Warning: Walmart Rant Ensues

Just putting my neck into the convo...

Sometimes it's not just race, its age... although I'm not overly paranoid
about it, it DOES get me sometimes when I shop at wal-mart. I am a
20 year old girl with my 20 year old boyfriend and we shop very very
late at night because both of us work 10-11 hour days durring the day
and also never want to deal with the crowds. Now, maybe the time of
night, the age and the fact that we purchase DVD's and other electronics
on a regular basis all adds up to always being checked but it's a little
disconcerting when other people with similar or other types of purchases
are not given the same treatment.

It's not the checking that I don't mind. As a computer/gamer geek I frequent
Frys Electronics. And you simply cannot leave the store with ANYTHING in
your hand without them completely checking the reciept and marking it of
as verfied. It's impossible.

HOWEVER, they do it to EVERYONE, with no caring as to what little or what
large ammount you buy. It's blanket treatment and therefore equal.

Walmart is in the bussiness of ease and cheap-ness and therefore will not
hire the 2-3 greeters it would take to perform blanket receipt checks. So
they perform a profiling practice where they teach their greeters who is
most likely and at what times they will shop lift and what items they might
be trying to steal.

While this is unfair to me, the paying customer to feel targeted for things
that are not in my control (age, gender, race) and things that are (purchase
type) it is a simple truth that, since you have purchased your items, they
are now yours. You have proof of ownership on your person and no one, not
even a wal-mart greeter can demand to see your reciept and deny you
exit unless they show you probable cause. Without it, your cooperation is
purely voluntary. I have on one occasion asked the lady at the door:

"Why do you need to see the receipt?"
"Just to verify your purchase.. it'll just take a second..."
"I'm sorry, am I being accused of shoplifting ma'am?"
"No, I just need to verify your purchase..."
"Unfortunately ma'am, without just cause, I do not have to permit you to
look inside MY bags or see MY receipt, now if you had proof or suspicion
of my being a shoplifter I would of course shop you verfication of my
purchase. But you don't. Good-night."

She just stood their in shock. I meant no ill will towards her, but someone
has got to relay to Wal-mart management that not all Americans bend over
backwards for them. And if her story tells them anything, it's that some of
us, regardless of if we shop their, no our rights and will NOT be profiled.

It may not get them to change their policy, but at least it makes them think.

Good for you Ally!

I understand the checking of receipts due to shoplifters but I don't have to like it.

In fact, not long ago we went to Target and did quite a bit of shopping. This particular store is located above a Best Buy which I had planned to stop by to check out DVD's. I left Target, no request to see my receipt or my bags, no buzzer, nada.

We went down, the security buzzer rang out as I walked IN to Best Buy, not as I was walking out of the store after wandering around. The security kid swooped down on me just as I was entering the store and he said he had to check my bag.

I told him, "No you don't. I just walked in." He insisted so I just said, "Good luck with that" and I turned around and walked out. Wish I could have taken a picture of his jaw hitting the floor.
Really do not want to start a debate, but you guys can't be serious?

Yes I am serious. They sell over 30% of diapers, 20% of hair care products,
10% of dog food in the US. Ask any economist and they will also say that Wal-Mart has kept prices down in may locals. (Maybe not Paul Krugman) Economies of scale is a point that a successful business reaches when their average total costs is at its lowest point. This could be because of volume etc. The point is that Wal-Mart's purchasing power allows them to sell products cheaper to their customers than most other retailers. Sure someone may have a single item cheaper (Loss-leader) but, overall Wal-Mart's business model has allowed them to provide cheaper goods to their customers. Besides nobody holds a gun to your head to work at Wal-Mart. I used to when I was in high school.
The point is that Wal-Mart's purchasing power allows them to sell products cheaper to their customers than most other retailers. Sure someone may have a single item cheaper (Loss-leader) but, overall Wal-Mart's business model has allowed them to provide cheaper goods to their customers. Besides nobody holds a gun to your head to work at Wal-Mart. I used to when I was in high school.

Of course you'd have a choice not to work there while in high school when mommy and daddy pay for rent, food, electricity, heat, cable TV, health insurance...

There may be nobody holding a gun to their heads, but some have children that need their support.. which is more persuasive than any gun-to-the-head, imo.

There is a Good side, a Bad side and a Middle-of-the-Road to Wal-mart, and it all depends on who you talk to, what articles you read, etc. etc. Families that have no other stores nearby think it's amazing, others prefer to shop locally because they can do so. There's really no point to discussing it because people of both extremes will generally refuse to accept the other side.
No one HAS to work anywhere. My dad took a part time job at Wal-Mart (Jewelry Counter-because he was GREAT with the ladies) a few different times when I was growing up. He would do it to make a little extra money here or there. My dad was treated really well and rather enjoyed his job (and the opportunity to buy stock while it was cheap which my parents sold for quite a profit some years back). Other people that worked with him full time would sometimes complain about the job. He would just tell them to get another one, then quit.

I don't view a job at Wal-Mart as better or worse than any other job. I might get paid more than a Wal-Mart employee, but I have a lot more responsibility at work (and we don't have a union either). Wal-Mart employees have the opportunity to work there, but also the opportunity to look for another job and go work somewhere else. Just because someone has 2 kids and bills due doesn't mean that they are forced to work at Wal-Mart.
I do not shop at Wal-Mart. I cannot support a store that has no interest in serving their customers. They only exist to make money (which is fine). They have no expectation of quality. They have no experienced people to help. They smash the small stores where you get selection and quality. They put factories under by making contracts and then wanting them renewed at much lower rates with more production. They break all kinds of labor laws. They do not promote women with the same speed they do men. They pay very low wages (more than ½ the employees children qualify for government aid). They take 1.5 billion dollars in government subsidies a year. When companies do well they generally pay their employees well, Walmart just cuts employee benefits.

