Why no SSR love?

why do you keep constantly referring to SSR as Off Site. I know it is intentional, as this last post you used CAPS in making the distinction. This is exactly the point of the OP, that people have a problem with SSR, and don't like it.

It is just like the new money/old money fight. The bluebloods look down their noses at the people that are just comming into money, andwell I am better than them because I already have money. Or the way people look down their noses at the new people in the neighborhood. OR that new subdivision is on the wrong side of town because it is across the tracks or on the other side of X street, and we are better because we live in zip code xxxxx, and that is zip code xxxxx. It is snobbery at its core. We are better than the people from SSR because we were here first. Or maybe they are looking down their noses beacuse some are financing as opposed to paying cash. Or that they own 450 points and I am just a 150 point newbie. I am picking up on alot of things.

As for the poor planning, there may be reasons why things are done that are not immediately the most obvious choice or what YOU percieve to be a poor plan, the builders intended for it to be that way. Limited seating by the pools? So people spend more time in the parks. Limited menu? Maybe that is what 80% of what the people wanted. Just because something is changed along the way does not mean it was not in the plans from the begining. Maybe they did not build a restaurant because they thought people would prefer the selections at DTD. Very sound and well thought out business plans fail all the time, it does not mean that it was poorly planned.

let the flaming begin
OP - I have to say I totally agree with you. When I first bought into SSR last year I read a post about how SSR owners were TRASH. Yes that exact word was used and it was said clear as day that SSR owners were in fact trash.

Naturally it got a little heated. But that mentality, while not that extreme, seems to prevail still here, that SSR owners are indeed second class citizens. Almost like we are the ghetto of DVC, and not only due to the location of the resort.

And I think that everyone that buys into SSR wants to try all the other DVC resorts at least once - who wouldn't?? Even if you own at OKW you want to try them all, at least I think most of us do. And in fact you can all bash me when I try because I want to try them all once, then I am back to SSR for the duration because I really like the resort.

For the record, my guide didn't sell me SSR to get into the other resorts, the only thing that came to mind was the GV at OKW. He said if we want a GV, we will book at OKW at the 7 month mark because of fewer points and 20% larger, but none of the other resorts came into play. And honestly the chances of me booking a GV are slim to none so here is at least one member you don't have to worry about.

In fact I think most DVC owners, including BC/BWV book OKW GV because of cheaper points. (Yes I know BC and WL doesn't have GV) but I don't see OKW owners bashing those people for taking away their GV.

I also think the things people dislike about SSR are the exact same things as OKW - lack of valet, no room svc, condo etc. Yet OKW doesn't take the heat that SSR does, why? Because they take the fewest points. Plus they were the first DVC. I think if OKW came in later down the line OKW would get crapped on as much as SSR.

Pretty much everything I have read said that DVC is for planners, those that plan their trips a good amount of time out. So owners have a 4 month window to book at their resort. I don't think the size of SSR should make any difference if you can get at your home resort or not - as proved by Beca who is on a waitlist at 10?? months out for a night at her home resort. Again you have 4 months to get your game plan together and honestly we all know what happens at 7 months so you can't blame SSR owners exclusively for this.

But in reality as Beca even pointed out, those who own at SSR and really like SSR (like me) are the luckiest of DVC members. We have 12 extra years, we can almost always guarantee a room at any time :)

Quite honestly it will be nice when the SSR bashing comes to an end. Does it bother me - a little bit sure. We all are just big kids with our new toys and when someone says we ourselves are trash / second class citizens / and that our new toy isn't as good as theirs over and over and over again it gets a little disheartening.
Ok, I did a little research this morning. I wanted to see what the actual number of rooms for each resort. My numbers either come from the DVC site or tripadvisor.

BCV - 282
BWV - 383
VWL - 181
OKW - 709
SSR - 850
VB - 175
HH - 123

I have a couple of obsevations. First, with OKW having 709, why isn't thier size mentioned as a problem? Second, BWV and BCV should be counted together since the are so close. They have 665 units combined! That doesn't seem like a "small" resort to me. (I know they are seperate resorts, but very easily could be looked at like they are one). Fourth, there are 398 units off-site (VB and HH) which to me should be more of a concern then on-site resorts. The next off-site resort may cause even a more problem. The only true small resort is VWL at 181 units.

There are 2703 units total (once SSR is done). SSR will be 31% of the total, BCV and BWv are 25% of the total, OKW is 26% of the total, VWL is 7% of the total, and the off-site resorts are 11% of the total. For the most part, things seem pretty balanced to me, except for VWL.
DisneyBaby! said:
why do you keep constantly referring to SSR as Off Site. I know it is intentional, as this last post you used CAPS in making the distinction. This is exactly the point of the OP, that people have a problem with SSR, and don't like it.

It is just like the new money/old money fight. The bluebloods look down their noses at the people that are just comming into money, andwell I am better than them because I already have money. Or the way people look down their noses at the new people in the neighborhood. OR that new subdivision is on the wrong side of town because it is across the tracks or on the other side of X street, and we are better because we live in zip code xxxxx, and that is zip code xxxxx. It is snobbery at its core. We are better than the people from SSR because we were here first. Or maybe they are looking down their noses beacuse some are financing as opposed to paying cash. Or that they own 450 points and I am just a 150 point newbie. I am picking up on alot of things.

