Will TarzansKat meet Captain Jack? ~A Pirate's Life for 3 Pre-Trippie~ We're back!

Oh I have SO BEEN in DHs shoes. (Though not literally. My feet are probably much smaller.)

I could share my experience with you, but you know what? I'm not. This isn't about me. It's about your sweet, sweet family. Have your moment. And I agree, DH should start looking for someone who will give back everything he gives them. We deserve no less as working human beings.

Here, all of these hugging cherry and lemon skittle heads are for you:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

Oh I have SO BEEN in DHs shoes. (Though not literally. My feet are probably much smaller.)

I could share my experience with you, but you know what? I'm not. This isn't about me. It's about your sweet, sweet family. Have your moment. And I agree, DH should start looking for someone who will give back everything he gives them. We deserve no less as working human beings.

Here, all of these hugging cherry and lemon skittle heads are for you:

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.


Did I just turn this trip report into a mushy, sappy lovefest again? Oh my, I guess, I did! :)

Thanks so much for your kind words. I really, really, really appreciate it. :lovestruc

I promise to all the loyal DISers who have actually subscribed to my fun insanity that a more fun-loving chapter will be forth-coming.

Thank you again. :) And I love the hugging skittle heads! :hug:
I love your writing style.

Oh my...I do belive my ego is increasing so rapidly this room won't be able to hold it! I mean appetite's coming and he's got a big ego! ;)

Seriously, thanks. I had a lot of grade school teachers, and oddly enough, one college professor who thought my true calling should have been writing. I think I've finally found an outlet for it, and I'm loving the DIS! :)
Oh my...I do belive my ego is increasing so rapidly this room won't be able to hold it! I mean appetite's coming and he's got a big ego! ;)

Seriously, thanks. I had a lot of grade school teachers, and oddly enough, one college professor who thought my true calling should have been writing. I think I've finally found an outlet for it, and I'm loving the DIS! :)

And I'm loving your ptr :thumbsup2
what a man can do and what a man can't do.

Whereupon we resume this pre-trippie, a pirate's life for 3 upon the assumption that DH and I make the rules and we're going on this vacation! ;)

For now, we're going to put aside the work angst (I'll keep you all posted) and get back to the fun part...the planning...the discussing...the kavetching if you will.

When last we left off on happy note, one where I dream of meeting Captain Jack Sparrow as Tinkerbellarella holds him in her thrall and we take numerous photos thus documenting and proving that yes, indeed TarzansKat did meet Captain Jack...I'm sorry...where was I?

These daydreams get me so sidetracked...:cloud9:

Oh yes! We have plans!

From the document entitled Dining Plan for 08 - 3AB, we have

drumroll please....

Sept 14 - no ADRS! :scared1: No really, it's a good thing.:thumbsup2

Now typically we get a great deal flying on Southwest. Last year, I hadn't discovered DING, but still managed to get great airfare for the three of us. Definitely under $500, and direct flights. Now I am not commando about flying out, just like I'm not commando about the parks. Not with DS3 anyway. Had those days, been there, done that, have moved on to different pastures. Flights are planned close to DS' natural naptime. Typically this means we don't hit MCO until around 430pm. By the time we get our gear, and get to the hotel, it's usually at least an hour later.

Therefore....:::taking a deep breath fron longwinded seemingly superfluous explanation:::.....trying to make an ADR on the first day stresses me out. Moi, you ask? Pirate princess that I am, under stress!!! The shock, the horror. No, it's true. I know you couldn't tell that at all from my last chapter. :rotfl2:

The plan for this day is to get to the Pop, check in, and hopefully end up with a quiet room somwhere. I've planned on requesting 70s building, 4th floor, lakeside. Plus, I haven't been in that building yet, and I think DS would get a mega huge kick out of the Big Wheel, never mind the Mickey Phone. I mean, I like the Mickey Phone. We had one when I was kid. It brings me back.:goodvibes I also heard that at some point in the day the kiddos can ride actual big wheels, which I thought would be lots of fun for DS.

So we'll check in and very casually and calmy assimilate ourselves to our new surroundings. Then if we're feeling saucy (Wayne's World reference;) ) we'll head over to the Magic Kingdom and get one of my favorite foods of all time in the World.

It's not the Dole Whip.

It's not the Mickey Ice Cream Bar.

It's not a turkey leg.

