"We don't want to be tied down to a schedule....."

What table service do you get day of?

I am always shocked by this but if you aren't picky there are always TS.

For dinner tonight for 4:

50's PT - 7:30
1900 Park Fare - 7:45
Artist Point - 7:30
Biergarten - 7:40
Boma - 8:15
Cape May - 7:05
Chef Mickeys 7:55
Coral Reef - 8:15
Still Fantasmic dining left at H&V
Garden Grill - 7:15
HBD - 6:45
Hoop Dee do - 8:30
Jiko - 7:50
Skipper Canteen 7:25
Liberty Tree Tavern 8:25
Mama Melrose 8:10
Narcoosses 7:20
Raglan Road 7:45
ROL dining package tiffins 5:50
Tusker house

And a whole lot more.
We normally are happy with what is available. We don't eat at buffets because I hate them and don't do character meals, never did even when he was little he didn't like them coming around when he was trying to eat. Last trip we ate at Jikos, Spice Road Tables, Skipper's Canteen and HBD (outside) all with same day ADRs. HBD outside is walk up. In the past we have gotten Flying Fish, Sanaa, Tiffins, just about everywhere at WS in Epcot same day. We have walked up to Sci-Fi and eaten there without an ADR, we have even dong BOG with same day ADRs.

And everywhere you listed except BOG is available in the next 2-4 hours. Lol.
I kind of just assume that they will never know what they missed. They won't have a bad vacation most likely, just not nearly as full as they could have had! It is really hard to stay quiet though when, as mentioned, someone comes back and complains about how terrible it was and has a flock of people around them who have never been. I heard this recently, "It was shows! It was ALL shows! We asked for our money back!" I guess if you can't see the rollercoasters from the outside they don't exist, haha.
Not my problem, not my vacation. I would suggest, just once, to the individual that they consider getting FP+, and then let it go from there...unless they come to me to ask questions. Their choice to plan...or not plan...their vacation as they see fit. If they complain when they come back, frankly I wouldn't listen to a whole lot of it. Not to be rude, but just don't have interest in hearing it.

We do FP+ because we think it's wonderful, but beyond that, we're very much like @loves to dive. We don't plan anything at all. Even FP+ gets changed very often. Outside of the 3 FP+ per day, everything we do is pretty much done on a whim. We have a wonderful time each and every time.

I wouldn't go without FP+, but perhaps they'll have a great time.
What table service do you get day of?

I've gotten FF, CG, MP, SRT, Bluezoo, Il Mulino, Kimonos, Marrakesh, Yachtsman all day of or day or so of. Don't need reservations for Y&Y with Landry card, and can walk up to HBD lounge. Those are my favorite places, and it absolutely happens. I will say though I prefer eating late. The idea of eating at 5:00 for dinner in the heat makes me ill to my stomach to even think about - but it works for some people and I'm glad for that for sure!
We do FP+ because we think it's wonderful, but beyond that, we're very much like @loves to dive. We don't plan anything at all. Even FP+ gets changed very often. Outside of the 3 FP+ per day, everything we do is pretty much done on a whim. We have a wonderful time each and every time.

I wouldn't go without FP+, but perhaps they'll have a great time.

Same - but I can't do even do 60 day advance planning for something as small as a 4 day WDW trip, which is my preference, and I can always get workable FPs, I also do RP though and stay up late. I love my long mid day breaks/naps while the sun is the most intense.
We normally are happy with what is available. We don't eat at buffets because I hate them and don't do character meals, never did even when he was little he didn't like them coming around when he was trying to eat. Last trip we ate at Jikos, Spice Road Tables, Skipper's Canteen and HBD (outside) all with same day ADRs. HBD outside is walk up. In the past we have gotten Flying Fish, Sanaa, Tiffins, just about everywhere at WS in Epcot same day. We have walked up to Sci-Fi and eaten there without an ADR, we have even dong BOG with same day ADRs.

Yep - my experiences are so similar. I even listed a number of the same restaurants!
"I am sorry you had a bad vacation. There are ways to get around X and planning is a big part of it. If you ever decide to go again let me know and I can help. Otherwise, I'm not willing to hear about this anymore."

