UPDATED w/ more PICS!! At WH's right now and need some advice from former visitors...

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It is unfortunate that the place was not clean. This really surprises me as we have stayed in Windosr Hills and clearly before we left we knew to strip the beds a 5 bedroom of the sheets and start a load and we even cleaned a bit with clorox wipes and started the dishes in the dish washer. We brought our own toilet paper being self serve is what we assumed and also brought our own laundry soap sheets to use. I think I would like seeing the pics going this far and following this post and no pics because we should assume what is being told. I personally would give you your cleaning fee or not charge it which most people do not if you stay 7 days or more. Although who knows. If you are still offended by the condition and feel it rouined your vacationMaybe the only ramification to satisfy you would be to look for legal ramification as you obviously feel your vacation was ruined and still are angry. I think that mistakes do happen though and you must decide what is right by you. I personally would move on. I think the courts are full of unnecessary things already and do not spend much time on stuff like this as worse has happened in my many yrs of living that is not necessarily right. If I had a day in court for every wrong I'd be in court every day.
I am a firm believer in you get what you pay for.
Whenever we've stayed at the lowest priced vacation homes, seems the homes were not quite as shiny and nice as the more expensive ones.
We've experienced this all over the country.
We once stayed at a 4 bedroom villa in Hilton Head Island where I had to clean the villa top to bottom before I could relax. Filthy glass and windows, Crumbs and cherrios swept under the couch, sticky counters, tar stains on the tile, food stains in sink and fridge, The toilet clogged, a closet door fell off it's hinges, found a thong in a dresser drawer (blech!) and most of the light bulbs were burned out. I called on all these things and was met with the same attitude you described. The owners rented it cheap because they wanted people in it. To rent it cheap, they had to find a cheap management company. To charge homeowners less, the management company hires cheaper cleaners, people who don't get paid much don't care as much and so on and so forth. That was the worst, but we've stayed in one that was well worn in Orlando as well. Not as dirty, but it certainly needed all new linens, pillows, mattresses, etc. We were refunded $150 for our trouble on that villa in Hilton Head, I took photos of everything when we walked in, emailed these along with a request for a cleaning fee from the owner.

Saying all that, we've booked a lower priced six bedroom home in Windsor Hills for next month. Off season it's more than $150 a night cheaper than peak season. We're hoping that's the only difference. The online photos look wonderful, but we also know how that goes. They could have been taken six years and 150 rentals ago. If the cleaner hasn't done their job, it could be a mess. Or even if the house hasn't been rented in awhile, it could be dusty. It needs to be inspected by management thoroughly before being rented and thoroughly cleaned after.

I've contacted the management (vacation by the mouse) and told them of our past experiences and to make sure the cleaners KNOW we will be picky. Picky in the fact we expect clean surfaces, dishes, linens, floors, etc. If it's not, we'll expect someone over there asap to clean it up. We're not doing it, we're on vacation.

We do not have to wash linens before we leave, just strip the beds down to the mattress pads and pile them up in a corner, as with the towels. I have never heard of washing and drying the linens and towels before you leave. Putting the dishes in and starting the dishwasher-yes. I always make it look decent before we leave, but don't do a deep cleaning. That's the housekeepers job.

Before I sleep in any bed other than my own, I pull back the covers and sheets and inspect the bed with a lighted magnifying glass for anything that shouldn't be there, including bed bugs. Everyone should do this! If I find anything questionable, management gets called asap. The inspection should take place the minute you walk in the door. I do the same at hotels.

I always bring our own small bottle of Dish soap, laundry detergent, (love the new Purex all in one laundry/softener sheets) paper products, plastic cups, condiments and spices. Sometimes a non stick fry pan as well.

Don't stop renting houses because of this one bad experience. We've had many more good ones than bad and the space to spread out is priceless!
I really don't believe in "the what you get is what you pay for" when referring to Windsor Hills. This really has to do with the housekeeping/property mgr. of a particular unit. I spoke in detail to the woman about the issues in our condo and it is hard to get the housekeepers to do what they are suppose to do. The owners pay to have a company clean these units, it really is not the owner's fault, it is the fault of the property mgr. and cleaning company. You really need to let the property mgr. and the owner know about this so that the owner will know he/she is not getting what they are paying for. This is how we handled our situation at WH when we were there in Sept.
32 loads of laundry!??? Wow...just...wow.
I am going to have to comment on this post. We just got back from WDW. Upon reading the post, I started thinking that this HAD to be the townhouse we stayed in.

The broken pool gate, along with the master bedroom's white sheet and "yellowish?" pillowcases. We simply thought that maybe we were just really dumb, and couldn't figure the pool gate out?! The area by the pool was quite dirty with some sort of sand/ashy material of some kind. My kids feet were filthy after going out there. The carpets had many stains as well.

