Tricia & Reuben 4.29.08 WP/Narcoossee's/Grand 1 TR - Day 8 - Our trip is at the end

can we get some more pleasE!! :-)

WOW! You looked absolutely stunning! Your hair and makeup are perfect! I mean that! Absolutely gorgeous! Can't wait to hear more! :banana:

I agree, your hair and makeup was just wonderful, no need to have freaked at all :goodvibes Everyone looked great!! More please :lovestruc

Thanks everyone!! I really was freaked out about it that day, and even wasn't sure I liked it when I saw the first pictures, but now that it's been a few weeks and I've looked back at other people's pics I like it. I guess I'm just so not used to seeing myself with so much makeup on.
Just a side note before I continue on for future brides. All along the planning process I was sure that having hair and makeup done from 9 to 12 as suggested would give us plenty of time before the wedding at 2:30. On the day of, as you saw, we ended up running late to start and then even a little later with our payment mixup. By the time everyone started getting dressed it really felt rushed and we were practically running out the door. I guess it would have been enough time if everything had gone smoothly, and we had enough time for the mishaps, just looking back I wish I’d had longer to let things sink in!

Ok, in the immortal words of the old Mickey soap wrappers, “All clean and pretty? Then on with the show!”

As we were driving towards the WP I started to panic a little. Last year DF got really freaked out about the wedding and we ended up postponing a year. (we called it off 6 weeks out, so he didn’t no show at the ceremony) I spoke to him around 11:30 and he sounded good, but he was getting ready by himself (his choice) and he’d been by himself since he dropped me off at 9. It was now a bit after 2 and I was starting to wonder if he was freaked out again and if he was somehow not going to be there when we arrived. I didn’t tell anyone that’s what I was thinking, they were having too much fun in the limo, but I was freaked!

Side note: It’s a REALLY good thing I hadn’t seen the sex and the city movie before our wedding!!!!

Anyway, we pulled up to the WP and I was super excited and nervous and panicking all at the same time! The family piled out first, and then the limo driver came around to help me out. As soon as she opened the door Paul was there introducing himself and congratulating me – at that moment in time I didn’t even remember that there would be a photographer much less that there would be one that I requested.. lol. He was snapping away as I got out of the car, then Tanis was there directing us to the bride’s vestibule. I noticed on the sign as we walked by we were the only wedding at the WP that day – for some reason that was cool to me! Luckily others thought the sign was cool and took some pics!!



Walking across that bridge finally as a bride was surreal. We’d been there so many times peeking in, for our planning session and now it was really our wedding!! We went into the vestibule and the first thing I asked Tanis was if everyone was there and of course she said yes. I instantly relaxed knowing if DF wasn’t there she would have said something at that point. She started talking me thru the ceremony, Teresa Knox came in and introduced herself and ran thru a couple other things. While we were all talking I spied my bouquet and grabbed it – I was probably supposed to wait for it to be given to me, but as soon as I saw it I had to have it! LOL


My niece and nephew LOVED the bride’s vestibule. They were playing with the antique phone and filling up cups of water like crazy – anything they can reach is fun I guess. It was pretty cramped for us, so I have no idea what girls with a bigger bridal party do. I can’t understand why they have 2 small rooms instead of one big one – wouldn’t that be simpler? I mean there aren’t ever times with 2 brides at the WP at once, the universe would implode, so why the 2 rooms??
Anyway, all the flowers were pinned on and passed out, Tanis did one last check and said we were a few minutes early, but everyone was there and everything was ready so we might as well get started.

(again, this would have been a good time to quickly scan one of the 1000 checklists in the wedding binder, but NO, why on earth would that occur to me??)






