As for the poor planning, there may be reasons why things are done that are not immediately the most obvious choice or what YOU percieve to be a poor plan, the builders intended for it to be that way. Limited seating by the pools? So people spend more time in the parks. Limited menu? Maybe that is what 80% of what the people wanted. Just because something is changed along the way does not mean it was not in the plans from the begining. Maybe they did not build a restaurant because they thought people would prefer the selections at DTD. Very sound and well thought out business plans fail all the time, it does not mean that it was poorly planned.

let the flaming begin

well, I'm a "newbie" just like you and I agree mostly with your comments.. I'll admit, reading about all the bashing made me second guess my purchase but I cleared my head, remembered what I loved when I saw the resort and am now mulling over how many points to add on a little further down the road...

we're a family, of sorts - us DVC'rs and like all families, we don't all agree on everything or even like each other all the time.

remember "don't sweat the small stuff" and this, my friends, is ALL small stuff!!!
OKW and SSR have more rooms than what you posted.

Rooms: 828 (1260 max)
Dedicated Studio: 0
Dedicated One Bedroom: 0
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 360
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 432
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villa: 36

Rooms: 531 (761 max)
Dedicated Studio: 0
Dedicated One Bedroom: 0
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 274
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 230
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villa: 27
tomandrobin said:
Second, BWV and BCV should be counted together since the are so close.

lol! I'm SURE you'll hear more about this.

cobbler beat me to it - SSR is/will be considerably larger than OKW.

What bugs me is I think that sometimes people arent respectful of others feelings. I mean, we all plunked down alot of cash to own DVC. If someone asks opinions on where to buy or of a certain resort that is one thing but otherwise I try to stay out of it.

I remember specifically one time when a person posted how excited they were to buy at SSR . Another member (no names mentioned) went on to say how they wish they had never bought there and all of the negative things that they could think of (of course never stayed there). Then they said hope you enjoy it because then if you stay there then there will be more room left at the other resorts. Something to that effect. :rolleyes:

It is not life or death if they don't hear my opinion on every little thing. Like I tell my kids ,unless someone is bleedng, I don't want to hear about it. ;)
boatboatboat said:
If nothing else they could sell their current ON SITE CONTRACT, and buy SSR if they felt the 12 years were some thing they wanted/needed.

My two favorite parks are AK and MK. In my case ALL DVC resorts are OFF SITE. I can't walk or take a monorail to either of my favorite parks. I have to take a bus (or boat) to them no matter where I stay.

Why do you continue to make a distinction between on site and off site resorts?
cobbler said:
OKW and SSR have more rooms than what you posted.

I think you are confusing you numbers. Yes there are lock-offs, but you are counting all possible combinations. You can't count a two bedroom, since that is a studio and a one bedroom. Go to the offical sites..they list the room numbers. Even this site, under disney resorts lists those numbers. And funny how you only questioned the two larger resort, trying to inflate the numbers.
DisFlan said:
lol! I'm SURE you'll hear more about this.

cobbler beat me to it - SSR is/will be considerably larger than OKW.


I am sure, but when the defense/complaints roll in, they usually throw both of those resorts together. Works both ways!
Personally I love it at SSR, And as far as I know they have not changed the 11/7 booking window, so if your worried about us outsiders booking up your rooms book earlier. Also not sure when exactly Disney sold the property where SSR is located thus making it "OFF SITE". I always thought it was part of WDW. Guess I need to keep up on these things.
tomandrobin said:
cobbler said:
OKW and SSR have more rooms than what you posted.

I think you are confusing you numbers. Yes there are lock-offs, but you are counting all possible combinations. You can't count a two bedroom, since that is a studio and a one bedroom. Go to the offical sites..they list the room numbers. Even this site, under disney resorts lists those numbers. And funny how you only questioned the two larger resort, trying to inflate the numbers.

I didn't post the others because the room numbers you had listed for the others looked correct to me.

BWV - You had 383, the stats show 383
Rooms: 383 (532 max)
Dedicated Studio: 97
Dedicated One Bedroom: 130
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 0
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 149
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villas: 7

VWL - You had 181 but I guess it could really be 136. So this also contradicts what you told me above.
Rooms: 136 (181 max)
Dedicated Studio: 20
Dedicated One Bedroom: 27
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 44
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 45
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villas: 0

And BCV - You had 282 and it could be 208. Same scenario with VWL.
Rooms: 208 (282 max)
Dedicated Studio: 36
Dedicated One Bedroom: 20
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 78
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 74
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
cobbler said:
OKW and SSR have more rooms than what you posted.

Rooms: 828 (1260 max)
Dedicated Studio: 0
Dedicated One Bedroom: 0
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 360
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 432
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villa: 36

Rooms: 531 (761 max)
Dedicated Studio: 0
Dedicated One Bedroom: 0
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 274
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 230
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villa: 27

Oh...I found this for BWV...

