Will TarzansKat meet Captain Jack? ~A Pirate's Life for 3 Pre-Trippie~ We're back!

Ah yes, how we roll...:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Like happy dancing bananas!

Once we've completely assembled ourselves in our room at the Pop, we'll head down to the busses admist a lot of stares and whispers, and some smiles. People love these costumes! We still use a stroller for DS, since it's great for when he's tired and naps, and he looks so darn cute dressed as a little pirate in that stroller.

We'll get on the bus, enjoy the ride, and get our game faces on, because folks, it's party time! :woohoo:

I love walking in to the Halloween party. I love the decorations, I love the lighting, I love the different feel of the park. I love everything about it. Anybody on the fence about attending? Do it! You won't regret it.

So after we've gotten our trick or treat bags, we'll assess the weather situation and from there plan our attack.

Now if the Captain's not doing meet n greets, I'm hoping to at least attend a Pirate Tutorial, because, heck, those are just fun. On an aside, during one of these, DH got down on his knees and pretended to be a kid to be part of the tutorial. I have pictures...:lmao: Captain Jack doing the double take at DH was priceless. He let him participate, and when DH tried to stand, he said, no, and made him stay kneeling the whole time. It was too funny.

Perhaps if we're lucky while doing the tutorial he'll notice us in all our piratey gloriousness. If not, we'll have had some fun watching the little ones swear the pirate oath.

Now, I have some other obsessions that must be addressed during this time as well. And I might as well just clear the air now and get it out in the open. I'm sure you've all noticed the screen name. Why oh why would a girl who was so obsessed with Captain Jack be TarzansKat? Because I love Tarzan! I mean, love Tarzan. I loved the movie, and it got me through a particularly difficult summer. I saw it in the theater 10 times. But I digress.

I love Tarzan! Ever since I got to meet him at a MNSSHP in past years, I've been smitten. He is gorgeous, and friendly, and I love him. One year, I had to wait in line twice, because he kept going off into the jungle for a little r&r right when I would get in line. Finally, a kind CM offered me a bench and said she would tell me when he came back. So my mom and I sat, and waited. I think the CM tipped him off, because when I finally met him, he thanked me for "wait in line two times." Oh, he's lovely, and seven thousand other words that mean gorgeous. Oh yes, ladies, I went to meet him without my DS, and I unashamedly asked for his autograph. My mother has a pic of me, Tarzan, and Jane, all crouching on the floor while he's signing. And although, we do take a pic with Jane, we very graciously ask her if we can have a pic with her main squeeze by ourselves. And she obliges, god bless her, and I quote, "I get that all the time." :laughing:

So if Tarzan is doing meet and greets in Adventureland this year, he is a must do. He's right up there with meeting Captain Jack, Dole Whips, and Tonga Toast.

After I've had my fill of all the character interaction, I'll be :cloud9:

We'll wander around through the park, finding all the different trick or treat spots and getting some yummy candy! We'll do our favorites, POTC, Haunted Mansion, Buzz Lightyear. I don't know how we'll handle Haunted this year since it will be the three of us. Usually someone in our family will watch DS for us while DH & I go on, and that won't be the case this year. But I love the Haunted Mansion during MNSSHP. It's a must do. It's fun, and it seems scarier. And the CMs...I won't ruin it for anyone who hasn't been there, but lets just say they're spot on.:scared1:

Weather permitting, we will watch the Headless Horseman ride down Main Street, and I hope to catch the first parade so by the second one we'll be riding rides or meeting characters. I love that Boo to You parade. Just thinking about it, I'll have the music in my head for the rest of the day.

And as many times as we've been, we've never met the villains right in front of the castle. If possible, I'd like to try that this year, seeing as how we never have. Usually the lines have looked so long, so I guess we just have bad timing.