Oh, no, my friends...it's a hot dog from Casey's! With nacho cheese sauce for my fries. I love the hot dogs from Casey's. That hot dog tastes better than any other hot dog. Part atmosphere, part salted meat, part sweet bliss! :cloud9: I don't why I love it, but I do!

So if we're feeling saucy...hee hee...that's dinner on day one. Then I hope to possibly ride a couple rides, kidnap my favorite pirate, ride some more rides...whoops, did I say that?

I don't expect Captain Jack to be actually meeting and greeting that day, but you can bet your sweet patoot that I'll be going to Guest Relations and asking when he'll be around. Actually, I think taking care of this trumps eating the hot dog. I mean, Casey's is open late, people. Priorities! :love:

More to follow...
popcorn:: Count me in!!
Our family will also be going for free dinning. Sept 20-28th & we'll be staying at POP. I'm so excited and your TR is making me even more crazy!! I hope I can sleep tonight (oh wait I have a two month old that takes care of that for me, not to mention a three year old that doesn't nap anymore).

Can't wait for more!
popcorn:: Count me in!!
Our family will also be going for free dinning. Sept 20-28th & we'll be staying at POP. I'm so excited and your TR is making me even more crazy!! I hope I can sleep tonight (oh wait I have a two month old that takes care of that for me, not to mention a three year old that doesn't nap anymore).

Can't wait for more!

Join the party! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

We're happy to have you here. I was originally planning on going that week, but it didn't jive to take two Saturdays off in a row with work, which was cool, so we're going the week before. So glad to have a new reader!!! :lovestruc

Also, I just had to add that your kids are adorable!!!
where I dream of meeting Captain Jack Sparrow as Tinkerbellarella holds him in her thrall

The THRALL is strong with you, youngling.

Now typically we get a great deal flying on Southwest.

I'm hoping for this too. They're still only booking up to 8/22. Dude? What's the deal? Aargh.

I think DS would get a mega huge kick out of the Big Wheel, never mind the Mickey Phone.

The foozball (sp?) guys are cool too. Nice photo op.

I love the hot dogs from Casey's.

Tinkerbellarella and TarzansKat, long, lost sisters. Or twins. Of the indentical sort. But who likely look nothing alike. But who at least live on the same coast.

Hot dogs give me a headache. Literally. I'm uber-sensitive to MSG. And since it's in most hot dogs, forget it. Even the all-beef ones (as opposed to the all-IDon'tWantToKnowWhat'sInThis ones), just the smell, is usually still enough to psychosomatically bring on the pain. But I make one exception and one exception only. Casey's. :goodvibes

possibly ride a couple rides, kidnap my favorite pirate, ride some more rides...whoops, did I say that?

I just let out an evil lil' chuckle of my very own.

Hey Natale! I just have to chime in with TK here and tell you that you have some of the most adorable lil' tots on the planet. Hello Captain I'mSoMuchCuterThanYou and Princess SimplySuccumbToMySweetFace!

:rotfl: you girlies are making me feel so exotic;) ...no mean feet when your speaking to a Scot:o

Your DH's bosses sound totally unreasonable:scared: ....you should get him to apply to work for an airline or travel agent 'cos then you might get the leave time you're looking for but better than that you'd get an amazing rate for WDW:yay: (yes I know very responsible way to choose a career:rolleyes1 )
Look, ma...I multi-quote!

The THRALL is strong with you, youngling.

Oh the THRALL. Never underestimate the power of the THRALL. Much like the evil of the THRILLER. :::insert Vincent Price laugh:::

I'm hoping for this too. They're still only booking up to 8/22. Dude? What's the deal? Aargh.

Typically I get the best airfare deal in July. Don't know if that'll help you or not. I also hear tell on some of the boards that Southwest is releasing bookings through October sometime around the 17th of April.

Tinkerbellarella and TarzansKat, long, lost sisters. Or twins. Of the indentical sort. But who likely look nothing alike. But who at least live on the same coast.

Hot dogs give me a headache. Literally. I'm uber-sensitive to MSG. And since it's in most hot dogs, forget it. Even the all-beef ones (as opposed to the all-IDon'tWantToKnowWhat'sInThis ones), just the smell, is usually still enough to psychosomatically bring on the pain. But I make one exception and one exception only. Casey's. :goodvibes

Sister!!!! Long live the sisterhood of the Casey's hot-dog loving, movie fanatic, pirate wannabe, Captain Jack lovin' sisterhood!

