Treadmill Nirvana and other ramblings

Hi, Sunny! Wow, your journal is so entertaining. Loved the pics of the snow. I am not a snow person but since I don't think I have seen that much snow since I was 3 those were some great pics!

And wow on your before and after photos! You have come a long way baby! Keep up the amazing work! :sunny:
What's up? I have a question for you...about flab... How did your body bounce back while you were losing at 1st? Did you notice the jiggles and things just firmed up over time? I am almost 40 and I'm just wondering if I have any elasticity left.

So, tell all... I have started using the Bowflex again to firm things up, but I'm really wondering about the loose skin...

Talk about getting personal, eh? You just look so good and tight, so I figured you'd know... Plus, I think you and I are in the same age range too... ;)
Hi Jay-nee,

Well I guess the photos don't tell all... I have very loose skin, especially my lower abdomen. I don't think a bikini is ever going to be in my future! And if I hold my arms out and wave them, I have (small) bat wings. :rolleyes: I've done lots of internet searching about the subject. What I've learned (I don't know how accurate any of it is):

  • elasticity is determined by age, ethnic background, heredity, healthy living (for instance smoking decreases skin elasticity), the amount of fat you had to lose
  • Hydration is key for good skin elasticity-- Drink you water!!!!!
  • Muscle binds to skin, so building muscle while losing weight should help hold the skin in place
  • You should allow one full year after losing weight for your skin to recover as much as it can.

Basically, I don't like what I've found in my research. If your skins loose after a year you are basically stuck. But I still have quite a way to get to goal before I can even start counting my year! I'm a firm believer (pun intended) that muscle training/toning is key in getting the best out of your skin that is possible.

But the good news for you is your didn't start off with a whole lot of weight to lose so you'll probably be fine! I don't think you are "too old" either! (I'm 41). So rest easy! I'll bet your skin shapes up just fine :goodvibes

On another note: I went to a vascular surgeon today about my varicose veins. I have disgusting "ropey" veins in my legs. I've been afraid insurance wouldn't cover their removal but the apt went well today and he seems to think I should have them removed. I go back for an ultrasound to pinpoint when vein system is involved on March 18. As it is now, I can't imagine wearing shorts this summer :sad2: I hope this goes through.

So far today I've gotten in 40 minutes of brisk walking and will hit the gym afterwork.

Sunny!!! I am such an idiot!!! It has taken me this long to find you!!! Glad you are back! :sunny:
Your pictures are great. I think I could use some treadmill nirvana. I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to step aerobics class or just run on the treadmill. I think I'll have to do the treadmill.
Very interesting... hmmm...

You are so amazing. You do so much more than the average bear. I am so impressed with the amount of research you have done on this...

Well, girl, I hope you are right about my situation. I talked with my Mom about it last night and she said that because I lost my weight so fast, my body will need a bit of time to recover. I am hoping so. I have added the Bowflex into my workout routine, so I am hoping that will help to firm me up in no time.

Sunny, as always, keep up your awesome work! You are an inspiration to me every day! ;)
Hi Sunny!

That is some great information about loose skin that you posted! I have a problem with the very loose skin on my stomach. I haven't lost all of the weight I want to yet, so there is still hope it will tighten up! Yeah! :cool1:

You are doing a great job! How is the night time eating going? That is something I definitely need to work on myself and will be one of my March goals.

It's great having you post again! :teeth:
Hey Sunny...I know exactly what you mean. When I went from 280 to 169 in less than a year...I still had the lower abdomen, and flaps...I did my research too and didn't like what I read. I did read that it could take up to 7 years for the lower was so depressing. But here I am again...I liked myself much better at 169 w/a fat lower abdomen and the flaps :goodvibes

Loved the before and after pics! You look great. Keep it'll get there.

Hi Sunny,

Your pictures are amazing. You look fabulous girl. I hope things are well for you.

So, I have to reach goal, wait 1-7 years for my belly skin to firm up? Ugh. Oh well, I am the one who gained the weight, I need to live with the consequences.

