Wendy's "I'm Going to SCOTLAND!!!!" Weight Loss Journey(Scotland Trip Report Pg 10)

Welcome home!

I have enjoyed reading about your trip. I have never been interested in traveling abroad but after reading about Scotland I just might have to do a trip when the kids are out on their own. DH is a cyclist and would love to go to France and bike the route of the Tour de France. I have no interest in biking but maybe I could find myself a nice hotel to lay around in! :laughing:

Ok, here it is. GET BACK TO YOUR PROGRAM! I know you can do it! Now that I have found your journal I'm going to be checking in and I want to see some progress. So, does that help? :rotfl:

Have a good day!

:lmao: Yeah, it helps!! Thanks!

Glad you're enjoying the blog. I just added photos. Any idea how to make them smaller???? (I know I had this problem before, but I cannot for the life of me remember the solution!)
Welcome back darlin! It was so wonderful of you to share your gorgeous trip and family with us. Those pictures are amazing, and I LOVE the cows with the long hair!

As I've said before, you are truly an inspiration to me. I need to get on the bandwagon of weight loss and I just am so overwhelmed too. Take the time to readjust and then get back to your old habits. You're a diet rock star! I'm taking cues from you....you're my hero! Just think, you lost 3 pounds this week and you weren't even trying! (I should be so lucky....)
What a great read!!! So glad you are back...I think I missed you but like the day you left I watched Made of Honor and popped on and told you to watch it. Who knew it was somewhere you went!!! That train looks like a blast!

Maybe you need to plan another trip to get motivated! You have done great so far, so I am sure you will continue to do so. It is fun to have something ot look forward to though. What other trains does that company have? I heard once they were working on getting (or have) one in the US for a cross country type thing.

Well I will "see" ya at "home". :lmao:
Welcome back darlin! It was so wonderful of you to share your gorgeous trip and family with us. Those pictures are amazing, and I LOVE the cows with the long hair!

As I've said before, you are truly an inspiration to me. I need to get on the bandwagon of weight loss and I just am so overwhelmed too. Take the time to readjust and then get back to your old habits. You're a diet rock star! I'm taking cues from you....you're my hero! Just think, you lost 3 pounds this week and you weren't even trying! (I should be so lucky....)

Dude! I have done nothing but eat for the past two weeks!!! :scared1: I think when I get back I am going to go on a major exercise/diet binge.
What a great read!!! So glad you are back...I think I missed you but like the day you left I watched Made of Honor and popped on and told you to watch it. Who knew it was somewhere you went!!! That train looks like a blast!

Maybe you need to plan another trip to get motivated! You have done great so far, so I am sure you will continue to do so. It is fun to have something ot look forward to though. What other trains does that company have? I heard once they were working on getting (or have) one in the US for a cross country type thing.

Well I will "see" ya at "home". :lmao:

They used to have the American Orient Express, but its been sold, and now it's called Grand Luxe or something like that. They have the Venice-Simplon Orient Express, there's one that goes from Paris to Istanbul, one in like Bankok or someplace like that, and another one in the UK. But the Royal Scotsman is #1, so anything else would be a step down!
Welcome back!!!!! Great trip report. And loving those pictures, especially those guys in the kilts. Could have done without the picture of haggis though. :lmao:

I must second what others have said before me. You truly are an inspiration to us. You've only been back a week. Lots to catch up on, like you said. You'll get back to your "routine" once you have settled back into being home.

We'll all be here to cheer you on. :cheer2: :hug:
When I set off on this journey many months ago, my goal weight was 210. I've since revised that down to 186. Anyway, I stepped on the scale this morning, sort of a "midweek" weigh in for me. Why? Because I'm switching cellular carriers and will be getting new phones, and I'd promised myself an iPhone when i hit 210. Well, I need to switch by this Tuesday, or wait until late September, because my billing date is the 20th, and I don't want to pay 2 cellular bills for the same month. So I decided to see how close I was to 210. I had already made the executive decision that, since my scale weighs in 1/10 pound increments, anything from 210.4 down would count as 210. I was 212.2 on Wednesday. Today I was 210.6!! :woohoo: Amazing. So as long as I am down another .2 by Tuesday, we don't have a problem. I plan to go make the change tomorrow, and since I have an extra phone line that my brother just returned to me and I haven't cancelled yet (thank God, since Laura lost her phone and has had to use Uncle Gordan's this week!), I will use his phone until Tuesday, or sooner if I hit that 210.4 mark before. That way the phone is really my reward for getting to 210, not just a "well, i changed carriers so I need a new phone" thing. it won't be an iPhone, BTW, since that's only AT&T. But it's very very similar, does all the cool things the iPhone does, and it makes me just as happy!

