What are the weirdest complaints you have heard in WDW?

A little setup: On our first trip to Disney, we arrived at MK on our first day about 4:00 pm, did a few rides, had dinner at LTT, did a few more rides and called it a night after Wishes. It wasn't a whole lot of time at MK, but we knew we'd be back another day. Well, we should have explained this to DD(then 4). Next morning, we head to Epcot, as we had ADR's for Princess Breakfast. We get off the bus and are walking toward the entrance (barely in sight of the turnstiles) when Bec says "I want to go to the park". I answer with "We are going to a park, this is EPCOT". She replies "I want to go to a different park!" We all knew that by "different", she meant back to MK.

We learned our lesson and second trip began with first two days at MK. ;)
:confused3 I don't get why this is a weird request? Some people don't want to eat their dinner surrounded by small children. I don't think it is anymore out of line to make a request to not sit by children than any other dining request.

Hope I'm not causing a rukus by saying this, but I was thinking the same thing. Personally, I would never make this request (I've never had an unpleasant "kids" experience at a restaurant), but if someone really and truly wants/needs a break from being around kids for one night and can't afford to eat at V&A's, I think this is a fine request-if it's doable...or maybe there could be a better way to word it (i.e. "may I have a table in a quiet area?")

I personally like to sometimes request tables away from the bar when I go out to eat (WDW & nonWDW-when it's possible of course. I love kids and don't mind an occassional meltdown, but I have an aversion to loud drunk people...to the point where it can really disrupt my meal and mood.

Again, I hope I'm not causing a stink here, but I do think it's reasonable to request something like this. WDW is inevitably full of kids, but I can sympathize with some tired adults who might have had a chaotic day at the park, kids screaming in their ear or what not, maybe a past experience with a kid throwing food or what have you, and they view a peaceful meal as "no kids around." Again, sharing a restaurant with kids is no concern for me most of the time (I enjoy being around them!), but I have had meals ruined by loud drunk people, enough times that if I walk into a place and the bar is packed, I'll ask to sit away from that area.

JMHO & please no flames! :lovestruc
Hope I'm not causing a rukus by saying this, but I was thinking the same thing. Personally, I would never make this request (I've never had an unpleasant "kids" experience at a restaurant), but if someone really and truly wants/needs a break from being around kids for one night and can't afford to eat at V&A's, I think this is a fine request-if it's doable...or maybe there could be a better way to word it (i.e. "may I have a table in a quiet area?")

I personally like to sometimes request tables away from the bar when I go out to eat (WDW & nonWDW-when it's possible of course. I love kids and don't mind an occassional meltdown, but I have an aversion to loud drunk people...to the point where it can really disrupt my meal and mood.

Again, I hope I'm not causing a stink here, but I do think it's reasonable to request something like this. WDW is inevitably full of kids, but I can sympathize with some tired adults who might have had a chaotic day at the park, kids screaming in their ear or what not, maybe a past experience with a kid throwing food or what have you, and they view a peaceful meal as "no kids around." Again, sharing a restaurant with kids is no concern for me most of the time (I enjoy being around them!), but I have had meals ruined by loud drunk people, enough times that if I walk into a place and the bar is packed, I'll ask to sit away from that area.

JMHO & please no flames! :lovestruc

I don't think it is an unreasonable request - as long as the people do not go to a character meal and expect to receive a table in a "quiet place away from children"! LOL
I always laugh when I hear people complain about how bossy and rude their server was at 50s Prime Time Cafe. :rotfl2:

Oh my goodness, we just witnessed a doozy of a customer there last week who clearly didn't get it-post #3 here if you are interested:

Although I think this guy might have just escaped from the zoo, so it's likely that he would have acted this way regardless of the theming of PTC! :rotfl:
Very Skinny Girl"I wish you got more food with the DDP "

I couldn't help my self but start cracking up. This is in the Coral Reef and after the biggest meal i have ever had!
I was in line at Test Track, just passed the line queue and getting ready to go into the preshow. A woman, very upset, asked to speak to a manager. She told the CM that they were waiting in line a very long time and because it was so hot they were dehydrated and they needed to go on the ride right away.

The CM offered to take them to first aid, but they didn't get to go on Test Track without waiting in line.

I just thought it was funny. Like everyone else around her weren't waiting in the same lines and standing in the same heat. Come on, it was Florida, it was August.

Just wanted to know the rest of the story-did they actually leave the line or did they "miraculously" feel less dehydrated after that?
Oh my goodness, we just witnessed a doozy of a customer there last week who clearly didn't get it-post #3 here if you are interested:

Although I think this guy might have just escaped from the zoo, so it's likely that he would have acted this way regardless of the theming of PTC! :rotfl:

omg that is terrible!!
I think I will avoid the prime time cafe though only because while dh would "get" the joke, he is very shy and wouldn't like, play along.He would probably smile but not say anything. He wouldnt appreciate the joke. But that is way way different that than ugly nasty man. omg. The poor waitress.
omg that is terrible!!
I think I will avoid the prime time cafe though only because while dh would "get" the joke, he is very shy and wouldn't like, play along.He would probably smile but not say anything. He wouldnt appreciate the joke. But that is way way different that than ugly nasty man. omg. The poor waitress.