I just let out an evil lil' chuckle of my very own.

I do that all the time. Somtimes resulting in weird looks from customers at the bank. ;)


:rotfl: you girlies are making me feel so exotic;) ...no mean feet when your speaking to a Scot:o

Your DH's bosses sound totally unreasonable:scared: ....you should get him to apply to work for an airline or travel agent 'cos then you might get the leave time you're looking for but better than that you'd get an amazing rate for WDW:yay: (yes I know very responsible way to choose a career:rolleyes1 )

I have often thought about becoming a travel agent for this reason and this reason only. No kidding. :goodvibes

I, too, have debated such a thing. For myself or DH. Because any discount is good right...except I've heard those jobs are notoriously low-paying. Which makes us look like we're living like kings. And if you believe that, I have this bridge....:rolleyes1
Does anyone think after Tinkerbellarella has held Captain Jack in her thrall, and I've arrived with my feminine wiles that we could somehow sneak our way to Epcot, commandeer one of the Friendships and sail off into the sunset...in search of the fountain of youth or...well, you get the idea. :love:

Did I actually write that? :rotfl2:

How refreshing to have a place to admit to my obsession where other people share it and are not afraid of me! :laughing:

And so the Friendship analogy comes into play as I discuss our first full day in the World, the second day of our trip.

Sept 15 - Epcot Day!

Now this is very very weird for me, let me tell you. Normally Disney just isn't Disney to me until I get to that Magic Kingdom. However, since I'm hoping to cruise by for my favorite hot dog on the first night and catch a few rides, I think that will fufill my longing for that first sight of that beautiful castle in which my whole vacation is ahead of me and I suddenly feel like all is right in my world at that moment, and will be...for at least the next seven days. :)

Normally on the first full day I would head off to the Magic Kingdom. However, we're hoping to do MNSSHP on the 16th, so I thought, let's be different. Let's not plan the same exact trip we always do. Let's dare to go to EPCOT!!!!

DS loves the Living Seas (now with Nemo and Friends). And I love the Coral Reef, which is where our dinner reservation is. My plan for this day is to actually have a chill morning. I know, right? How can you be in Disney and not rush off to a theme park immediately? Well, I'll tell you.

One of my favorite days from the '07 trip was the morning we spent completely at the pool. We woke up, asked DS what he wanted to do, and he said pool. So to the pool we went. We went to the kiddie pool, played with the flower showers, went in the hippy dippy pool and had fun. So much fun just chilling and playing in the pool. The only way we got DS out of the pool was that eventually it was lunch time. Hunger finally overcame the desire to swim and so we ate some lunch, and then headed over to EPCOT.

I want to recreate that day in some fashion. I don't expect to have the same exact experience all over again, but just capture the feel of that day. The relaxedness of it all. The, we've got our whole vacation ahead of us feeling. I want to live in that moment...in the pool, with my boys, having fun.

When we deign to leave the pool and partake of some lunch, we'll be having one of the fine counter service options provided to us by Everything Pop Shopping and Dining, during which DH will be fully indulging in one of his favorite things in the World. His Tonga Toast, if you will....the slushy coke. Remember, folks, this is acutally one of the reasons we're staying at Pop. Slushy coke + refillable mug = happy DH.

After our morning of swimming and noshing, we will than lazily head over to EPCOT. Our dinner ADR at Coral Reef isn't until 530pm, so I'm hoping to hit a couple of rides. Perhaps Spaceship Earth, Nemo, maybe some Turtle Talk, and the like. If DS is taking a nap when we arrive, I'll probably stroll him around if DH would like to do Soarin' or MS. I'm flexible. Really flexible. Have you sensed that about me yet? This is a complete departure from what I'm like in everyday life. I am flexible...to a certain extent. I think Tinkerbellarella can probably explain it better. It's that whole Libra balancing of the scales thing. Must achieve balance! ;)

Perhaps if we have time we'll go take advantage of the Character Connection, or partake of our Disney Visa Meet n Greet. Whatever. Like I said, flexible. My concept is to stick closer to the front so that we can easily make it to our ADR without issue. I'm hoping maybe possibly that we could snag a table close to the tank. As long as we're well fed from lunch, I'm even willing to wait longer to get it.