The ceremony was really nice. Teresa did exactly what we asked and when she added a story or 2 they went perfectly with the feel we had asked for. My nephew was too cute. About half way thru our very short ceremony, he got bored I guess and started singing trying to get his sister to play with him! It was adorable! We all giggled – helped break the seriousness. Even Teresa laughed and said she couldn’t out do him so she’d let him finish. Then my niece stepped around my gigantic dress and shooshed her brother and then stepped right back into place – it was so cute!! Oh, the other memorable moment was the unity candle. Before the ceremony they told us both that we’d pick up the little candle you use to light the center, both light that and then I’d hand my candle to DF for him to blow out so as not to catch my dress, hair or veil on fire – good idea!! Well right after we did all that, the main candle looked like it was about to go out. DF was paying way more attention than I was and he grabbed one of the little candles, relit it, and then made sure the unity candle didn’t go out – he was very proud of that! It was really sweet!

Up next: Pictures and Cake!!
:rotfl: it's always the kids that seem to make memorable moments at weddings. Great story! I loved your bouquet! I hope you got more pictures of it! :thumbsup2
Loving your TR - can I ask, when you were on the Grand 1, was there enough deck space for you all to watch the fireworks outside, I was worried we wouldn't all fit on deck if we decide to splash out on this?

Did you order any of the food/drinks from their menus at all?

Looking forward to hearing more, everything and everyone looked beautiful!
Oh, wow! Your bouquet is gorgeous!

Thank you - I really loved it!

Ahhhhh - the unity candle story is really sweet! I can't wait for more!


:rotfl: it's always the kids that seem to make memorable moments at weddings. Great story! I loved your bouquet! I hope you got more pictures of it! :thumbsup2

Yes, we have a bunch of pics of the bouquet, just didn't have them in photobucket. Paul got some really good pics of it!

Loving your TR - can I ask, when you were on the Grand 1, was there enough deck space for you all to watch the fireworks outside, I was worried we wouldn't all fit on deck if we decide to splash out on this?

Did you order any of the food/drinks from their menus at all?

Looking forward to hearing more, everything and everyone looked beautiful!

Everyone was able to watch Wishes no problem. Real seats out on the decks there's enough room for about 12, then there's plenty more standing room and a couple of our guests sat on the stairs. I think we had 5 upstairs, 2 on the stairs, 7 sitting downstairs and that must have left 3 standing since we had 17. It wasn't an issue. We only ordered waters for the wishes cruise since we'd come straight from a huge dinner at Narcoossee's. Nobody even touched them, so at the end of the night we had to make everyone take a bottle so we wouldn't waste the $80 we spent. I'd say only do it if it's been a while since a meal, otherwise don't bother. The only thing anyone wanted to do was sit outside and see the views! THey drove us all around by the poly, contemporary, Wilderness lodge, etc and then back out in front of the castle about 10 minutes before WIshes started. We stayed parked right there for the start of the electric water pagent and then went back in.
Your pics are beautiful!!! Can I ask did your bouquet come with the package or did you have to pay extra?
BTW: I love the one where it looks like your cake topper is looking at you (that sounds creepy but you know what I mean!!! :rotfl:
I just finished looking at all your beautiful pictures. I am up past my bedtime too, lol!! I loved Paul too - he did our MK photo shoot :thumbsup2
Your pics are beautiful!!! Can I ask did your bouquet come with the package or did you have to pay extra?
BTW: I love the one where it looks like your cake topper is looking at you (that sounds creepy but you know what I mean!!! :rotfl:

That bouquet was one of the package choices, nothing extra. I really loved the way it came out and it smelled amazing! I know the pictures you mean and we really loved those too!! Gotta love Paul!

I just finished looking at all your beautiful pictures. I am up past my bedtime too, lol!! I loved Paul too - he did our MK photo shoot :thumbsup2

Paul is definitely the best! A couple of the early pictures he took over the back of his head as he was walking in front of us over the bridge to the WP. I actually said to my sister "what is he doing??" and then when I saw the pics I realized he totally knew what he was doing!! :lovestruc
Awww you looked so beautiful!!! :cutie:

I love your colors too--the flowers were gorgeous!!
Your pictures are beautiful! And the unity candle story is really sweet!
I love the photos! :goodvibes

By the way, we booked our Narcoossee's reception last night. Thanks again for your help on that! We are sooooo excited!
THe Pictures are great!! Lovely day!

Awww you looked so beautiful!!! :cutie:

I love your colors too--the flowers were gorgeous!!

Your pictures are beautiful! And the unity candle story is really sweet!