I just do not get it. Price is not what motivates me. Knowledge, quality, compassion , that’s what moves me. I do not care if I can get 5 tomatoes for 1$ especially not knowing where they came from, how they have been genetically modified and what unnatural substance they have been sprayed with! (Not to mention the amount of fuel needed to truck them from here to there!).
I do not shop at Wal-Mart. I cannot support a store that has no interest in serving their customers. They only exist to make money (which is fine). They have no expectation of quality. They have no experienced people to help. They smash the small stores where you get selection and quality. They put factories under by making contracts and then wanting them renewed at much lower rates with more production. They break all kinds of labor laws. They do not promote women with the same speed they do men. They pay very low wages (more than ½ the employees children qualify for government aid). They take 1.5 billion dollars in government subsidies a year. When companies do well they generally pay their employees well, Walmart just cuts employee benefits.

I just do not get it. Price is not what motivates me. Knowledge, quality, compassion , that’s what moves me. I do not care if I can get 5 tomatoes for 1$ especially not knowing where they came from, how they have been genetically modified and what unnatural substance they have been sprayed with! (Not to mention the amount of fuel needed to truck them from here to there!).


Right behind you sister!

Not to mention the "Big Box" Mall-a-facation of America.
Yes I am serious. They sell over 30% of diapers, 20% of hair care products,
10% of dog food in the US. Ask any economist and they will also say that Wal-Mart has kept prices down in may locals. (Maybe not Paul Krugman) Economies of scale is a point that a successful business reaches when their average total costs is at its lowest point. This could be because of volume etc. The point is that Wal-Mart's purchasing power allows them to sell products cheaper to their customers than most other retailers. Sure someone may have a single item cheaper (Loss-leader) but, overall Wal-Mart's business model has allowed them to provide cheaper goods to their customers. Besides nobody holds a gun to your head to work at Wal-Mart. I used to when I was in high school.


More spin.

Right behind you sister!

Not to mention the "Big Box" Mall-a-facation of America.

oh this is one of my pet peeves. everywhere i look its a strip mall with target, kohls, home depot, bed bath and beyond, etc etc etc.

i try never to go into walmart, i live out in the sticks here and sometimes in a pinch i have to because its the only thing close by. but i prefer to shop at local non chain retailers.
but that is getting so hard to do anymore.
Justish said:
You have proof of ownership on your person and no one, not even a wal-mart greeter can demand to see your reciept and deny you exit unless they show you probable cause.
What proof of ownership do you have on your person? The receipt? So isn't it reasonable for the retailer to ask to see that AS proof that you now legally own every piece of store merchandise with which you're leaving their store?
Of course you'd have a choice not to work there while in high school when mommy and daddy pay for rent, food, electricity, heat, cable TV, health insurance...

There may be nobody holding a gun to their heads, but some have children that need their support.. which is more persuasive than any gun-to-the-head, imo.

When I was in high school I was supporting myself and mommy and daddy did not pay the bills....I did. If all workers are paid the same wage where is the incentive to get an education or obtain a skill set? There would not be one and our world would be like the one portrayed in Idiocracy. Also having a child is a decision that individuals make and if they want to better support them get a better paying job. Wal-Mart is just the big boy on the block and people have a hard time understanding that.
:eek: :rolleyes1 :sad2:
What proof of ownership do you have on your person? The receipt? So isn't it reasonable for the retailer to ask to see that AS proof that you now legally own every piece of store merchandise with which you're leaving their store?

I do not think it is reasonable. If I have no proof that they took anything all I am going to do is alienate a customer. If Wal-Mart asks to see your receipt and the product you bought is already in your purse/book bag/whatever, then do you just let them riffle through it to look?

Oh, and you have more than the receipt, you have the product. Unless they can prove you stole it they can do nothing about it. I can’t just say I think you stole, I have to be able to say I saw you steal.

Honestly I think more money is lost with customer chargeback’s than with shoplifting. The customer can have in their possession the product, dispute it, keep it and get their money back. Not only that but it also cost the retailer money just to dispute it. I know I pay $50 a piece. So when I have some person buy something for $5 and forget a month later when their statement comes ,I am really out money.
I hate Walmart, I NEVER go in there, and when I HAVE to its always the worst experience. I think everyone that works at Walmart (at least at mine) all shares one brain!!! Walmar is BAD!

They do all share the same brain. I used to work inbound sales here at my weekday job. I would get calls requesting a certain labor law poster and the Wal☼Mart employees all sounded like Borg; they could not answer any question I had that they were not programmed for.

I refuse to shop there because they are The Evil Empire. I don't care how cheap their stuff is, I am going to Target.

On another note: at least two TV shows (King of the Hill and Family Guy) have done episodes about a mega-super-store moving into town and putting all the local stores out of business. Don't think they were talking about Target or Caldor or Ames or Zayres.

EJKorvette mka Evan
They do all share the same brain. I used to work inbound sales here at my weekday job. I would get calls requesting a certain labor law poster and the Wal☼Mart employees all sounded like Borg; they could not answer any question I had that they were not programmed for.

I refuse to shop there because they are The Evil Empire. I don't care how cheap their stuff is, I am going to Target.

EJKorvette mka Evan

I'm for Target too!
On another note: at least two TV shows (King of the Hill and Family Guy) have done episodes about a mega-super-store moving into town and putting all the local stores out of business. Don't think they were talking about Target or Caldor or Ames or Zayres.

South Park did one too. Very funny

I'm for Target too!

That's just disturbing.
I'm for Target too!

Sure...I see how it is...I get cat food and he gets steak!

(No, I haven't gone over the edge....Wally knows what I'm talkin 'bout folks....)


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