Week of Oct 16 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

Okay, so what do you guys wear to run in the rain? Do you just wear your regular cool max clothes and get wet or do you wear some type of jacket or hat? It's pouring rain today, which is fine because I don't have to run today, but tomorrow is supposed to be more of the same. Stephen has to run 12 miles and I'm doing 4, I can do mine on the treadmill if I have to, but there's no way Stephen can (or is going to) run 12 miles on the treadmill. I guess all this rain is preparing us for Wilma! :umbrella:

I ran (well r3/w2) 35 minutes last night, it wasn't as fabulous as Tuesday, but it was close. I ended up doing 3.24 miles with a mile pace of 10:50, not too shabby. I really need to work on holding back some energy so that my individual miles are about the same time. I think that's going to be my biggest struggle with running the half.

Pat-- :wave2: Welcome! So glad you could join us. This is my first half marathon too. I plan on running a majority of the half, but I will be walking some too.

Sunny--Your story made me laugh. Running is definitely effecting me too. Until August I never even owed a t-shirt, now I have 3 race t-shirts and I wear them all the time. Even out in public--GASP!! :earseek: I figure I worked hard for these t-shirts and daggone it, I'm going to wear them!! :teeth:

Cam--Congrats on your award!! That's really awesome.

Minnie--Take care of yourself!! You have plenty of time to let your body heal and train for the marathon. :wizard: :wizard: to you!!

I'll try to post tomorrow night after my 4 miler, but if you don't hear from me for a while, don't think I'm dead. We'll have a laptop with us, so I may try to check in. I'll tell Mickey hi for you all and let him know that he needs to get the parks ready for us Wishers!! :cheer2: :banana: :cheer2: :banana:

Krista princess:
Krista-- I bought a "water resistant" coolmax or climlite longsleeve pullover that worked really well. I'm pretty sure it is made by Danskin. It was cold enough that this thing didn't swelter me. If the air temp is warm I just get drenched. My "bottom half" gets drenched either way. Last Spring I tried running with an umbrella. I only tried that once. I wouldn't recommend it!

Well its jello arms :teeth: I can feel the heat radiating from my shoulders as I type :cool1: I also did rowing to add to the jello effect.

Alladins girl - I'm sooo jealous - hope Wilma doesn't ruin it.

Minnie - Take it easy on your body, maybe take the weekend off. Do you have access to a stationary bike? Try that, it always helps me when my knees hurt.

Pat - Welcome - keep training the way you are. The sweepers won't have a chance.

Ok guys, you remember my knees hurt, but I've still been able to run/hobble, blah blah blah. Well, I went to my massage therapist/accupuncturist on Sat. & holy COW did he put me thru the ringer!

Not only did he stick needles in my thighs & calves (good paid, kinda), but he stuck needles on either side of my right knee. There is no way to describe exactly what that felt like. Right below the knee cap, on either side, where it's indented & it feels like there is bone there? Yep, that's where he stuck 'em. Now mind you, they don't hurt going in, but once he hits the spot that needs fixin'...that's a different story. He told me what was causing my knees pain was the connective tissue between my tibia & my knee or whatever. All I know is I near jumped off that bed/board thing. I broke out in a sweat instantly & cursed him up & down. He laughed & said "you're lucky I know you...using that kind of language..." I said "No, you're lucky I know YOU, otherwise I'd be off this table punching you out!"

End result, my knees were better Sun. Mon I ran 40 mins. & they were very stiff. Tues. on the bike @ the gym they were fine. Still kinda sore up & down stairs, still stiff. Yesterday they were practically pain free (rest day). This a.m. I ran my 40 mins (10 min miles) & right now as I typed this they are pain free. Unbelievable. This guy rocks!!

He told me to heat them as much as I can, especially after I run. He said no ice unless they're swollen, or hot to the touch. You need to keep the area heated to keep the muscle/area open to get rid of the lactic acid. Drink water, water, water. And in the p.m., I take an ibuprofen 5 mins. b4 heating them.