Seeing where my weight was, this afternoon I decided to have a peek in the big Rubbermaid bin in my garage labeled "size 18". I knew that some of the stuff in there was stuff I'd worn 16 years ago when I was first dating my ex-husband. And I know that I weigh the same now as I did then! So I decided to try some things on.

Well, for starters, can you say "vanity sizing"?? OMG,I have tons of size 18s in my closet that fit, or even are big. These are NOT the same size 18!! That said, I ended up with a polo shirt, a T-shirt (that says "Expect Miracles"--how appropriate!), 2 slips, and a nice skirt and blouse set that I can wear now (I'l wear the skirt and blouse tomorrow for church!), a pear of plaid flannel pants and a wool blazer that fit now, but it's a bit warm for flannel and wool!, and 4 pair of jeans and a pair of dress pants that I'll try again in 10 pounds. I managed to get one pair of jeans on and zipped. Keep in mind, this is from before the days of spandex in denim! There was NO give in these things! I look SO slim in them though! Of course, there's that "mushroom top" issue with my tummy... I also found 2 bathing suits--1 is a 14 that's a far way off, and the other is probably a 16, but I got it on, it fits well, just too low in the back for my middle aged taste! :lmao:

What I've realized is that even though my weight is the same as 16 years ago, my body is very different! For starters, my waist is bigger. Guess that's part of middle age, right?!? Also, my legs are heavier (altho they are shrinking nicely!) My chest is much smaller, thanks to the reduction I had a few years back. So, OK, I will probably never have a 28 inch waist again, but who cares, really? To be healthy, it just needs to be under 35", and mine was 35.5" a month ago (and that was about 8 pounds ago too!) So I would think losing another 25 pounds should put me below a 35" waist. Besides, the tummy tuck that will come with my incisional repair next year will help too! :thumbsup2

In any event, I'm really happy with my "shopping trip" today. Especially the responses I got from my kids. When I walked in the rooms where they were (seperately), they both said the same thing. "WOW!!" It made my day! After years of knowing my kids were a little embarassed by my weight, it's nice to know they now think I look good. In fact, they tell me constantly! I does my mother's-heart good to hear it! :love:

Now I just have to get through a week at the beach without a problem, and I'll be good to go. The biggest issues will be a)a night on the boardwalk in Wildwood. (can you say "junk food extravaganza"??), b)nightly ice cream runs for the kids, a long-standing tradition (I'll indulge once or twice, but NOT every night, and ONLY a kiddie cup!), and c)my BFF's cooking, which differs greatly from my own as far as nutritional content! We are meeting tomorrow to plan the food for the week, and I'll know what things I need to bring for myself, but I can't expect to eat a totally seperate dinner every night! (I plan to do my own thing for breakfast and lunch each day, and go with the gang on dinners for the most part.) I've already proven to myself that I can "wing it" on vacation and still be OK, so I probably don't need to worry, but hey, it's what I do!
Loved your report. The pictures were beautiful. I was in Scotland in the 70's and really enjoyed it. We took a 'sleeper' from London but I didn't get much sleep. I do remember being cold too.

You really have entered the hardest part of loosing weight---keeping it off. I am a complete failure in that department. I am looking to you for inspiration. I have not gotten on the scales lately but know I've gained the 12 I lost in the spring back. It is just so easy to do. Keep on track. You keep such good records of what you eat. Keep it up. I think that's one of the many things I blow. It is too easy to cheat if you are not accountable for every bite. Use your kids as motivation...use us for accountability and encouragement. We are very proud of your loss. You can do it. :woohoo:
Loved your report. The pictures were beautiful. I was in Scotland in the 70's and really enjoyed it. We took a 'sleeper' from London but I didn't get much sleep. I do remember being cold too.

