VENT! (short)


DIS Veteran
Aug 22, 1999



LOL! Well you could be at Disney where the Soft Drink is $3.00!

Our grocery store doesn't use a card thank goodness.
It helps them build their demographics and target their marketing.

You should have seen the face on the clerk at Kohls yesterday. She asked for my zipcode and I told her she didn't need it. I do the same at Lowe's when they ask for my phone number.

I don't know why they feel like they need to track you at the grocery store. I suppose it's some kind of marketing thingie

What do they say when you do that? I know Wal-Mart tracks the things you bring back by your DL number (I know this because I worked there in college.) When I return things they never ask for my DL just my number so I make one up:)
Im with you Buz. My standard answer for phone #, zip, whatever is "Id rather not". It drive me nuts.

As for cards, I dont mind the supermarket ones so much, but its the CVS one that drives me bonkers! The clerk always puts it down on the red counter so it blends right in. Ive almost forgotten to take it back a few times and I think I actually did forget once(lost it somewhere). I am always, always overcharged on sale items at CVS(not always the same store), even when I use the card, so I really resent it.
Yes, the high price of a pop is particularly irksome. In a restaurant, for a family of 4, you pay $2.50, add the tax (we have tax of 15% on everything we buy), add the tip on the tax, and you're spending over $10.00 for what? Some sugar water!!!:mad:
I like the card at the supermarket. No clipping coupons.
My sis is a the head cashier at a grocery store and I will tell you why we need a card...because people STEAL them blind.
Some of the stories she tells, unbelievable.
Originally posted by Buz
It helps them build their demographics and target their marketing.

You should have seen the face on the clerk at Kohls yesterday. She asked for my zipcode and I told her she didn't need it. I do the same at Lowe's when they ask for my phone number.


I usually make up a zipcode. :teeth:
We have the cards for all the local stores . They even give us
little ones for our key rings. If you don't want sale prices don't use the card that is pretty simple.
As far as lying about the zip code. Seems pretty childish to me. I see no harm in telling them what zip code I come from. Unless you are ashamed of where that is. I can understand not wanting to tell a phone number that is personal.

tracks your purchease with the card. At Thanksgiving we got a free 20 lb turkey for having spent the nedded amount, and last week we go 5% off for spending the right amount. We have to shop anyway, so we use the card. I don't mind giving anyone my zip code, except I usually give them my work one because I remember it better. I haven't ever been asked for my phone number, I wouldn't give it out if they did.

Also our grocery card is tied in to school donations, if you sign up for a specific school, they will donate a percent of your totals to that school. With out the card, they just keep the $.
I believe that the purchasing information can also be sold to marketing companies which gives the stores more profit.

At our Krogers if you forget your card they have a floating one they use so you still get the discounts.
My sis is a the head cashier at a grocery store and I will tell you why we need a card...because people STEAL them blind.

So the card tracks shoplifters? Can you elaborate? That is interesting.

I personally don't mind the card - its the kind that goes on my keychain.
At our Krogers if you forget your card they have a floating one they use so you still get the discounts.

I was told at Kroger last night "Oh, you forgot your card. That's too bad. You could have saved some money."

That's why I started this thread. I think I'll just start shopping somewhere else.
Originally posted by snoopy
So the card tracks shoplifters? Can you elaborate? That is interesting.

Yes the card tracks shoplifters/check bouncers/people that have committed money fraud against their stores believe it or not. And there are a TON!!! When you write a check your name is in the system. If the persons SSN is a red flag in the system the draw will lock, when groceries are being purchased. Or at the courtesy counter they have a thingie that they use. Her job is to keep the person at the store while the police is called. It is a race to see if she can detain them so they can be arrested. Most of the time they know the deal and bolt out the door. Also it tracks people that sometimes will have not one but 3 or 4 different SSN against their 3 or 4 false names.
That is the true nature of the grocery card. Stores just get ripped off so bad.
The primary purpose of discount cards is to build a marketing demographic on you. This provides the store with 2 advantages. 1) They can determine product demand to better serve you (a good thing) and 2) The can you information (including address) to mailing lists for a profit (definitely a bad thing). Because of #2, I refuse to shop at a store that require these cards to get discounts.

I don't disagee that they could be used to track fraud and theft, but the store I deal with uses driver licences for this.
They also track exactly what you buy for other purposes. Our store has those checkout coupons that automatically come out when your paying. Since my son is allergic to corn syrup, I need to buy sugar-free ketchup. Now almost every time I go there I get coupons for diabetic supplies and products.
I don't mind giving them my zip code because I'm hoping they see that a lot of people travel from my area to that particular store & will put one in my area. LOL

I refuse to give my phone number (unless I'm paying by check and they ask for it) When the clerk says, "may I have your phone number?" I simply say, "I'd rather not," and they don't blink an eye.
This is just a pet peeve of mine. For YEARS Albertson advertised that they were a "No Card Needed" store... and then over night they require their store card. You really are not saving money... they jack up the prices and then offer a card price that is actually realistic. Don't people remember that even before store cards became out the stores still had sales... nothing has changed except that now we are required to give out personal information to shop as we have done for years.

On a side not - I hate Albertson's anyway. Things always ring up the wrong price at the register and always in the stores favor. Last week I was in there and bought 4 Red Barron pizzas that were clearly marked 4 for $10, each one rang up at $5 something... the cashier argued and said that I was crazy and bought the wrong ones. I told her to get me the manager and do a price check... I was right and they corrected the price. According to Albertson's Price Accuracy Guaranty I should have gotten the 1st item that scanned wrong free. The cashier said I would have to go to customer service to get a refund. Then I paid with a check.. I have a very Jewish last name.. The &*%$# cashier comments "Oh, I should have known you were Jewish"!!! That's when I lost it and started getting very angry and voiced my opinion how sorry their customer service was and became rather loud (I had been stuck in the check lane and customer service line for over 30 minutes because of the mistake) The manager comes out again and tells me to please leave the store and that she would rather me take my business elsewhere.


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