UPDATED w/ more PICS!! At WH's right now and need some advice from former visitors...

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You sound like you might be an ambulance chaser or the management company! What if what the poster stated are facts, backed up by pictures? What if it's true? Don't scare her into pretending the house is being kept when it isn't.

Maybe the management company should be more concerned with keeping their places nice and customers happy rather than trying to shut up those who point out the poor care of the house. I think the management is setting themselves up for a business problem, not the OP.

I agree and I find it curious that you've chosen to join and post on this thread only.
Part of the DIS's popularity is the free exchange of information, whether it be how to best navigate SWW or where to stay for a grand gathering of 15 fueding relatives (note: get each family their own studio!). I myself rented a house in WH (StoryTime) due to the good reviews reported here, while also taking into account some less than stellar reviews that were also posted. In this day and age people will utilize what they can to make an informed decision before spending their hard earned money.

Find it interesting that someone with no previous postings would write what amounts to a legal threat under the guise of a friendly warning. Considering the OP stated earlier that things she had posted about (ie. drinking glasses) suddenly appeared a few hours after she mentioned it here and only here, it would seem that not everyone posting on this thread is a disinterested party. All the more reason to know from whom you may be renting.
I know it is not a law degree. I got a degree in legal studies, similar to paralegal degree. It is a 2.5 yr AS degree with intense focus on legal studies, in particular all areas of tort, criminal, real estate, family law, etc. I never stated that I practice law or could or would represent myself, however, the knowledge obtained by my education is an asset in knowing how to navigate the legal system. Not to mention, the wonderful relationships with lawyers I've obtained along the way through my course study and working in their offices.

Why I'm having to defend my education or any other reason why I'd wish to share the location of the home we are renting is beyond me. I don't have anything to prove, other than that what I'm stating on these boards is true, which I can by photos taken. And what purpose would I have for lying about such things? I don't think even a person looking for a refund would claim such things and be willing to share the unit if it weren't true. I am not asking anything. I am only sharing our experience and also using this board to vent the frustrations we've dealt with. Nothing can be done to fix any of the things we've come across. I've already done all that needed to be done to make the place up to standard for us to feel comfortable with linens and kitchen cleanliness. The major maintanence issues were addressed and have been fixed for the time being. I'm definitely more tired than I was before I left home last Saturday and disappointed that we faced the issues we did, but it's Friday and tomorrow we will be heading home.

The initial appearance of the home is very nice. It's just those little things that irk me and make me wonder that do get me. I don't usually complain about many things, but other people using the same sheets/shower/towels are safety issues in my opinion. Like, the downstairs shower has shower residue like it was used, but we hadn't used it. Knowing other couples had used the same comforter before us and God only knows for how many weeks, does bother me. People eat in bed, spill drinks in bed, do other things in bed. How long is that trapped in that comforter? The pillows are disgustingly discolored with sweat stains/drool stains. Yellowed pillows are one thing when they are your pillows, but it's different when you are staying at a place that isn't yours. It affects your ability to just relax.
You sound like you might be an ambulance chaser or the management company! What if what the poster stated are facts, backed up by pictures? What if it's true? Don't scare her into pretending the house is being kept when it isn't.

Maybe the management company should be more concerned with keeping their places nice and customers happy rather than trying to shut up those who point out the poor care of the house. I think the management is setting themselves up for a business problem, not the OP.

My thoughts exactly! :thumbsup2
Ridiculous assertion.If you could be sued for a negative review of a property you stayed at on vacation, tripadvisor would be out of business.

I agree that it sounds like the PM has chosen a convenient time to join the DIS.

of which I feel certain the other party would not agree and have facts to prove at least some of your charges baseless.

Really? You just have that 'feeling,' do you?

As I am sure you are aware, or you wouldn't have posted to begin with, people aren't quite so anonymous as they think they are on the internet.

Seems if you were the property manager, it would be rise to refrain from 'warning' people who are giving honest experiences about their vacations.
I have been following your posts since the beginning, I feel for you! I have never posted on this forum, but I thought it might be helpful to you.

