Virgin Atlantic - messed up twice!


Planning for 2019
Mar 3, 2000
I rang to reserve our seats on the flight on Sunday, and whilst I was on just thought I would ask what the situation was regarding availability of DVDs with captioned films for deaf passengers, as they had withdrawn this service in October.

I was pleased to hear that they had re-instated the DVDs 2 weeks ago, but never one to trust anyone after past experiences, I decided to ring Virgin Atlantic Reservations. Again I was told the DVDs were available from tomorrow, so slight difference in info, but good news nevertheless.

Today I decided to ring Virgin Holidays Special Needs to see if they were aware of this news, and when I rang them they said they didn't know about it, and thought maybe it was wrong. Reason being that VA recently re-introduced DVDs to Upper Class, but this didn't include the captioned films.

Another call to Virgin Atlantic confirmed this to be true, the only DVDs available were to Upper Class, and not with subtitled films anyway.

So... after having my hopes raised yesterday, I am now backto square one. Very angry at VA for giving out wrong information (Twice) and very disappointed that nothing has changed in the situation since October.

I have spoken to VA Special Needs senior officer who actually attends meetings where decisions are made, and who will try his best to put forward my case. So it's just a case of wait and see now. We don't fly until December so they have plenty of time to get their act together.

Very disappointed, to say the least :(
Mazzy - :mad: I'm fuming for you. If I were to speak to them I'd suggest you were upgraded to First Class to ensure you get the captioned films . . . how many special needs people would really use first class do you think?

Keep trying in there, flower.
Hi Mrs Dazzle :wave:

Even if Virgin upgraded me to First Class (hahaha) I still wouldn't have any captioned films. The DVDs they have re-introduced to First Class come with standard films, ie no captions. They are for the use of passengers whose in-flight entertainment has broken down apparently.

As usual, the minority, in this case the deaf passengers, are on the bottom of the list! I have done as much as I can now really, all I can do is wait and see if they get their act together by December.
Mazzy i bet you can guess what my response will be LOL!!!

As usual Deaf passengers always bear the brunt of cutbacks, i wonder how long it will be before wheelchair users have their wheelchairs taken away from them!!!.

Jules soon to be on the phone to virgin!!!
Mazzy -

is it the DVD player, or the actual DVD that has the captions? Would it be possible for you to buy or hire a couple of captioned films, and then argue for use of one of the machines from first class?

Another thought - is there an national association for Deaf people who provide equipment etc? Would they possibly have DVD players available for hire?

I think Bev's suggestion may be your best bet under the circumstances (although you never know what might have changed by December!), if captioned DVDs are easy to find.

If all else fails, think positive and try not to let this spoil the holiday for you. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you, and I know that you chose Virgin because they offered a facility which they have now withdrawn, but it would be a shame if the trouble you're having now affects the holiday you've looked forward to for so long.

Don't let them get you down!
Thanks everyone for your replies, it's appreciated :D

I'm not really that up on DVDs as I still have a video player at home. For this I buy normal videos from the shops, but they do have to have the CC displayed on the box to show they have captions 'built in. The captions will only show on a special video player which 'picks them up'.

I haven't a clue how the DVD's work, especially in a hand-held player.

When Virgin had a hand held VIDEO player on their flights in the past, it used very small videos with the subtitles inprinted on them ie the subtitles were built into the tape and would show on any hand held video player.

If anyone has a clue how the DVDs work I would be grateful to know, whether the captions would 'show up' on any DVD player or whether you need a special DVD player, like I need a special video player for my videos.

Hope that you can understand what I'm trying to say.

Any help would be great! :D
To the best of my knowledge, all DVDs have subtitles built-in, often in several languages. Similarly, all DVD players can play them - you just have to turn on the option.
Mazzy,you dont need a special DVD to play the captions, last time i used the watchmans they werent actually DVDs!!!, they were video tapes with subtitling facilitys, so this could proove a problem, as DVd's and video arent the same.
Not only that all the video's that they have(which there are a few), only a handful(3) on my virgin flight last year were captioned!!

Bev im afraid there is no organisation that provides this equipment unless you buy it yourself, hence why mazzy and myself are on the band wagon with this one, this is going on for a fair few months now isnt it mazzy!.

Shame the DDA doesnt apply to air travel.


To follow up on my last post, all of my DVDs have an option for 'English subtitles for the hearing impaired'.