Phew, I may just be able to run this 1/2 after all. Sorry to ramble, guys, but I'm so excited with my lack of pain. Don't get me wrong, they're not 100%, buy they're a heck of a lot better than the last 4 weeks. Oh, & he told me to start taking Glucosamine Sulfate/Chondroitin, stat! I was never sure about that stuff, but he says YES.

Ok, I'm done. I hope all of you down south stay out of Wilma's path. This is getting a little ridiculous, no?

Jodi said:
He told me to heat them as much as I can, especially after I run. He said no ice unless they're swollen, or hot to the touch. You need to keep the area heated to keep the muscle/area open to get rid of the lactic acid. Drink water, water, water. And in the p.m., I take an ibuprofen 5 mins. b4 heating them.


OK, this is the second time someone mentioned heat. So what is it heat or ice? How can I tell if my knees are swollen? They are always swollen because I have fat knees!! :confused3

Advil, heat, ice??? When, where, how long? :confused3

I completely agree on the water, water, water...

Lynn and Sunny - I just realized that I may not be able to pull of my bike ride/pic fest tomorrow, because I my cleat from my shoe got stuck in my pedal on the last 20 miles of the century ride. I am ok with changing my flats..., but I couldn't get the cleat out and I don't have a backup screw for the one I lost :guilty: I might be able to sweet talk them at the bike shop to get them to help me so I can ride tomorrow. I can't ride my mt. bike because I can't hook the trailer up b/c of the disc brakes!

Ran my 14 mile long run today. I started incorporating walking every 1 1/2 miles (like water stops). Pace was really slower than I am supposed to be going 10:37. We also stopped for a long time at EC's house to drop off her dog, use the potty and eat cookies! What? It's true!!! They were snack wells! With the long stop our pace would have acutally been more like 12:00/mile, but I'm thinking I won't have a coonhound or cookies at disney!

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I'll try to post route pics if I can get them tomorrow. Rock climbing this weekend
Haven't hit the boards in a while but glad I did today--it was just what I needed. I, too, have been having the running blues. I ran 7 miles this morning and nearly dies (well, not really but it was no fun). Throughout the whole run I was trying to figure out a way to "get out" of the doing the marathon--am I pathetic of what! Anyway, after reading that lots of you are feeling the same, I feel somewhat better or at least normal!

Hopefully my next few runs will go well. Oh, anyone have bad lower back pain after running?? Mine hurts! I've never had this before, even training for the half last year. I have one of those menstrual heat pads on it and it feels better but just wondering the cause??
Hey all! Heat ice, Ice Heat.......The question is:
OK, this is the second time someone mentioned heat. So what is it heat or ice? How can I tell if my knees are swollen? They are always swollen because I have fat knees!!
Advil, heat, ice??? When, where, how long?
This depends on what you want. Heat increases blood flow to the area and Ice decreases it. I have always heard ice after a LR then heat several hours later. This is what I do and it normally works. You do not want a lot of blood flow to a hurt area at first. The ice stops swelling.......This is all I know. :rotfl:

Did 8 miles today with DH. Love to run with him. :lovestruc He has a very busy schedule and this gives us a chance to talk. Plus I get to look @ his cute legs. :cloud9: Feel GREAT! Took it nice and easy. Was one of those perfect runs.
This is double LR week so DH, Bree and I will run 16 tomorrow. Send us lots of :wizard: :wizard:.

Oh......almost forgot! :confused3 Went road bike shopping today. Yea, I learned that running is a cheap sport! :teeth: I have the option to spend anywhere from $630 to $4000 on a bike. :earseek: This does not include the shoes, and other cool stuff I just have to have. I do have a mountain bike I can start training on.....but will have to get a road bike ASAP! DH is making me save my money for it so no credit card debt. :rolleyes:

OH....One more thing! :cool1: I GOT NEW SHOES TODAY! :cool1: They are SO cool! Blue, white, and orange! So retro (SP?). They may last me until the marathon so you all can see them.... :rotfl:
Evil Queen - Save as much as you can. You will be happier with the better bike!!!! Don't get the bottom of the line. I did, b/c I was self-employed and the main man was in residency (no $) I rode it for about 3 years, but I definitely needed to upgrade! You might ask your LBS when the new year's version comes out, then they can get you last years model/closeout for a few hundred off! Then you can use the $ you saved on shoes, pedals.... and your other cool stuff. You might ask lynn about whether you should just go ahead and get a tri bike. You might find a closeout already as they are a little more specialized. Since you a probably using it for tri's, it might be the way to go!! Did I mention that biking will clearly make you cool? :smooth:
gatorphipps said:
Went road bike shopping today. Yea, I learned that running is a cheap sport! :teeth: I have the option to spend anywhere from $630 to $4000 on a bike. :earseek: This does not include the shoes, and other cool stuff I just have to have. I do have a mountain bike I can start training on.....but will have to get a road bike ASAP! DH is making me save my money for it so no credit card debt. :rolleyes:


Hey Christa,

I see you are shopping for a road bike. Have you checked out some of the online deals? Let me say, some of them are great. I am all for support our local bike shops, but the price difference is significant. Some online suppliers include Flyte, Leader and Motobecane. The frames are the only difference from what you find in the local shops. Several months ago I bought a bike from Airborne online. I was very hesitant, but they have been great. They were actually bought up and became Flyte. I paid $1190 including shipping for a aluminum frame Thunderbolt, carbon fork, selle saddle and FULL BRAND NEW ULTEGRA 10 groupo. You can't beat that at all. The local shops often mix components, and in order to get anything Ultegra you will pay at least $1700. I figured even if I hate the frame, the components alone are worth $1100. I could always upgrade the frame later. If you are like me, and have chamagne taste on a beer budget, step back and consider. On of my riding buddies just changed his specialized comp allez to a leader frame and loves it also. For that matter a lot of the frames are made in the same Korean plant, but are just slapped with a different sticker.

It seems like you see either older guys or true cycling studs going out and dropping $4000 on a bike! If anyone thinks a $4000 bike will make them a faster or more efficient rider the are nuts. Get out there and train, that's what makes you good. I have another buddy who runs 2:50 marathons. You should see this guys bike. It is as old as dirt and heavy as a house, but he can kick some booty. In fact the helmet he wears has the shell nearly ripped off and has a total of two vent holes in it. I think it is a circa 1970 helmet. He look so funny. But good luck staying on his wheel!

Thats ... My two cents!

princessmomma said:
OK, this is the second time someone mentioned heat. So what is it heat or ice? How can I tell if my knees are swollen? They are always swollen because I have fat knees!! :confused3

Advil, heat, ice??? When, where, how long? :confused3

I completely agree on the water, water, water...


It is supposed to be ice. Jodi just has an exceptional situation. You will most always be in MORE pain the next day if you use heat.
The aliens have gotten me too! Today I ran 3 miles. Yes, I said RAN 3 miles. That is the farthest distance I have run in my life. I walked the 1/2 marathon last year (Yes Pat it can definitely be done!). I have been training this year using walk 3/run 2 intervals, but today I decided to just run until I couldn't run anymore. I just kept running. What a turning point in my life! I am a runner! :goodvibes

Tomorrow is XT on the bike. Saturday is my LR-7 miles. I am committed to going the distance this weekend. :moped:
Ah discussion about my real love- bikes. Yes, you can save money buying online but... I wouldn't do it for your first real serious bike and if you are going to race tris with it. Why- because the number one most important thing about a bike is fit especially for an aero position and that is something that can be a challenge to figure out by yourself. In addition, the generic size runs for the online bikes are made for males. I'm only 5'4" but my inseam is longer than many close to 6 ft males. (And then there's the body weight issue. I don't need a bike engineered to take what a 180 lb guy is going to dish out.) That means my upper body is short so I am real particular about top tube length. If you are leaning toward a tri bike rather than a road bike(there are some definite pro/cons to that approach), you should check out InsideOut Sports. They are based in one of the Carolinas and I know that they have left over model year specials as they are listed in their ads in the Ironman NA monthly newsletter. Some LBS(local bike shops) give better deals than others too. I was looking at Trek's Project One site updated for the 2006s and my bike is up to 4800 now MSRP. The MSRP when I got it was actually over 3800(not sure exactly 'cuz mine was customized further) but I paid about 3100 for it. If you want to lust over something go to rooworld.com and look at the Caliente- I have a very nice Quintana Roo tri bike and I still drool on my keyboard looking at that bike. I currently own a Trek Project One Madone SL road bike, a Quintana Roo Private Reserve Compact tri bike, a Jamis Dakar Pro mtn bike, and a Kona Smoke commuter bike.

