WBRepo-Ship of Thieves-Remember the Magic Pt 7

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thanks for the rum :flower3: and there is a Dland plan in the works already for Feb 09. Kaylee and family are going the week of the 20th (???) that is our winter break and Wilson's bday is the 24th, so there is a good chance we just might be there then any interest in those dates :idea:

Good Morning Nan, Please keep us posted on the plans for Feb. And if you plan on going on Wilson's b-day, make sure you sign up for the "free on your b-day" and if you are a passholder, the will give you other b-day gift options.:thumbsup2
We are planning on Feb for Bubbas bday which is the 27th.
Hmmm.....the timing might be right Marilyn! School gets out around June 5, depending on how many snow days we have. Day care is closed the first week school gets out, so I'm hoping to leave the day after school ends. I don't have anything booked yet though. I'd love to see you and John, so hopefully it works out! :goodvibes

Holly... take a look at the 4/3 special they are having right now... it may help you to book it just to hold it...

I did sleep in. I woke up at 7:10 AM!!!!! I feel like half the day is gone!

Busy happenings today. I've got the menu to plan and from that the shopping list (I aggregate all of the ingredients and normalize the measures so I can come up with the quantities to buy).

I also have to create the Thanksgiving project plan.

Yes, there is an entire project plan as to on what day/hour what is supposed to happen, all the way down to dinner.

Sukie gets the task of being scullery maid and footman. He peels and readies vegetables, polishes the silver, unpacks and dusts the china, fills the salt cellars and pepper shakers, lays the table and does the washing up.

We will soon enter a time of military precision and discipline at Eastwood Manor.

So ... no rest for me today. Also, no shopping because my list isn't ready. We won't shop until tomorrow, after I get home from the big regional piece of the national WW staff meeting.

I also received an email reminder about picking up my heritage turkey next Saturday.

In addition, the countertop convection oven arrived!!!! I'm very excited.

We used to have friends living in the rental apartment above us, and at Thanksgiving, I'd use their oven. So, I had the benefit of 2 ovens. Last year was the first time in years I was down to just 1 oven and it was tough.

So, I bought a countertop convection oven which I'm hoping will make things easier.

I was telling a coworker about it yesterday at work, only I called it a "desktop oven" instead of countertop. I then corrected myself and said, "That's opposed to a "laptop oven, which we all know is a bit smaller and at high temperatures like broiling can be a tad uncomfortable."

Everyone (except for Nan and Michelle) have RSVP'd, So there will only be 8 for dinner. Of course everyone is asking me what time dinner will be, to which I've responded, "Why are you hungry now? Don't worry, it's 2-weeks away. You will know your assignment and what time to be here before that."

Sukie is working tonight, so I am on my own. Actually not, I'm doing something with my friend Rich.

I may not be able to make it this year... but I'm crashin next year's party for sure!!! (I'll be the one on the porch trying to hide the green bean cassarole that I brought...;) )

I think we all decided last night that we're inviting ourselves and going to crash your Turkey Day dinner next year. So beware!:cool1:

You too???? Oh good... :cool1:

OK, here's the place where we are going tomorrow for brunch.


Here's a picture of my tiara.


I can't wait for tomorrow, it's going to be so much fun.:banana:

Very nice all around... I looked at the pics... make sure you have some of the filet mignon for me and some bubbly!!! :lovestruc

Hi all, Well, its been a busy couple of weeks here. I was all caught up on your lives as of last week and then this week I stopped at pg 200 and decided I'd never have time to catch up.
A quick catch up:
3 weeks ago my computer was attacked my a really nasty virus. Guess who hadn't backed up in several months. Remember all that incredibly busy/swamped work I've been doing? well, it was thousands of pages of research, a dozen essays for school, 4 completed articles, a brand new presentation and more. When I got my computer back, they had recovered lots of useless crap... like recipes, Xmas lists from 4 years ago, outdated phone lists. BUT the good news was that they recovered all of my school files and pictures. BUT my entire business was gone! I had backed up before the cruise, but had been so busy that I would get to it when I had a break.... guess when the break came.... yep, when I had no computer for 2 weeks. Lessoned learned and shared so that none of you do the same thing!