And, an absolute, must, must do for me is Hallowishes. If they're the only fireworks I see on this trip (even though I am an Illuminations girl) I will be so happy. I love me some Hallowishes! Last year, DS was really afraid of the fireworks, so I don't know how he'll fair this year. I'm hoping if he's really bothered by them, I can beg DH to stroll him around, or if we're really lucky, DS will be sleeping at that point, since it is past his normal bed time. This is a situation where we'll just have to see how it goes.

That's our game plan. It's subject to change without notice at any time. But it's what we hope to do.

And that, my friends, is how we roll at MNSSHP.

And finally, the end of Chapter Seven. :woohoo:
This is a favorite of ours. I love watching my DS with the characters. I feel like life has come full circle. I remember being that excited, getting out my autograph book, and now it's my son. So at character meals, I have a lot of fun, but I am also a little nostalgic, and sometimes, I admit, there's a little welling in the eyes. But then Donald does something funny, and it's all good! :)

I do that, too! :goodvibes

Whereupon we left off with the fact that DH takes the longest out of our entire family to get ready for MNSSHP. Why, you ask? Because the TarzansKat family does a party right! It's Halloween, people, even if it is Sept. 16th. Any exscuse for me to celebrate Halloween, and I'm right there, and trick or treating in the Magic Kingdom makes me feel like a big kid. I love it! So we dress up, like the crazy folks that we are....

Halloween is my favorite holiday! Magic Kingdom is my favorite place! Hence, MNSSHP is a match made in heaven!

I love walking in to the Halloween party. I love the decorations, I love the lighting, I love the different feel of the park. I love everything about it. Anybody on the fence about attending? Do it! You won't regret it.

So true -- my favorite night at the Magic Kingdom was the night we went to MNSSHP last year. :lovestruc

Now, I have some other obsessions that must be addressed during this time as well. And I might as well just clear the air now and get it out in the open. I'm sure you've all noticed the screen name. Why oh why would a girl who was so obsessed with Captain Jack be TarzansKat? Because I love Tarzan! I mean, love Tarzan. I loved the movie, and it got me through a particularly difficult summer. I saw it in the theater 10 times. But I digress.

Tarzan was my DD's first movie in a theater!

So if Tarzan is doing meet and greets in Adventureland this year, he is a must do. He's right up there with meeting Captain Jack, Dole Whips, and Tonga Toast.

Love this line!

Weather permitting, we will watch the Headless Horseman ride down Main Street, and I hope to catch the first parade so by the second one we'll be riding rides or meeting characters. I love that Boo to You parade. Just thinking about it, I'll have the music in my head for the rest of the day.

My favorite parts are the Headless Horseman and the gravediggers and their sparking shovels!

And, an absolute, must, must do for me is Hallowishes. If they're the only fireworks I see on this trip (even though I am an Illuminations girl) I will be so happy. I love me some Hallowishes! Last year, DS was really afraid of the fireworks, so I don't know how he'll fair this year. I'm hoping if he's really bothered by them, I can beg DH to stroll him around, or if we're really lucky, DS will be sleeping at that point, since it is past his normal bed time. This is a situation where we'll just have to see how it goes.

Again, my favorite set of fireworks at the MK!
Alright, folks, if you managed to make it this far, I applaud you. :cheer2:

That last chapter was a doozy, huh?

So to cleanse the palate, so to speak, we'll be indulging in a little digression. An aside, if you will. Something to which I must confess, but is still, totally related to this pre-trippie. And so it begins.

Hi, my name is TarzansKat, and I am a Kohls Online Shopping-Aholic.


The first step to healing, is admitting you have a problem. And I do. See, I lurk/post on the Budget Board which is good and bad. It's good because it's motivated me to pay off student loans a lot faster than the loan company would like, costing them my interest. But it's also, very, very bad. Because as soon as a good shopping code comes out, its plastered up there it all its glorious temptation. Oh, yes, my friends...I know I don't have to click on the thread. But I do...oh how I do.