Okay back on topic- Nat and I did 45 minutes easy tonight after school. She had never done over 35 min before so it was a good run for her and just what I needed for the training plan. So you don't say I'm picking on 'weaker' runners, she's 9 years younger than I am and hasn't had 3 major knee surgeries so I think that evens it out. We headed out about 5:40 or so and it was rather dark when we got back. I did wear my hi-vis reflective vest but we realized the darkness issue is only going to get worse with the clock change. Yes, Sunny, the sun did come out here today but when you're in class from 8-5... We ran the beach road first so we got to see a lovely sunset/sky over the ocean and then ran the wooded road in the dark. I do have pictures of this area where I live, go to school, bike, and run but don't know how to post them.

We were a little late getting started because I talked to one of the undergrad girls who runs cross country for the school(she's co-pres of the new bike club ;) ) and she told me about a marathon end of Feb. in Hyannis. If I run at all well at WDW and maybe stand a chance of running a Boston time, I might consider doing that. Something you might want to think about too Sunny.

:wizard: :wizard: for the injuries and the Florideans.
:cheer2: for the people who need a little motivational boost. Amazingly enough, I'm actually finding it easier to make myself get out there and am running faster than I have since prior to my third knee surgery. I thought I had lost that bit of 'speed'(hey, turtles have speeds too) forever with that surgery.
:banana: :banana: :banana: One for each mile- congrats TxBelle.

Bree or Christa, I forget who brought it up: So I have this classmate, real all around athlete, former collegiate quarterback, great shape, etc. He runs on occasion but not a consistent training plan. He did the ME half in 1:52 and thought it was a challenge. I don't know when he signed up for it but he attempted the Mt Desert Island(Bar Harbor/Acadia National Park) Marathon last weekend. Yes, attempted. His previous longest run had been the half and he was walking by mile 20. One of our other classmates(she actually trained) got him through to 23 when she finally went ahead and he dropped out. She ended up with a 4:50 out of it. She had finished a couple minutes behind me at the half so I was curious about her time to gauge how I might do but after hearing the story of the race her time didn't help much. He was also moving VERY gingerly and slowly for a couple of days. So maybe the guy that's bothering you will figure out for himself that a marathon is a very different beast.
O.K. all this bike talk has gotten me interested again. I in no way want(or ever will) become a real competitive triathlete. However that Danskin tri has piqued my interest. I figure I need something after January to keep me off the couch & moving. (just being healthy isnt enough for this former couch potato)

Do you suggest starting with adult swimming lessons? I know how to swim but I havent had any lessons since I was 7 so I probably need help with form, etc. The swimming portion(distance and yucky water) is what I am concerned about. And holy cow those bikes are expensive :earseek: It sure isnt cheap trying to be healthy!!!

Today was my off day so nothing to report on the training front. I have been doing pretty good about eating healthy too, that is until I had to make cookies tonight for DS school party in the a.m. (I had to make sure they wouldnt make the poor kids sick right?)
Hello all! DS and I have the yucky virus that's going around, so my running/walking has been side-lined for a couple days. My heart rate is definitely elevated, and I don't want to make this sinus stuff worse - no fun! DS had a fever of 103 today (his highest ever), so any prayers/pixie dust would be greatly appreciated!