We did something fun last week. On Saturday morning they were filming the Xmas day parade at DL, so Zoe and I went over for the music sections. We got there just as the Jonas brothers left, but we were there for the audience filming. Then we were there for the entire filming of Jose Feliciano. So, Xmas moring we will be in the audience with red Mickey hats on. It was fun, but 6000 degrees. We also got to see Pixy Hollow with the pixies. It was adorable. She got to see 3 fairies including Tinkerbell. :cutie:

This week, I was teaching in Montecito when the fires broke out. I was up all night watching it from my hotel room. It was pretty scary when it came over the ridge and burned down the hill. My school had not been cancelled yet, so at 4:30 I got up and drove to the school. I found the headmaster there cancelling school and I jetted down the freeway to get through the LA traffic as fast as I could. I was hoping to see Karl and Robin while I was there, but ended up having no computer and a shortened trip. :scared1:

Coming home through Westwood, I was next to the big No on 8 protest that had 15 helicopters over head. I was thrilled that this is not going away.

Ian, the AG said that the weddings will remain valid. :lovestruc

I've been trying to stay caught up with everyone's life. I missed a bit, but I saw that Tyler's really struggling. Hugs Holly. :hug:

And I saw that Wilson is zooming :woohoo:

Marilyn has a funny new ID picture (as of a couple of weeks ago)

I know there have been many other things I wanted to comment on, but can't remember all of them. So, Hi to everyone and I'm glad to know you are all here when I come home. :grouphug:

Hi Kelly!!!

Glad you are ok... we miss you!!! Come back when you can!!! :grouphug:

Just a quick note to tell you guys that I´m alive & well and in Madrid. Have been thinking of you lots & on a crappy computer so plz excuse any errors.

Ian ¬ lots of Smart cars, but none as pretty as Mrs F. :goodvibes

Will check in hopefully later tonight (it´s 540pm now) or tomorrow.


BTW are all the CA people ok? Heard about the fires.

Hi Monica!!!! We miss you!!! Hope you are having an incredible time!!! Come back happy and don't forget to bring Tshirts!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: (I'm XL...:rolleyes: )

The menu has been planned, and the shopping list created.

I used the new and enhanced "Mac Gourmet" which has really gotten better. It actually took me much less time to do the planning and the shopping list than it has in years past.

So, without further ado, the menu:

Thanksgiving 2008
Eastwood Manor


Selection of Cheese and Wine
Salmon Mousse


Main Course

Heritage Turkey with Minced Herb Gravy
and New England Sausage, Apple and Dried Cranberry Stuffing

Potato Gratin with Gruyere and Creme Fraiche

Brussels Sprouts with Cream, Garlic, Pecans and Basil

Bourbon Candied Sweet Potatoes

Roasted Root Vegetables with Apple Cider

Mashed Potatoes with Sage and White Cheddar Cheese



Pumpkin Bread Pudding with Caramel Sauce

Ok... I am SO in for next year!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: (Invited or not!!! :upsidedow )

Hello everyone. I made it through the night. You know you're old when you wake up on a Saturday at 8:00 am. I remember when I could sleep all day and never have to go to the bathroom. Now I go five times in the night and I have a 6 year old asking me why I didn't make the cinnamon rolls last night.

