Where did you put the...... garneska can't find anything for the next 3 months

Dad is still in overflow. I have not spoken to him today but i did talk to the nurse. He seems to be doing better. Just need to get his mind right. I think they were going to try and get him up out of bed today. My brother is going to visit.

As for the kitchen my contractor has teased me with a pic of my countertop and is saying it will be installed tomorrow. Will believe it when they are here.
Sometimes I wonder about you Mike......... 🤣
Hey wait a minute I resemble that remark Don. Just remember. You can't fool I am a moron and don't you forget it OKAY. But I do have an extremely good reason for being the way I am. In the service on 3 occasions I experienced chute failure. Happily each time I landed on something soft, my head. The Doctors told me I was extremely lucky as it is a dead organ, Then I follewed it up with 20 years on THE JOB in NYC or as I like to say , The Job That Ate My Brain.
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It has been a whirl wind of a day. The dr was ready to discharge dad. Physically he is ok but mentally he is not at all. They did a psych consult but basically was going to send him home with some Xanax and call it a day. Then just before Dad went to nap he called my brother to again provide the whole i love you, tell everyone goodbye i am not going to make it. I called back the hospital and said don't let him out or we will be right back. Dr pulled the discharge but said our only option is a nursing home and since he is clear minded (sort of) i have to get him to agree to it. Later after his nap he calls my brother to say he slept and he is ok now so let's get him home. My goal tonight is to convince him to go to a nursing home. At least until his mind is clearer. If he gets better we can bring him home but right now no.

Today the countertop came at 3:30 which is great since they can only work till 5. They will be back tomorrow but we are headed to mom and dad's tomorrow. Might be better so they can get some stuff finished.

We are all exhausted.
Honestly, I would make a docter appointment for dad ASAP and see whats hurting him. I just would check to make sure hes not feeling more pain and not saying anything about it or if it is just a mental state. I'm Just speaking of some experiances I have had. Not trying to sound an alarm, but its best to check to be sure.
Yeah I am trying to work it all. It is hard.

Ok some pics of my counter.

The sink is in as well. The decorative tiles on the counter are going on the wall where the stove is.


This is the continuation from the sink.


Here is the stove wall where the tile will go.


This is the pantry.

Rehab/SNF/ECF may be good for your dad until he clears, although it may not stop the crazy calls. At least you know he would be safe. In addition to what I talked about on the phone, if he has been in the ED the whole time, that can be incredibly disorienting. Noise, poor sleep, disruptions. That makes anyone a little crazy after a few days, much less someone his age. There is a whole syndrome called ICU delirium from the constant chaos and sleep disruptions.

They did a nice (fast) job on the counters if they got all that done in 90 minutes.

Good luck with dad and the kitchen.

It’s Friday. I went to visit dad. He sounded really good so I said it was ok to discharge him. We brought him home. I am not sure if it was a good idea but he was very normal. He has gotten a little less normal. It is early but he was tired so he went to bed. We will stick around and see if he really sleeps. I hope so. He definitely gets anxious at bed but gave him the Xanax so hopefully he sleeps. Plus we got his cpap and mask all fixed up.

I am hoping to go home as the contractor was sending pics before 10 am asking how we wanted things. I know they did something today.
It was a tough tough morning. The home health nurse was coming at 9. Dad was having an episode. Finally got him out of it but she was about to have us send him back. Going to try a Xanax 3 times a day verses 2. We figured since he snapped out if it we could head home.

They got the decorative backsplash up, no grout yet.



There will be a range hood in the middle.

We showered and gathered more stuff. Went to the grocery store and picked up a few things. We were careful what we bought since we are not spending much time there. Heading back to mom’s now.
Today we managed to not have any episodes with dad. The Xanax 3 times a day is helping but it is lasting about 7 hours. That last hour is tough, especially in the morning. He is very willing to take his meds so the issue is how long it lasts. Early morning is the tough part. In the afternoon at 1 we can distract him enough to keep him good till next pill but at 5 am he sits and thinks which is not good. He did do a lot for himself today. Plus been moving about the house without the walker. I think he wants someone other than family to talk to though.

We came home after dinner tonight. Concern is the morning but if we can get through it should be ok. I keep reminding myself he has not been on Xanax a week yet and this is the second day for three doses. Hoping we can build up some. He sees the psych on Wednesday. There we can talk if the dosage is right or if he needs different meds.

The plan is to go back on Wednesday. I am secretly looking forward to sleeping at 9 in my own bed.
Been off the grid for awhile. Prayers your Dad gets better. Yes, it is very hard to see someone you really care to hear them say, I am dying. Arnold said that a few times a week before he did leave us. Stay strong!
Thanks @friendofeeyore. was in bed at 9 last night. Decided to sleep this morning rather than run. Plus I figured if there was an issue with dad it would be between 7 and 8. It was cold this morning too. Will run at lunch. Hopefully contractor here today to do more work.
You two must be so exhausted trying to manage the reno plus worry about your father. Hopefully things will improve on both fronts so your mind and emotions can get some rest.


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