I've gotten some really good deals! I purchased four new outfits on clearance for my not yet born niece (due in a couple of weeks) for about $7.00 with shipping. I am the queen of Kohls online shopping. It's an addiction...it's a problem...especially when they start putting capris on sale and offer a 30% off code.

That, my friends, is just a recipe for disaster. Since I've been working out diligently, building muscle, and losing some weight, I feel like I deserve some new summer/vacation clothes. Just roll with me on this, okay? ;)

Add to that the fact that pants I have worn to work for the past two years suddenly became unacceptable to my supervisor the other day because they weren't "dressy enough" and you've got a recipe for wow, I really need some new clothes.

We won't discuss how much I've spent. Heck, I'll probaly return half of it. That's part of my problem, too. I mean how can you really tell if you'll like something until you try it on. So I end up ordering a lot, and returning more than half of it. I'm sure they love me at the local store! ;) But, I ended up with some really nice jean Levi capris with a cute cuff. I usually don't by the nicely tailored stuff because it's too expensive. But with my code, and free shipping, these capris will cost about $10. Ah, heaven. :cloud9:

Paired with a shirt I got a Target for about $6.48 the other day and you've got an outfit made in heaven. Plus, I'll be cute, and trendy, and stylin', and feelin' good. Maybe it'll be my outfit for when I meet Tinkerbellarella. I mean, I want to look my best. Who knows, though? There's always my Captain Jack tank if I'm feeling casual...

So there you have it. Our little digression into my clothing habits. I also plan to purchase my first pair of Merrell sandals, break them in during the summer, and wear them on this trip. See, since I work in a bank, mostly on my feet four days a week, I can't wear crappy shoes anymore. So I got rid of all the shoes with no support, and invested. That was hard, let me tell you. I own two pairs of Merrells, one black, one brown, for ease of matching all outfits. I love them! I know people rave about Crocs, but Merrells are it for me. I cannot wait to get my sandals.

So I watch the Budget Boards...and I bide my time...and wait for a coveted Shoebuy.com coupon code...

I know someday it'll come...:rolleyes1
Hi dolly, you're costumes sound fabby:thumbsup2 . I'm really jealous 'cos I would sell my granny (if either were still alive) to be able to go to a MNSSHP or a P&PP but alas having a 12 year old who is in school when these occassions occur and living on the wrong side of the atlantic means it is a dream that will never be fulfilled:sad: . So I will have to live out my party fantasy's through you. That means I will NEED a full and detailed report on your trip;)
I jumping in on your trip report. We have been to Pop for free dining the past few years *and* were also part of the 9/14 MNSSHP last year. We joked my son should have dressed up as Nemo !!
Hi dolly, you're costumes sound fabby:thumbsup2 . I'm really jealous 'cos I would sell my granny (if either were still alive) to be able to go to a MNSSHP or a P&PP but alas having a 12 year old who is in school when these occassions occur and living on the wrong side of the atlantic means it is a dream that will never be fulfilled:sad: . So I will have to live out my party fantasy's through you. That means I will NEED a full and detailed report on your trip;)

Oh, love. How sad that living in a place where you get to say cool stuff like wee and village means that you can't attend one of these parties! That's a big bummer! I guess life is all about trade offs.

I will be happy to report to you everything we do at the party this year. I will not let you down! I will not give up! :laughing: Don't tell my DH, but I've actually entertained the notion of going twice! I think he would :scared1: at that idea. I'm trying to work up a convincing argument. Maybe I should talk to CharlestonPrincess about that. ;)
Oh, love. How sad that living in a place where you get to say cool stuff like wee and village means that you can't attend one of these parties! That's a big bummer! I guess life is all about trade offs.

