Week of Oct 16 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

Hi Gang!

No, I'm not dead just working hard, hard , hard. My company was acquired but a much bigger concern and we are going through all of the associated growing pains. I think it will get better but for now it is challenging.

My long run on Saturday was 9 miles in 2:05. This week I go to 10 and will hold there and work on time. At my current rate I will finish the half at a little over 3 hours. I want to do it in 2:45 (I have secret hopes to do 2:30)so I have some work to do but I'm pretty happy with where I am.

I haven't had much chance to catch up on all of you so let me just say I hope your training is going well and you're getting as excited as I am to get racing! Have a great week all!
plutosmyfav said:
Weather is brisk but not bitter. Perfect!


We are looking forward to a nice "brisk" day in Houston too (89 for a high). :rotfl:

I got my lazy self out of bed this morning and went to the gym. I got in 3.5 miles on the TM. Back on track! :flower:
Mel - Congrats on teh time and distance!! :paw: :paw: :paw: :paw: :paw:

Lisa - Congrats on your 10-miler! Hope this is a sign that you are healing well!!

To all those that are struggling, just stick with it! One good run is all it takes to be inthe swing of things and they come when least expected!

I was in Curves last week and a woman asked if I was excited for teh marathon. I said I was scared to death. She popped back kwith a "Just getting out and training is truely a victory." Was she one of you? ;)

My 10-miler went ok. Many of my aches and pains have gone away. I think my new shoes (Brooks) helped. Not 1005 sure whether my ASIC 2100s would eb better if I leared to tie them better. It seems liek such a fine line btwn too tight and too loose.

I am very grateful that I will be back home for teh 12-miler this week. The hills by my parents are insane. I ket thinking, "No wonder we were so good in hs!"

No rest for teh wicked this week. I had gotten used to that extra rest day. I guess I'll just have to look forward to next week. Have a good one everyone!
Yes. I am amoung the living.

Just finished another adventure race this weekend. the race was Raid the Rock, an urban adventure race in Little Rock, AR. I love Little Rock. We lived there for 10years, so I always love visiting there. The race was really fun! The team that developed the course won nationals 2 years in a row and they are great race planners. We did a ton on backwoods stuff, but did go through the city. We started in the dark on foot looking for checkpoints. We were out of the woods before the cutoff and transitioned to the bikes. We started the single track rides at sunrise (which was beautiful) We got pretty wet at the beginning. We did have the headlamps, but we didn't see the swamp we waded off into until it was too late. We would get wet several time during the race, so I guess it was no big deal. We did single track riding for what seemed like forever! At one point we were riding along the top of a 100 ft. bluff along the river. eeeeeekkk. We actually rode right by a bike checkpoint and had to backtrack to get it. That meant more single track (my weakness) We ended up riding to a drainage tunnel under a street. We had to wade with the bikes through a huge wet hole at the entry of the tunnel. NASTY!!!!! The water got up to armpit deep, but I found a way to walk on the concrete after getting in up to my thighs. We did some paved trail and road riding to the next event. It was a ropes course on a railroad tressel over the Arkansas river. We climbed up a rope lader to the top of the tressel and then rappeled off into the river. Again, NASTY. We had to swim to shore and then get back on the bikes to transition. We transitioned to the paddle. About 1 million miles of flatwater and upriver paddling. We could chose the water way of our choice to the next CP. We then portaged up a stream to another swamp. NASTY!!!! Where we paddled to the next section. We trekked to 17 more CP's in a thorn/briar filled swampy area. I have NEVER seen so many misquitos (no idea how to spell that) in my life! We finished in 12hrs/32mins. I think we came 15th amoung the 3person coed teams. I'm still scrubbing dirt off my toes! I have already washed my trail runners and they are stained with little black spots! NASTY!!!! Anyway, it was fun!

Back to the training schedule this week. I have a short run tomorrow and then 14 miles on thurs. I will probably just go easy on the pace!

xterratri - Sounds like you have some hard choices to make. I know for us, the main issue is time with family. I think in retrospect, phil wishes he had done family practice. it was a shorter less time demanding residency and they actually have the opportunity to earn more $ than he does with the duel certification in int. med and peds! I bet timewise, ER would be the way to go. you would have a pretty fixed schedule with no call and some blocks of time off! Phil thought ortho was really cool too! He loves working with tools and he said the surgeries were very similar to the tool work! I think the residency would have been HORRIBLE and the time invested after would be hard too. Residency was really hard on us as a family. You sure have some hard decisions to make. Ask your mom, she sounds smart! Best wishes with all of your decisions!
By the way, the century ride was not too miserable. I'll probably do it again next year.

