Where to stop NJ-HHI

We haven't taken the Bay Bridge route, but we have taken 301 to richmond to bypass DC. There are some traffc lights, but it really is a little quicker if you are anywhere near rush hour at dc. Nancy
I got all of you beat. Try this one. Let me know what you think.

I am staying the same week, checking in on aug 27 and out on sept3.

Here it is: I have 3 children, 7,3 8m. My wife is going to fly to Raleigh NC from phill, PA Southwest 98$ rt. I will drive and leave NJ to pick them up at 12pm at the airport. We will then drive to Lumberton and stay at a HDI on points. Are we crazy. I think we will save about 8 hours in the car with three kids......

I will look you up when we are there. We are the Hughes family
Klh, I am jealous! You definately have the right idea. I would much rather fly. My DD(9) is a history nut, so on our way down we plan on stopping at Mount Vernon. We have done Washington DC and Williamsburg before, but never got the chance to see Mount Vernon. We leave HHI on Sept 1 for Orlando. This will be an experiment for us, we have never had such a long car ride before. We will try anything once. We hope to see you and your family at HHI.
chrissybear said:
We leave HHI on Sept 1 for Orlando.
We're doing the opposite! Driving to Orlando first for a week, then back to HHI from 8/28-9/2. We never made the Orlando trip by car before, but do the Philly > HHI trip often. Heck's what's another 6 hours in the car with two kids, right?
TW1...I was trying to convince DH we should do the same thing...so far he isn't buying.!

We'll be in HH the same week...see you there!
TW1 said:
We're doing the opposite! Driving to Orlando first for a week, then back to HHI from 8/28-9/2. We never made the Orlando trip by car before, but do the Philly > HHI trip often. Heck's what's another 6 hours in the car with two kids, right?

Oh, what a long drive! We did it this summer, and it is hard on little guys (and they are good travellers) at 2 and 8 years old. Our salvation was a portable DVD player! We bought a 10 inch set off the internet - and it was a lifesaver. We would play Barney, big kids movie, Barney, big kids movie, etc. I bought used DVDs from our Hollywood Video, so the kids had something new.

Good Luck. Sandie

By the way - we crawled past DC along I-95. I would avoid it at rush hour!
I never thought of stocking up on new videos, excellent idea, getting the previously owned ones. I always tell the kids to pick out their favs to bring along. New ones would be even better. I know all about that area on I-95. We went to Williamsburg one long weekend, and it took 3 extra hours to get there, on top of the normal holiday weekend congestion there were several acccidents.

Here's to a safe and pleasant drive to all :drinking1 (
We just did the NJ to HHI drive three weeks ago (w/kids - 9, 6, and 1). We also figured on 12 hours and a one night stop. I also recommend the Hampton Inn is Santee, SC. Very clean, etc. Wake up the next morning and you're less than 2 hours from HHI.

The first day drive was a lot longer than we expected due to traffic in Northern Virginia. We left very early in the AM (Saturday) and hit no traffic at all through Baltimore, DC, and the Springfield Interchange. Then it just stopped! It was a mess until we got to 295 and went around Richmond. Smooth sailing from that point forward. On the return trip again we had no problems and then just north of Richmond we hit our first traffic-jam (accident). Not wanting to face further problems, we took the 301 alternate (to Bay Bridge, MD's eastern shore).


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