Who's got your vote? Obama or McCain

Who's got your vote?

  • Obama/Biden

  • McCain/Palin

  • Other Candidates (please do tell)

  • I am not voting because....(please do tell)

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I really don't like either McCain or Obama.

I think McCain is a moderate republican so my beef is more with Sarah Palin. McCain may have thought that selecting a woman would help his cause, but I notice that people who really like Clinton and felt that they could live with McCain do not like Sarah Palin.

I really think that Obama would run this country far Left. I am a moderate politically so I believe in equal opportunity and see the difference between equal opportunity and equal outcome. I support workers' rights, and how the employees are treated makes a difference in where I choose to shop. However, I am uneasy with Obama's desire to "redistribute" wealth. Sure there are people out there who have gotten their wealth riding the backs of other people, but I don't think that there is anything noble about poverty. There are plenty of low-income people who don't care how they survive as long as it doesn't require any effort on their part. I am uneasy that such people are expecting an absolute bounty from Obama. I suspect their attitude would be "We voted for you, where is our free money?"
I really don't like either McCain or Obama.

I think McCain is a moderate republican so my beef is more with Sarah Palin. McCain may have thought that selecting a woman would help his cause, but I notice that people who really like Clinton and felt that they could live with McCain do not like Sarah Palin.

I really think that Obama would run this country far Left. I am a moderate politically so I believe in equal opportunity and see the difference between equal opportunity and equal outcome. I support workers' rights, and how the employees are treated makes a difference in where I choose to shop. However, I am uneasy with Obama's desire to "redistribute" wealth. Sure there are people out there who have gotten their wealth riding the backs of other people, but I don't think that there is anything noble about poverty. There are plenty of low-income people who don't care how they survive as long as it doesn't require any effort on their part. I am uneasy that such people are expecting an absolute bounty from Obama. I suspect their attitude would be "We voted for you, where is our free money?"

There will always be people out there willing to cheat the system and get money for nothing. I have an example in my own family I'm sad to say.

The issue here is either we offer tax cuts to the wealthy so they can "pass it down" to the middle and lower class, or we can give tax breaks to the people who aren't cheating the system. The ones working 2 jobs to pay the basic bills and buy groceries.

So what does it really come down to? Greed! I believe most people will use whatever tax credits they get to help pay their bills or maybe even take a vacation. You might say they shouldn't take a vacation, but if they come to WDW, then WDW does better as a corporation and can produce more jobs, more hours for current CMs, and provide a better guest experience. The same applies to the retail outlets, the car industry, it all applies.

Now, if you give Bob Iger or even the Disney corporation some sort of tax cut, do you think they're going to pass that on to their workers by raising wages or providing better bennefits?? Of course not! They are gonna save that money and give bigger bonuses to their execs.

The best example of this is the game show deal or no deal. I have become absolutely fascinated with this show because it shows the greed people have so openly. If I handed you 60k dollars, you'd be happy right? I saw someone turn down 62k dollars because he MIGHT get 250k. 62k just wasn't enough! That is the kind of greed that exists in its worst form at the upper levels of society.

One last example is the music industry. So Itunes offers .99 cent songs. This benefits the consumer because we can choose only 1 or 2 songs rather than buying an entire album when we only like a couple songs on the album. It's easier on our pocketbooks and encourages legal downloads rather than illegal. YET there are music industry execs and artists complaining they had to..I don't know, sell their second pool because of reduced revenue.

We are not talking about taking the rich and making them poor. Is an extra 2 or 3k dollars off a 250k salary really going to make a person poor? I guess you'll just have to fly regular class this year. This is not a major redistribution of wealth, it is giving relief to the people who can only dream of first class or a pool. Some of them only dream of having a car. Some of them(like me) dream of being debt free and having a second shot on the financial side of life. Is it really such a bad thing that we give an extra 1k dollars to the people struggling to buy groceries?

edit: and all this aside, I will NEVER vote against my own rights no matter my taxes or income. A vote for McCain is a vote for 2nd class citizens unable to get the basic legal protections for the one they love because of the belief in a book written 2k years ago that seems to find itself in our laws all too frequently
For the first time since I first registered to vote, I am considering not voting for a President. Voting on the propositions, yes, but not for any of the presidential candidates.

I have got beefs with McCain and Palin and their faults. I am not impressed with the media's love affair with Obama though as if he didn't have any faults. It is suspicious.
The thing I have been mulling over is this:

Say I am a corporation. McCain lowers my taxes. Why would I turn around and hire more people if I am able to accomplish my goals with my current payroll? What is the incentive to do that? I don't understand. :confused3 Lowering the tax liability of a corporation would absolutely boost their profits but I fail to see why any corporation would hire people they don't need.