I will be happy to report to you everything we do at the party this year. I will not let you down! I will not give up! :laughing: Don't tell my DH, but I've actually entertained the notion of going twice! I think he would :scared1: at that idea. I'm trying to work up a convincing argument. Maybe I should talk to CharlestonPrincess about that. ;)

It's all about timing -- last year's summer trip: DH was asleep when I asked; October: I used the "it's all I want for my b-day!"; April: I was sick as a dog and pitiful; this June: I had him commit to it on our way home from Florida. ;)

The right moment and you can get anything you want! :thumbsup2
I jumping in on your trip report. We have been to Pop for free dining the past few years *and* were also part of the 9/14 MNSSHP last year. We joked my son should have dressed up as Nemo !!

Welcome! :goodvibes

Oh my gosh! Don't you just want to say, hey, did you see me there? Oh wait, I was one of the hundreds of people covered ponchoes! :rotfl:
It's all about timing -- last year's summer trip: DH was asleep when I asked; October: I used the "it's all I want for my b-day!"; April: I was sick as a dog and pitiful; this June: I had him commit to it on our way home from Florida. ;)

The right moment and you can get anything you want! :thumbsup2

You know, I have been so stressed out this past week with DH's work saying (in regard to the vacay) let's just take a week to cool off and think about it. Perhaps I can milk that to my advantage? :laughing:

Seriously, his boss is driving me nuts. This weekend, DH and I sat down and wrote out an informal letter entitled "Reasons for Vacation." I should copy it in here, we were very articulate about why we felt we should have a week of our choosing. Hopefully it'll work. DH didn't intend to bring it up, and I said you most certainly will, I can't take another week of this. Of course, he says we're going, which makes me :cool1: but it still freaks me out that they haven't given the "official" word.:confused:
Someone has been a busy trip report bee. I'm finally caught up after my foray into the world of Cirque.

You know what, girlfriend? I'm going to hold you to that. Right here, right now, where all the loyal DISers will see and know about our secret pirate pact. I, TarzansKat, hereby swear to uphold the code of the pirates as laid down by Tinkerbellarella and TarzansKat that we will indeed meet on the 20th, before I leave the land of the World, to partake in some yummy Lapu Lapu or someother concoction which will have me laying on the floor.


So I just have one question for you?

Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and to stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death...or in our case...7 different kinds of alcohol?

Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama.


Boy - n. A noise with dirt on it.

I want this for BF!

DH is Captain Jack Sparrow, I'm Elizabeth, and DS is our little pirate prince.

No pictures? ;)

I know you're all shocked, right? ;)


I love Tarzan! Ever since I got to meet him at a MNSSHP in past years, I've been smitten. He is gorgeous, and friendly, and I love him.

And every single one of his abs.

And she obliges, god bless her, and I quote, "I get that all the time." :laughing:


So if Tarzan is doing meet and greets in Adventureland this year, he is a must do.

LOL Tarzan is a must do. Mental note. ;)

Plus, I'll be cute, and trendy, and stylin', and feelin' good. Maybe it'll be my outfit for when I meet Tinkerbellarella. I mean, I want to look my best.

Dressin' to the nines for lil' ol' moi? LOL

Loved all of your plans. They definitely helped me to get an idea of what to expect since we'll be at the party the week after you, also paying tributes and sacrificing to the weather gods. :worship:
Oh, love. How sad that living in a place where you get to say cool stuff like wee and village means that you can't attend one of these parties! That's a big bummer! I guess life is all about trade offs.

I will be happy to report to you everything we do at the party this year. I will not let you down! I will not give up! :laughing: Don't tell my DH, but I've actually entertained the notion of going twice! I think he would :scared1: at that idea. I'm trying to work up a convincing argument. Maybe I should talk to CharlestonPrincess about that. ;)

You're SO self sacrificing:angel: :rotfl: ....a true friend:flower3: .

