Tracy's Journal-The Saga and Drama of It All!


I think the Tag Fairy is afraid of my Dust Bunnies
Jan 6, 2005
Good Morning!! This is my first WISH report:

Well, back OP with WW for week 3 now...nothing great to report! I had pizza the night before my Saturday WI (I did have the points), so I was a bit disappointed in the scale report! :earseek:

I did get a new WATP DVD-Walk & Jog and have managed to complete it three days in a row now!! :cool1:

I am going to continue watching my points and doing at least 30 minutes a day of cardio throughout the week, but add strength training back starting today...just trying to plug away at it & hopefully see a payoff of some sort by the summer!

20 lbs is all I'm asking!! (Baby fat from DD, who is 4!!)

Hi Tracy!!

Welcome to WISH!!! Sounds like you are off to a great start! Keep up the good work and you will definitely meet your goal!

Have a great Wednesday!!!
Hi Tracy,

Sounds like a plan!!!! I'm so glad you joined WISH! You'll love it here ::yes::

Thanks for the warm welcome...I'm happy to be here!

Today is a "grazing" day so far...I've had the munchies...oatmeal for breakfast, a granola bar for a snack, chips and salsa for another snack (oops on the chips) & a Smart Ones for lunch...if I keep this up, I'm going to blow my points (with a smile on my face, unfortunately)!

Maybe it's hormones?! DD & I were both a bit sensitive this morning (not sure who was more so).

Looking forward to hitting the gym after work today, although the cardio room is undergoing a remodel, so we're all packed into the lobby of the YMCA like sardines!! I think I work harder being so close to my neighbor, so maybe this is a gooooood thing!

Have a good day all!
Hi Tracy,
Welcome to WISH!!

I made it to goal last year having pizza at least once a week! I just made sure it was veggie or plain!

20lbs by summer is so do-able! You CAN do it!

Have fun at the gym tonight!
I took the day off from exercise yesterday to just veg out on the couch after work...boy, did I enjoy that! Tonight, DD will be with her DGPs, so I am hitting the gym with gusto...easy to say at 9:30am!!

I have made the decision not to weigh in for the next two weeks at WW online, but be committed to my exercise plan & follow my WW plan as closely as possible (I'm NOT perfect) & then see how that worked. I hit a plateau back in October being vigilant & haven't been able to break through it, so maybe if I RELAX just a bit & stay off of the scale I won't get so bummed & MAYBE I'll see something good, I know it takes time (patience grasshopper)...


Well, this weekend I ate too much...still wiping the ice cream, and key lime pie & my silly little smirk off of my face...I'm such a "sweets" addict!! DD will never have a weight problem, the only sweets she will eat are M&Ms (plain)...she doesn't like cake, cookies, candy bars or pies...if only she would get off of the chicken & french fries kick...LOL, I indulged that for awhile until I realized that she would indeed eat other things, as long as it was placed in front of her (i.e. you didn't ask her what she wanted for dinner, duh).

Now it's Monday & I'm back to the routine of oatmeal for breakfast, a Smart Ones for lunch, a granola bar for snack & a fairly normal dinner...I will be hitting the gym tonight after work, looking forward to that since I was a slacker this weekend!!

Welcome to WISH Journals, Tracy! I am glad you have joined us.

Can you give me some more information about the WATP Walk/Jog dvd? I am a big WATP fan but have never heard of that one! Thanks!

The WATP Walk/Jog DVD is 30 minutes...after the warm-up, it has a 2 minute interval of brisk walking followed by 2 minutes of easy jogging...I think we do 4 jogging intervals. I am doing fine with it, but am not the most graceful person on the planet, so I feel like I am all over the place--apparently, I am not getting any more graceful, although I am getting fit! :D

There is a low-impact/intensity option available where you would briskly walk and slightly modify some of the other moves, I have had days I chose that instead.

I believe Leslie says that if we were to walk/jog at the pace on the video, it would equal 2.5 miles.

I found the DVD at Target...

Hope this helps!!
Thanks, Tracy! Since I am trying to incorporate more jogging into my walking routine, this sounds like it might be a good way to start that!

You have also just given me another reason to go to Target. Thanks! :teeth:
Do you find that the oatmeal fills you up?

I know that oatmeal is touted as the perfect breakfast and I LOVE it myself; however, I am always starving whenever I eat it. I can never make it from breakfast to lunch without a snack and then find I'm just overly hungry all day. In looking at your first day (with the granola bar snack--I've read these are nothing but glorified candy) and then your "munchies", I was wondering if the oatmeal might not be the culprit?

I've been eating Barbara's Cinammon Puffins and they really hold me over and, I think, keep my entire day on track. I eat 1.5 to 2 recomended servings for breakfast. I get at least 9 grams of fiber and sometimes 12 if I have two servings. That is WAY more than oatmeal and stays with me much longer.