Also, some people just like to complain it's best to just tune those people out. ;)

Sometimes I do the whole "oh you poor thing, I'm so sorry you wasted your vacation days." That usually puts people back on the positive because they don't want you to think their life isn't perfect. Lol!!
After I gave advice to people who were taking an 8 year old to WDW for the first time, only to be ignored as I found out when they came home from a lousy vacation, I now butt out unless asked directly. It's not my vacation to mess up so I no longer interfere in anyone else's business.
They're going in June and don't want to make FastPass reservations because they don't want to be tied down to a schedule and want to "go with the flow"...

Going with the flow is great but waiting in line for 1.5 to 2 hours with 4 kids including a 1-ish year old will be miserable in June heat.

Oh well. All I can do is warn them. But how they want to do their trip is up to them. I can only share my experience and wisdom (been doing the annual WDW trip for 20+ years). Choosing to take advantage of it is up to them.
You could tell them FP is pretty flexible. If you don't make the time frame you can cancel or change the time no biggie. It is not like you have to be at every FP if it isn't convenient. I have read sometimes they will let you be 15 minutes late for your FP and still get through. I have never actually been that late but I have heard a lot say that. Anyway let them know it isn't like they will be charged a fee if you don't make your FP time.
I've gotten FF, CG, MP, SRT, Bluezoo, Il Mulino, Kimonos, Marrakesh, Yachtsman all day of or day or so of. Don't need reservations for Y&Y with Landry card, and can walk up to HBD lounge. Those are my favorite places, and it absolutely happens. I will say though I prefer eating late. The idea of eating at 5:00 for dinner in the heat makes me ill to my stomach to even think about - but it works for some people and I'm glad for that for sure!

Yes but most of those are fancy schmancy restaurants which explains why they are easy to get day of.
I think going with the flow when you are a veteran to WDW is a lot different than somebody not familiar trying to do the same. Where a person lacks experience, they should make that up with research. Having the knowledge of multiple visits is in itself a form of planning.
My thoughts exactly. First trip with no plans could end up being frustrating. Especially if it is hot and crowded.
Yes but most of those are fancy schmancy restaurants which explains why they are easy to get day of.

But they are the places I'd want if it was 180 days out or the day of, that's my point at least. Others here have illustrated even better than I have, that it can be done on the fly:) I think its the time I prefer to eat that gives me lots of choices not the pricing because I see lots of other choices. I also sometimes can get Via Napoli, Toyko Dining, Rose and Crown, San Angel Inn if I'm in the park into the lunch hour hour but those are kinda if I'm in the area and hungry and they've got an ADR in half an hour - which happens. I'm also perfectly happy with Tangerine Cafe, and LOVE the Cabana bar food at the Swolphin pool brought to my lounger - that's vacation! Its just, you can have a FANTASTIC WDW vacation with pretty minimal planning. Between my first list and this one, I can't think of anywhere else I'd like to eat, maybe Jiko, Moromito, or Narcossee's which are also great choices.
Yes I guess it's all luck though. I've never had luck getting Via or San Angel day of.

And I get your point about the places you want to eat, you and I have similar taste, and I like the Swan/Dolphin as well. But the restaurants you're mentioning like Bluezoo, Mulino, and Kimonos don't count because they're not on the dining plan. Those are pretty much walk in at any time you please. I once ate at Bluezoo around 8pm and basically had the entire restaurant all to myself, was pretty nice!
For me, planning and anticipation is part of the fun. With 4 kids including an infant, though, I can imagine that finding the time and energy to research the parks might be overwhelming for your friends.

Not planning might make you and I panic, but unstructured, spontaneous family time may be exactly what your friends crave. Disney is so rich in detail and atmosphere; it rewards both wanderers and attraction commandos, just differently.
My former boss told me after the holidays that she had taken her kids to Disney World between Christmas and New Years. She had done no planning and was shocked at how crowded the place was. She basically said it was horrible, they got nothing done, and she would never go there again.

I told her if she wanted to go again, I could give some advice on better times of the year and other tips, and left it at that. I totally get OP.

I think when you enjoy something, you genuinely want others to share in that enjoyment too.
If people refuse to listen to the voice of experience, that's their problem. You tried. Some people have to learn the hard way.


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