Hope every one has a good training week. Looks like last week was kindof' hard on everybody!
Sunny -- I cant wait to look for more songs. One Scooter song was just not enough this morning! I will check out those others. Thanks for sharing! :cool1:

Hi, everyone! I have a question for all you experienced people. Just found out that "ugly spot" (Howard calls it a "beauty mark" -- isn't he sweet? :cloud9: ) has to be surgically removed and will result in internal and external stitches for about a 3" area.

It happens to fall on Thursday of a week when I would be doing 7 miles on Saturday. The LWs leading up to it go 3 miles (wk2), 4 miles(wk3), 5 miles(wk4), 3 miles(wk5), 6 miles(wk6), 7 miles(wk7). Do you think it would be okay to push everything up so I skip the 3 miles in wk5 and get in the 6 miles and 7 miles before that week? It is the MfMWtH plan -- the "cut" happens week 7. The stitches will be in 2 weeks, so that would have me doing 4 miles that weekend with fresh stitches instead of 7. I really don't want to take a chance on skipping that 7 miles. UGH! What should I do?

BTW, "spot" is on the bottom-most part of my back (right below the panty line/top of right rear hip.) :rolleyes: Why couldn't it be on my arm?
keenercam said:
...has to be surgically removed and will result in internal and external stitches for about a 3" area.

Wow, Cam, internal and external stitches, I really don't think you should be doing much for at least a week or two... be sure to ask the Dr.'s opinion, but I would be really careful that they don't get irritated and infected and then it will really set you back. I don't want to scare you, but be very careful and be sure you are fully healed before you attempted a 7 miler. I hope everything goes well. :wizard:
Hi everyone. If you remember I was having trouble with my quad that I injured doing speedwork around 3 weeks ago and had to lay off the training last week(I'm training to run the full,my DD is running the half) I do my LRs on Monday so Sat I tried a 3 miler to see how it felt.I started with a full 20 min walk to warm up,then did the 3 miles in the pouring rain. It felt a little tight while I was running but not enough to stop me.As soon as I got home I soaked in the hot tub for 20 min with one of the jets on the injured quad.(don't know why I didn't think of that before :blush: ) I also took 3 Advil. Believe it or not the quad pain has not fully come back! I think that hot tub soak must have really relaxed something that was super tight and I was probably making the stiffness worse by total rest.Anyway, I did my LR today (10 miles) at a slightly slower pace than usual 10:40,but that's okay :earsboy: .I'm not encouraging anyone to run with pain,especially if it's joint pain,but for my muscle injury the heat and slow pace exercise really helped. Here's a little :wizard: for everyone dealing with injury or lack of motivation . BTW..This is my first marathon and I am training on hilly courses.What can I expect as far as running the flat WDW course? Will it feel significantly easier to me? Or will I miss those downhill rest oppurtunities? :rotfl: I didn't mean to write a book.Just wanted to offer a little hope to those who are having a tough time.Take care of yourself ,but stick with it,a week can make a huge difference! :sunny:
Xterratri & NYCpa - I noticed that Erin would not be able to do the marathon, but must have missed the original post. Please let her know she'll be missed! :grouphug:
eeyoresmom - I'm a first-timer too, but after this weekend in the hills, I think you'll like flat. I never feel like a downhill gives me back as much as an uphill takes out. Don't forget, though, there are overpasses, which will feel surprisingly like hills. :teeth:

You slowed down to a 10:40????? I guess I did too (10:42), but only by about 10 seconds. I was thrilled with that!
Carrie,you and I seem to be right in sync. With the times I've been running lately,I should be able to run the full in 4:40-5:00 but I'm wondering if I'll be a little faster since the course is flat.I keep thinking "yeah the course is flat,but I may have to slow my pace just to cover the distance!" I would love to finish in 5:00,but I really want to enjoy as much of the race that I can! What are your goals? Maybe we can encourage each other :sunny:
Goal #1 - Finish
Goal #2 - Run entire time
Goal #3 - Pic with Pooh (more characters if not too time consuming)
Goal #4 - Have fun (Should be automatic if meeting goals 1 - 3)

We estimated a 12:00 pace when we signed up (before we got off the couch). Our pace is really coming around, though. What did you put for a time for the corrals Christine? We put 5:30, as we did not have a time we could verify, but did not want to be put in the last one. I think that worked out to about a 12:40 pace.
Morning - another suggestion in the running song list - Darude, Sandstorm, makes Scooter sound calm (and I did have to laugh to see them 'quoted' on the page although it is a genius lyric). I've also just typed in the lyrics of another 'uphill favourite' and discovered it's 'stop that time byTesto Darwich' - same techno chipmunk theme as Scooter.

