Winter Olympics

I agree! That is my main complaint about the coverage we get on NBC. They only show Americans or a few other 'best' competitors. I like to see the others, the underdogs from countries who are not always the big winners. I don't have a lot of time to watch, perhaps I will see what is on the other NBC affiliated channels?

All we need to do is eliminate the news desk at the games, the host and all that stupid fluff they put in. Poof. Suddenly we have time for all that. and we get to keep most of the cool short bios.
That is why I am so grateful to live close to Canada. I only watch their coverage. They show live events when possible. And they show so many more events and athletes.

Yep, CBC showed all ten men's and all ten pairs' performances last night. Have to say though, I was surprised at a few of the comments from the Canadian commentators.
And did anyone notice in curling, at one point they were joining the shots half way down the sheet or just showing the rock in the house?

Of course all those complete whiffs our mixed doubles team had probably could have been mercifully skipped. Missed the entirety of anything. Maybe our team needs to play with those bumpers bowling alleys put in the gutter for kids.
Adam Rippon is a local boy who was raised in Clarks Summit, PA by a single mom (he has 5 or 6 siblings) but he is supposedly the only openly gay skater but did anyone see Johnny Weir last night in the flaming red jacket. I always thought that he was also gay but maybe he is not out of the closet. I think the controversy is that Adam Rippon refused to meet Vice President Pence because of Pence's views on homosexuality. At least that was I thought the controversy was over?? I do like to watch skating but tend to watch the pairs and women's and ice dancing.

To be more precise, he is the first athlete from the U.S. to qualify for the Olympics having openly come out. Gus Kenworthy came out after Sochi and also qualified for the olympics. It was no secret with Weir but he didn't openly come out until after. Boitano was suspected but he didn't come out until he was named to the Sochi delegation.
I think he needs to grow up if he really boycotted because of the choice of flag bearer. He wouldn't be the first athlete to skip the opening ceremonies but the optics of this one look pretty bad.

His coach or a speedskating spokesperson said Shani Davis never intended to march in the opening ceremonies. Perhaps. But he sure got interested when his name was floated as flag bearer. Now he just looks like a sore loser crybaby.
Not surprised. A bunch of sickeningly sweet crap and fluff opens NBC's prime time coverage. Hopefully the Opening Ceremony will be shown before 10 pm.
Not surprised. A bunch of sickeningly sweet crap and fluff opens NBC's prime time coverage. Hopefully the Opening Ceremony will be shown before 10 pm.

Come on up north. We watched the opening this morning and now we have mixed curling on one channel and waiting for slope style on another.
So there is a new skating event that is called mass start in speedskating? This sounds awesome!
Is there any events on any other channels? Don't care to watch the wasted airtime of the opening ceremony.
I see NBC is still showing stuff that happened 14 hours ago. Too bad they are missing some good stuff that is actually happening right now.


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