It is the most literal interpretation of "creating" jobs. Would some business actually create some unnecessary position with the sole intent of hiring somebody who needs a job? That just seems completely ridiculous. It's not like companies would be required to swear that they will use their surplus to hire more workers. They can use that money to do whatever.

I also would never vote for someone who doesn't believe in equality for GLBT Americans, especially when that same person doesn't believe I should have the right to an abortion if *I* decide I need one. My chances of needing an abortion are probably slimmer than my chances of being hit by lightning, but that's not the point.
I voted what I thought was the lesser of two evils.. sorry, but neither candidate wowed me and right after we voted we changed our party affiliation to independent.. Both parties are to blame for what is happening in our country right now... You might not agree, but living with someone who worked in the stock market for 36 years, I believe him when he tells me that it is not Wall Street that dropped the ball.......they did not do it all on their own. He feels that everyone had a hand in what is happening now.. including those who manipulate the market for their own gain. So... I alread voted, and I hope we all survive the next 4 years relatively safe, healthy and not in the poor house..

I am so upset this election I may just skip the presidential vote.

I am so mad at the democrats for not speaking up for our rights, and for taking this whole just stay at the back of the bus and we promise to let you up front when we win attitude. I can't believe the gays keep falling for it.

I don't expect the republican party to speak up for my equal rights, so I'm much less mad at them because they have met my relatively low expectations.
OK, so those of you who are saying you are not voting, why waste your opinion????

The problem here is you have to opponents, and sides, and you really need to vote for the lesser of two evils... (As Mackey Mouse said earlier...)

If you don't, then the side that is "more evil", has that much more of a chance to win this...

Out of 8 people that responded to this question, 2 of you thought you may not vote.. When it comes to the entire country, that's a lot that may not vote...

I don't agree with much either has to say, but I will choose the lesser of 2 evils in this race.... :confused3

Eh, just my opinion..... :rolleyes:
I am so upset this election I may just skip the presidential vote.

I am so mad at the democrats for not speaking up for our rights, and for taking this whole just stay at the back of the bus and we promise to let you up front when we win attitude. I can't believe the gays keep falling for it.

I don't expect the republican party to speak up for my equal rights, so I'm much less mad at them because they have met my relatively low expectations.
the dems passed the matthew shepard act, but bush vetoed it. They only have like a 1 person majority in congress and with Bush around to veto everything that even remotely resembles gay rights, how can you expect progress?

Remember you're voting for the president and congress here. If you have an issue with the dems gay rights record, then vote for more of them so they have more power! The WORST thing you can do is not vote and risk letting republicans gain ground(I speak only about gay rights here in which I believe there is NO argument that dems are more for our rights than the GOP)

Also remember perhaps the single most important issue in this election is that this next president will most likely nominate 1 if not 2 supreme court justices. When it comes to gay rights, there is a CLEAR choice here.
I voted what I thought was the lesser of two evils..

I'm glad you voted, Mackey.

I always worry when people say they aren't voting because as minor as it seems, your vote is your power to effect change. The options may not be great, but, they won't change simply because one chooses to ignore the options.
For those of you who don't want to vote for either the Dem or the Rep on the ticket why not one of the other choices?
there are other choices, even though they will not win, why not vote for someone who does stand for what you want and believe in in a President?
You don't HAVE to choose the "lesser of two evils", there are other choices.
For those of you who don't want to vote for either the Dem or the Rep on the ticket why not one of the other choices?
there are other choices, even though they will not win, why not vote for someone who does stand for what you want and believe in in a President?
You don't HAVE to choose the "lesser of two evils", there are other choices.

When I say I am not voting, I mean I may not make a choice for president. there are too many important things on the ballot in California to not go to the polls.

Also I may consider a 3rd party candidate. I voted for Nader when he "lost" the election for Gore. I was so mad when people said he cost Gore all those votes.

As far as all the great things Democrats do for us, there are lots of equally great republican acts out there. Gay marriage is legal in California because of a republican majority supreme court. There are some really great republicans out there that think the government should stay out of people's lives, period. If the democratic party is going to court our vote, they need to stick up for marriage equality period, instead of throwing us anti-discrimination scraps.
The responses on this thread are interesting, particularly the "I'm not voting" responses.

As a lesbian, I feel that I *must* vote Democrat. I know the party has faults. And, to quote Ellen, "I like my politics like I like my .... men." ;) But when it comes to this election, the issue of most interest to me is gay rights. Yeah. It even tops the economy for me. I've obviously got an interest in the economy, but :confused3 my life and liberty are even more important than my pocketbook. I'm frankly frightened at the prospect of Republicans being in control of this country. The whole "values" thing gives me hives. I don't think most people have a clue what the word even *means,* let alone what it means for that to guide their vote. Last time I checked my values were a part of my heart and soul. Since when can a politician protect them??? :confused:

So, yeah. I voted Democrat. Because I wanted my vote to count for ME.
I voted for Nader when he "lost" the election for Gore. I was so mad when people said he cost Gore all those votes.