After dinner, I think a nice stroll around the World Showcase will be in order. Perhaps a little shopping, who can say...remember, I'm aiming for flexibility here.

It's all an act you know. So that when I commandeer one of the Friendships to sail away with my favorite pirate, Disney security will never see it coming!!! :::insert Vincent Price laugh yet again:::: :rotfl2:

Do you ever think you'll look at one of those vessels the same way again? I know I won't. :lmao:
How refreshing to have a place to admit to my obsession where other people share it and are not afraid of me! :laughing:

You are among friends -- we are all obsessed here! :lovestruc

Now this is very very weird for me, let me tell you. Normally Disney just isn't Disney to me until I get to that Magic Kingdom. However, since I'm hoping to cruise by for my favorite hot dog on the first night and catch a few rides, I think that will fufill my longing for that first sight of that beautiful castle in which my whole vacation is ahead of me and I suddenly feel like all is right in my world at that moment, and will be...for at least the next seven days. :)

I'm the same way, but last June and this June we are breaking the mold -- it actually works out pretty good.

One of my favorite days from the '07 trip was the morning we spent completely at the pool. We woke up, asked DS what he wanted to do, and he said pool. So to the pool we went. We went to the kiddie pool, played with the flower showers, went in the hippy dippy pool and had fun. So much fun just chilling and playing in the pool. The only way we got DS out of the pool was that eventually it was lunch time. Hunger finally overcame the desire to swim and so we ate some lunch, and then headed over to EPCOT.

Disney pools are so wonderful that it's easy to enjoy yourself for hours on end!

It's all an act you know. So that when I commandeer one of the Friendships to sail away with my favorite pirate, Disney security will never see it coming!!! :::insert Vincent Price laugh yet again:::: :rotfl2:

Do you ever think you'll look at one of those vessels the same way again? I know I won't. :lmao:

I was beginning to wonder -- all that strolling and relaxing??? Glad to know that you were just putting one over on us! :rotfl2:
I, too, have debated such a thing. For myself or DH. Because any discount is good right...except I've heard those jobs are notoriously low-paying.

As a TA for a bigger company, like Liberty Travel or AAA, I think you can do fairly well. My aunt is an AAA TA and I know they're pretty comfy. AND always on a vacation somewhere. I think the last I talked to her she went on a cruise with a fam* discount rate of about $150. TOTAL. WHOLE TRIP. But like any kind of sales job, you only make as much as you sell. I know she was hurtin' for a while there after the 9/11 tragedy.

*Fam rates are when the cruise line, for example, deeply discounts you so that you can experience their product and have a better knowledge base with which to sell it.

However, not all travel type jobs are as good as that. I used to work for Starwood, which owns Westin, Sheraton, W, et al. Their reservation agents started at $8/hr, but with decent incetives, benefits, etc. The best benefit? Hotel discounts. I could stay, depending on the hotel, for either $29, $49, or $69/nt. That meant $69/nt stays at the Swolphin. I also sent my parents to the Westin in St. John, USVI for $69/nt for 5 nights.

::sigh:: I miss it. But not enough to go back ;)

Hijack complete.

Does anyone think after Tinkerbellarella has held Captain Jack in her thrall, and I've arrived with my feminine wiles that we could somehow sneak our way to Epcot, commandeer one of the Friendships and sail off into the sunset...in search of the fountain of youth or...well, you get the idea. :love:

Feminine wiles. How could I have forgotten the feminine wiles? The secret weapon!

Somehow I think after you and the dear (HOT) captain commandeer one of those Epicot boats, we'll need to change the name "Friendship". :rolleyes1

I think Tinkerbellarella can probably explain it better. It's that whole Libra balancing of the scales thing. Must achieve balance! ;)

For a Libra, a life without balance is kind of like driving the wrong way on the Autobahn. For me, I also need some order and at least the illusion of control. Otherwise there's much wailing and gnashing to be had.

I like your "strollin', chillin' and relaxin'" plan. I have a hard time with that whilst in Disney. However, I've built time for that into our trip too. I've never done it before. We'll see if it is successful or if it drives the Commando in me straight to the bar!

Great update. I'm excited for your trip! And still hoping for a possible meet and greet with you. Like, maybe on the 20th...at the Poly...for a Lapu Lapu.

Yes. That was, in fact, bribery. Pirate.

Great update. I'm excited for your trip! And still hoping for a possible meet and greet with you. Like, maybe on the 20th...at the Poly...for a Lapu Lapu.