You really have entered the hardest part of loosing weight---keeping it off. I am a complete failure in that department. I am looking to you for inspiration. I have not gotten on the scales lately but know I've gained the 12 I lost in the spring back. It is just so easy to do. Keep on track. You keep such good records of what you eat. Keep it up. I think that's one of the many things I blow. It is too easy to cheat if you are not accountable for every bite. Use your kids as motivation...use us for accountability and encouragement. We are very proud of your loss. You can do it. :woohoo:

:love: Thanks M&N!!!
As the summer winds down and the kids get ready to go back to school, I have some thoughts on the events of the past couple of months.

I began the summer really concerned about how I would do food-wise on vacations. I need not have worried. I assumed my weight would be pretty flat from July 1 to September 1 or so, as I’d probably gain on vacation and then have to lose it all over again. I was wrong. On July 1, my weight was 225 pounds. On August 27, after a riverboat cruise, 4 days in Williamsburg, a trip to Scotland, and a week at the beach, my weight was 209 pounds. A loss of 16 pounds! :woohoo:

One thing I have noticed is that when I get back home from a vacation, it’s hard to get back on track. This is occurring again right now, and I’ve been home 2 days from Cape May. I’ve yet to go to the gym. I’m still not totally “clean” in my eating. It’s time to get back on the wagon!

My Cape May experience was interesting. I was with my kids, and also my BFF and her two kids. The food in our condo was NOT what I usually eat! I brought things for my breakfasts and lunches, as well as some fruit for snacks. We planned our dinners in advance, and I knew they were all things that I could eat. Not exactly what I’d eat at home, but still OK. BUT there was also a lot of stuff that I don’t eat. M&Ms. Candy. Snacks. :scared1: I steered clear of most of it, but did indulge a little. We went out for ice cream every night. I only had a small dish of soft vanilla, and only on 3 of the nights. Even the night on the boardwalk in Wildwood, all I had was a slice of pizza, some lemonade, and a small ice cream. NOT bad!!:thumbsup2

The coolest things had nothing to do with food. Walking on the beach and not feeling like I would die trudging across the sand. Actually sitting on the beach on a towl and being able to get up. Wearing shorts and not feeling like everyone was staring at me. Walking all over town and up and down the boardwalk with NO problem! And best of all—my experience at the waterpark in Wildwood. I was able to climb up A LOT of steps to get to one of the high slides, as well as 2 moderate height slides. I fit very nicely in the tube on the lazy river. And when I sat on the lounge chair to take a break, I was able to stand right up with ease! No pushing myself up, contorting into odd positions, just to raise myself up from that chair! :cool1:

I find myself now just 9 pounds from ONEderland. Only 23 pounds from my revised goal of 186. I actually had someone ask me where I was going to find 23 pounds to lose! Ummm, how about my right thigh?!!? :lmao: Trust me, at 186 I will not be thin by any means! But I WILL be the lightest member of my family. I WILL be about a size 16. I WILL be healthy! And if my body decides it wants to weigh less, then so be it, I’m game. For the first time in my life, though, I’m not afraid of maintenance. I’ve always been way too good at gaining weight, and not too bad at losing it, but staying steady at any given weight is something I’ve never been able to do. This time I think will be different. Why? Because even on vacation, my habits have changed. Sure, I indulged a little. But the key was moderation, something I seem to have finally grasped. I still don’t know where I’m going to end up weight-wise. Only time will tell. But I know I need to have most of the clothes in my closet altered so they’ll still fit me this fall. And I know I am able to move my body like it hasn’t moved in a long, long time. And I know that I am content with the body I have, even if it isn’t, and won’t ever be, truly THIN. I think being comfortable in my own skin is the best feeling of all!
I'm finally back on track. It was hard, coming back from vacation. It took me a week to get completely back on the wagon with exercise and food. But now the kids are back at school, and we are all falling into a routine again. It's comforting, sort of. I know "if this is Tuesday, then here's what's on the schedule..." I like knowing the routine.

