TWILIGHTAHOLICS PART 4!!!!!~*~Lions, Lambs, and Lunar-tics!!!!

I just finished "The Office". I really shouldn't be reading these. My imagination is running away with me.

What shall I read next? Any suggestions?
I just saw on twitter one of my favorite fanfic authors (HOFY) is looking for a link to "poughkeepsie" since all the other fanfic writers are raving about it.

mrs. the king you're famous!

btw I just started it the other day, so good
dont know if anyone has heard but the first new moon trailer should be released by MTV on the 30th...that was on a fansite so i dont know if its true...hope it is though!
dont know if anyone has heard but the first new moon trailer should be released by MTV on the 30th...that was on a fansite so i dont know if its true...hope it is though!

I heard it is suppose to air on the MTV movie awards.:thumbsup2

I haven't been to this thread in the longest time. It seems to be taken over by talk of all these fanfics.:confused3 I have never read any. Am I missing something?
I haven't been to this thread in the longest time. It seems to be taken over by talk of all these fanfics.:confused3

There are a lot of us who don't frequent this thread as much because of all the fanfic discussion, which is great, if you read those. Kind of has gotten off topic a bit. Perhaps a fanfic thread should be added?:hug: Then we can get back to the original books and movies!
I just saw on twitter one of my favorite fanfic authors (HOFY) is looking for a link to "poughkeepsie" since all the other fanfic writers are raving about it.

mrs. the king you're famous!

btw I just started it the other day, so good

I'm so excited you started it! You will have to let me know what you think. I really like to have my disladies onboard :hug:

Who does HOFY? I forget.
Sorry about all the fanfic talk, I blame Wide Awake.

Ok, here's some Twilight talk - I saw that Rob confirmed that Breaking Dawn will definitely be made and that he'll be in it. Stephenie wanted that to be more than one movie since there is so much in that book. Thoughts? And what could they possibly leave out to make it a shorter movie - the pregnancy (all the graphic details, not the baby herself)?

Any cast ideas for the wide array of vampires in that book? Think they'll have them all in there? Do you think they'll reuse a director or pick someone new again?
Gerard Butler as Garrett. He's just the first to come to mind, who I had in mind while reading. I think BD would be a great two-part epic. The pregnancy could be shortened, but there is soooo much it will be a jammed packed two hours, and probably would not end up making a lot of sense or leave us diehards mad because they left too much on the cutting room floor. Have one movie pre-baby, the other post-baby.
There are a lot of us who don't frequent this thread as much because of all the fanfic discussion, which is great, if you read those. Kind of has gotten off topic a bit. Perhaps a fanfic thread should be added?:hug: Then we can get back to the original books and movies!

I agree, someone please make a new thread for the fanfic.

Sorry about all the fanfic talk, I blame Wide Awake.

Ok, here's some Twilight talk - I saw that Rob confirmed that Breaking Dawn will definitely be made and that he'll be in it. Stephenie wanted that to be more than one movie since there is so much in that book. Thoughts? And what could they possibly leave out to make it a shorter movie - the pregnancy (all the graphic details, not the baby herself)?

Any cast ideas for the wide array of vampires in that book? Think they'll have them all in there? Do you think they'll reuse a director or pick someone new again?

I would love to see BD be 2 movies. I am especially interested in all the new vampires as well as Bella's transformation. They could leave out the Jacob and Leah stuff. Even though I loved her in the book, I don't think all that would be necessary to make a good movie. I also could do without a graphic birth scene. I would hope Catherine would not direct anymore Twilight movies, especially BD! I'm not sure who I would want to see cast in it. I'll have to think on that more!
dont know if anyone has heard but the first new moon trailer should be released by MTV on the 30th...that was on a fansite so i dont know if its true...hope it is though!
I had heard it was supposd to be on the movie awards, but it would be great if we could get it earlier.

I haven't been to this thread in the longest time. It seems to be taken over by talk of all these fanfics.:confused3 I have never read any. Am I missing something?
There are a lot of us who don't frequent this thread as much because of all the fanfic discussion, which is great, if you read those. Kind of has gotten off topic a bit. Perhaps a fanfic thread should be added?:hug: Then we can get back to the original books and movies!
I'm guilty too but a lot of the chatter about fics is Twilight related because they keep our beloved Twicharacters alive for us. But I can understand how it can be seen as OT.