Yes. That was, in fact, bribery. Pirate.


You know what, girlfriend? I'm going to hold you to that. Right here, right now, where all the loyal DISers will see and know about our secret pirate pact. I, TarzansKat, hereby swear to uphold the code of the pirates as laid down by Tinkerbellarella and TarzansKat that we will indeed meet on the 20th, before I leave the land of the World, to partake in some yummy Lapu Lapu or someother concoction which will have me laying on the floor. :rotfl2: Since you're staying at the Poly that should be easy peasy right?

And I know I haven't gotten to it yet, but I believe on the 20th, I, my friend, am schedule for an 1145 ADR at the Crystal Palace, which as we all know, is in the Magic Kingdom, which as we also know, is just a quick monorail ride to that Poly. And, as a little teaser for you, to spoil a future chapter in my trippie, other than that ADR, that day has very little plans.

So I just have one question for you?

Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and to stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death...or in our case...7 different kinds of alcohol?
Or as I like to call, it, Tuesday, Sept 16th, the day we attend Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. And yes, I love the event so much that it must be written out in full. I hope you're ready for a long chapter folks, because Halloween is my favorite holiday, and the descriptions of what we do for this party are fun and in depth. Prepare to be amazed! :thumbsup2

But before we get to our fun-filled evening, let's backtrack shall we. When last we left, I was sailing off into the sunset on a commandeered vessel with my favorite pirate...in my dreams :cloud9:

Ah...and how a girl can dream...

Reality, paging TarzansKat...reality, paging TarzansKat...:rotfl2:

Ah, yes. MNSSHP! Here's how we roll. Since we were part of the dreaded deluge that was Sept 14, 2007, we are booking this party in the hopes that if it really gets rained out, we can talk to guest services and horn in on Friday's action. This was actually offered to us last time, but didn't fall within our dates, we were leaving before the next one. Alas, we braved it folks. We walked through the floods, waved to Noah and the animals, and kept trick or treating. DS was in the stroller, sleeping, none the wise, covered in multiple Mickey ponchos, dry and happy as a clam. This year we :worship: to the weather gods for better.

We'll be having a leisurely morning, after the weather god worship. ;)

We have an ADR for Chef Mickey's at 1120am. This is the latest possible breakfast seating you can get folks, and we love it. Want to know why? Because it's like lunch, but you get to eat breakfast! :woohoo: And that very simply, makes us happy. Throw in Mickey and friends, and we're a very, very :yay: crowd. Now, we'll give the little peanut something to nosh in the morning before we get there, and probably me, too, because for the two of us hungry = cranky. But don't worry, we give off clear warning signs before :mad: happens. :)

This is a favorite of ours. I love watching my DS with the characters. I feel like life has come full circle. I remember being that excited, getting out my autograph book, and now it's my son. So at character meals, I have a lot of fun, but I am also a little nostalgic, and sometimes, I admit, there's a little welling in the eyes. But then Donald does something funny, and it's all good! :)

After this meal, we typically peruse the Contemporary hotel. Usually I'll stroll through the shops, and DH & DS will go play some video games. I'll join them, we'll have some more fun and then, when DS looks like he's about ready to burst, we'll head back to our hotel for...yes, you guessed it...a designated nap time. Let me tell you right now, this nap is not just for DS, it's for me and DH as well. Know why? So I can make it through the party! DH's schedule is totally different, he's a night owl, so no biggie for him. But throw a nap in the middle of the day at him, or me, and we're all happy campers.

My plan is to head back, and have some quiet/nap time in the room. I usually wake up first, so I'll pop over to the food court and get us some schneckins...when the schneckin beckons...that way we'll have a pseudo early dinner before hitting the party. And then we'll proceed to get ready. Which we typically start doing it around 400pm. Why you may ask?

Because it takes DH that long to get ready. Oh, you heard me right. DH.

I bet you're wondering why...

I bet you're wondering who we dress as...

I bet if you're smart you'll figure it out...

but I'm going to be a stinker and continue that in another post! ;)
DS - 3 year old bundle of energy and whirlwind of entertainment and all boy. I have one sister, so was totally unprepared for the world that is boy. You know what? I love it.

As the mother of a very-nearly-four-year-old boy, I feel like I can say this without reprimand. I love my son more than my next breath, but I saw a sign today that fits him to a T!!