My DVD player (which is a standard one) allows me to veiw these. You select it via the 'Language' option in the main DVD menu; the menu is a function of the DVD NOT the player so any player ought to be able to display subtitles.

Assuming that the Virgin players use DVDs, then you should be able to have subtitles; all you need to do is pursuade them to let you have one.

With video tapes, it was a different story, as you needed a special video player to show the closed caption subtitles but with DVDs, this is not the case.

Hope this helps.
yep, that is all correct about dvds you just need to select which language subtitle you want to see so the portable dvd players onboard should be exactly the same
Richard, Neil, the "video" watchmans that virgin have are "Video's" not DVD's hence the problem with the captioning, as this is my line of work, and also having a deaf son, im very aware of the way captions work, the problem with virgin, is that these video watchmans arent compatible with DVD's and the video catalogue they have only have captioning on certain video's, if it was a case of these being DVD it would make life alot easier!!!.Hope this clarifys

Ah Ok, Mazzy said that they had DVDs for Upper Class - if they are video players then that is not so useful.
Just a side note.... I am in Chicago at the moment (husband is here on business, I am spending a few days topping up my tan before our holiday to Florida in 1 1/2 weeks time ;-)) and spotted a personal DVD player (with built in screen) in Walmart yesterday - it was under $450 (about £300). Okay this is not cheap, but you can't get one in the UK for under about £650.

I believe that US and UK DVDs are incompatible - so if you bought a US one, you would be limited to buying US DVDs to play on it - but just a thought. You are better off with you own (if you can afford one) - since you never know when Virgin will re-introduce them and, when they do, you don't want to be restricted to just flying Virgin...

You reaslise that you spend too much time on these boards when:
(a) you log on from a Chicago hotel room.
(b) you are in Walmart and think of Mazzy whilst browsing the electronics department...

ah right ok didn't realise they weren't dvds.....

come on virgin, buck yer ideas up and see what a dramatic difference a mere £1000 would make to buy a personal dvd player for each plane !
Hi everyone - thanks for all your replies! :D

Boo Boo - thanks for thinking of me! :D

Jules - just to clear things up, yes Virgin did used to have personal video watchmans, but last September DVDs were brought in to replace them, the watchmans are long gone so we are talking about DVD players here which from the sound of it is going to make things easier.

Thanks to all of you for the info - from what you say then, there should be no problem at all should there? I didn't realise that DVDs were 'installed' with their own subtitle system which plays on any machine, and doesn't need a special 'de-coder' so that is great news.

I am going to get back on to Virgin Atlantic now as they don't seem to be aware of this either, as they keep talking as if the deaf need some kind of special player.

I will let you know how I get on - things are looking more hopeful now, so thanks everyone for the info :D
Mazzy, the DVD's werent introduced for long!, whats happened to the video watchmans, they arent obsolite, and they must be somewhere in the company, the video's are still viable and avalible today, perhaps we should try this avenue, rather than flogging a dead horse?.

Well I rang Virgin Atlantic again and spoke to the same guy as yesterday, and asked him about the DVDs. As always, it's not as simple as I thought, as the DVDs Virgin use are not the same as we buy in the shops. They are supplied on lease from the entertainment provider - similar to cinemas being provided with films - and apparently they don't have the same 'language facility' as the DVDs available to the public.

I actually received a letter too yesterday, stating my concerns in detail, and also stating the fact that the special assistance guy has requested a meeting to discuss the situation so he certainly seems to be trying his best.

When I spoke to him yesterday he said as it's 5 months before I fly he was very positive and hopeful that something would be available by then, but of course couldn't commit himself at this stage.

I asked him if it would be possible for me to use one of their players and bring my own films if the situation hasn't changed, and he said he would be pleased to help me with that request if it was necessary.

So all I can say is that he does appear to be trying his best and let's see what happens at the meeting. Fingers crossed that we will get a result from all my pestering!

Jules - I will keep that idea in mind, but wait and see now what happens re the DVDs and go from there.

I will post when I have further news :D
Good luck Mazzy - it all sounds very convoluted.

I suppose that the films that airlines show are all pretty new ones - hence the special DVDs - and I guess that they would not have all the language features that are added when the film is released on DVD.

Jules, I suspect that the CC videos are also leased and so would not be available on the aeroplane any more (although you could bring your own).


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