It is unfortunate that your vacation went so awry, I can relate, we had a similar situation at a beach house years ago. Not to throw a wet blanket on the great "reveal", but you may want to consider what the affect on you will be for doing such a highly visible (and highly read) reveal.

You mention "punishing" the owner. However, the owner and in this case the management company of the house have methods to punish you now that you have made this a public issue. Up to this point, you are OK, but when you reveal who owns this house (or who manages this house), you could quickly (with lots of followers to your posts) become a defendant in a tort and libel suit. I see this every day in my line of work and just want to make you aware.

In a libel action, the plaintiff (the owner or management company in this case) must prove three elements of the tort of libel:

The statement has been made to a third party. (you have done that)

The statement referred to the plaintiff (the owner/management company).

This does not mean that the statement has to refer expressly to the plaintiff. A statement can be actionable if it is reasonably capable of referring to the plaintiff. You are close to this but not yet fully "over the line" as we call it. So far it's a difficult case for the plaintiff, but once you "reveal", you have precisely referred to the plaintiff.

The statement must be defamatory/false, which means that it must be a statement to the plaintiff's discredit. Many internet bloggers with opinions on products and people have been sued and are paying out settlements to those that they defamed because the plaintiffs were able to prove libel, and that the negative public statements of the defendant had a material negative effect on business.

So, while others may “egg you on”, remember that it is you and you alone (not them) who will be hauled into court, be forced to hire legal representation, and to defend yourself and your claims, of which I feel certain the other party would not agree and have facts to prove at least some of your charges baseless. You mention having no debt. You would then have debt, and a lot of it. All because of a vacation?

Many attorneys scour the net looking for this type of case to take on (they are called internet ambulance chasers) and would contact the management company or owner name of the house as soon as you posted it to go after you.

Most posters think opinion is protected. Not always. If your opinion implies that it is based upon an underlying set of facts, you may be in hot water. As I see from your posts, you state both facts and opinions throughout. Again, just looking out for you and your family, as you seem nice and I don't want to see you go over the line.

As I say, I can relate to your issues, as we had the beach house nightmare. Sometimes it’s better to chalk it up to experience, and move on. Either way you decide, good luck with the rest of your vacation, sounds like you are having a little bit of fun anyway. I thought you might want to consider these facts as you blog your experience. Even if you can eventually win in litigation, you still end up paying out a lot of money in order to defend yourself. And from how terrible a picture you have painted in the posts, you are certainly setting yourself up to create a business problem for the owner, or at least the management company.

Have a good final part of your week, and try to enjoy the rest of your vacation.

OP...you go girl! You are allowed freedom of speech as we do live in America! I feel very bad for you and your family. We have stayed at WH 3 times in 3 different condos and thankfully never had any issues.:goodvibes

As far as this poster goes....that an amazing amount of bs that you're slinging! Unfortunately though in this day and age usually the good, honest people have a hard time winning!
Came upon this thread looking for information about Windsor Hills! I will be running back to Disney Resorts after reading this! Who needs this on vacation!:worship::worship:
Actually, I don't think this is common at all. I'm going to post info on the property management company used so that others looking to vacation in the area are aware. I'll probably do it later tonight after the kids are in bed though. We just got back on Saturday afternoon, so I've been a little busy getting the crew back on track before we head back to Disney next week. LOL

We've stayed at plenty of non-Disney resorts and we have never experienced anything like this before, so don't give up on them. Bonnet Creek was fabulous, as were several others!
Came upon this thread looking for information about Windsor Hills! I will be running back to Disney Resorts after reading this! Who needs this on vacation!:worship::worship:

We've stayed at WH in 3 different places and never had any issues like the OP's!
Came upon this thread looking for information about Windsor Hills! I will be running back to Disney Resorts after reading this! Who needs this on vacation!:worship::worship:

No, not a typical experience. We've rented from the same owners, same townhome 3 times and are just about to go for number 4 in exactly 6 days. The townhome has always been in perfect condition, and dare I say CLEANER than the Disney rooms I've stayed in. I'm sorry the OP had such a horrible experience, but I really think that's the exception, not the rule.