Overall the house seemed nice, but there were obviously some problems. We actually had to keep washing towels because we simply didn't have enough. Then, of course, we had to have them washed and dried before checking out. Most places just suggest that you "start" the towels upon leaving. Anyway, since we are putting it all out there..I must say that my back also hurt the entire time because our bed was horribly uncomfortable!!

Also, in every condo we have previously stayed in, there is a note letting us know not to leave food out because of ants. I understand this. We have never had a problem. Well in this townhouse, almost every afternoon we would come home to find the smallest crumb from breakfast covered with many ants! Not fun.

We have stayed at WH two times previously and have had good experiences both times. I also rented this place based on the good reviews. Our experience wasn't horrible or anything, but it left a bit to be desired for sure! Oh well. :(

Just wanted to add that I just read the OP's part about the rugs not being clean, well I guess if we stayed in the same house, the rugs were removed. We had no bathroom or kitchen rugs. We had to step out of the shower on folded towels! The kids had a very dirty bathroom rug, which my dd called my attention to.
We are staying at WH again on our next trip. When I did a search for available units, numerous people got back to me including one man that called me on the phone. He was real nice and asked me about my last stay at WH (not his unit), I told him what I wrote previously under this thread. He said that not all of the owners use the same cleaning company so I am hoping that the unit we are renting this time uses a different one.

In reading what the previous poster wrote, I rem. we had dingy towels too and a highly uncomfortable bed. I expect uncomfortable beds in every place I stay with the exception of the Dolphin as we used to stay there when we could afford it, but now I expect beds to be hard so that was not a complaint of mine.

To the OP, as I had said prev., you need to expect to buy essentials when you stay in rental condos but you should not expect to have dirty dishes, floors, etc.
Just wanted to comment that ultimately the owner hires the management company, the management company employs the cleaners, pool person, pest control, HVAC person, etc. Whenever the owner is choosing the management company they should take into consideration not just the person/persons managing the property but those they chose on the Team, which is so important to the daily functioning and maintenance of a short-term rental condo/townhome/home. Even if the owner was not actively involved with the property, it is hard to believe that things would get to this extent without guests having reported any issues or problems. Ultimately, the owner is responsible just as a CEO is responsible for how a company is run, with those that he/she employs to run the business.

just wanted to add, even though everyone was nice when i had reported all of the issues we had with our unit, i won't rent from this particular owner again even though he was nice. all parts have to work together in order to have a unit that is rented time and time again by the same people.

Just wanted to comment that ultimately the owner hires the management company, the management company employs the cleaners, pool person, pest control, HVAC person, etc. Whenever the owner is choosing the management company they should take into consideration not just the person/persons managing the property but those they chose on the Team, which is so important to the daily functioning and maintenance of a short-term rental condo/townhome/home. Even if the owner was not actively involved with the property, it is hard to believe that things would get to this extent without guests having reported any issues or problems. Ultimately, the owner is responsible just as a CEO is responsible for how a company is run, with those that he/she employs to run the business.

I wonder if most of the properties in WH are managed by a PM or are owner managed? When we last stayed, I think that the owners themselves managed the property and therefore we more in touch with what was going on. I'm really sorry you had such a bad experience, OP- I know not liking where you stay can wreck a vacation but I hope you managed to have fun anyway :)
I feel that if an owner wants to continue to get business then they need to keep up on their place and make sure the property management company is doing what they need to be doing.

Charging someone a cleaning fee when its not clean is just wrong and then acting like the renter is causing problems is not the way I would want someone talking to my guests if I owned one of these homes.

I really feel the owners need to be held accountable for their properties. A property management company will do as much or little as they can get away with. If you care about your home (you do own it) then you need to be a little more involved in the running of it at least making sure the company is taking care of your home.

It sounds like some of these companies do the bare minimum and know that most of the owners are absent owners and its the renters word vs. theirs.

At the least the owner of the OP's home should have refunded the cleaning fee. Heck they should have paid her for doing the work that her management company obviously isnt doing!

This is why I am hesitant to consider renting a home.
I am a Windsor Hills townhome owner and wish to add a few thoughts to this discussion. The marketing approach that the owners of the property being discussed in this thread is well known to and often discussed by Windsor Hills owners. None of us would be surprised by the content of this thread.

Regarding cleaning, I have decideded that people's standards vary greatly and it is sometimes very hard to figure out which complaints are legitimate and which may not be. For example, earlier this year, I had 3 time repeat guests stay in my property. The husband and wife own a property management company in their hometown and they were previously very complimentary about the property condition and cleanliness upon their return. After this third trip, I received an email where they thanked me for a nice vacation but mentioned some cleaning/maintenance issues that troubled them. I took their concerns seriously and since I was planning to be there the following week, I decided not to say anything to my management company so I could get an accurate picture of things without "tipping them off". I told the guest that I was going down to the property and would check it out and get back to them. I did contact the guests that checked out just before these guests arrived. They raved about the property, referred to it as fantastic and had absolutely no complaints. I was a bit puzzled but anxious to see for myself. When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised by what I saw. None of the issues that were raised appeared to be a problem with the exception of a frayed end on a floor runner that I simply cut off. I did get back to the guest, sent them an excerpt of the comments from the guests before them, told them of my observations and that I had to respectfully disagree with their assessment. I suspect the guest will not return but the other guest just rebooked for this year. It is sometimes hard to figure!
I believe there are chronic complainers out there who do it just to try to get something back. Not that the OP is one. Just in general. I knew someone who complained at every restaurant she ate at and always got something for free.
When we were there we just told the property manager about the issues as she had come by to fix the clogged toilet. I never approached it as complaining, just informing her of what areas needed to be improved upon.

