Wine & Dine 1/2 marathon weekend 2021

if we e-sign, do we need to print out the waiver? I thought the point of e-signing the waiver is so we didn't have to print it out
It would certainly make sense for us NOT to have to print it up... I probably misread, thinking that we had to bring a copy with us. All I can find now is this, which doesn't say to bring a printed copy of it:
  • To pick up a race bib, runners must visit the HP Field House and have a valid photo ID, a digitally signed waiver and their Check-In Pass.
But it's bizarre to give me a downloadable copy of a waiver for each of my kids that doesn't include their names... ... how can that even be considered a waiver in reality...? I'd feel better if that waiver made some sense!
I'm going to guess the signed waiver is supposed to automatically generate the Check-in Pass, or there's a way for them to check the system for the waiver signing. Maybe it's tied to the person on the back end, and that's why it doesn't show names??? I mean, who knows when it comes to Disney IT.
Update. So I decided to try to call again yesterday and someone actually picked up. He sent a link to my husbands email so he could link his registration to his own account (that I had to create yesterday). He had a zoom meeting for work, so he gave me his phone to take care of it, and I accidentally hit the button for the opt out of digital waiver :). And that's that, there was no "are you sure you want to opt out", or any way to go back in and change it(apparently the button I was supposed to hit was down below and I was supposed to scroll down to find it, lesson for anyone who still needs to do theirs). So I printed out his waiver, and like everyone has said, there is no name on it. I have no idea how that works with getting an email to attend the expo now. This has been such a hassle and turn off for future races.
Update. So I decided to try to call again yesterday and someone actually picked up. He sent a link to my husbands email so he could link his registration to his own account (that I had to create yesterday). He had a zoom meeting for work, so he gave me his phone to take care of it, and I accidentally hit the button for the opt out of digital waiver :). And that's that, there was no "are you sure you want to opt out", or any way to go back in and change it(apparently the button I was supposed to hit was down below and I was supposed to scroll down to find it, lesson for anyone who still needs to do theirs). So I printed out his waiver, and like everyone has said, there is no name on it. I have no idea how that works with getting an email to attend the expo now. This has been such a hassle and turn off for future races.
Ive emailed and called multiple times with no answer. This is so frustrating.
I think we're all going to need to pack a lot of patience for this race weekend. Between the pandemic and rD deciding to test new IT things, it seems like there's going to be a lot that's new and different, which always brings confusion. And I'll add that a HUGE amount of WDW's staff right now is green: the lack of experience has been noticeable in the parks. I'd assume at least some of that with the races, too. Deep breaths, plan for things to take longer than expected, maybe let go of expectations based on past rD experiences, and try to roll with whatever hot mess comes.
I'm not sure what exactly rD is using for the digital waivers but electronic documents are not new and there is no reason for Disney to be rolling their own here. I'm not doing W&D so I can't take a look at the documents or code to see what they are using behind the scenes but I would hope they are leveraging a company that knows how to do this (DocuSign, Adobe Sign, one of the many white label versions of platforms).
I'm not sure what exactly rD is using for the digital waivers but electronic documents are not new and there is no reason for Disney to be rolling their own here. I'm not doing W&D so I can't take a look at the documents or code to see what they are using behind the scenes but I would hope they are leveraging a company that knows how to do this (DocuSign, Adobe Sign, one of the many white label versions of platforms).
I have no experience with the technical aspects of any of them, but I've done a lot of signing in Adobe and DocuSign... whatever rD is using didn't resemble anything I've used. Best I can describe it, it's a form-form: as in, nothing in it to identify an individual: we all get the exact same form and the only identifier is typing our name into the signature box at the bottom. One waiver covering any and all races for the weekend: gone is the 1 waiver per race of old. I just looked at my completed/signed waiver and it did save with my printed and "signed" name, but no birthdate or anything else to differentiate between me, PrincessV, and someone else who might be named PrincessV, if that makes sense. It's... odd.
I bet there's a verification step at bib-pickup... some type of "click here to verify that you signed the waiver" system ... maybe?
Ive emailed and called multiple times with no answer. This is so frustrating.

this is me…I’ve called and emailed multiple times…left messages some of the times I’ve called…

maybe I Jist need to keep calling until I get a human…I don’t mind leaving messages and emails but it’s been a week with no response!
Just to add more mystery, the one I printed for my husband does have those lines on it (I'm from NJ). Above I mentioned that I hit the "opt out of electronic waiver" by accident and this was what he received.
this is me…I’ve called and emailed multiple times…left messages some of the times I’ve called…

maybe I Jist need to keep calling until I get a human…I don’t mind leaving messages and emails but it’s been a week with no response!

I was able to get through this morning. They were a bit mystified when I didn’t want them to just change the name on my registration to match the name on my Disney account. Didn’t seem to understand that it could create a problem with verifying my PoT which is under the original name. It seems like they got it fixed. I was able to sign my waiver, at least, although now my registration also shows a minor’s waiver…. smh. I don’t have much faith that they didn’t break something else while fixing the waiver.
My mom's registration completely disappeared from her account for the 10k. Her 5k is still there. When registering, she must not have clicked "registering myself" for her 10k (she was also registering my dad) and so it made her send the email to another account. As soon as she clicked "link registration" the registration completely disappeared so thanks rD IT? I've been calling on her behalf and she's been emailing but no response. Hopefully she can still run the 10k...
I have no experience with the technical aspects of any of them, but I've done a lot of signing in Adobe and DocuSign... whatever rD is using didn't resemble anything I've used. Best I can describe it, it's a form-form: as in, nothing in it to identify an individual: we all get the exact same form and the only identifier is typing our name into the signature box at the bottom. One waiver covering any and all races for the weekend: gone is the 1 waiver per race of old. I just looked at my completed/signed waiver and it did save with my printed and "signed" name, but no birthdate or anything else to differentiate between me, PrincessV, and someone else who might be named PrincessV, if that makes sense. It's... odd.
I had 2 waivers. One for the 5k and one for the Challenge.
It appears the lesson so far is to only sign yourself up and let other adults use their own accounts.

Secondarily, others registered for future events should go ahead and do this from the FAQ.

Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 12.13.26 PM.png

At first it seemed like something you could do, if you wanted. Now it seems like something you'll need to do based on the digital waiver situation.
I think we're all going to need to pack a lot of patience for this race weekend. Between the pandemic and rD deciding to test new IT things, it seems like there's going to be a lot that's new and different, which always brings confusion. And I'll add that a HUGE amount of WDW's staff right now is green: the lack of experience has been noticeable in the parks. I'd assume at least some of that with the races, too. Deep breaths, plan for things to take longer than expected, maybe let go of expectations based on past rD experiences, and try to roll with whatever hot mess comes.

I think THIS is exactly why they didn't go with Marathon Weekend as the first race back to in-person. W&D is smaller and gives them something to test and work out the kinks with before they hit their biggest event of the year. I do events, and this is what I would've done.


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