As for the bike discussion... I definitely want to do the Danskin tri, but I know NOTHING about bikes! DH and I have been talking about getting bikes, but I don't even know what I'm looking for. We have a LBS that carries Trek - several people have recommended them to us. What exactly is a "tri-bike"??? How is it different? I know there are road, mountain, and hybrid bikes - how did you know what you wanted??? (Can you tell I have no clue about this???) :blush: Please help! Where can I find more info? Thanks!!!:teeth:

:grouphug: to the rest of the Floridians. I think we may be out of the path of Wilma, but you never know until it hits... :grouphug: also for those dealing with injuries!

Happy training!!! :cheer2:
crzy4pooh, Sorry about the virus thing there. Take it easy.

TiffJ, I think I would enjoy WATCHING the event. If I ever participated, it would be on my cruddy Wicked Witch of the West bike. Oh what a sight I would be!
I enjoy hearing you talk about your bikes. You sound so "free" when you do. Be careflu running out there in darkness.

TXBelle, Yay for aliens!
:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :banana: :banana:
Lisa loves Pooh :wave2:
Rockclimber :wave2: good to see ya jump in here.

MelRhoads, you have gret advice. Great training plan there too. Run with dog. Drop off dog. Eat cookies. Mmmmmm

gatorphipps, Yay for new shoes. They should be in great shape by the time race day comes around.

kaf7878, good to see ya moving on. Yep, seems like wa are all at the same place. It will get better, really. Back pain, do you work in a Pilates routine. That may be very helpful to that pain. I have found it improved my difficulty there. However, still have issues, it's diagnosed as Arthur-itis. Sigh.

Jodi, all I can say is ouch! Glad it all seemed to do the trick for you though.

plutosmyfav, all I could think of was "Mary Poppins" when reading of the umbrella run.

If it is raining, I layer according to temp and muddle through the puddles. I got new shoes today too! I tried on 4 pairs and settled on the Sauconys. They are 3D Grid Triumph 2 and silver/white/blue. They were the best fit of the bunch I had. It is a neutral shoe as the style recommended by the podiatrist and I have the orthotics ready to go in with the heel lift and hope it will ease up my discomfort some. Taking the anti-inflamatories and hoping for the best. I know it is not recommended, but I will be delaying the LR one day as I am going out of town to to visit my friend Sat and won't be back til Sunday. Hope to get something in on my return. Maybe the extra rest days will do me good. I haven't had any run time in so hope it will all work out.

I wanted to add that I entered a drawing at the store where I bought my shoes. It was DIVA night there and they had several opportunities for prizes. One was a paid entry into a triathalon here in August. Wonder if I won that?
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl: THAT would be funny!

PD for those in the path of Wilma.

What's up with the rest of the team?
xterratri said:
Ah discussion about my real love- bikes. Yes, you can save money buying online but... I wouldn't do it for your first real serious bike and if you are going to race tris with it. Why- because the number one most important thing about a bike is fit especially for an aero position and that is something that can be a challenge to figure out by yourself. In addition, the generic size runs for the online bikes are made for males. I'm only 5'4" but my inseam is longer than many close to 6 ft males. (And then there's the body weight issue. I don't need a bike engineered to take what a 180 lb guy is going to dish out.) That means my upper body is short so I am real particular about top tube length. If you are leaning toward a tri bike rather than a road bike(there are some definite pro/cons to that approach), you should check out InsideOut Sports. They are based in one of the Carolinas and I know that they have left over model year specials as they are listed in their ads in the Ironman NA monthly newsletter. Some LBS(local bike shops) give better deals than others too. I was looking at Trek's Project One site updated for the 2006s and my bike is up to 4800 now MSRP. The MSRP when I got it was actually over 3800(not sure exactly 'cuz mine was customized further) but I paid about 3100 for it. If you want to lust over something go to rooworld.com and look at the Caliente- I have a very nice Quintana Roo tri bike and I still drool on my keyboard looking at that bike. I currently own a Trek Project One Madone SL road bike, a Quintana Roo Private Reserve Compact tri bike, a Jamis Dakar Pro mtn bike, and a Kona Smoke commuter bike.