Lisa: IF only I was eating the pies, at least I'd have some joy from my expanding girth, instead it's come from really boring things like granary bread (but in large doses). Came off bread yesterday, am already thinner and more awake - plus the fact that I eat at least 6 portions of veg a day when I eat this way.

Cam: not sure how you're doing trainingwise at the moment, but if you're feeling good and not getting any pain after your long runs, I don't see why you can't skip the 3 miles fall back, you're not doing a huge jump upwards so it should be okay, just make sure you do REST on your rest days to let everything chill a bit. Hope the op goes okay.

Only did 4 miles last night - very slowly as I was all stressed out (even had my shorts on inside out i realised halfway round) and I'd forgotten to put my inhaler back in the car so had to plod round trying not to provoke a coughing fit!!! Always run: Helen
princessmomma said:
Wow, Cam, internal and external stitches, I really don't think you should be doing much for at least a week or two... be sure to ask the Dr.'s opinion, but I would be really careful that they don't get irritated and infected and then it will really set you back. I don't want to scare you, but be very careful and be sure you are fully healed before you attempted a 7 miler. I hope everything goes well. :wizard:

Thanks for your concern, princessmomma. I am hoping to do the 7 miler the weekend before and then will play the weekend after the procedure by ear. Just wasn't sure if those schedules are to be treated as if they are written in stone. Also, I am really looking forward to training while we are in Hilton Head over Thanksgiving, so I am hoping I will be up for that. Uh-oh! Just realized stitches may mean no jacuzzi at HH DVC --- that would not be good! :sad: Do stitches usually have to be kept dry?
EEyoresmom: We could be twins. :teeth: I strained something in my quad a week and a half ago. I did no running all week. I did use the elliptical and exercise bike (leg didn't bother me then.)
Yesterday I did a slow wog (14:40 pace) for 4 miles. Made sure I stretched and then I iced the quad. Only difference is by last night my quad was not happy. Whenever I got up to move around the house,it took me 5-6 steps just not to limp. :sad1:

Went to Dr. for check-up today (he's also a runner). Tells me I probably strained the adducter. He applied resistance to my leg, but there was no pain. It's only when I run. I think its the pounding that's irritating it.

So for at least the next week I'm confined to the elliptical and bike again, along with a scipt for 800mg motrin. With only 12 weeks to go, this is not a good.

The one bright spot is that my doc runs a ten-mile race that I'm involved with. He said he does most of his training on the elliptical and a stairmaster.
So until the pain is gone, that may be my training regimen.
Wish me luck!
Cam - I hope all goes well and you heal very quickly. You are meant to follow them as best possible, but if you've got a good base, missing some should not hurt. I think it'd be worse to miss too much by aggrevating teh stiches.
littlegreydonkey said:
Morning - another suggestion in the running song list - Darude, Sandstorm, makes Scooter sound calm (and I did have to laugh to see them 'quoted' on the page although it is a genius lyric). I've also just typed in the lyrics of another 'uphill favourite' and discovered it's 'stop that time byTesto Darwich' - same techno chipmunk theme as Scooter.

Can't wait to check these out. FUN stuff. I actually WANTED to jog when I heard Scooter. Maybe I can place the songs at the right intervals in my playlist and train myself to jog whenever they come on, like a :dog: ! :teeth:

littlegreydonkey said:
Cam: not sure how you're doing trainingwise at the moment, but if you're feeling good and not getting any pain after your long runs, I don't see why you can't skip the 3 miles fall back, you're not doing a huge jump upwards so it should be okay, just make sure you do REST on your rest days to let everything chill a bit. Hope the op goes okay.

Thanks, Helen. That is exactly what I was hoping to hear. I think I'll skip week 5 and then see how I am doing after Thanksgiving and will do one of those weeks twice.

littlegreydonkey said:
. . .(even had my shorts on inside out i realised halfway round)

I'm sorry, Helen, but that actually made me laugh out loud! How hysterical. Sounds like something I would do! Sorry. Don't mean to insult you that way, but it realy is something I'd do :rolleyes1 The really funny thing is that since it is soooo dark when I get up now to do walks, I turn on the downstairs hall light and look at my reflection in our front full glass door to be sure I haven't forgotten something! :rotfl: On Saturday, I was so much in the zone that it took me stepping on the bottom of my windpants to realize they'd slid down my tummy almost to my hips. I just rolled them over a few times and kept going. I am LOVING my Saturday LWs! :cloud9:

