compulsive when it comes to putting things I have a bench/workspace in the kitchen that he dumps his papers, keys, mail, scarves and I don't even know what else on. I pretend to ignore it until things fall on the ground...but at least everything is contained in that one spot rather than around the rest of the house. The other spot is the attic; which is officially his hide-out room from me :)

Back to the camera thing. So, DH has been officially the better photographer in our family for as long as forever! He used to have a SLR camera that regrettably broke when he dropped it once too often. He then jumped on the digital bandwagon and got himself a digital camera 15 years ago, which is now a museum piece. Now that I know that he's been seriously looking, I've been thinking that we should probably get one duty free or at least do some internet price comparisons for how much it will cost in the US.

Here's the thing - there are SOOOO many brands and features out in the marketplace. I've been lurking about the photography section of this DisBoard and they all seem to be semi-serious about taking great shots at Disney. And it would appear that it's all about the photographer; not the camera...(REALLY!!!! I feel so inadequate:))

I've also been looking at your photos in this section of the board and think they look fantastic. I'm just wondering if any of you have a dSLR and if so, what you got and any beginner 101 pointers you could share...Alternatively, I'd be keen to find out what sort of camera you carry to the parks and how you get good shots at night and of the fireworks.
I've got a DSLR that I've had for about a year now, and I'm by no means an expert photographer. I love, love, love my camera! I have a Cannon Rebel xsi and it (not me ;) ) takes great photos.

Even when just taking pictures in the 'Automatic' mode, they come out great. I honestly don't know a whole lot about it yet (I really need to take a class), but one little thing I can tell you is, when I'm taking night pictures or indoors with low light, I put the camera in 'Program' mode and I increase the ISO as high as it will go (1600 on my camera), then the camera chooses the apperature and shutter speed, also no flash. I really like the results I've gotten. I haven't figured out the best settings to use for fireworks yet though, so they are just ok. I had a lot of indoor and nighttime photos that included in my December TR if you want to take a look at the results.
I have a Nikon D90. I used to be on the photo staff of my college year book (um some 25+ years ago).

I had an SLR before I had children then I went to a digital point & shoot. I finally got a dSLR in October 2008. Before that I had a "high end" point & shoot. I can get some awesome photos with the dSLR that I simply couldn't get with my point & shoot but it is a lot more work. I got a higher percentage of "nice" (not awesome) photos with the point & shoot. I don't regret going to the SLR at all but it is a more challenging.

I was at WDW with my DD in January for her 7th birthday. I had been really sick before we went and still wasn't 100% on the trip. I had a lot of photo mishaps on that trip because I wasn't able to give it as much attention as it required.
I have a Canon Rebel XT. I have had it for three years, and still don't know how to use it. I use it on automatic, and it takes way better pics than my point and shoot, but I could do so much more with it if I had the time to learn properly. That being said, I'm not sure I'm going to bring it to the parks. It is so much more of a hassle to lug around than a point and shoot that I can carry on my wrist on a strap or tuck into a pocket. I don't want to be wearing it around my neck the whole time (when I bend over to talk to Bella or pick her up it always knocks her in the head!:lmao:). Plus, I will not be upset if my point and shoot gets lost or damaged. I really want the higher quality pics, but I just think it would be too much work, especially since I plan on buying photopass pics. Just my $.02!
I have a Canon Rebel XT. I have had it for three years, and still don't know how to use it. I use it on automatic, and it takes way better pics than my point and shoot, but I could do so much more with it if I had the time to learn properly. That being said, I'm not sure I'm going to bring it to the parks. It is so much more of a hassle to lug around than a point and shoot that I can carry on my wrist on a strap or tuck into a pocket. I don't want to be wearing it around my neck the whole time (when I bend over to talk to Bella or pick her up it always knocks her in the head!:lmao:). Plus, I will not be upset if my point and shoot gets lost or damaged. I really want the higher quality pics, but I just think it would be too much work, especially since I plan on buying photopass pics. Just my $.02!

Don't count on high quality photos from photopass. They use the same Nikon D90 I do. My photos are about 7mb each. The photopass photos are under 1mb. I found the quality of in park photopass pictures just weren't that great on my last trip. I did get some wonderful photos in the resorts at night-I know they are at AKL & Poly. I was glad I bought the CD because it was for DD's birthday trip and I love the borders. Be sure to ask the photopass photographers to take photos with your camera too. I bet your point & shoot photos will be at least as good as theirs.
I've got a DSLR that I've had for about a year now, and I'm by no means an expert photographer. I love, love, love my camera! I have a Cannon Rebel xsi and it (not me ;) ) takes great photos.
I had a lot of indoor and nighttime photos that included in my December TR if you want to take a look at the results.

They look great to me!

I have a Nikon D90.
I can get some awesome photos with the dSLR that I simply couldn't get with my point & shoot but it is a lot more work..... I got a higher percentage of "nice" (not awesome) photos with the point & shoot.

The Nikon D90 is definitely on the evaluation list...

I have a Canon Rebel XT. ....It is so much more of a hassle to lug around than a point and shoot that I can carry on my wrist on a strap or tuck into a pocket.....I really want the higher quality pics, but I just think it would be too much work, especially since I plan on buying photopass pics. Just my $.02!

I plan on letting DH carry the camera :laughing: and I'm also keeping an eye on the photopass pics thing. But we're aware that the Disney photographers are hit and least they were in Disneyland and sometimes, our shots were better from out p&s.

So, we've almost talked ourselves into the new Canon 550D (aka Rebel T2i) or the Nikon D90. We briefly looked at both in a local camera shop at the weekend and we think the Canon fits our hands better....but the Nikon D90 deal is very compelling...I also lurked and posted in the Photographic section of the DisBoard and if nothing else - the responses have convinced me to get a dSLR. Decisions! Decisions!
40 days to May!!
40 days to May!!

I kinda figure that I'd like to build up some stamina for the trip and have decided that it is time to get fit, eat healthy and hopefully lose a little weight along the way. So, I'm going to be blogging my activities and food diary - and maintain focus on getting fit.

I've been incredibly bad at indulging in larger portion sizes and the sweet stuff lately and it shows - everywhere!

Today, I watched the portion sizes of the food I ate.
  • For breakfast, I had 1 slice of toast with some jam on it. I normally would have 2 slices.
  • I also had a skim milk latte. I didn't add the sugar, which I normally would have.
  • For lunch, I had 2 sushi handrolls. Kinda on par with normal.
  • I bought seedless crimson grapes for a mid afternoon snack, rather than getting chocolate.
  • For dinner, I had 1 baked potato with grated cheese and cole slaw. I normally would have had 2 baked potatoes.
  • I went to the park and cycled 3 kilometers after dinner (about 2 miles). I aim to cycle a minimum of 2 kilometers or hit the gym for 40 minutes at least 5 times a week.
  • I've drunk about 6 - 8 glasses of water today; nothing fizzy or sweet (YAY).

I'm following the Weight Watchers points plan and will be weighing in with them at least 4 times between now and going on holiday. I weighed in yesterday - and no, I'm not telling! Let's just baseline the weight at zero. With luck, I'll be in the negative range next week.
I will share that I need to lose about 8 kilos to get to my goal weight. My target will be to lose 3-6 kilos in the next 40 days. Anything more will be pure cream (but I won't be eating any of this).

I've been cycling at least 2 kilometers a day for the last 6 days. My calf muscles are sore - but that's about it.

Anyone else wanna join me in losing weight and getting fit?


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