Sorry to shatter your illusions but the wee village I live in isn't one of the quaint ones you see on a shortbread tin, don't get me wrong it is lovely but not as picturesque as some of the wee touristy places nearby. One excellent advantage of living here, as opposed to near my spiritual home:love: , is that we can go on real ghost tours in Edinburgh and Glasgow at Halloween (or any other time of the year for that matter):yay: not so much of the "Not So Scary" involved in these though:scared1:
Someone has been a busy trip report bee.
Slap me thrice and hand me to me mama. Aye. I want this for BF! No pictures? ;) And every single one of his abs. LOL Tarzan is a must do. Mental note. ;)
I just thought it would be fun to put some of your quotes together and see how they look. Perhaps we should prevent small children from reading this pre-trippie? :lmao: And I should add that when I wrote this, I never intended for that Tarzan comment to be taken that way. I also read my chapters to DH, God bless him, he listens to every one, right after I post them, and even he didn't pick up on it. I love the way your foul little mind works. ;)

Dressin' to the nines for lil' ol' moi? LOL
Nothing but the best for a meeting with my newly, found long lost sister. That being said, don't hold me to looking fabulous. By the time we cross paths, I'll have been out in that lovely Flordia heat almost all day. As God is my witness, I shall do my best! ;)

Loved all of your plans. They definitely helped me to get an idea of what to expect since we'll be at the party the week after you, also paying tributes and sacrificing to the weather gods. :worship:
Happy to help! :)
You're SO self sacrificing:angel: :rotfl: ....a true friend:flower3: .

Sorry to shatter your illusions but the wee village I live in isn't one of the quaint ones you see on a shortbread tin, don't get me wrong it is lovely but not as picturesque as some of the wee touristy places nearby. One excellent advantage of living here, as opposed to near my spiritual home:love: , is that we can go on real ghost tours in Edinburgh and Glasgow at Halloween (or any other time of the year for that matter):yay: not so much of the "Not So Scary" involved in these though:scared1:

Ah! Destorying our happy little illusions about your day to day life! ;)

Alright, I know it's not Disney, but I think it's pretty cool that you can do those ghost tours. They'd probably scare the carp out of me, but it sounds like fun! :)
Ah! Destorying our happy little illusions about your day to day life! ;)

Alright, I know it's not Disney, but I think it's pretty cool that you can do those ghost tours. They'd probably scare the carp out of me, but it sounds like fun! :)

DH and I went on one of the more comical ghost tours in Edinburgh a few years ago, we'd had a few wee swallies before hand and found it absolutely hilarious!!! There are a few hardcore scary tours as well and we're hoping to go through and do them sometime as I've heard they're excellent:eek: :thumbsup2
Moving on to Wed, Sept 17, which shall here on out be known as recovery day. Since we'll have partied like it's 1999, we're going to be all halloweened out. Is such a thing possible? ;)

Therefore today, much like the artist formerly known as Prince, is a perfect day for the park formerly known as MGM Studios. Which is what I'll still be calling it. Because you know what? Much like Prince, you may change the name, but it's still the same funky sound. Much like MGM. You may dress it up and call it something else, but it's still MGM.

This day we have our only "signature" ADR. And it would be at the lovely, the air-conditioned splendor, the charicature drawing adorned, Hollywood Brown Derby. We'll be enjoying the wonderful glory that is the Brown Derby for all these reasons and more. Because when I decide to do a signature restaurant, it's not entirely based on food. It's so many other things, like atmosphere, ambience...and alcohol! :banana: :banana:

Once, I don't even remember which trip, I had this fantastic drink there. It was one of their specials. It's called a Citron Limeade and is all sorts of the yummy goodness that is liquid refreshment we so love in the World. Now, it's not always on the menu, but if you ask for it, they'll make it.