Thank you all so much!! I was really happy with the way everything turned out that day!!

I love the photos! :goodvibes

By the way, we booked our Narcoossee's reception last night. Thanks again for your help on that! We are sooooo excited!

YAY!! Glad I could help someone!! You're going to really enjoy it! My one tip now is, make sure you sit facing the water - DH and I faced the bar while the flower girl and ring bearer who never sat in their seats had water views :confused3
Your pics are gorgeous!! I love how everything was color coordinated!!!

Thanks!! From all the bad stories you can hear on the boards about Disney photography, I sometimes worried about how the pics would turn out, but I think we got great pictures!

It's funny how well the colors came out considering nothing was matched ahead of time. My dress was ordered in October 06, my niece's dress was purchased in Feb 07, mom bought her dress online in January of this year, and then my sister got hers in LATE Februrary without matching it to her daughter's. With all that I just told Rosie what colors I wanted the flowers to be, no swatches, and then I got my sister's bouquet for $5 at Michaels about 3 months before the wedding. It really did all work out nicely, but looking back, it could have been a real mess!! I kinda liked the idea though of having a lot of different purples so that it wasn't so monochromatic, and I think it worked.
So, continuing on with our big day…

I left off right after the ceremony. We went outside, signed the license and started the pictures. Paul had done DH’s pics with his family before the wedding, and then we did mine and ours together after. We got some cute group pics, all the guests got their pics, and then they shuttled everyone else over to the GF while we did our pictures outside.








I had requested all the extra locations so we rushed a little bit to get them all in, but Paul didn’t seem to mind and I’m really glad we did because we like those better than the posed ones inside the WP. Paul and Tanis had to take my shoes off for the beach pics, that must have been tons of fun for them!! It was a little hard to walk on the sand, but the pics are really cute.


After the beach pictures DH and I got in the limo and he put my shoes back on – it was really sweet! When we got out of the limo at the GF we were welcomed with a ton of congratulations – that was our first real round of congrats since I hadn’t worn my ears much yet. We got escorted in by the famous GF greeter (Side note: when we’d arrived to check in 2 days prior, DH thought the greeter was creepy for some reason, but when he was announcing the newlyweds to everyone within earshot, he was DH’s new favorite person! LOL) and headed over to the staircase for my last requested location. I have to say, I was expecting more. I mean, I’ve been to the GF before, and walked up and down the stairs, but somehow in my head the staircase was more grand. Maybe it was the lighting at that particular time of day?? I don’t know, but it wasn’t quite what I expected. The pics outside were way better.

We headed upstairs where we met back up with Tanis and were announced as husband and wife. I think the order was announcement, champagne toast, cake cutting and then first dance, but I might be confused. Anyway, we’d upgraded the cake and we loved it. Everyone had a chocolate and an almond piece and there was plenty of champagne for everyone even with only 2 bottles (I only ordered the one extra because didn’t want to waste anything and we only had 16 adults and a couple don’t drink). I had originally ordered bottled waters, then cancelled them – turns out I should have kept them. (note: after I thought about it, there were waters and cokes in the limo that NO ONE drank - we should have grabbed those!) The server had a pitcher of water and small cups, but that’s what everyone wanted, and it wasn’t even THAT hot that day. We were only supposed to have the Commander’s Terrace until 4 I think, but since we were the only wedding that day Tanis said it was fine to stay until 5 and then head over to our dinner. I’m pretty sure Paul and Tanis were both there after 4. The server boxed up all the extra cake we had and filled the XL cheap Tupperware containers I brought too to share the extra cake we knew we'd have with our guests - what's better in a hotel room than leftover wedding cake??




