Where did you put the...... garneska can't find anything for the next 3 months

What's up with posting at 5:47am? You're on a cruise. Sleep in 'til at least 6:30. :cool1:


It was 6:30 by me but we gained and hour. So it was actually 5:30 and I did not realize. Breakfast was at 8. I got there at what I thought was 8:15. It was closed. It was really 7:15. So we went to the coffee bar and had coffee first. I did go to sleep at 9:30 last night.
It was 6:30 by me but we gained and hour. So it was actually 5:30 and I did not realize. Breakfast was at 8. I got there at what I thought was 8:15. It was closed. It was really 7:15. So we went to the coffee bar and had coffee first. I did go to sleep at 9:30 last night.
9:30pm. Oh you wild wicked child you. I SUSPECT Dear Mrs. Bert's Mommy was a detrimental influence in your life as you tried to impress her and achieve the status of #1 Daughter in Law you so desperately desired.
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We are on day 5. It is Sunday, our last sea day. We never got off the ship this trip, which was the plan. We did a lot of eating and drinking and napping. Our days generally consisted of breakfast, nap, exercise, lunch, nap, do something sometimes tea or puzzles, dinner and sleep. Just what I needed.

I have heard from my brother and while everyone in that house is sick, dad is getting stronger and mom may finally be feeling better. After dad’s dr appointments on Friday he was picking up so that helped me out the last few days to relax.

Yesterday we were docked at Cozumel.


Again spent time on the boat.


Our foo foo drinks on the pool deck.


This morning I again woke early and grabbed some sunrise shots.



I did 7 miles on treadmill yesterday. Knee is still not happy with me. I can keep running but back to swelling again and mobility is limited.
I think I speak too soon on mom and dad. Dad is struggling mentally, he is afraid of dying. Saw it with Bert’s mom too. Have to convince him to tell the dr his struggles. Try and get him on something to calm him down. My mom and brother are exhausted.

We booked a second cruise for dec as we have vacation days to use but dang still not sure how that is going to work out. Will see though it’s 5 weeks away.
Not entirely sure what is going on with my dad. He is mentally struggling since he got out of the hospital. His mind is messed up. My brother had to call the paramedics and they took him to the hospital. Not sure what I am walking into when I get back but at least my mom and brother can get some rest as apparently they have been too worried to sleep.
I decided I would start a separate thread for remodeling phase 2. First, i wanted to be able to find my posts easily as i tend to chronicle the remodel better on the boards and then i show other people. Second because this will also entail us camping while phase 2 is going on. This will hopefully tackle all of it.

First let's talk background. Last year we remodeled the master bath. We did major changes to it. Removed the tub, shifted the shower to where the tub was. Where the shower was we moved our stackable washer and dryer from a tiny room off the kitchen to where the shower was. The bathroom remodel was awesome. We love it. We also love that the old laundry room is now a pantry for the kitchen.

With the laundry moved we could now start phase 2. This will tackle two major things. First we will replace the floors in the the two bedrooms, entry way, living room, kitchen and tiny laundry room with tile floor. The bedrooms are currently carpet and the other floor is hardwood. The second part of the remodel is replacing all the cabinets in the kitchen including counter top and sink. We will also have the laundry room converted to a pantry with counter top and shelves.

All this work will have us living in the RV up in Blairsville for i am guessing 10 weeks. The contractor said 6 to 8 weeks so i am planning 10 to 12 weeks. We have tried to make it easier on them by moving all our furniture out. We have spend the last two weekends moving stuff. i am so sore. This coming weekend we setup in Blairsville.

Next post will contain the before pictures (but after furniture has been moved out).
We'll be in the same boat just about the time we're leaving from Canada to go to The Fort next April. Our reno entails the complete demo of our basement and installing insulation, new bathroom/laundry room where there wasn't any before and replace gas woodstove with fireplace with surround, mantle and cabinets. Where will we put everything and how will it be without being able to do laundry in our own home for scheduled 6-8 weeks or more ...
@morrik5 good luck. I am still waiting on my kitchen 😩
The hard part will be if we return and they have a dumpster in the driveway blocking the cement pad at the back of our driveway where our RV gets parked. Hope your kitchen gets completed sooner than later.
If the exercising was walking off the last meal, that sounds like most of my cruises in my past. Only once did I do one where the goal was excursions, though pre-covid and going through central american ports.