So just imagine this combination if you will. A Cobb Salad + Citron Limeade + any one of the yummy desserts on the menu = very, very happy TarzansKat. Doesn't that just sound refreshing? Now I know what some of you budget-minded folks are thinking. You're going to waste two table service credits on that? :scared1: Yup, I am. Know why? IT'S FREE! I am not about getting the best "value" for the free dining plan. We eat where we like, because we like it. And quite frankly, gratuity on lunch at the Brown Derby will run me much less than gratuity on dinner would at the Yachtsmen Steakhouse (one of my other choices) so, lunch it is!:)

This ADR is at 1230, which is a perfect time for us. We'll be in no rush to get to MGM, and that's right before DS will take a nap, so hopefully we can nosh, and then stroll him a little and get him to sleep.

During that time, if DH would like to do RnRC or TOT, he's more than welcome too. I'll happily stroll/shop with my sleeping peanut while he gets his fill of thrill rides.

Our other goals for this park are very specific. When I'm feeling more ambitious, I'll actually look at scheduling, but it is mostly shows.

Our must-dos (still thinking about that Tarzan bit:lmao: ) are the new Live with Playhouse Disney, as DS loves Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Little Einsteins, and Handy Manny, perhaps a meet n greet with Handy Manny, DH would like to see the car show if we can, possibly The Little Mermaid (who doesn't love bubbles and a really condensed version of a nice fairy tale), and the new Toy Story Mania. Other than that, what will be will be.

Yes, we are huge Star Wars and Indy fans. Yes, Charleston Princess, I too, love Harrison Ford. However, we may have to set these aside to focus on what MGM is really about for us. And truthfully, that's DS. Last year, our day in this park, was totally geared around him, and it was a blast. I had so many full circle moments, I'm surprised I didn't just lose it! :)

We also have a couple of other things that we usually do. One is visit the movie props at the end of the Backlot Tour. We don't do the tour, just sneak in through the gift shop to look at all the memorabilia, because we're movie geeks that way.

Also, and I'm letting out a trade secret here...shhhh...don't tell :rolleyes1

Pizza Planet has the best claw machine prizes in the whole World. Every trip, since before DS was born, we have always played these machines and won. Before, the lovely stuffed characters were mine. Now, they belong to DS, as I have passed the torch. Last year we won DS a pirate Mickey, normal sized plush toy that would have cost us about $16-$20 retail anywhere else. Cost to play = $1. Look on DS' face after he woke up from his nap to see pirate Mickey next to him? Priceless.

It's our little family tradition, and we love it. Like I said, this park, for us, has become about DS.:yay:

We do, however, have one stop that is totally for me. It is one of my favorite places in the World. I don't even know the official name, because to me, it's the Villian Candy Shop. Home of the best junky apple in the whole World. And no, it's not a snack on the dining plan. And yes, I will happily pay oop for this delicious treat. You know they'll even cut into pieces for you so you can share? HA! HA! HA! Fools! Sharing, please. :confused3

Just kidding! Last time, I actually did share. Truthfully, they're so covered in yummy stuff I really can't finish one on my own. This year, I plan to share with DS. I don't know where this will fit into our plans. Perhaps it will turn into dinner. Usually, for counter service we like the ABC Commissary. I like the selection, and it's easy to carry your junky apple there. After you've looked at all the lovely villian merchandise first, of course. Because as much as I love Captain Jack Sparrow, I also love Jack Skellington. :lovestruc Do I have a thing for characters named Jack or what? I am a huge Nightmare Before Christmas fan, and really a huge fan of anything Tim Burton, so that villian shop/candy store is like a small haven for me. I can't wait to see what they have this year....

My pre-trippie is getting lonely...:sad1:

Anyone? Anyone?

Hey we still love you....don't go all sulky and not post so often you are most definately appreciated:hug: :flower3: .

Any hoo, this sounds like a fun day. I know what you mean about the trip becoming about the wee people, Niamh was absolutely entranced when she met Jojo last year she kept telling everyone through out the rest of the trip that Jojo peeped her nose:rotfl: I also :love: the villain shop, my daughters are appauled when I say this but I prefer some of the baddies to the princesses:rolleyes1
Hey we still love you....don't go all sulky and not post so often you are most definately appreciated:hug: :flower3: .

