What Means "Ay, Caramba?"--Famous for Family of the Day!,Sept TR-Cape May HooRay 4/14

Your Epcot evening sounds just PERFECT! Aside from the headache of course. Cape May is such an awesome buffet, if you are a seafood lover lol I am a fellow crabby myself. I love your shirt and the shirts your girls are wearing, so cute! Can't wait until the next update
I have eaten at Cape May Cafe for both breakfast and dinner and I definitely feel like it is a hidden treasure! We got so much attention when we did the breakfast and the seafood was delicious at dinner. Glad you all enjoyed your meal:thumbsup2
Is there anything better than Epcot at night! I love seeing the ball lit up and taking a leisurely stroll around the park.
I can't wait for another TR update! I am currently reading your Island Hopping TR, and am enjoying it immensely. You mention in it that you wouldn't be able to stay again at CBR due to Sawyer counting as a person for your next trip. Which room at All Star Movies did you stay in with the five of you? I'm excited to realize there may be another option out there other than the suites and POR for a trip we're considering for 2015 when we'd be visiting with a family of five. While POR sounds great, I'm aware those rooms can be hard to come by should free dining still make an appearance in Fall of 2015.
I am new to the trip reports, and I'm so excited to have found yours! Your family is adorable, and you are a Fabulous writer! I feel like I am right there with my family in tow.

We don't park hop either, and though we have been to the world five times, we have only done TS this last time! Before that, we did QS burgers and nuggets until we couldn't choke them down anymore. Your TRs are opening my eyes to so many eating places to try. Based on your last update, my family is now booked at Cape May for supper. I can't wait to try it this Fall!

Your love for Epcot has also given me a reason to look at it a little harder, I seem to write off World Showcase as boring, museum like stuff.

I'm sure writing these TRs takes a lot of time, just wanted to let you know how awesome they really are!

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Loved your update! We do the same buffet shuffle. We are staying at Beach Club for 2 nights in October. I hadn't planned on any Cape May reservation. My 8 year old LOVES crab legs, mussels etc. Now I'm thiniking about working one in. I would have to drop either CRT 4:00 dinner on a Halloween party night or Beaches and Cream. Hmmmm
Finally watched your video and I can't wait to hear about all those things I saw in there, you look like you've packed a lot into this trip. What's your planning strategy? I picture spreadsheets prepared 7 months out in preparation for your 180 mark!

I showed the video to my kids to inspire them to be less shy, the 7 year old especially. My almost 6 year old was pretty brave last month at DL and was the only one on the floor for Crush. The CM laid down by her and she got to chat quite a bit with Crush. I think she asked his favorite color....lol.

Little Sawyer cracks me up, answering all the questions.. A dinosaur! I asked my 3 year old what he wants to be when he grows up and he just looked at me funny and smiled. It was the 'you're funny momma and I don't know what you're talking about' smile. Then he ran off to the kitchen while saying I don't know. He came out of the kitchen and said 'a piece of watermelon'!! He makes me smile.

I really like the idea of a yearly trip tradition. We do go about once a year to a Disney park but it's pretty random. September seems great for crowds and discounts but I'm pretty concerned about the weather, we are used to pretty mild weather over here in the PNW. My DH and I are going for our 20th in Sept and I'll be thinking of the kids a lot. Part of me wants to bring them and that darn free dining doesn't help. I need to decide soon, I'm sure ADRs for 6 are already slim pickings. Oops, I'm rambling on your TR!! See what you do to us?!
I have so enjoyed your report so far that I had to go back and start reading your previous TRs! I love, love, love the video and yes, it did make me cry at the end! Looking forward to reading the rest!

Oh, and after reading some of your 2012 report, I was SOOO glad to discover that someone else thinks the bathrooms at Target smell like the bathrooms at WDW!!! My non Disney obsessed friends think I am crazy... And maybe I am but at least I am not alone lol!
Great updates Jenn! It looks like you all had a lovely evening :goodvibes

Beautiful photos...& it's always lovely to see the gorgeous Beach Club! :)

I bow down to your buffet system - Fabulous!! :worship:

I always giggle at your restroom references because I can totally relate to the inconvenience of having a minuscule bladder!!!! :blush: :laughing:

I found your earlier trip reports & I'm really enjoying them...I love your style of writing!

Looking forward to more :)

Very best wishes,
Love your TR! I just watched your video and it is the sweetest thing ever :) Your kids are adorable and have such great personalities.
So first of all, I'm just now subscribing.... But better late than never! Second of all, I started reading one of your trs a year or two ago?( Did you take your mil along on a trip?) but somehow in the having 3 kiddos in 3 years, I stopped reading. But when I was reading Dani's last WDW tr and she mentioned you guys a bazillion times I thought I should reacquaint myself to your trs!

Your kiddos are super cute! And now that we have 3, we're driving (from PA!!) for our next trip for lots of the reasons you mention in your tr. So I like hearing your experiences with all of that. THe picture of Sawyer and Marie looking over World Showcase lagoon is precious. :) And your husband's pictures of World Showcase are so beautiful! It makes me really miss it!! I just finished your bonus day, and can't wait to read about the next 9 days!
I'm caught up! Oh my gosh!! Brynn's ppouty face when you're de-sanding?! Too too cute! And I have to say, I laughed SO HARD at your dinner at Cape May description! That is so completely accurate. I don't remember if I already said this, but our kids ages are 3 (37 mos), 21 mos, and 9 months. So, yes. I fully know the dinner dance. I swear I was sweating by the end of Easter dinner this year! Love your tr. :)
Aw Brynn does look distressed over the sand on her feet!

Ah I was so happy to experience the Beach club smell for the first time in September and I am DYING for January to get here so we can stay there! It's just such a beautiful area!!

Wow your dining system sounds well honed! I can see why Dani and Matt were so impressed! :goodvibes
I'm joining in! :wave2: I haven't read everything, but had to stop mid-post and just comment on ...

But those weren't what helped her the most. What helped the most was her buddy Matt, who talked to her about "it's a small world" to ease her nerves. She felt safe and sound, and she loved the ride. If you just read that and didn't melt a little, you aren't human.

This!!!! How wonderfully sweet! Yes, my heart did melt lots!!!
Jenn posted on facebook last week that life has just been very busy and she doesn't think she is going to be finishing the TR. She didn't ask me to post that but I saw that people are waiting so I figured I would pass along the news. As far as I can tell everything is fine and they are just busy with life! :)
I don't know how I stumbled across your TR but loved it! All of your details were so helpful. The buffet method is brilliant!


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