I totally agree that fit is the number one most important thing in cycling. But I disagree seriously about not buying it online. A reputable shop can do a custom fit on any bike, provided the frame size is correct. We have some fantastic bike fitters in Charlotte. The best guy is at The Right Gear in Concord, but T-Lo or Dan at ultimate are also good fitters. (Bree and Christa). For that matter Bree's FIL is a Tri guy, he can vouch. If you are a beginning cylcist the slight variances in geometry really are insignificant. Basically compact geometry is compact geometry. I also disagree about getting a tri specific bike as your first serious bike. A road geometry bike can be set up for tri's, it may not be perfect, but certainly good enough for the vast majority of riders. Heck Giant frames only come S, M and L. But most do come in more specific cm's. Get a LBS to size you.They will be able to tell you what size frame fits you. Tell the online company what bike you were sized on and they will be able to adjust. Why would a bike company not want to put you on the best bike for you? They will size you. When you get the bike the LBS fits you to the road profile. There is much more versatility in road profile. Definately easier to learn pedalling efficiency and correct body position. Plus, no group ride will ever let you get on your aerobars. That is sure to get you booted out of the group. If you decide the road bike is going to be used for tri's, you can use a profile fast forward seat post with a separate seat and a set of clip on aerobars. Get your LBS to refit you for a more tri specific positioning. Then you pop on the seatpost/seat combo (already set up by the LBS) for single rider training or races. Most beginers are only going to be doing sprint length tri's, which are, relatively speaking pretty short. A tri bike should only be for those dedicated to doing tri's, not someone just starting out riding. It is very true that positioning for tri bikes is different; with your body more forward, using more quad and saving more hamstring for the run. But for a beginner, they need to think about pedalling efficiency (scraping mud off a curb, or rolling a log) and back straight, leading with the chin, big lungs,... all those things cycling coaches tell you.

The biggest gains in any endurance sport come from fitness and efficiency, which comes from training. Anyone that spends $3800 on their first bike to get the tinie tiniest advantage needs to take a good look at their training and fitness. Is this bike going to give me the advantage I am looking for or is it my fitness and training that is actually holding me back? Now if you are Karen Smyers (43), those tiny advantages really matter, but who of us is ever going to do Ironman Hawaii in 9 hours and some odd minutes?

Sorry, I had to defend my positon.

I cannot let the bike debate go on without adding my two cents..... So here it is. CHIRSTA.. Did you know that riding a bike automatically makes you a cool person? IT DOES!!!!!!

Speaking of being cool.. I forgot to tell you what me and EC did at mile 12 of 14. We always run by the Jr. High. So today on our way back, we see the cross country coach out with her kids training them. The CC coach is also one of EC's main competitors so of course EC is speeding up to look good. This is killing me!!!!!! EC is the marathon queen and I am a turtle. Then we run by the band. They are honking out a shaky rendition of twist and shout. Now being from the ferris buhler generation, this could not be ignored!!!! First we start march/running then we progress or digress to singing the words at the top of our lungs (I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen by that point) By the time we get to the "ahhhhh, ahhhhh, ahhhh" part, we both had our hands in the air waving them. I think the band was very impressed!!!! After we had some time to review our actions (which still make me smile) I remembered that we have to run by the jr. high every week :confused3 and that we live in a small community where no matter how fast we run, we can't outrun the consequences of our behavior. OH WELL..... Maybe the Jr. High kids will just know that us older gals can have fun too!
Melissa - Oh I am laughing so hard at your story! :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I want to be a cool biker too! Thanks for all the advice from everyone! You guys and gals are AWESOME! You are the big :dog: bikers!

Why can I not sleep? :confused3 I have 16 miles tomorrow :earseek: and I am up posting. I guess I better get in bed. I have to get up around 0500 to get the DDs off to school b/4 LR @ 0800! Yes it takes that long to get them, me, and DH ready for school and LR. Oh we also always have a BIG family breakfast! :love: And I thought being a parent would be easy! :rotfl2:



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