That said, people do need to keep in mind that they're basically renting a house, which means they're on their own. No maid is coming in to make the bed, replace the towels or replenish the toilet paper. (That doesn't mean it shouldn't be clean when you arrive, though. It should be, and luckily for us we've never had an issue.) You don't get those hotel-type ameneties, but what you do get is room to spread out, a full kitchen, several full baths, often a private pool, often free wi-fi, a reserved parking spot, etc. At less than $100 per night on average, I'll take that any day over a $350/night room at a Disney deluxe that's barely bigger than my walk-in closet at home.
Came upon this thread looking for information about Windsor Hills! I will be running back to Disney Resorts after reading this! Who needs this on vacation!:worship::worship:

I think most of us who have rented by owner would agree that the OP's experience is not the typical experience.

I guess the lesson here is that in addition to checking to make sure taxes have been paid and that the house is not in foreclosure, potential renters may want to ask about who the management company is for the house. I know I will be doing this from now on if I rent privately. I will only rent from a house that uses one of the three companies that have been highly rated on this board.

I will continue to stay offsite due to the value for the space. We've stayed onsite once, and I can't justify spending that kind of money again.

OP, I'm sorry that you went through this experience. It could have been any of us. The problems you encountered were completely unacceptable, and the management company should be held accountable.
Even though you are probably back by now, I wanted to add my 2 cents. My sister has a beach house that she rents out. It is managed by a rental company and she has a cleaning service. I have been to the house a half dozen times and it's never been in disarray. It's clean, has enough supplies for the number it sleeps, and there are usually enough supplies to last you the vacation (you are asked to replenish). This, to me, is how it should be. Renters should never have to deal with any of the things you described. I'm sorry your experience wasn't a good one.
Okay, this is going to be quick this morning, just because I have to run out and do some errands with the kids and then work on homeschooling my son when we return. However, I do want to give this info because many are asking and have been patiently waiting for me to post further details regarding the company we encountered during our stay at Windsor Hills. I haven't even uploaded our pics yet from our trip, but I will do it immediately after I get off the computer this morning and I should have several pics to share in case any of the details I've stated still appear to be "opinion-based" :rotfl: as some first-time posters have been kind enough to advise me from doing. :lmao:

Anyway, for the info that matters to many of you:

The nitty gritty is we booked through vacationcentralflorida.com. The process was fantastic and a breeze and Dave Robinson is a GREAT guy! Would still highly recommend his site. He offers families a great way to save on their vacations by offering lower rates than a lot of other properties out there and we got a great deal on our trip because we booked last minute. Great deal or not, the issues we experienced were NOT acceptable, BUT and this is a honkin' HUGE BUT!! The issues we experienced have nothing to do with him, vacationcentralflorida.com or anything else to do with their site. Dave Robinson and his site IS NOT the property manager over the place we stayed in, so I do want to put that out there!!

So, :thumbsup2 for vacationcentralflorida.com and Dave Robinson. He was super nice and easy to deal with. I want to make that clear, because my biggest concern sharing info about where we stayed or anything about it was that it would hurt the business of those that it shouldn't. The OWNERS of the home we stayed in and the website we rented through (vacationcentralflorida.com) are not at fault for our issues.

I have to say that, in my opinion, everything we faced was stuff that should have been already taken care of by the management company and our escalation towards our dissatisfaction rose when they treated us like we were going overboard with our complaints and made light of how they affected our trip. Not to mention how they sealed the deal by mentioning all the fees we could endure if we didn't put everything back the way it was when we got there and added spiteful comment about "anal" guests, not coming across guests who typically rearranged homes the way we had, etc. I should move on before I remind myself how irritated they got me as I've had a few days to simmer down...

Anyway, I have to look to see if there is a property management company "name," however, the person who is the property manager of this particular property is Donna Craven. I believe she manages a few different properties in Windsor Hills.