Any hoo, this sounds like a fun day. I know what you mean about the trip becoming about the wee people, Niamh was absolutely entranced when she met Jojo last year she kept telling everyone through out the rest of the trip that Jojo peeped her nose:rotfl: I also :love: the villain shop, my daughters are appauled when I say this but I prefer some of the baddies to the princesses:rolleyes1

You love me! You really, really love me! ;)

I totally agree with you. Truly, I'm a princess/pirate at heart, but I love me some villians. I think my favorite is Ursula. I almost feel bad for her. I mean to her, she's just a fine-looking diva who wanted to rule the ocean, no biggie. Then her brother gets in the way! I mean we all know about sibling rivalry, right? ;)
You love me! You really, really love me! ;)

I totally agree with you. Truly, I'm a princess/pirate at heart, but I love me some villians. I think my favorite is Ursula. I almost feel bad for her. I mean to her, she's just a fine-looking diva who wanted to rule the ocean, no biggie. Then her brother gets in the way! I mean we all know about sibling rivalry, right? ;)

Hey you know we love you, like the rest of us you just need to HEAR it sometimes:rotfl:

Ursula is fab, my DBro is a bit of a Mr PerfectHighAchiever too so I can totally relate to her (plus I'm also a bit of a buxom chic :rolleyes1 ) My fav villains are Malificent ('cos she turns into a dragon and I :love: dragons) and Cruella Devile 'cos she is SUCH a beeyach:rotfl:
On this day, I think we'll be too excited to be sad about the fact that we're over the hump over our trip. More than halfway through. Almost done...:::gasp:::...where does the time go?

After our lovely MGM day, and a beautiful night's sleep we'll awaken to the sounds of crickets chirping.

No, really. We will. We have one of those white noise machines. It currently resides in DS' room, but I was not one of those kind of parents who believe that he needed it to sleep, oh no. I was one of those kind of pregnant women who absolutely could not sleep at night, and thought, what the hey, let me try one of those. Therefore, in utero, little peanut was exposed to the nightly renderings of happy chirping crickets. For the first 15 months of his life, we lived in a one bedroom apartment, so the crickets stayed on. When we moved into our two bedroom, our current happy home, the crickets went to his room.

Honestly, they're a god send. When you're staying at a value resort across from it's favored pool in a preferred room and people are awake at all hours of the night, it becomes a game of, DH, can you puh-lease make the crickets louder? Uh, honey...they're turned all the way up. :lmao:

See the crickets are a tie-in, much like my beginning chapter quote. In case you haven't notice, the chapter titles are mostly quotes from the three Pirate films, and are in some way related to whatever the topic du jour is.

So after we've awakened to our crickets and figured out, no, they named the monkey Jack, we'll be heading to...you guessed it!

The Animal Kingdom! And I've just edited this post right here...see, right here, this spot, because I realized I totally forgot to put what day this is. This would be Thursday, Sept. 18. Sorry folks. Sheesh...what was I thinking.

I am really, really excited about this park. Before you laugh at me, let me tell you why. In the past, when I've gone with family, the ladies and the gents split up for an afternoon. The ladies go have tea at GF and the gents stay at the AK and have lots of fun. See, for the past two years, I have missed more than half the Animal Kingdom! :scared1:

And although I loooooooove tea at the GF, it is time for me to enjoy this park again. With my boys! :woohoo:

I hope to get an earlier start today since this park closes at 500. I'd like to do the safari, some of the walking trails, maybe meet some characters. We'll let DS guide us in this respect, he loved the walking trails and seeing all the different animals last year.

A must, must, must do for me is the new Nemo show. I really, really wanted to see it last year, but I was changing DS and didn't make it in time. Since it was almost time to head out for tea, I couldn't catch a later showing. My DH said, don't worry honey, we'll see it next year. God bless him. You have to love a husband who acknowledges that you will be planning another vacation to the World while you're still on vacation at the World.