Ok, here's some Twilight talk - I saw that Rob confirmed that Breaking Dawn will definitely be made and that he'll be in it. Stephenie wanted that to be more than one movie since there is so much in that book. Thoughts? And what could they possibly leave out to make it a shorter movie - the pregnancy (all the graphic details, not the baby herself)?

Any cast ideas for the wide array of vampires in that book? Think they'll have them all in there? Do you think they'll reuse a director or pick someone new again?
I think, even though I wasn't crazy about it, the pregnancy is necessary. They can't leave it out but they can maybe skim over it, not go into as much detail as the book goes into.

I'm excited to see who they would cast for all the vampires in BD. That is going to be so much fun finding out about those castings. A new director seems right, there's been two different ones so far and I think they have a definite one for Eclipse too, right? I think each director gives a new point of view and a fresh pair of eyes on the love story, which is the main focus of the books. I'm looking forward to New Moon just from seeing the behind the scenes pics and how much better some aspects of the film look. Like the makeup. It's sooooo much better than before.
Gerard Butler would be incredible, I have such a crush on him!

I also agree that I could so skip the graphic birth scene. I loaned Breaking Dawn to my friend who was 8 and a half months pregnant and was like um...maybe you should wait to read this. She said it didn't bother her at all though.

More Twilight thoughts to ponder:

In Eclipse, do you think they'll actually flash to the scenes of each Cullen telling their history or have it like the book where the person is telling the story to Bella? I'm hoping flashes because I'd love for some meaty scene for the supporting cast.

Bella's power in Breaking Dawn - do you think we'll see her forcefield? How will the whole practicing to make it work thing look on film?

I think a two part BD epic would be great, stopping at post wedding or maybe post honeymoon, somewhere that would feel like a natural stopping point.
More Twilight thoughts to ponder:

In Eclipse, do you think they'll actually flash to the scenes of each Cullen telling their history or have it like the book where the person is telling the story to Bella? I'm hoping flashes because I'd love for some meaty scene for the supporting cast.

Bella's power in Breaking Dawn - do you think we'll see her forcefield? How will the whole practicing to make it work thing look on film?

I think a two part BD epic would be great, stopping at post wedding or maybe post honeymoon, somewhere that would feel like a natural stopping point.
I would love to see flashes of each story!! Mmmmm Carlisle, I can just imagine!

The forcefield might be difficult to show on screen but I'm sure with all the CGI technologies I'm sure there will be some way to show it. The practising will be great. I can't wait to see the other talents, like Zaphrina (sp?) and Kate's powers.

I think the BD stopping point would have to be after the baby. The engagement/wedding/honeymoon can't take up a whole hour and a half, and if the honeymoon is included they have to include the pregnancy. So maybe a breaking off point would be the pregnancy and then move on from there, like the suspense of not knowing if Bella will survive (gasp!!) lol, for the non-book readers.
There are a lot of us who don't frequent this thread as much because of all the fanfic discussion, which is great, if you read those. Kind of has gotten off topic a bit. Perhaps a fanfic thread should be added?:hug: Then we can get back to the original books and movies!

I was just thinking this myself. I could care less about the fanfic. It's creepy and seems to pervert the characters! My DH is a big Harry Potter fan and he reads the fanfic sometimes and for some reason it has always bothered me.
I would love to see flashes of each story!! Mmmmm Carlisle, I can just imagine!

The forcefield might be difficult to show on screen but I'm sure with all the CGI technologies I'm sure there will be some way to show it. The practising will be great. I can't wait to see the other talents, like Zaphrina (sp?) and Kate's powers.

I think the BD stopping point would have to be after the baby. The engagement/wedding/honeymoon can't take up a whole hour and a half, and if the honeymoon is included they have to include the pregnancy. So maybe a breaking off point would be the pregnancy and then move on from there, like the suspense of not knowing if Bella will survive (gasp!!) lol, for the non-book readers.

That's a good point and there's a pretty happy lull right there before the **** hits the fan. It's kind of a relationshippy part vs an actiony part.
That's a good point and there's a pretty happy lull right there before the **** hits the fan. It's kind of a relationshippy part vs an actiony part.
Exactly, it's that dun dun dun moment. Will she make it... did the venom work... ?!?!

Then in the next movie move on to her waking up and everything that happens after that. Perfect!!
There are a lot of us who don't frequent this thread as much because of all the fanfic discussion, which is great, if you read those. Kind of has gotten off topic a bit. Perhaps a fanfic thread should be added?:hug: Then we can get back to the original books and movies!

I agree!! :thumbsup2


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