ETA: Thanks, Carrie. Actually, the doctor was really, really understanding and said he is going to leave the stitches in longer than usual to allow me to train as much as I am up to, without him worrying about any pulling. I have to give him a lot of credit. He never blinked an eye when I told him I am training to speedwalk a half marathon. Usually, people look at me with an incredulous, drop-jawed expression! :earseek:
Thanks Lisa and Sunny for the suggestions on the tummy issues. I will journal the next few weeks and see if there is something triggering it. I've been drinking powerade option and propel during the runs (more like water than powerade), so will switch to the real thing for the next few runs. I will also try not to do solids before or after. I've got 12 miles set for Saturday. Anyone else have any other suggestions? Thanks again!!! :flower:

Also, I tried Lisa's baby steps - 90 for running and 70 for walking. It was awesome! My time was faster, and I definitely felt less tired in my legs. My hips were a little sore, but not bad. Yea! I've tried it twice now, and am starting to get into a natural pace with it. Thanks Lisa!

Today was just walking - did 4.2 miles (pushing the stroller) at 16.5 min pace. It was really nice - I'm loving the fall weather!!! I'm a bit concerned, though, about Wilma churning in the gulf... no more hurricanes!!! :scared1:

Happy training to everyone! :grouphug: and :wizard: for those dealing with injuries and surgeries!!! We can do this! :cheer2:
TEK224 said:
So for at least the next week I'm confined to the elliptical and bike again, along with a scipt for 800mg motrin. With only 12 weeks to go, this is not a good.

The one bright spot is that my doc runs a ten-mile race that I'm involved with. He said he does most of his training on the elliptical and a stairmaster.
So until the pain is gone, that may be my training regimen.
Wish me luck!

I'll make you feel better...we had a young lady on our team--I can't describe the injury--but she rides horses...and she runs...and in retrospect--does not ride horses the day before a long run anymore. But last year....when she got her injury...she did not set foot on pavement again until the marathon...she trained 12 weeks on the elliptical.

I say this not as a jinx, but as an encouragement--she finished the marathon in about 6 hours. She was able to train the remainder of the season (I think it was about 12-14 weeks remaining). She had to go that long due to delays in specialist referrals (holidays in the way). She got clearance the week of the marathon..probably would have gotten it a bit sooner if not for the full schedule of appointments.

So you having to do the elliptical instead of the road for a few weeks won't impair your ability to finish. Enjoy the break...treat your body nice...and it will do what you ask faithfully the rest of the season :).
The aliens are kidnapping us WISHers....
and replacing us with runners!!!!

So today's run was listed as 50 minutes but I only did 49:35. Why? I set the Garmin to beep at 25 minutes and I turned around when it beeped. I got back home and had only ran 49:35 but it was over 5 miles so I said close enough and walked my cool down. I've never actually ran faster returning than going out and I was just running easy/moderate pace today. So I'm blaming it on the aliens. It sounds like other WISHers are having some alien moments too and all I've got to say is keep them coming.

Cam- two things, first good luck with your procedure and second is that I would vote for you skipping the 6 mile week and doing 7 that week rather than skipping the 3 mile week. Why? Remember the discussion about actually taking rest days as rest, well those dial back weeks function the same way so I think it's more impt to maintain the 3 mile week and skip over the 6 mile week. YMHO

So what do I see myself doing in 2016- sports medicine is the easy answer. Unfortunately the hard answer is there are multiple routes to get to that point. Money not really an issue as the average salary for EM is 180,000 and for ortho is 320,000. Sure ortho makes more but there's a limit to how many DVC points a person is allowed to own so that difference doesn't really matter to me. The EM doctor I talked with Friday night said he works 15-16 days per month, ~9 hour shifts. He was talking about coaching his kids and going to scout camp. That's a pretty powerful arguement for EM with an eventual sports med fellowship. Someone mentioned burnout- that can be a big problem for people that work inner city/level 1 trauma centers. I don't know if the docs working small town community hospitals have the same problem. My pipe dream when I chose medicine about ideal environment would be a fairly rural area where I could work as a doc, have a ranch(I think I outgrew this one but I still like the idea of having some acreage), and be part of the community. That's what the doc I worked with on Friday described his current life as. If I was fully trained and working right now, I would love to be on staff at the community hospital in Saranac Lake and have time to play in the mountains whether it's hiking, biking, skiing, etc.

Thanks for the thoughts, keep training hard everyone, and PD for those injuries.
Here's to more alien invader moments.


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