Rooms: 383 (532 max)
Dedicated Studio: 97
Dedicated One Bedroom: 130
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 0
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 149
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villas: 7

If you are going to correct me, post all the facts, not just those that are relative to you!

What do you have for rental history and tendacies? For example, what percentage of rentals are two bedrooms versus a studio, one bedroom rental? The numbers are out there. Disney loves to crunch numbers....its all about the margins to be made. Realisticly, There will never be just studios and one bedrooms listed.
cobbler said:
tomandrobin said:
BWV - You had 383, the stats show 383
Rooms: 383 (532 max)
Dedicated Studio: 97
Dedicated One Bedroom: 130
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 0
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 149
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villas: 7

VWL - You had 181 but I guess it could really be 136. So this also contradicts what you told me above.
Rooms: 136 (181 max)
Dedicated Studio: 20
Dedicated One Bedroom: 27
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 44
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 45
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)
Grand Villas: 0

And BCV - You had 282 and it could be 208. Same scenario with VWL.
Rooms: 208 (282 max)
Dedicated Studio: 36
Dedicated One Bedroom: 20
Dedicated Two Bedroom: 78
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 74
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)

WOW. you really are bias! You are quick to use the low numbers on the small resorts. But emphasize the split lock-out numbers. Again, at least try to compare the resort on the same level, and objectively. Adding comments to your obvious prefered location like " I guess they could be....(the lower number)". I didn't seee that same acknowledgement when you were quick to point out my "incorrect numbers". Blame Disboards, thats where they cam from.
shantay1008 said:
I knew you'd come after me, Dave! No, seriously, I do think there are some people who lay on the "Resort Pride" thing a bit thick. It's one thing to constructively criticize a place, but some people just seem to go out of their way to remind others how lucky they themselves are to own at BCV or WLV or wherever. I think that's the sort of thing the OP is referring to. When you've just spent X-thousands of dollars on a place, you don't necessarily want to hear others say things like "getting stuck staying at SSR."

Should we care what others think? Of course not. Does it take a little of the fun out of things? Unfortunately, yes.
What a good post. :thumbsup2
PinotFan said:
Why do you continue to make a distinction between on site and off site resorts?

Because I bought BWV so i could take a 10 min walk to epcot for dinner at any one of the many many choices.

Disney has or will sell enough DVC contracts to SSR, that when THOSE OWNERS book stays at BCV and BWV, the chances of me being able to be a week long stay at 4-5 mths out are slim.

People IMO who own, SSR are looking forward to staying at BCV and BWV, much more then owners of BWV and BCV are looking forward to staying at SSR.

Please keep in mind, my beef is with Disney, not a SSR owner.

I would have bought BWV if i knew I could never stay any where else. Would a SSR owner have bought SSR if they knew they could never stay anywhere other then SSR? Doubtful IMO....

Once again, my beef is with Disney, not the SSR owner.

How much of the SSR sales presentation is showing the buyer how they can stay at other places? The sales presentation at BWV spent 5 min tops showing how you could stay other places. BWV sold it's self based on it's self.

The people who will REALLY be left holding the bag are the HH and Vero beach owners.

If you own at any of the Orlando resorts, you will in most cases be able to get in somewhere and have a vacation with WDW magic. The people who own HH and Vero want to stay at HH and Vero, that is a far cry from staying at a Orlando DVC.
TAR - Deep breath! When I saw the numbers BC / BW and WL all looked about accurate but SSR and OKW didn't to me so those are the only ones I looked up. And again I just noticed the room numbers - not the ones in ( ).

It's not until you questioned me that I went back and looked up the other 3. I even didn't go as far as too look at exact numbers for lock-offs and blah blah, just copied and pasted the entire thing.

Not bias, nothing one way or the other suites me.

Oh and here is VB and HH so I won't be constrewed as biased for on site resorts :rolleyes:

HH -
Villas: 81 (102 max)
Grand Villas: 5
Dedicated Two Bedrooms: 55
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 21
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)

Villas: 81 (102 max)
Grand Villas: 5
Dedicated Two Bedrooms: 55
Lockoff Two Bedroom: 21
(Each can be booked separately as 1B and Studio)

Rooms: 172
Inn: 112
Houses: 18
Beach Cottages: 1

Actually now that we all know the numbers - either counting max number or not, it would be interesting to see the %. Wanna do the math??

And for craps and giggles it could be run both ways so BC / BW / VWL owners can have it to their advantage while us SSR and OKW owners can use the other set to our advantage :rotfl:
As far as I know the 11/7 month rule has been in place ever since DVC started adding resorts to OKW. So if an owner at BWV is peeved they can't get a room at their home resort at 6.5 months, they have no one to blame but themselves. At seven months, points are points. Sorry if that puts us SSR incentive-chasing new money on the same playing field as the Epcot-resort owning bluebloods, but thems the breaks. Read your member handbook. As was the case before SSR and will be long after, if getting a room at your home resort is important to you, use your four month booking advantage. I don't really understand the complaint of a BWV owner who only wants to stay at BWV--- you already have the advantage. What's the problem?

I like my home resort and I'm happy to stay there. I'm also excited to try all DVC has to offer, and I'm grateful the program affords me that opportunity.


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