It said - Boy - n. A noise with dirt on it. :rotfl2:
I wanted to buy it, but I'm sure that somewhere down the road (like when he can read), he will resent me for it.

Anyway. I'm here and trying to get caught up. Can't wait to read more.

We are doing the MNSSHP in October. We have never done this before and I don't know enough about it to even ask intelligent questions. Am relying solely on you!!! How's that for some pressure.
As the mother of a very-nearly-four-year-old boy, I feel like I can say this without reprimand. I love my son more than my next breath, but I saw a sign today that fits him to a T!!

It said - Boy - n. A noise with dirt on it. :rotfl2:
I wanted to buy it, but I'm sure that somewhere down the road (like when he can read), he will resent me for it.

Anyway. I'm here and trying to get caught up. Can't wait to read more.

We are doing the MNSSHP in October. We have never done this before and I don't know enough about it to even ask intelligent questions. Am relying solely on you!!! How's that for some pressure.

I love the boy comment. That is great! :lmao:

And look no further. I have done several MNSSHP, with and without kid, so I can tell you whatever you're looking for. It won't all be posted in my next chapter but feel free to ask away. The pressure's on! ;)
Whereupon we left off with the fact that DH takes the longest out of our entire family to get ready for MNSSHP. Why, you ask? Because the TarzansKat family does a party right! It's Halloween, people, even if it is Sept. 16th. Any exscuse for me to celebrate Halloween, and I'm right there, and trick or treating in the Magic Kingdom makes me feel like a big kid. I love it! So we dress up, like the crazy folks that we are....

are you ready....

to glimpse into the depth that is our obsessi...I mean love?

DH is Captain Jack Sparrow, I'm Elizabeth, and DS is our little pirate prince.

I know you're all shocked, right? ;)

But only let me describe the costumes, if you will, which we intend to wear this year as well. We'll start with DS since he's the littlest. DS has been wearing the same costume for the past two years, and it's adorable. It's so simple and easy, I think those of you that have kids will get a kick out of it. It consists of a white t-shirt, blue shorts, sandals, a red pirate bandana from a McD's happy meal a few years back, and a red & white striped sash that I purchased at a craft/fabric store on clearance after the fourth of July a couple of years ago. We also have a pirate belt from our toy collection. He looks adorable. In our family, if at all possible, we assemble our costumes with our own creativity, because it's fun and we're crazy like that. He is so cute in this, and now that he's really got a concept of pirates, I can't wait to hear him get all excited this year.

Next I will move on to my humble self as Elizabeth since that is also, sadly, easy. I really, really wanted to be Elizabeth last year. The prior year, I had dressed as a pirate, but in 07, I wanted to go more fancy. We went all out with DH's costume, as you'll later see. So I did it. I spent some exorbitant amount of money on a custom made dress on EBay, a la the gold dress. You all know what I'm talking about. I also purchased the Aztec gold coin necklace, and voila, I was done, and looking quite spiffy I might say. Now if only more people had gotten to see our costumes...alas, the great rain out...

Once again, we :worship: to the weather gods...

And, last, but certainly not least, DH. My very own Captain Jack Sparrow. You have to love a husband who will go all out for you like this. To set the scene, let me say that DH already has the long hair, and that Italian skin, so it's very easy for him to get into the role and have fun with it. Which he does...teasing CMs about where all the rum has gone, and the like. :lmao:

I purchased a custom made pirate shirt on EBay, with the flowy sleeves, like Jack's. Also purchased a custom made vest with the same coloring. For pants, we do normal pants because it's at night and no one can tell. I got the sash at the fabric store, purchased the hair beads on the internet, and got the head sash at the fabric store. We already have, as part of our collection of wonderful toys, the compass and a sword. Now let me tell you how fantastic my DH is.

I had already spent a small fortune on his costume and was freakin' out about not having certain items. So to surprise me, in secret, in the dead of night, DH custom made his own boot covers, belts, and some of the hair pieces. He also grows out his goatee so he can put the appropriate color beads in. We got those at Downtown Disney in a prior year.

So :lmao: if you will at me, but know you know the real truth.

DH loves it just as much as I do!

Am I the luckiest gal in the world or what? :cloud9:

So even if I don't get to meet Captain Jack, you know what?

I have my very own. ;)

Up next...MNSHHP...how we roll...


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