Yep, I voted for him then too. people still say those things about voting for a 3rd party candidate.
It irks me to no end that they are not allowed into the debates. I think every person on the ballot should be seen and heard,not only the dems and repubs.
a lot of people don't even know there are any other choices at all, which is a frightening thing by itself, to be that unaware of the whole process.
the dems passed the matthew shepard act, but bush vetoed it. They only have like a 1 person majority in congress and with Bush around to veto everything that even remotely resembles gay rights, how can you expect progress?

Remember you're voting for the president and congress here. If you have an issue with the dems gay rights record, then vote for more of them so they have more power! The WORST thing you can do is not vote and risk letting republicans gain ground(I speak only about gay rights here in which I believe there is NO argument that dems are more for our rights than the GOP)

Also remember perhaps the single most important issue in this election is that this next president will most likely nominate 1 if not 2 supreme court justices. When it comes to gay rights, there is a CLEAR choice here.

ITA and the part that is in bold type is the Number 1 reason why I voted for Obama.
I voted for Nader when he "lost" the election for Gore. I was so mad when people said he cost Gore all those votes.

Are you made cuz they said it or cuz it was true? :confused3 Who would you have voted for had you not voted for Nader? Who won?

I'm sorry that the world isn't a perfect place, the political world in particular. But if there is a time to get in touch with reality, it's at the voting booth.

There *are* good Republicans out there. But as a whole? I've received their party mailings, and in BOLD PRINT is their initiative to "protect the sanctity of marriage." And they ain't talking about *your* marriage, pal.
In a state that is almost exclusively Republican I am not going to pretend my vote for Obama will matter in the end. BUT my vote for our incumbent sheriff (a Hispanic lesbian, as a matter of fact) might help her retain her position. My vote might oust some of the other Republican "good old boys" from state seats. And my vote for President shows that not every TX resident is a Republican. ;)

I was really hoping to be voting for Clinton, but that didn't work out. :rolleyes1
I own my vote. If I want to go into the polls and vote Charlie Brown for President, that is my right.

I am a believer in equal rights for gays so I will be voting against Prop 8. I think the churches who are teaching hatred for gays are the real abomination. I could never believe in a God who would punish someone for loving someone else and, for the record, I am married to a man.

However, I find the hate I have heard spewed from Obama's church equally abominable. Knowing that Obama spent 20 years worshiping among those whom evidently hate this country and then is now running against someone who spent two years in a tiger cage for this country just makes my blood run cold about Obama. Can a man who supposedly held so little sway in his own church unite this country? Yet I have reservations about McCain that have nothing to do with the fact that he is a republican. If the republican nominee had been Guliani (spelling?), I could quite easily pull the lever on his behalf.

Since abortion has already been brought up here, I will say that I am voting against Prop 4 because we all know what happens when women are denied legal abortion. As much as I wish the whole issue would go away, I want abortion to be safe whether or not it is legal. If an abortion underground makes things difficult for the respect-life-or-we'll- kill-you terrorists to continue with their violence, that is more important to me than having abortion be legal but impossible to obtain safely. On that note, I am tired of being held hostage to Roe vs. Wade while the republicans downright need the abortion issue anyway. Without abortion and gay marriage, what would they campaign on?

My grievance with McCain is indeed workers' concerns. Yet I have mixed feelings about the "labor movement" as I think labor organizations just don't have the same concern for their members as they do their membership. I have seen union "leaders" treat those whose interests they are paid to represent with contempt, making concession after concession and docking the workers' pay without ever once just admitting that they cannot help the workers, or won't, as long as they themselves are making their bucks.

I don't think that advocates for gays, women, labor, or anyone else can let any political party take these votes for granted. You own your vote. Make sure it is courted. That is when you will see real change. I have always thought that my vote was my voice. I am now wondering whether the power to withold that vote doesn't speak truth to power. I don't know. I consider myself a moderate politically, and I don't think far Left vs. far Right to be much of a choice.
Without abortion and gay marriage, what would they campaign on?

Wow. You are so right!!! Except there's also the "family values" ticket, but maybe that's losing momentum. :confused3 I don't know, tho -- I drove past a church this afternoon whose sign appealed the public to "pray about the election and vote for their values."

I wonder how they would feel if someone were trying to vote against *their* values? That's the problem with a government that supports one religious value system over another -- at any time YOU can become the minority.


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