Have a fabulous day,
Hi All :flower:

Thanks for the great encouragement :)

I have been super busy so I won't be getting to journals again today:(

Just a quick update:

I've had a couple of great runs lately. I think today will be speed training. I am still struggling with the late night snacking. Not only does it slow my weightloss but it makes me soooooo groggy in the morning. I just can't get out of bed these days. Poor kids. I hit snooze over and over and then its like we're practicing a fire drill to get out of the house. Too much rushing. Springs almost here... that will help, too.

So, the newest plan (as of this morning) is to enforce a pre-eating journalling exercise. If I'm going to eat late at night, or anytime that I'm not really hungry, I have to first write in my journal how I'm feeling, what it is I really want and then ask myself if the food is going to be a good substitue. I expect I'll still eat, but maybe this will help turn me around in time.. who knows. My biggest problem with the late night stuff is that the carbs help put me to sleep. I've always had trouble falling alseep. I hate laying awake wishing I was asleep :confused3

I have decided I am making "life-long" progress because I no longer "start and stop" my diet. This has been one continuous journey since Sept 2004. Its full of peaks and valleys and hum-drum flatlands,but its all one journey. I'm hoping to figure out how to stay on the peaks a little longer and out of the valleys alittle more often! ;)

plutosmyfav said:
I have decided I am making "life-long" progress because I no longer "start and stop" my diet. This has been one continuous journey since Sept 2004. Its full of peaks and valleys and hum-drum flatlands,but its all one journey. I'm hoping to figure out how to stay on the peaks a little longer and out of the valleys alittle more often! ;)

How true that is Sunny! I have found that it is now second nature for me to order the salad at the fast food restaurants and not the fries! And I talked myself out of ice cream last week-end too! That is major progress for me. And it isn't all that hard any more.

The late night eating - seriously, if you can get through the first few nights, it does get easier. I rarely snack at night anymore. Again, it has just become a habit, just as the original eating was a habit. Maybe get some tylenol PM to help for the first couple of nights sleep? I am sure once your body adjusts, you'll do fine. :cool1:

You are making amazing progress Sunny. Just keep going - you will reach your goal! And we are here to support you the whole way!! :grouphug:

TTFN- Sharon :sunny:
Hi Sunny,

Great job with the running. I find that it is much more difficult for me to not snack at night in the winter. I have no problem in the summer. It is coming. Hang in there. Your idea of journaling before eating is a great one.

Have a great day,
Hey Sunny,

I didn't realize you were back! The new title of the journal threw me. Hope all is well with you. Have a nice weekend. :flower:

I love the idea of doing a pre-eating journal! What a great way to try and focus on the whys of eating when not hungry. I may need to "borrow" your idea as well. I am still eating after 8:00 p.m.

You are doing a great job with your exercise! Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a great weekend! :cool1:
SUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!! ive missed you, glad that you came back to us :) i LOVE the smile in the first post..glad things are going well with you!
Good Morning :)

Seems life is busier these days. I don't get much chance to post to my journal, let alone visit others.

Yesterday I took DS to a birthday party. I ate 2 small slices of pizza and half of a very small piece of carrot cake. I was pleased with how I handled the situation. But it amazes me how much "self talk" has to go on in my head to maintain control.

Friday I did a 6.0 mile run in 58 minutes (6.2 mph continuous), along with lower body weights and abs. Saturday I did cardio-kickboxing. Today I was really hoping to do an outdoor run (I haven't run outdoors since Christmas day) but the high today is suppose to be 22 with a wind chill that feels like 7. So looks like that's out. I am soooooooooo tired of the cold/winter weather. Snows in the forecast for Monday :cold: Blah, Blah and more Blah.

There will be no WW WI on Monday due to the holiday. Mondays have way too many interuptions for my WW at Work. Maybe I'll go to the local center.

Great job on the work out! I am proud of you! :cheer2: I completely understand about self talk... Like I said in my journal, the 7:30 cut off is huge for me!

Hope you have a great Monday! :flower:


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