Universal Studios Chat 7 1/2

Okay...... I do understand how YOU feel being at a child's funeral after losing your brother....I recently went to one....it was my ex's stepGran - so no very close relation to me - but she was a very kind person and I cried buckets - because it brought it all back when my dad died. 10 December actually - so feeling a bit low at the moment. I do understand how you feel - but hang in there for your mum. She may not be showing it - but I suspect she will be very low next few days as it brings back all the trauma of her son too and especially afterwards - maybe even for a few weeks. The last thing she needs right now is hassle to take you to a GB Show. Anyway...glad we sorted that out...........on to something else........have you seen any clips of the new Lord of the Rings Movie?
YES I can't wait about seeing the last LOTR movie!!!!! I was hoping to do the entire trilogy in the theatres (are they doing that over there in the UK?), but, the closest one is at least an hour drive away, and on a school night....yeah....

BTW - the relationship between my aunt and her kids was not too great...long, long story...and I'm hoping that these circumstances will make her realize she needs to jump on every oppurtunity she has to visit her other son. But yeah, it has been a few years since she saw the brother of the victim and my mom hasn't seen him since he was a toddler.

These guys aren't really young...the victim was...29? 28 or 29. Supposedly the murder was of some money issue...we all know what THAT might mean...
The LOTR has been shown separately here. But a trilogy - now that would be some Movie - how many hours?!!!

We'll let the other thing rest I think. But you are right - I did think your cousin was much much younger.

Didn't realise the time - got a long drive tomorrow - my mum (mom! ;) ) is coming to stay for a few days and going to pick her up.
The LOTR thing: well, they are doing a special showing at select theatres where the play the EXTENDED version of the first two movies with only like 30 minutes in between and then show the first showing of the third part. Meaning, over 12 hours at the movie theatre easily! :eek: Actually, it sounded fun!!
My wife and I loved the LOTR movies, but all in succession, no way. The last one coming out is over three hours long, which even for a great movie pushes my limits. I could never do all three in a row. I do hope they make a prequel though, coming out with a movie based off the original hobbit book. I always thought that was the best of the series and would love to see it as a live action movie.
But I bet you couldn't feel your legs or posterior when it was over.
You mean you use it for something other than Ghostbuster shows? Do the ghostbusters know about this? I should hope you would have a seperate one for the new improved ghostbuster shows. Of course, you won't need one then, as the new improved GB's talent will have you up dancing and singing, not like the boring old GB's where you just sit there, yawn, and watch till its over.:hyper:
LOL!!! Yes, I have Kevin's BLACK seatcushion....:rotfl: Cheerful cheerful :teeth: Actually, it's already being put to good use...i use it for driving. :p

And Prince Eric - I don't sit to watch the Ghostbusters Show...I stand and tap my foot along to the beat...AND as one fellow DISer said, "I may not be constantly screaming, but it's because I'm so "intense" when I watch the show" her exact words...LOL!!!!!!
Fly Fly- Hope all is well, or at least better.

Take care!
Hi flyfly......I hope it wasn't as awful as you imagined this weekend, and have been thinking about you.

I just found out that LOTR is going to be shown as a trilogy in some cinemas. Looks like I'll have to get myself a cushion!!;)
Hey everyone!

Just got home a little bit ago. My dad came home last night...because my uncle had a gas leak, they had to fix the car before they could go home and they didn't get back until 5 AM!!! :eek: :eek: My mom, aunt, grandmother, and I came home today so we could see the victim's brother one last time.

I have to say, it wasn't as bad. My parents and I missed the service because we got to North Carolina too late (hey, it's a 12-hour drive...). I finally got to meet my cousin...though it's a shame I can't ever meet his brother.

Though I learned more about what actually happened, and now that I know more of the details, it saddens me more.

My aunt has asked me to write up a bunch of things she can do to help her kids deal with their brother's death, since I can relate. So, I'm glad I can help somehow.

I got to see my cousin, Lacey, again...the Ghostbuster convert...:teeth: She can't believe I've gotten more obsessed since August...LOL...

I'm glad to be home...I'm sooo tired though...got no sleep the entire weekend (and because I get up at 6 AM for school...I needed it...ughhh). Just have to survive 4 days....4 days...
I finally got a picture from MIB where the score didn't mess up and I had 999,999.

And I got 999,999 from both the outside AND inside tracks. :smooth:
Glad you got back okay and I hope things settle down at home a bit now. 12 hours is a long journey - no wonder you are so tired.
Noticed DM has a pic now of his high score!! WELL DONE DM...:D
Thanks Selina -- I was nearly falling asleep in class today :eek:

DM - it's about time!!!!!! :p
I may share the picture, edited of course, with ya. Hmm. Maybe not. Mwahahahaha.
Hi DM.......you little monkey!! How's the puzzle coming along?;)

Hello Flyfly....how are you feeling today - hope it didn't turn into a bad cold. I'm feeling a bit sad today as today is the day my dad died - but reading few posts has cheered me up!
I'm so sorry Selina! :( Hope today was a day of positive rememberance. That's what helps me get through those days...the happy memories. :)

I'm glad some of the threads cheered you up a bit...that's what we are here for...the DISboards has a great support system...I should know :)


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