I decided that my exercise needs a routine again too. So I checked out the gym schedule and decided what goes where.
Monday: 10-11 am Aqua Cardio Hi-Lo (POOL)
Tuesday: 1 hour on the elliptical (usually in the AM)
Wednesday: 9-10 am Aqua Boot Camp (POOL)
Thursday: 8-9 am with trainer, 30 min on elliptical
Friday: 9-10 am H2O Blast (POOL)
Saturday: 30 min elliptical, 11:30-12:30 with trainer
Sunday: OFF

The only "carved in stone" days, not negotiable, are Thursday and Saturday (altho I will miss ONE Saturday this month). The other days are a bit more flexible. If I miss ONE, that's ok, I'm still exercising 5 days a week. But only ONE and not every week!

Food has gone back to normal. i'm finding some new recipes, healthy ones, to try for me and the kids. Last night I made Cranberry-Orange Turkey Breast in the crock pot. It was great and we all loved it. It's a keeper! Tonite I'm making a healthy Mac & Cheese that I got a recipe for at the hospital. It has sweet potato and carrot puree in it, and the topping is made from organic wheat flakes and wheat germ. Low fat, lotsa protein, and yummy. COOL! I hope the kids love it.

I'm noticing that I'm hungry alot lately. Now, my exercise hasn't increased (yet), my food certainly hasn't decreased, and I'm not suddenly losing rapidly. So what's up? I posted that on Chit Chat and Neraus says our bodies want more food in the fall--we're preparing for winter. Hmmmm, interesting. Makes sense too! So I will just fight it, maybe schedule an extra snack if need be.

I had all my pants from Scotland taken in 2" in the waist. Now I have some clothes for fall! I will need sweaters later, but for now I think I'm good. Just need to order a couple pair of jeans. I don't really know how I'm going to dress as it gets colder. I'm thinking layers. I have hot flashes so frequently that I'm constantly getting hot, then cool, then hot, then cool! So I need flexible clothing!

I made a big decision on a reward for hitting ONEderland. Since I didn't end up getting an iPhone at 210 (and I even returned my Glyde and got a regular push button cell phone), I sort of "gypped" myself on that one. And getting to ONEderland is HUGE. So I decided the reward has to be pretty significant. I had originally thought of clothes, but I have pretty much everything except sweaters, and I really don't want to go nuts when i'm still losing. SO...I decided I will take the 3 diamonds I have from my grandmother (the largest one was in a pendant I hated--I had the stone removed and sold the gold last year, the 2 smaller ones are in earrings that I'm afraid to wear because I might lose them) and have them made into a ring. It will be very simple. White gold, with the bigger stone in the middle and the smaller on either side. Representing me and my kids! So every time I look at my hand, I will remember what I've done, how far I've come. I think it's pretty fitting, and it makes MUCH better use of those diamonds!!

People who I haven't seen all summer are just wigging out when they see me. It's funny--I've only lost about 20-25 pounds since I saw them last, but it must have been a significant enough change. Everyone is commenting on how much I've lost. Almost like they didn't notice the first 50 pounds! In any event, I'm getting a kick out of being called "Skinny"! Not to mention fitting in my smaller clothes! The orthopedist is going to be thrilled when I see him later this fall. He wanted me at or below 200 for surgery in January, and it certainly looks like that will happen! I just keep thinking about how much easier rehab will be at 1/2 the weight of last time! And with doing only one knee, it's gonna be a piece of cake (well, relatively speaking...)

So I'm back in the saddle again. And I've got control of the reins. The trail ahead is still steep, and rocky in places, but I'll make it. All the way to ONEderland and beyond. Because my guide (God) and my friends and family are with me in this, and I know the way, and I'm determined to get there.
Hi Wendy in Freehold. WHat is the recipe for the turkey?

Dona in West Long Branch
Hi Wendy in Freehold. WHat is the recipe for the turkey?

Dona in West Long Branch

Hey Dona, how are you?!?!?!

EASY recipe!

1/2 C orange marmalade (i actually used organic apricot spread)
16 ounce can whole cranberry sauce
2 t grated orange zest
3 pound turkey breast

Combine 1st 3 ingredients in a bowl and mix well.

Place turkey in slow cooker. Pour (spoon) half the fruit mixture over the turkey. Refridgerate the rest for now.