The maintanence man (I'll ask hubby if he can remember his name) is not the most pleasant guy to chat with. He makes you feel like everything is your fault or that you are over-exaggerating things. The night I thought there was poop in the corner of the kids' upstairs bedroom (it most certainly looked like it and by that point, I wasn't putting anything past this place. LOL) they came over. After looking at it, and then getting down and picking it up, he found it was a piece of weird looking plastic stuff. Not sure what, but it was weird. Anyway, I said that I went by what it looked like and I wasn't going to get close enough to find out on that one. But based on where it was and how it looked, I did assume it was a small dog's poopy accident. Anyway, he gruffly said, "well, maybe you shouldn't make assumptions." This is after all the other bologna we've been dealing with! Then, when we went downstairs after that, he asked if there was anything else and we showed him the fire extinguisher came off the wall. The anchor that is supposed to hold it into the wall came out, so the whole unit including the bracket came off the wall. We told him we took it off the wall so the kids wouldn't get hurt. He said that they shouldn't be touching it anyway. This is a fire extinguisher that is at knee level at the base of the stairs in the middle of the house!! We took it down because we were afraid that if the kids were running around and accidently knocked against it, it would fall on them and hurt them!! How rude!! While everything in me wanted to scream that maybe he should have anchored the darn thing into a stud, or placed it out of reach of children, or done the job properly right the 1st time, I held my tongue. But, it was oohhhh so hard!

The house cleaner of this house is not so thorough, but I feel so bad saying that. She is so nice and timid, but clearly, she misses many things. The place was dusty, fridge had crumbs in it, towels/sheets I think they assume guests launder and don't take the extra effort to launder for sanitary reasons. Of course, even with that said, when Donna walks the place after she cleans and gives it a "thumbs up" for the next guest to move in, I really feel that with power comes responsibility. And surely, the house cleaner cannot be the sole responsible party for all the shortcomings of this house's issues.

I give this info because, while the owner said she's never really had any complaints on her before, it's clear to me, she does not have the ability to take critisim well. And as the "face" for the owners, working directly to manage both the property and meet the needs of the guests staying in that property, it's important to know how your needs will be handled.

When I asked for an apology for the things we went through, she simply said that she thanked us for bringing them to her attention, but didn't feel she had anything to apologize for. That is NOT how any guest should be treated. I didn't ask for my money back. I didn't even ask for my cleaning fee to be returned, though, in all honesty, it most certainly should have been. And it should have been returned to those staying before us. I did 32 loads of laundry that week that we were on vacation and very little of it was my family's clothing! That is a lot of wasted vacation time that was spent making sure we were sure to have clean bedding and to pay it forward to the next guests to know in our hearts that they would not unknowingly grab towels out of the linen closet that had another person's hair on it. :scared1: Granted, as Donna claimed, I may be one of the "anal" guest types that just does things unnecessarily because I feel it has to be done, but I have never had to do that before. Not at Polynesian Isles, Bonnet Creek, Cypress Pointe Grand Villas, Celebrity Resort, in the Smokies or Myrtle Beach at resorts we've stayed at there, or in any of the other dozens of places we've stayed over the years.

Anyway, my short summary is now much longer and I really need to run. I just feel it's very important to give as much detail as possible for those researching because it's important when you are spending your money and also, for the health/safety of you and your family. I am so glad we were blessed to have gotten in on a last minute deal which didn't require an advanced deposit, because surely, Donna would have nickle and dime'd it away. Okay, THAT is my opinion. LOL But it's one I'm gonna keep. I will never stay at another property managed by this individual again. Sadly, the townhome we stayed at was wonderful in that the owners clearly put a lot into the home to make it a magical place to stay. Beautiful artwork, adorable bedding, comfy beds. Sadly, it's all been stained by those they have entrusted to care for it in their absence.

If you want me to post pics, I will. I did take quite a few to protect ourselves, once we started receiving the threat of fees. Otherwise, I know I'm a rather vivid writer, so I'm sure you are getting the picture. LOL

Thanks everyone and hope you have a pleasant stay, wherever you stay when visiting Disney!!
Say it isn't so!! Erica I have been following along with your vacation woes - and now - as selfish as it sounds - I hope they don't repeat for me in December! We booked with Dave Robinson back in April for our trip in December. I totally agree in your opinion of the Owner - he seems like a great guy! I don't think I could be any more pleased or impressed with the process he has laid out - lots of info and reassurances - and from his website - looks very proud of his properties. The part that worries me the most - guess who is named as the PM of our property? :cool2:

I'm going to try to get my excitement level back to where it was an hour ago! I will continue to look forward to our trip - and when I send in my balance payment next month - I hope to get a reassurance from Mr. Robinson that we will have a GREAT visit to his property!