Oh, please dont skip PTC!! The food and theming are so good! I felt so bad for that server-she was such a young girl and Big Ugly Dad was just...well Big & Ugly & mean! I was afraid to look in his direction after a while, for fear that he might say something to me! :eek: The thing is, the server really wasn't even that "harsh." It started out that she was a few minutes late coming over after they were seated (the restaurant was beyond packed!!) and she playfully asked him to set the table-:confused3 I've read so many other stories on here about other servers who were way more "harsh." Our server was great. It sounds like your DH and I are the same in that way-I get really shy too. I think our waitress sensed this though because she geared most of her jokes towards DBF who took it like a pro!
My wife ran into a similar parent one time while using the restroom. She heard a mother YELL LOUDLY at her kid because she had to go poop. The mother said "Your father and I are spending thousand's of dollars on this trip and we have to take time to let you go poop. From now on you better make sure that you go at the hotel because we are not going to miss out on the rides so you can poop whenever you want!"

We felt so sorry for the little girl!

:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: If I had a dollar for every time I've had to hang around a restroom, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for DD to do her business, (often while chatting up a storm or even singing) I'd have enough money for a trip to WDW!!!! :yay: Silly me....I never thought to put her on a regimented pooping schedule for my convenience. :idea:
I was a CM at Epcot years ago on the college program, and I swear I once had this conversation with a guest when a typical Florida raindstorm started:

Guest: Oh stop it. tell them to stop it.
Me: Excuse me?
Guest: Tell them to turn the rain off.
Me: I'm sorry, Disney does not have control over the-
Guest: Oh I know you guys make it rain so people have to buy those hideous yellow ponchos.
Hope I'm not causing a rukus by saying this, but I was thinking the same thing. Personally, I would never make this request (I've never had an unpleasant "kids" experience at a restaurant), but if someone really and truly wants/needs a break from being around kids for one night and can't afford to eat at V&A's, I think this is a fine request-if it's doable...or maybe there could be a better way to word it (i.e. "may I have a table in a quiet area?")

I personally like to sometimes request tables away from the bar when I go out to eat (WDW & nonWDW-when it's possible of course. I love kids and don't mind an occassional meltdown, but I have an aversion to loud drunk people...to the point where it can really disrupt my meal and mood.

Again, I hope I'm not causing a stink here, but I do think it's reasonable to request something like this. WDW is inevitably full of kids, but I can sympathize with some tired adults who might have had a chaotic day at the park, kids screaming in their ear or what not, maybe a past experience with a kid throwing food or what have you, and they view a peaceful meal as "no kids around." Again, sharing a restaurant with kids is no concern for me most of the time (I enjoy being around them!), but I have had meals ruined by loud drunk people, enough times that if I walk into a place and the bar is packed, I'll ask to sit away from that area.

JMHO & please no flames! :lovestruc
I don't think you're being unreasonable. I never really understood why the signature restaurants didn't seat the families near other families, and adult-only parties near other adult-only parties. Obviously at the park restaurants, and some of the resort restaurants, like Chef Mickey's, that would be impossible, but I see no reason why the signature restaurants couldn't do this.
The problem is that people do think that if they are not seated next to people with children that request will be honored the entire meal.

Last Jan. my DH and I were seated with our 4 children, all ages 9 and under, at Boatwrights dining Hall. A very family friendly resturant IMO.

Within minutes, a couple sitting next to us began in.....
"oh my gosh"
"I just can't believe it"
"This is just upsurd"

complete with many dirty looks towards our table. When their server came by again they asked to be moved immediatly to a table that was NOT by ANY children. They were moved.

But how did you think that made me and my oldest daughter feel.....TERRIBLE!!

I assure you my kids were being very very well behaved....they were simply coloring on their menus. Not a one was crying or talking loudly.

My husband could have cared less, but I was very offended.

Sorry to rant....the funniness of the thread can continue!!!!:goodvibes
I guess not so weird for us WDW fans, but my first comment to my DBF after we stepped off our plan back home into a hail storm was:

"You tell that pilot to turn around and take me back to WDW immediately!":laughing:
I was a CM at Epcot years ago on the college program, and I swear I once had this conversation with a guest when a typical Florida raindstorm started:

Guest: Oh stop it. tell them to stop it.
Me: Excuse me?
Guest: Tell them to turn the rain off.
Me: I'm sorry, Disney does not have control over the-
Guest: Oh I know you guys make it rain so people have to buy those hideous yellow ponchos.

:rotfl: That's great!

On the subject of rain, I had a guest complain when Tweedle Dee and Dum had to go in during a storm. She thought that they were fine, because they were covered. What were they covered by? A tree. And what happens to be the worst place to be during a storm?
When we were staying at WL in Dec there was a lady screaming at the CM b/c they did not have apple juice at Roaring Forks. She kept going on and on about how she had called ahead and specifically asked if there was apple juice, and now there was not. The sad thing is that her husband just stood there looking like he wanted to crawl into a hole. Poor guy!
Not sure where I heard the story, but... supposedly someone filled out a complaint form at city hall complaining that none of the CM at the Haunted Mansion were smiling. :confused:
These are so funny. I will have to start paying more attention when at WDW. All I ever get to hear is the constant complaining about it being hot.
:rotfl2: :rotfl: :lmao: If I had a dollar for every time I've had to hang around a restroom, twiddling my thumbs, waiting for DD to do her business, (often while chatting up a storm or even singing) I'd have enough money for a trip to WDW!!!! :yay: Silly me....I never thought to put her on a regimented pooping schedule for my convenience. :idea:

I have 3 dds who all seem to need to use the bathroom the minute they see one. No matter where we are. I get really frustrated too, because it is ALL THE TIME. BUT I would never yell at them for having to go! I get mad when I have to stop and take them, only so they can go OH, I changed my mind! Oh, I just wanted to wash my hands! OH, I just wanted to see what the bathroom looked like!
SO, I get the frustration when it is so often but really, I would never get mad if my kids actually had to go to the bathroom. The poor kid!


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