I'm also really looking forward to watching DS play in the Boneyard. This may sound lame, but my DH and DFIL get to do this every year, and I miss it. I'm sure it's fun to watch him scamper around and whatnot.

Now I know that this park is notoriously hot, I mean, I have been there. So today, I'm going to make sure we stay extra hydrated, and wear lots of sunscreen. See, although we're part Italian, DS and I have very fair Irish skin. Which means a couple of things. 1. We burn really easy, 2. We overheat really easy, 3. We get sun poisoning really easy.

So with all that in mind, I'm hoping to sit down somewhere air-conditioned for our lunch and I'm thinking either Flame Tree or Restaurantosaurus, depending on what kind of a mood we're in. Personally, I'll be keeping it lighter fare, because tonight my friends we are dining at a place I am :cool1: about.

We have a reservation at Boma! At 540pm, precisely. I figure this is plenty of time between when we'll be leaving the park and taking the bus over to AKL. And if we've had our fill of being hot and sweaty and gross earlier in the day, then we'll just head over to the AKL and enjoy the resort itself. Since I'm staying in a value this time, I'm going to sneakily enjoy some of the deluxe hotels on the sly. In case you hadn't picked up on that, you'll note the scheduled time I indicated at the CR after our CM ADR. Ah yes, we'll be pretending we're living it up, folks! That's part of the fun, too, is enjoying different resorts while you're there. Then I get the feel of having been there without shelling out the big bucks.;)

I've heard lots of good things about this buffet, and all right here, on the DIS boards. Mostly I've heard there's something for everyone, and not to leave without trying Zebra Domes. It's up there, folks. Right up there with Captain Jack, Tarzan, Tonga Toast, and Dole Whips. Ah yes...Dole Whips. :cloud9: Pardon my salivating. Just thinking about all the yummy Disney food is enough to make a gal go crazy...I mean, how many months do I have to wait for this trip? :scared1:

Anyhoo, :rolleyes1

After we've had our fill of the yummy delectables that Boma has to offer, we'll be having a chill evening at Downtown Disney. It is definitely on my agenda to hit Once Upon a Toy, and if DS wants to, he's getting a box full of Mr. Tato parts! :) Once again, for those of you, that don't speak toddler, Mr. Tato = Mr. Potato Head. I can't wait to show him the big icons at the Pop this year, I think he'll go nuts. Ever since he's seen Toy Story 1 and 2, Mr. Tato rates high on the list of cool toys to play with. For a couple of weeks. Then he rotates to something else. Then back to Mr. Tato. Ah, the mind of a three year old.

If we're brave we'll head over to World of Disney and check out what's doing. DS and DH will absolutely have to stop at the Lego store. I know them, the force is strong with them. They'll be drooling over Star Wars legos before I know it. Heck, they may be making their own light sabers in Once Upon a Toy, who knows? These Spike TV marathons have suddenly turned my Mickey Mouse lovin', Playhouse Disney boy into a little Jedi knight. "Papa, I watch Star Wars?" says he with a delighted squeal! Ah boys....:goodvibes

So we'll shop at all the various fun places that Downtown has to offer...thereby burning off our dinner...and working up an appetite! Oh yes, I have one more plan for this night, and it's Goofy's Candy Company my friends. Little did I know that this was not just any candy store. Little did I know that you can make your own treats! I feel marshmellows speared on a Mickey Mouse straw with lots of delectable yummy gooey meltiness calling my name. So we'll be stopping here, for sure. I can't wait to see what DS picks for his. I'll definitely let him have his own. I mean, how long do sugar rushes really last? 15 minutes max before they crash and burn? See, it's all part of my master plan. To make sure he sleeps well that night. Because the next day, we have a date with my holy grail...and I'm not going to miss it!:thumbsup2


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