I hope things improve for your father. I am sure it can be exhausting with worry about their mental well being.
We are off the boat heading to the airport. I did not sleep well at all last night. Currently my mom and brother are in their way to the hospital. I need to talk to mom but she is not answering. She left a voicemail and Paul texted. I don’t think he is going to make it. On the flip side I will be back at dinner and will head out to Dville. I actually have said goodbye to dad twice so if it his time. I hope it is peaceful and quick.
We are off the boat heading to the airport. I did not sleep well at all last night. Currently my mom and brother are in their way to the hospital. I need to talk to mom but she is not answering. She left a voicemail and Paul texted. I don’t think he is going to make it. On the flip side I will be back at dinner and will head out to Dville. I actually have said goodbye to dad twice so if it his time. I hope it is peaceful and quick.
Kris at times like this I have personally found the SERENITY PRAYER to be a huge help. I am asking GUS to reveal his love to you and your family
Just talked to mom. We are on a freaking roller coaster. At 8 am they called her as there was confusion about his DNI/DNR and they were almost ready to put him on life support. She said no. They went to the hospital and now he is slightly better. He was able to talk and remember he was going to watch the football game. They are saying he is not getting oxygen to his brain causing the confusion. We have no idea why yet.

We are not out of the woods but wow roller coaster.
Just talked to mom. We are on a freaking roller coaster. At 8 am they called her as there was confusion about his DNI/DNR and they were almost ready to put him on life support. She said no. They went to the hospital and now he is slightly better. He was able to talk and remember he was going to watch the football game. They are saying he is not getting oxygen to his brain causing the confusion. We have no idea why yet.

We are not out of the woods but wow roller coaster.
Hard to watch our parents go through health issues. We experienced the same roller coaster but different health concerns just this past spring with my Mom. Thoughts and prayers sent your way.
We are now back in the condo. update on dad, he is doing better. This morning he reacted badly to the sedative they gave him on Sunday. Potentially mixed badly with his other medicine. It left him unresponsive this morning. I have no idea how it got better but he did get some oxygen and eventually got stronger. He has had a battery of tests. He did eat lunch and is about to eat dinner. so we are back on a positive side but have no idea what is causing the problems. Mom thinks he will come home tomorrow but the rest of us think otherwise. Until they know why his oxygen is bad he is not coming home. at least I can go out tomorrow.
Time for a quick update. I don't have a lot. I did get some sleep last night but Dad is definitely not good. His mind is haunting him. He is staring at Death and can't handle it. I ran first thing and then we headed to mom's so we could figure some stuff out. Dad called me 5 times in the morning. To tell me things to make sure we were ready for him to come home. The last time he called after the doctor had seen him and the doctor told him to relax and he was not going home and to stop asking. With mom we did call the nurses station so we could mention the mental things going on. She did mention to the doctor. Yay it was also the first day of work after being off for 6 days. I had no idea which way was up. I took mom to the hospital at 1:30. We did actually both get to visit but one at a time. Found out they did give him a Zanax so he was a little calmer. When i was visiting the pulmonary dr came in. Dad's CPAP is set fine and i watched the DR and it is set good. Dad keeps saying people are messing up his machine. The lung Dr generally says he is fine to go home from a breathing thing. Though he has not been out of bed and hooked up to oxygen. I managed to talk to the dr outside the room and we discussed the mental thing and etc. The dr and i talked to the nurse as well. The one thing i know is people are aware that before he leaves there needs to be a psych consult. Right now he is still waiting for a room so he is in the ER. I am just glad he is not going home today. I am not sure how long he will be there and i am not sure if there really is anything physically wrong but at least he is in the hospital and that is the best place for him.

The plan is to stay at the condo tomorrow. I talked to my contractor today. I am super unhappy with the lack of progress being made. However not much i can do with it half done. i told him i needed progress get something done.
Hope they find something that works for your dad. This type of stuff is never fun , good or easy.


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