Holly, this is not an attempt to get another gift in the mail :lmao:

G... I don't think they have books for people like us who have to pee 6 times a night... I think they're all medical books anyway... :sad1: :sad2:
Except Bubba's... we need a gimmick... Just look what it did for Mylie Cyrus... :confused3
Hi all, Well, its been a busy couple of weeks here. I was all caught up on your lives as of last week and then this week I stopped at pg 200 and decided I'd never have time to catch up.
A quick catch up:
3 weeks ago my computer was attacked my a really nasty virus. Guess who hadn't backed up in several months. Remember all that incredibly busy/swamped work I've been doing? well, it was thousands of pages of research, a dozen essays for school, 4 completed articles, a brand new presentation and more. When I got my computer back, they had recovered lots of useless crap... like recipes, Xmas lists from 4 years ago, outdated phone lists. BUT the good news was that they recovered all of my school files and pictures. BUT my entire business was gone! I had backed up before the cruise, but had been so busy that I would get to it when I had a break.... guess when the break came.... yep, when I had no computer for 2 weeks. Lessoned learned and shared so that none of you do the same thing!

We did something fun last week. On Saturday morning they were filming the Xmas day parade at DL, so Zoe and I went over for the music sections. We got there just as the Jonas brothers left, but we were there for the audience filming. Then we were there for the entire filming of Jose Feliciano. So, Xmas moring we will be in the audience with red Mickey hats on. It was fun, but 6000 degrees. We also got to see Pixy Hollow with the pixies. It was adorable. She got to see 3 fairies including Tinkerbell. :cutie:

This week, I was teaching in Montecito when the fires broke out. I was up all night watching it from my hotel room. It was pretty scary when it came over the ridge and burned down the hill. My school had not been cancelled yet, so at 4:30 I got up and drove to the school. I found the headmaster there cancelling school and I jetted down the freeway to get through the LA traffic as fast as I could. I was hoping to see Karl and Robin while I was there, but ended up having no computer and a shortened trip. :scared1:

Coming home through Westwood, I was next to the big No on 8 protest that had 15 helicopters over head. I was thrilled that this is not going away.

Ian, the AG said that the weddings will remain valid. :lovestruc

I've been trying to stay caught up with everyone's life. I missed a bit, but I saw that Tyler's really struggling. Hugs Holly. :hug:

And I saw that Wilson is zooming :woohoo:

Marilyn has a funny new ID picture (as of a couple of weeks ago)

I know there have been many other things I wanted to comment on, but can't remember all of them. So, Hi to everyone and I'm glad to know you are all here when I come home. :grouphug:

How awful.

I highly recommend a networked drive and then an automatic backup program.

I don't know much about windows, but I have Sukie's mac doing incremental backups every hour. The worst case for him is that he would lose an hour's worth of work.

I recommend the same for you guys. With a network drive you can have all of your machines backing up automatically.
Ian... who's Christina????

& I'd only bring in the cans of beans...

BTW... I showed mom the menu...

She's sold on the pumpkin bread pudding with caramel sauce.... :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Ian... who's Christina????

& I'd only bring in the cans of beans...

BTW... I showed mom the menu...

She's sold on the pumpkin bread pudding with caramel sauce.... :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes

Christina ... as in Joan Crawford's Christina? As in Mommy Dearest Christina? As in no wire hangers Christina?

(Canned green beans? I almost made a green bean dish. It was green beans with lemon and toasted hazelnuts.)
Hello everyone. I made it through the night. You know you're old when you wake up on a Saturday at 8:00 am. I remember when I could sleep all day and never have to go to the bathroom. Now I go five times in the night and I have a 6 year old asking me why I didn't make the cinnamon rolls last night.

Holly, this is not an attempt to get another gift in the mail :lmao:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
Wanted to say a quick HI :wave: to Kelly before we get closed down

...now back to catch up the last few pages....

when is it?

November 7 (the big 60!) Although, with Thanksgiving being so soon after, I can understand choosing CHICAGO instead. I think that's where I'll be !! :lmao: :lmao:

I almost made a green bean dish. It was green beans with lemon and toasted hazelnuts.

Oh, do THAT one next year (I don't like b-sprouts either).

Ian....how are you going to have room for all your old friends, when all of us crash Thanksgiving next year?

don't ya hate it when the new thread is open and people keep using the old one & the new one too. I wish there was a way we could close this ourselves at the 250 mark, or make it automatic. I feel bad for the mods having to take care of this silly housekeeping. Thank you Mod :goodvibes
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