Here’s where I made a second mistake. (of course I hadn't realized the first one yet) We had all that cake and a couple other bags of stuff that needed to go back to our room. I’d already had my sister take a couple of my bags from the limo to bell services (dress bag, tote with the clothes I wore that morning, etc) so they could take them to our room. I definitely should have done that with all the wedding stuff too!! We walked over to our room, got lots of congratulations, but by the time we got there I was so hot that I had to change out of my dress – I was afraid I was going to pass out! Of course then DH was only too happy to change. As soon as I had the dress and bra off, I was instantly regretting it, but it was too late as DH was halfway changed and there’s no way he could have helped me get back into the dress on his own! So, I put on a cute white sequined top I’d brought and a skirt and we headed off to meet everyone at Narcoossee’s for dinner. I did leave my hair and tiara in, and all the makeup was in tact. I’m sure we were 100x more comfortable in the casual clothes, but it was sad to have only been in my dress a few hours. I was a little mad that we had to do this ourselves and that no one offered to help with this task - like maybe my MOH. If someone had done that for us I would have kept my dress on longer. Turns out during that time my sister decided she and her kids were ready to change their clothes - I have no idea why she had to change, but whatever. Again, apparently it wasn't really about me... ANYWAY, I did plan on changing before the Wishes cruise anyway, and as it turned out we would have been really rushing to change after dinner, so it was ok. (Oh, I forgot to mention that my Mom and dad got us a great gift basket delivered to our room that day with all kinds of snack goodies, so DH had already seen it, but I got to see it when we made our cake drop)

We got to Narcoossee’s right when they opened. Pretty much everyone else was already there and we were seated immediately. For those of you using Narcoossee’s, they sat us in the upstairs portion (it’s up about 3 steps from the tables along the windows). The entire restaurant is not that big, only 3 tables deep, so it wasn’t private but it was really nice and we were separated from the other tables. We had a reservation for 20, ended up with 19. They put 2 long tables end to end, but with a gap between them because the restaurant is curved, so they couldn’t really go right against each other. DH and I sat at the end of one where it met the other, we sat on the outside of the L shape so that we could see pretty much everyone while we ate. It only dawned on me later when my dad mentioned it that we didn’t get to see out to the water at all. My niece and nephew, and their dad who showed up finally about 20 minutes after we got to dinner (he’s a pilot and couldn’t get out of work that day) all had water view seats and I’m sure could have cared less, plus the kids never sat in their seats! We had excellent service and the food was great. My only other regret about dinner was, we didn’t take many pictures! We had a ton of food – 2 plates on each table of each of the following: Crab cakes, calamari and shrimp. Oh, and there was bread. They offered refills, but we had 3 more courses coming!! They had custom menus printed with our names on them, so everyone knew how much food was coming and paced themselves. Everyone got salads or soup that were huge portions and apparently all really good. I got a seafood bisque and DH got the Caesar salad. For the main course a lot of our guests, including us, got filets. They were excellent. My uncle commented 2 days later he thought it was the best filet he’d ever had. My BIL agreed, he likes his steaks RARE and they were the only restaurant that week that cooked it just the way he wanted. Everything else was apparently great too- salmon and chicken, and one vegan entrée custom made for our one non-family member that attended. She was really embarrassed that they sent the chef out to talk to her to get her order and everyone was making a fuss, but I think she secretly loved it! The last course (not that we had any room left) was dessert. Those were amazing too!! The dinner took 2 ½ hours. I was thinking when we booked that they were exaggerating, but they weren’t!! I’d told the waiter we had Grand 1 reservations right when we sat down and he said he was glad I told him so he could keep the meal moving. It was a nice pace – enough time to eat and not be rushed, but we never felt like we were waiting on things. I wonder how long we would have been there if we hadn’t had those reservations?!

Here are all the pics we got from dinner :confused3


We used our DDE card and saved a couple hundred dollars on the meal – it was very well worth it!! (the meal and the DDE card!) DH got up while the check was being handled so he could run back to the room and get stuff for a headache for him, and different flip flops and a jacket for me (what a nice guy!). I let everyone know it was 8 and we needed to start wrapping up and heading over to the marina for the cruise. People started getting up and heading to the bathroom, etc. By the time the check came back, I was the only one left at the table paying the bill – that really just seemed wrong!! I rejoined everyone at the door, gave them a little crap about ditching me, and we headed off to the marina and said goodbye to my aunt and cousin that couldn't join us because of the boat limitation (only 18 people max and we had 19)

Up next, the Grand 1 Wishes cruise!


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