When was the last time......a continuation

Got a refund about a week ago from Amazon.....but didn't have to return the item

When was the last time you did some yard work?
friday....had to do some final touches on the front door area to make it more lush then trash...it worked...hustle all about a very awkward memorial gathering. then that should be the end of my yard work till back in salm at my sisters, lots to do there, most of it the shade of evergreens. not sure about next week in bend...I get a chemo dose on friday, see how it knocks me down.

when was the last time you gave the cardboard back of a cereal box to the grandkids to solve or play the printed game.
none of our boxes have games and they really don't eat cereal when here.....they are pancake kids....Mickey pancakes

When was the last time you made a stir fry dish?
couple of years.....too far to go usually

When was the last time you ripped your pants?
I wore socks last winter and got a hole in a couple of pairs

When was the last time you cooked eggs for something other than breakfast?
Easter. Dyed eggs, then made them deviled as an appetizer.

When was the last time you were late for something because you overslept?
never understood the theory of the puzzles being a pasttime. I worked just a tiny bit with my wife on her last puzzle, which i believe was in september when we returned from oregon. she may do it again, she had one started, not sure it is is summer storage or not. In part she does them because family does not arrive until mid november, so she is bored and needs to force herself outside.

WLT you drove above 4,000 feet?
No idea. I’m on the east coast, mountains here not nearly as high compared to out west. I’d guess somewhere in the Adirondacks, maybe Whiteface Mountain about 10 years ago.

Last time you watched a sunrise?
friday....I had left behind my Salvation Army bell ringing cold gear n daughters basement....no need for christmas yuma geat.

when was the last time you had a jar of coins for thrifty purpose?
long time. I give all our change to DD. She's trying to fill a huge coke bottle bank. It has been 9 years and still no where near full

When was the last time you had an allergic reaction to something?


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