What have I got to loose....besides the weight?-Comments Welcome

Welcome to the Wish Board, Bankbunny! Congrats for getting started on losing weight. Looks like you're off to a great start. Have a great time at the game this weekend.
Congrats on turning down the Chinese food!!!!

You are doing a great job. Kepe up the good work!

Happy Friday
Managed to do really good again yesterday. B,S,L, and S were pretty much the same as always. For dinner I had 1 small slice of left over homemade pizza and a bowl of left over pasta with ham and peas. I was so tired and didn't want to exercise so DH told me if I was too tired to exercise he expected me to go to bed. Well, I felt bad about not exerciseing at all and decided I could do 30 min. Well, once I got going a did the whole 45 min. :cool1:
So far I'm pretty good today. My only slip was that I had coffee with regular cream from Dunkin Donuts insdtead of putting my fat free 1/2&1/2 in it. I usually get it black and fix it myself, but was going to be on the road and had to have them put cream in it. I know it's not the end of the world. The rest of today should be pretty good. I have my yogurt for snack and my salad for lunch. I'm getting a grilled chicken slad from the pizza place for dinne and will use my own low fat dressing. Will get a coffee when I'm out tonight with mom so I may have regular cream again. I will have to exercise late tonight when I get home. I just wish I would see a change on the scale. My DH says he can see a differnce, but I think he's crazy.
Hi! Welcome. Journaling is so great.
I'm in the same boat as you with the insulin resistance. I have PCOS and am on glucophage. It does help regulate my cycle, but hasn't helped at all with losing weight (I actually gained more while on it).
Great job getting yourself to walk. I was never one to exercise, but now I feel like I'm building new habits and making it a regular part of my schedule.
Keep up the good work. The scale will change soon!
Today is not a very good day. I was doing really good yesterday and then came the cake. It was a co-worker's B-day and we had cake. I had one small piece and it was good. But then by time I had dinner, went grocery shopping and put everything away it was almost 11:00 and I had to get up for work today. :guilty:
So here's what the scale told me.....when I started this kournal I was 185 then I had a couple of bad days and went up to 186.1 before I really got on track. Well, with good diet and exercise I got down to 185 forthe past few days-until today. Today I am 185.6. Why did I eat the cake??? Why didn't I exercise??? I am feeling so bad about myself right now. And today it's just going to get worse. Today we go to the hockey game. Therre are some things I get when we go that are tradition. We only go to a few games a year, but today it's just going to make me feel worse about myself. :sad2:
Part of me knows that I'm just being too hard on myself, but if I'm not hard on myself how will I stay on track??
Sometimes we make good food choices, and sometimes they aren't so good. Don't beat yourself up about it. Just keep trying to make better choices.

Your DH sounds very supportive. :)
I used to be really hard on myself when I messed up and then that became an excuse to continue to overeat or make unhealthy choices. Now I just try to move on and remember we all make mistakes. I try to remember I'm trying to create new habits and that takes time and practice.
I know that I can be too hard on myself and I'm really trying not to. Saturday wasn't as bad as it could have been. I had oatmeal, yogurt, an apple, and a Special K snack bar. After work I went to get my nails done and had to wait forever. So all I had before we left for the game was pretzels. So far not too bad at all. Then we stopped at Texas Weiners before the game and I had 2 hot dogs w/ chili, cheese, and onions & onion rings. Then at the game all I had was a Dunkin Donuts coffee with regular 1/2&1/2. I didn't get a chance to exercise before we left for the game because it took so long to get my nails done. On Sunday, I ate pretty good. I had oatmeal, coffee w/fatr free 1/2&1/2 and splenda, yogurt, a sandwhich on whole wheat bread w/low fat mayo, 1oz of 97% fat free ham, 1oz of low fat trukey breast and 1oz of low fat swiss, an apple w/ reduced fat peanut butter, some pretzels, and pot roast w/roasted potatoes, cauliflower, and salad for dinner and Edy's light ice cream. DH and I started to go for a walk, but he wasn't feeling too well so we turned around. I was going to go use the treadmill, but that just didn't happen. Either way there hasn't been any adverse results on the scale yet. Actually it seems to have gone down just a little bit. Anyway-today's a new day anda new week. Back to exercise and a better diet.
OK so I haven't written in a few days. I'll be honest-it's hard to be motivated to write in my journal every day when I don't get very much feed back. I feel like why should I bother.

Anyway, I've done really good this week on my diet and with exercise....until this morning. I work in a bank and we have local groups that use our community room for meetings. Well, the grop in there this morning brought us a dozen Dunkin Donuts and 50 munchkins. Lets just say it was ugly! :guilty:

And of course mom and I are going to Chinese Buffet tonight. I was going to try and restrain myself, but what the hell at this point. I guess I'll just have to start over again tomorrow.

It's great that you did well this past week. I think you are wise to start fresh when you have a set back.

About the journal - sometimes I have a hard time getting around to posting in other journals. I get here so late. Some days I feel like I am doing well just to post in my own. But for me, posting in my journal is an important part of the diet. It keeps me accountable and it also helps me to see where I can change things if I'm not happy with my progress. So I at least post in my own every day. I try to post in other journals at least once or twice/week. It's good for me to see what other people are doing - it's part of the learning process for me. Also, I know if I want feedback I have to give feedback (not saying that you aren't).

Hang in there. :)
So we are just going to pretend that yesterday never happened :guilty: and that today is the first day of my diet. I shouldn't even call it a diet....let's call it a lifestyle change. So far so good today...