I don't know if you were really looking for suggestions, but this is something that has really worked for me. I know when I do the oatmeal breakfast I have terrible willpower the rest of the day. But, other people respond differently. It works great for my mom.

Thanks for the info

I had a lipid profile done in December and was stunned to learn that my HDL/LDL were slightly out-of-whack. I figured that being OP with WW and walking 30-min, 5 days a week would have kept these in line; however, my Dad has cholesterol issues (takes meds) and heredity may play quite a role there...which brings me to the OATMEAL.

It's never been one of my favorite things to eat, because I didn't find it filling compared to, say, a BLT on wheat, but I've been drinking lots of water lately, so I don't feel like I'm starving after I eat it.

The granola bars were an experiment with DD...she likes cereal bars, so I figured I'd give the granola bars a try...they went over like a lead balloon, so I ended up with the Sam's Club box gathering dust in the cupboard. I am down to the last few bars now. I will do a little more research, following your info, before I munch with reckless abandon on these. :flower

<-----counting the hours until it's time to go to the gym.


Well, DD & I started this morning off with a bang...

I was snoozing when DD came to say: "Hey Mommy, I want to get up now" reply: "It's not time to get up yet, go back to bed." (grrrrrr!)

Some time later, she comes in to say: "Hey Mommy, you're snoring! Can I get up now?" I looked at the clock...IT WAS 7:37AM!!! Usually, I get up at 5:30am & we're out the door at 7:30am on our way to preschool & work (have to be at work by 8:30am).

Long story short, I got to work on time...BUT, DD's clothes don't match (she dressed herself), I have no makeup on (horror), I forgot my lunch (digging in purse for loose change) AND I forgot my coat (it's freezing outside!)

It's all uphill from here, I figure... :rotfl: I can laugh now...

On a brighter note, DD will be starting swimming lessons at the Y on Monday & she is super excited!! I am too, I can get in some gym time without rushing to pick her up from preschool by 6:00pm & she will be swimming like a fish in no time!!

I'm still OP, taking baby steps to my goal...I think I can, I think I can, I think I can... :hourglass

Hi Tracy,

You are allowing your daughter to express herself and develop her individuality and independence. I won't mention what katie wore to school today.

Great job getting to work on time. We've had a few days like that. You obviously needed the rest. I hope you found some change for a decent lunch.

Katie takes swim lessons at the Y. She is almost 5, and she can swim the lenght of the pool without a floaty. Good for you, and her.

Have a great weekend,
Hi Tracy!!! Welcome!

Sorry you had such a "mixed up morning" yesterday!

Hope you have a great weekend!
Greetings All!!

I made it through the weekend without any further trauma & drama! Yea!!

My scale, however, must be broken...IT'S BEEN STUCK ON THE SAME NUMBER FOR WEEKS NOW! ;) Oh, and my clothes fit just as snug as they always much for "muscle building"! I know that portion size is my downfall, so I'm going to start using my salad plates to eat dinner on & I'm finally going to break down & get a scale to weigh meats/fish with...I WILL GET OFF THIS PLATEAU!!

DD starts swimming lessons today. We went by the Y where she is taking lessons this past Friday (not our usual Y) & this place is SWEET! It's brand new, spacious, airy, well-lit, state-of-the-art & has the coolest indoor pool I've seen in awhile (and only 5 minutes from my work/her preschool). My usual Y is old, dark, cramped & worn, but I still love it (2 blocks from work), it has "character". Anywho, we're pumped!

Hi-ho, hi-ho...need to be working...

Have a great day!
Good Morning!!

DD's first swimming lesson went off without a hitch...well, except for her not wanting to put her head underwater to blow bubbles...we're going to have to work on that one, LOL.

I did amazingly well yesterday coveted oatmeal breakfast, a WW Smart One for lunch & tilapia, asparagus & a bit of rice for, if I could just do that EVERY DAY, I'd be in super shape!! This morning, it was all I could do not to run into the coffee shop near work for a "heart attack on a plate" breakfast...I could smell it...I could taste it...I really wanted it! Oatmeal it was, tho'. Yum!

I'm currently fighting a lunch battle at the moment...leftover fish, asparagus & rice OR take-out teriyaki veggies & Rice from Shono's...

Today is gonna be a tough one!
I envy you Tracy! I wish I could get myself to eat some more vegetables!! I finally got some celery yesterday, and some lettuce:) LOL I think that's the extent of the food group for me!

Good luck today! Great job sticking to the oatmeal!
Tracy, best wishes with whatever you decide on for lunch - they both sound good to me! :p However, I bet the takeout food has lots of salt in it, which will make you hold water (if you're anything like me) and then you'll REALLY hate how your clothes fit. :rolleyes: Such choices we have to make.

Hope you have a great day!! :sunny:


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