Cook on low 7-8 hours or high 3.5-4 hours, until turkey juices run clear. (I did mine on high and it was done before 3 hours--even partly frozen!)

Add remaining half of fruit mixture for the last half hour of cooking.

Remove to a warm platter and allow to rest 15 minutes before slicing.

Recipe from the Fix It And Forget It Lightly cookbook (which I LOVE!)

It says to serve it with the sauce, but mine was all watery and runny, so I just tossed it! A little bit stayed on the turkey, so that was fine.
I have that book too. I will have to cut down the recipe since ds2 went off to college and ds1 is not always home for dinner. Thanks.
I am truly blessed.

Not that this is any great new realization or anything--I've know it for a long time. But lately, reading about the destruction from Hurricane Ike down in Texas and other states, about people who lost EVERYTHING, it really hit me just how blessed I am.

I have a wonderful, loving family who I can count on. We are all reasonably healthy. We get along great. We are able to get together and do fun things, vacations, etc.

I have friends who are there for me in good times and bad, through thick and thin (literally!!). They offer advice, share ideas, keep secrets, and make my life infinitely more wonderful.

I have a beautiful, intact home. I live in a safe neighborhood, where I can leave my back door wide open for the whole day and come home and no one has broken in. I'm not in a high risk area for hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, forest fires, or other natural disasters. My neighbors are good, friendly people who wave as we pass and are happy to help each other if needed.

I have financial security. I don't have to worry about where my next meal is coming from, or how I will pay the mortgage. I can meet my children's needs, and many of their wants. I can give to others in need.

I am healthier than at any other time in my life. My blood pressure, cholesterol and other labs are great. My arthritis has not impeded my exercise. I am able to go to the gym and the pool and walk all over the place.

I have an education that not only allowed me to have a career, but also sparked an interest in other things like history, travel, reading.

I found a community of people with goals like mine, where I can give and get support in reaching my goals of health, fitness and weight loss. And with that support, I've been successful far beyond what I'd dreamed of.

Sure, my life isn't perfect, but whose is, really? No one I know, that's for certain! But when my kids drive me nuts, or some driver cuts me off, or dinner doesn't turn out right, I stop and think, "does this REALLY matter, in the long run?" And I think of all the blessings I DO have, and I thank God for every one of them, and I ask His blessing on those who don't have what I have.

We're spending billions of dollars on a Presidential election. What a waste. Think of the people in Haiti whose country has been decimated by hurricanes this year. Think of people in Africa starving. Think of babies in China drinking poisoned milk. Think of the people in Texas, Lousisiana, and elsewhere who had unwanted visitors named Ike, Gustav, Hanna, Fay (and that's just this year). And think of what a difference those billions of dollars could make.

i don't have a billion dollars. No one else I know has that much either! But many of us have more than we need. If you're one of those people, count your blessings. And then do something to help someone else. Volunteer. Make a donation. Stand up for what you believe in. Make a difference!

May God richly bless each of you, as He has me.

www.portlight.org (Hurricane Ike relief in smaller towns that FEMA and the media have ignored)
www.lambifund.org (helps the people in Haiti)

Together, we CAN make a difference!
Today I became the mother of a teenager. :scared1: My daughter turned 13. It snuck up on me, this growing up thing. I remember the day she turned 2. We were in Russia, she was a tiny, fragile little thing, weighing all of 19 pounds. There was no celebration, no party, no cake. In her orphanage, they were lucky to have a piece of bread and some soup. There were no presents--toys were few, and what was there was mostly broken.

I was new to the whole "mom" thing, but when they put Laura in my arms, the bond was immediate. It was as if I'd always known her, and always loved her. The big, yawning hole inside of me was instantly filled. :love: And it's just gotten better from there. That little baby girl has grown into a beautiful young woman. She has brought joy to my life every day since she came into it. She has a smile that lights up a room. The sound of her laughter is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard. Well, except for the sound of her saying, "I love you Mom!" :)

Over the past 11 years, I've watched my daughter face many challenges. School has always been hard for her, but she gives it her best every day. Physical issues have made things difficult, but she doesn't quit. She swims like a fish, runs like the wind, and is aiming to be the female equivalent of Tiger Woods. She loves to cook and plans to be a chef one day. She loves ice cream, pasta, and the Yankees. She is kind, compassionate, and generous to a fault. She befriends everyone. She makes me proud to be her mom.