Given the dirtiness of the unit we stayed in, we won't stay in that unit again. I've since booked again with WH thru another mgmt. company in hopes that a different cleaning crew cleans their units.
I guess I should just post pics. I'll upload them to photobucket today when I get a chance and then post them to the board. I just haven't had time because I'm trying to finish up our costumes so we can head back to Disney.

Regardless of how "anal" some guests may be, treating a guest with such rudeness isn't okay. I never asked for anything in return. I made note of the things wrong with the place. Do I think I should have had my cleaning fee refunded? Absolutely!! The place wasn't clean and I spent my entire week on vacation doing laundry/dealing with maintanence issues/etc. A cleaning fee should not be charged, in my opinion to guests in these types of situations. I lost a lot of my time on vacation that should have been spent at parks or in the pool, but instead was dealing with issues that they failed to address prior to my arriving.

Sorry I haven't been on and gotten pics up before now, but with 4 little ones, homeschooling, having 2 children who are mildly autistic, running a household, etc., I'm always going and usually a bit exhausted. Which is why, when my vacation was spent doing all that work without even so much as an apology from Donna, I get a little peeved when seeing statements about chronic complainers being the issue. No. The issue is a property management team that is not managing the properties as well as they should and have the audacity to steer the blame toward the guest rather than themselves. They are getting paid to take care of the property. We pay to stay in a clean unit while we vacation. The line between the two should never grow so thin that there is debate over which is not doing what they are there to do.
I agree with you. Did you ask for the cleaning fee to be refunded? Maybe you should send those pictures to the owner.
Regardless of how "anal" some guests may be, treating a guest with such rudeness isn't okay. I never asked for anything in return. I made note of the things wrong with the place.

Which is why, when my vacation was spent doing all that work without even so much as an apology from Donna, I get a little peeved when seeing statements about chronic complainers being the issue. No. The issue is a property management team that is not managing the properties as well as they should and have the audacity to steer the blame toward the guest rather than themselves. They are getting paid to take care of the property. We pay to stay in a clean unit while we vacation. The line between the two should never grow so thin that there is debate over which is not doing what they are there to do.

I hope you didn't take offense at my post above. I was simply stating that I realize that there will always be people who scam and try to get something for free, so I understand that the property manager and/or owner might be a little defensive at first, but when she saw the problems, she should have apologized for them and immediately rectified them. If she'd done that, I'm sure you would have been satisfied. The attitude of the person receiving the complaints can go a long way toward solving the problem.
No! I didn't take offense to your post at all! Donna herself mentioned that some guests are just more "anal" about things, which is why I quoted it. She pretty much belittled the issues as if we were blowing them out of proportion. Off to Photobucket to upload the pics. Then you guys can see if I was just expecting too much.
When looking at condos at WH I had contact with This specific rental company and got a very RUDE e-mail from the owner. I sent back and e-mail and told him under no circumstance would I ever rent from him. With an attitude like his I would not feel comfortable staying in one of his homes.
I bet I know who you are speaking of :) lol. Interestingly enough, since this thread was started, this owner sent out a survey asking questions. One of them was do you believe what is said on forums such as the DisBoards. lol. I answered yes. I'll never rent from that person again. I put that in there too. This person is a total jerk.

When looking at condos at WH I had contact with This specific rental company and got a very RUDE e-mail from the owner. I sent back and e-mail and told him under no circumstance would I ever rent from him. With an attitude like his I would not feel comfortable staying in one of his homes.
Sorry it is taking so long to upload the pics. I have to upload them to photobucket and it is taking forever. Because they are so big, I have to resize them, crop them, etc. I have a ton of pics to weed though because I took different angles and such to cover my bum should anything come back at us. Does anyone have a request as to what you want pics of? I have the worn stuff, the yellow stained pillows, the disgusting yuck that was all over the front of the dishwasher the day we arrived, bugs in my daughter's room that they said were lovebugs but I'm sure you'll agree are not :scared1:, the scratched up cookware, etc. If you have something in particular you want a pic of, please let me know so I can post only those that are helpful. LOL Otherwise, this is going to take FOREVER and I'm sure DIS would prefer I not post 200 or even 20 pics of townhouse issues. LOL
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