Erica - thank you for your post - you have given me the information I need to be on my toes. You have also made Mr. Robinson aware of issues that he might not have discovered.

I hope your next vacation trip with your family is AWESOME!
I wouldn't be too worried about it. We rented from Dave at vacationcentralflorida.com a little over a year ago and had none of the problems stated above. Everything was clean, no slept on beds, clean linens, all dishes were clean, etc. We did have to do a wash of the linens before we left but you weren't required to fold and put them away. It was easy enough to get the three bed sheets and towels we used all in one load. Set it off in the morning, go the park, and when you come back for lunch, throw it in the dryer. I can't possibly see how it can take somone 32 loads of laundry to do this. I think someone might be exagerating a little bit. There was dishwashing and laundry detergent already in the condo. We thought it was missing too when we first arrived but found it buried in one of the cabinets (under the sink maybe?) There was also a full roll of toilet paper on the hanger in each bathroom and another roll was under the sink. If you go through more than 2 rolls per bathroom for a 7 day stay you should probably buy your own. I don't remember papertowls being available. I think we bought a roll when we went and got groceries for teh week. As for the glasses. There were plenty. One whole cabinet in the kitchen was filled with glasses. Do a search on here and you will find tons of people who were happy with renting from these people. We were so pleased with it that we booked another stay recently for this coming May.

I wouldn't be too worried about it. We rented from Dave at vacationcentralflorida.com a little over a year ago and had none of the problems stated above. Everything was clean, no slept on beds, clean linens, all dishes were clean, etc. We did have to do a wash of the linens before we left but you weren't required to fold and put them away. It was easy enough to get the three bed sheets and towels we used all in one load. Set it off in the morning, go the park, and when you come back for lunch, throw it in the dryer. I can't possibly see how it can take somone 32 loads of laundry to do this. I think someone might be exagerating a little bit. There was dishwashing and laundry detergent already in the condo. We thought it was missing too when we first arrived but found it buried in one of the cabinets (under the sink maybe?) There was also a full roll of toilet paper on the hanger in each bathroom and another roll was under the sink. If you go through more than 2 rolls per bathroom for a 7 day stay you should probably buy your own. I don't remember papertowls being available. I think we bought a roll when we went and got groceries for teh week. As for the glasses. There were plenty. One whole cabinet in the kitchen was filled with glasses. Do a search on here and you will find tons of people who were happy with renting from these people. We were so pleased with it that we booked another stay recently for this coming May.


How could you wash the sheets before you leave if you have to check out at 10:00 AM? You would have to get up pretty early to get them all washed and dried. I don't see how you could go to a park, then come back and put them in the dryer. Didn't you sleep on them that night, thus making them dirty again.

I never liked the idea that you have to trust the person before you to wash linens. I do understand why they do it, but it is a lot for a family to do in the morning before check out, and I'm sure some don't bother.

I have booked with Dave Robinson for my next vacation too, and I have to admit I now feel a little uneasy about it.
How could you wash the sheets before you leave if you have to check out at 10:00 AM? You would have to get up pretty early to get them all washed and dried. I don't see how you could go to a park, then come back and put them in the dryer. Didn't you sleep on them that night, thus making them dirty again.

I never liked the idea that you have to trust the person before you to wash linens. I do understand why they do it, but it is a lot for a family to do in the morning before check out, and I'm sure some don't bother.

I have booked with Dave Robinson for my next vacation too, and I have to admit I now feel a little uneasy about it.

When you get up in the morning, just toss the sheets in the washer. Take your shower, have some breakfast and by that time they are done. Throw them in the dryer, turn it on, and enjoy the rest of your day. You don't have to be there when the dryer is running and you don't have to fold them when done.

Hi, we were at WH in Sept.