B-Strawberry Yogurt Cheerios w/ 1% milk and coffee w/fat free 1/2&1/2 and splenda
S-Fat free yogurt

It's kind of hard to tell exactly what the rest of today will bring. Weekends aren't normally as predictable as week days. I can usually stick to my diet, but when I eat is another story. DH asked if I wanted to go for a long walk to. That would be great except it's pretty cool out today and it's supposed to rain on and off all day :sad2:

Well, that's all for now. I'll try to updatethe rest of today later.
You are doing very good because you are sticking with it. I've been in a huge slump lately but I know I have to do this for myself to be healthier and for my daughter to have me around longer than I could be around if I remained heavy.

Another one about the journals - I type in my journal to help me keep in line and see where I've gone wrong and what has and hasn't worked for me. I work during the day and the fall is a very busy time for me so I don't get to journals like I was earlier in my time here. But please don't think we don't care or support you. If I didn't have these people here, I think I would have quit a long time ago and wouldn't be where I am now.

Hang in there - we are there for you. You are doing great!!!! You really are.

Keep on :banana: :banana:
It's been a while since I've written again. I haven't done so well this week. I finished off Saturday pretty good, but no exercise. On Sunday DH and I went for a long walk-a little over an hour-and I ate pretty good. I shouldn't say that I haven't done good this week, but htat it could have been better. Monday I didn't walk and yesterday I had McDonald's. I'm due to get my period any day now so yesterday I just wanted to eat EVERYTHING! And I was really tired so I just got in bed to watch TV when I got home from work and then went to sleep. I did watch The Biggest Loser and that just made me feel worse about my efforts lately. DH said he has a plan to help me get back on track. He hasn't told me what it is yet. I guess I'll find out when I get home tonight. We usually carpool everyday, but I have a meeting this afternoon at work and needed my own car. This is what I have for today:
B-Oatmeal and low sugar OJ
S-Non-fat Yogurt
L-Homemade chicken soup, a small salad w/low-fat dressing, and either and apple or some pineapple (haven't decided which I'm having yet)
S-apple or pineapple (which ever I don't have for lunch) or a Special K snck bar. It most likely will be the snack bar since I'll be in the car.
D-???????????? We have a lot of left overs at home. Not sure what I'm going to do yet.

And I have to, have to, have to either walk or get on the treadmill tonight!

So far there haven't seemed to be an adverse effects from my "bad" days of eating lately, but my weight hasn't gone down either. At this point we'll view that as a plus.
Hi there,

Don't be too hard on yourself. You can get back on track.

You are doing a good job.

Hope you had a wonderful Wednesday, and a great Thursday!
You can do it!! I like how you've called it a lifestyle change because that's exactly what it is. It's so hard to make that change though but you are doing a great job so far. Keep up the good work!

Weekends are hard for me too.
Yesterday started out good,but didn't end so well. I wanted something sweet so bad yesterday afternoon. One of the girls I work with was going over to McDonald's so I had 1 oatmeal raisin cookie. Not to bad. My meeting was cancelled in the afternoon so I got to go home at 4:00 instead of waiting fo DH to pick me up. I decided to stop at Wegman's and get a loaf of Italian bread and some Mozzerella cheese to make meatball subs for dinner with the leftover meatballs I had in the fridge. I decided to get a latte while I was there (not too bad either), but the I got a doughnut too :guilty: Then I had some pretzels at home and the meatball sandwhich and tater tots :guilty: :guilty: And boy did my weight reflect the bad eating lately. I was up to 187 today :sad2: I also finally got my period today so that isn't helping my weight either.

That's it! No more excuses; no more BAD days. I'm going to do better from now on even if it kills me. DH still has told me his master plan to help me lose weight, but I'm told that I'll find out when we get home tonight. I have a really bad feeling that it will involve a bit more exercise then I'm going to want to do. I gues I'll just have to wait and see. Wish me luck today.
Good luck today!

Sounds like your DH is supportive. Maybe his plans won't be as bad as you fear. :)
So far so good today.....

B-Oatmeal w/1% milk and Splenda & Coffee w/fat free 1/2&1/2 and Splenda
S-Fat Free Yogurt
L-Apple, Special K snack bar, & salad w/Perdue popcorn chicken, fat free crouton and low fat dressing
S-Apple or pineapple (not sure which I'll eat yet)
D-I'm working until 7:00. DH is going to bring a pizza to work for me, him, and my co-worker. I'll try to keep it to a minimum.
S-I think I'll skip this one after the pizza or just have an apple if I have to have something.

I really do hope that whatever exercise DH has planned for me won't be that bad. Whatever it is I know it will be good for me. I know that he has my best interests at heart. He really is very supportive.
Good job for you getting back on it after having two "bad" days. That's the hard part and you have done it! You CAN do this!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
So, I ended up having the pineapplr for my snack and 2 slices of pizza w/sausage, peppers and onions for dinner. The pizza wasn't the healthiest choice for dinner, but the rest of the day I did great. And it tasted so good. I was falling asleep on the way home from work (one of the perks of carpooling) so DH made me go to bed early. I still haven't a clue as to what his grand plan is to help me lose weight. I'm sure I'll find out sooner or later.
Today I had the usual for breakfast. Oatmeal and coffee. I bet you can't guess what I have for a snack and for lunch. If you guessed fat free yogurt, a salad w/low fat dressing and perdue popcorn chicken, and some type of fruit you get ten points! Tonight mom and I are going to Bear Rock Cafe for dinner. They make sandwhiches and salads there. Kind of like Panera Bread. I'm trying to decide between a coupole of different salads for dinner. I like to look up menus online and try to decide what I'm going to have before I get there. It makes it easier to choose something healthy and easier for me to make a decision in general. And now that it's turned very cold out I'll have to switch from my iced coffee to a latte made with skim milk when we go out on Friday nights. Wish me luck that I can be good again today.


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