Today, like every year on her birthday, I think of the woman who gave her life 13 years ago. The woman who, without even realizing it, gave me the greatest gift possible. A woman who I've never met, but to whom I owe so very much. Thank you Lidya. Spaceeba! :worship:

I spent a good part of today in my kitchen, canning 48 pounds of tomatoes. I've never canned before. This started on a whim, when the woman at the organic farm I buy tomatoes and other produce from told me how she cans tomatoes. I thought, "what a great idea! I use so much tomatoes every year, it would be great!" So I've spent the last 2 weeks chasing down canning jars, and today was the big day. My friend Lorie and I turned my kitchen into a tomato factory!

7 hours. 48 pounds of tomatoes. 21 quart jars. 14 pint jars. Lots of laughter and fun. I now have 35 jars of whole tomatoes and diced tomatoes, ready to store for use over the winter when fresh Jersey tomatoes aren't available. In additon, I have a great feeling of acheivement!

Applesauce is next...we're picking a bushel full next weekend!

The scale was down 4.2 pounds this week.:yay: ONEderland is just 2.7 pounds away. My birthday is 4 weeks away. I'm thinking I can do this! :cheer2:

I bought a few shirts at Kohl's today. Misses size XL. :thumbsup2 I like being in Misses sizes--SO much more selection. Plus they cost less. The coat I bought for Scotland just 4 months ago is huge on me now. And can I find a new all-weather coat at this time of year? NO! I have a fistful of Talbots coupons just waiting to be used, but I'm going to wait a few pounds.

Tonite I asked my brother to get on the scale so we would know what he weighs. My goal is to weigh less than he does, and less than my Dad. Well, I weigh about 5 pounds less than my brother! :cool1: Woohooo!! OK, so he's 7 inches taller.... Now I just have to catch Dad! :rotfl:
to your daughter! WOW 13!

I just had to tell you that I love your journal entries. You do a really good job sharing your life.

Congrats on the 4.2 pounds!
As usual, I loved your entries. The diamond ring idea is great...a visible reminder.
It is good to constantly think of our blessings. So many things try and get in our way to depress us. Thanks for the uplifting entry.
I hope a TKer meeting can be worked out. I so enjoyed meeting Racetrack and look forward to meeting you and others.
And his name is saltine crackers with melted chocolate/butter/brown sugar topping! Oh my gosh, those things are additctive!!! :scared1:

I went to an Octoberfest party, and did pretty well food-wise. Chicken, beef stew, a pretzel, some bread with butter (admittedly, I didn't NEED that...), and some of the fruit salad I brought. and then those deadly cracker things. I couldn't help myself--just kept grabbing another, and then another. It's one of those situations where one is too many and a thousand aren't enough. I finally just decided to leave.

I had already planned that when I got home I would have a bowl of ice cream (I'm PMSing and I've just been craving it) Now the smart thing would have been to say, "no ice cream since I ate all that other stuff". But no, I had to have the ice cream too! So I hereby declare that my "splurge" is officially OVER!! As of this moment, I resume my regular routine.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (literally, since we live in a ranch style house!), my kids have suddenly grown up into "big kids'. Just yesterday they were in diapers, or so it seems. I blinked, and now today they're "all grown up". Yesterday my daughter got her braces on, and last night she went to her first TEEN cooking class. Meanwhile, her brother rode his bike after school to go watch his "girlfriend" play soccer, and then he and his best friend came home, had dinner, and then I took them back to school to their first 6th grade dance. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How did they grow up so fast?!? Where did my babies go?? And if they're growing up, what does that make me? (answer: OLD!!) :lmao:

Tomorrow we are going apple picking, and Thursday when the kids are off from school we will make applesauce. At least they aren't too grown up to want to do things with their old Mom! :love:
Wendy - I just sat here this evening and read this whole thread.

You are such an inspiration! Keep up the good work. One-derland is looming close.

Congratulations - and thanks for sharing your story.


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