1. It is common when you rent a condo that supplies are not provided. I believe this is stated on the WH website. When we went we brought the Purex laundry sheets with us to wash our clothing. They only gave us one roll of toilet paper per bathroom but we expected that as we always rent condos and this is typical.

2. Cleanliness: We too had problems with the cleanliness of our condo. There was popcorn under the coffee table and dirty men's socks under one of the twin beds in the kids room.

3. It is normal for them to expect you to put in a load of towels/sheets upon your departure, it is like this at every condo we have stayed at, ones that are not at WH, in other vacations spots we have stayed at.

4. We did call the property mgr. as several of our cups were not clean and the other things I mentioned. The property mgr. came over to see the things I told her about and called the cleaning service from the condo. I think you should call them.


I updated with info about property management in #55, but will be able to add pics later if you want them. I have to run out for errands and work on homeschooling my son. Sorry to those who don't like reading long posts. I'm clearly incapable of writing without an abundance of detail. LOL!

This is our first time renting a "home" vs a resort. I didn't think there would be too much of a difference, other than a little more seclusion and no scheduled activities, etc.

I'm not going to state the home we are in, but need to ask some questions because I am a little disappointed. But I'm not sure if this is stuff that is typical or if it truly is stuff that I should be upset about. Would love former visitors to WH to let me know if you experienced the same so I know if I need to contact the owner/manager or if I need to just let it all slide. Thanks!!

First, the house is gorgeous. None of the issues I'm upset about are the owner's fault at all. They are definitely whoever is managing the property. Mostly, what irks me is being charged $95 for a cleaning fee, but the place really isn't clean. I'm going to have to spend all day today just cleaning to feel we can use the stuff in the kitchen.

-My daughter's bed definitely looked like the sheets were not changed. Not just typical wrinkles, which were obvious in the sheets. But near the edge of her side of the bed and on the pillowcase, there was the "crushed" wrinkles as if slept or laid in.

-No dishwashing soap. No extra toilet paper. Just what is on the rolls. No paper towels.

-On the last day, we are required to wash and dry ALL the towels before leaving. I normally do this anyway, so no big deal, but there is NO laundry detergent supplied. With a requirement like that, how am I supposed to trust that the tenent BEFORE us actually used detergent to wash the towels?? I am sure they probably did, but with it being a requirement of the tenent to go out and obtain laundry detergent to wash the towels and actually WASH them all, I'm a little concerned that maybe they weren't done?? Not trying to be paranoid, but a little offended that management doesn't insure this is done personally.

-The house sleeps 8-10 people, but there are 4 large glasses and 2-3 large glasses and they are all mis-matched. Not even enough for everyone to drink out of at one meal!

-When I went to grab a glass to use, it had lipstick on it! UGH! (again yuck, because I didn't know I'd need to bring/buy dish soap)

-When I went to make my coffee this morning, the coffee mug had white residue all inside the coffee mug:( UGH

-When I went to get the kids' plates and cups out of the cabinet, all the cups were still wet on the insides of the cups. While it's great that they were washed, who knows how long they have been sitting there with water sitting in them??

-The pool fence states it needs to be locked when not in use, but it's broken and can't be locked. I have 4 kids, so that is disappointing.

-The pack n play provided for babies has a side completely cut out! Like, the entire mesh lining is removed! It's a little tough keeping the little one in there with a side missing, ya know? In defense, there is another pack n play supplied. I just didn't bother checking it as my eyes were tired of rolling by this point:)

-Other random things like hairs, dust, fridge had crumbs in it, light on microwave doesn't work, kitchen throw rugs are dirty, dishwasher has stuff all over the front of it, my son's toilet had the clean toilet band on it, but when I lifted the lid to take him potty, there was a hair on the seat, etc.

I'm not a super picky person. I normally can overlook a lot and just deal with it, but I'm kind of annoyed by this stuff. I didn't expect a perfect home or anything. I personally don't have one myself, so definitely wouldn't expect to rent one. But, I guess, with the high reviews, I was expecting things like this to not be issues. Is this normal or should I contact management? I don't want to be a pain and certainly don't want to waste my week getting caught up in repairs and maintance issues, but I'm sure the next renters may want these things dealt with as well?? Thanks for the insight!!
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