WISH Team Who??? (Doctor Who quip) :) ... All are welcome :)

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  • The Apprentices

  • Walt's Runners

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Yea, at one point I'll do the Coast to Coast Medal.

just to point out, I hate the heat - did like 7 miles this morning, I wanted to do 10. Just brutal out there.
Wow. I am very impressed with anyone doing the Goofy. I would love to be able to do that at some point. Maybe I could handle it in 2012? We shall see!

After the Princess I'll be concentrating on the DL half (and saving up for a cross country trip) because I desperately want that Coast to Coast medal. It's all about the bling. ;)

I need to find some things to fill in the blanks though. I've got a 5K in September at Myrtle Beach, my first Half in October (also at Myrtle Beach), and then nothing until the Princess in February. I need some things before Feb and between Feb and Sept. Hmmm... Who ever thought I'd be going race shopping?!? DH is going to kill me. :lmao:

If you are doing the Myrtle beach thing you may live close to Charlotte? Me and Kat and someone else she knows may be doing the Thunder Road 1/2 in Charlotte Dec 11. I hear its hilly so I'm hoping for slow time so I can think ive gotten That much better by the Princess in Feb....Think about it...Rhonda
Yeah, I was part of your conversation about that. *laugh* That's during my Disney trip in December, so it's a no-go for this year. And besides, the time limit is a little strenuous for me at this point.

Maybe next year! It's not far from home at all!
OK, whiny baby rant now.

My knees are sore. Wahhh!

OK, rant over.

I guess the 14+ miles I've done so far this week finally caught up with me and my knees are achy. I hate that. I keep flashing back to my first 5K (that I thoroughly enjoyed but definitely jumped into too hard and too fast and totally wrecked my knees for weeks!) and I'm nervous about that. Thankfully today is a rest day for me anyway. I hope they're better by tomorrow! I'm trying to get my motivation back and get back on schedule!
How do you even train for the Goofy! ugh! I am still in the VERY beginning of my 10K training so the longest I have run is 4 miles.. I know I will be fully ready come Jan.. especially if I train.. but to run 13.1 one day and then get up and run 26.2! :worship::worship:

Ran my tiny 2.5 yesterday.. will run the 2.5 tomorrow and then 3.5 on Sunday.. and yes, its hot here too.. I only run outside on the weekend anyways since I have the little ones and just run on the treadmill here at home.

Question for you all:

What do you do on your cross training days??? I was thinking of taking a class at the gym, zumba, pilates, body pump.. what do you all do.

Maybe we can get a list on the first page with everyones name and what race they are running??
On my x-training, I usually do an hour of cardio- 1/2 hour on 2 machines to swicth it up, either the elliptical, bike, efx machine or stair master. Then I do weights. I've done kick boxing before which I love, but no classes at times I can go recently. I took a pilates class at the adult education up till a month ago when it ended. I like it, but found out on Comcast On Demand they have various pilates episodes, so I do that. It's cheaper! :) I also love to swim when the pools are open or at a class where I can get laps in.
Can I join in?

Hi my name is Carmel and I live in MA. I'm 37 years old, married with 2 kids, DD7 and DS10. I started running because of WDW. I was in a spinning class and the instructor said she was going to run a 1/2 marathon in WDW. Now being a huge WDW fan I thought this is the way I can finally get my rear end in shape and what a better reward than going to WDW. My DBF and I will be running the 1/2 in January. I have started the couch to 5k program and can't believe I am already able to run for 20 mins. I couldn't run for 30 seconds when I started. My goal is to do a 5k in sept and a 10k in oct, kind of work my way up. I've been having some trouble breathing when running (I think it's exercise induced asthma) but I'm determined to work through this and not give up. The humid weather I'm sure doesn't help either. On the really humid days I've been walking 5 miles in the morning just to keep myself moving. I'm also about to start the insanity workout. I hear it's really tough so I'll report on how that goes. With the dryer air coming back this weekend I'm hoping to get out and run. There is a lighthouse 2 & 2/1 miles from my house so my goal is to at least run out to it and walk back.

I'm so glad you started this thread Matt, thanks!
Yeah, I was part of your conversation about that. *laugh* That's during my Disney trip in December, so it's a no-go for this year. And besides, the time limit is a little strenuous for me at this point.

Maybe next year! It's not far from home at all!

How about OBX? I am definitely doing that one, too, along with the friend I did the Chicago RnR with, and at least 2 girls from my running club. It has a nice long time limit. It's Nov 14th.
Hi all,

Introducing myself.....

I'm Jenna, I live in dallas, started running back in April and I'm preparing to run the Wine&Dine Half. I'm pretty new to running and brand new to these boards.

My plan after the first half marathon is to run one a month for over a year...I've already signed up for one in Nov and Dec, so just hoping to remain injury free!

Looking forward to getting to know all of you, and now I'm gonna go back and read everyone else's intros since I'm behind the game! :rotfl:
How about OBX? I am definitely doing that one, too, along with the friend I did the Chicago RnR with, and at least 2 girls from my running club. It has a nice long time limit. It's Nov 14th.

Ok, I'm going to show my ignorance here, but where is this? I might actually have the 14th free (what a novelty!)

ETA: Nevermind, that's the Outer Banks one, right? I wonder if I could get all the way there. Hmm...

ETA x2: Seriously? A 3:30pm finish time?? Wow. That is SERIOUSLY walker friendly. I wonder how I could convince DH to let me go up there so soon after the Myrtle Beach race weekend. That would be so cool. I've been wanting to go see Kitty Hawk and everything for a while anyway!
First off thank you so much for getting a new team started :goodvibes Is Goof Troop a taken team name? haha I swear I dont know where I come with random stuff like that so I must have heard it before!

My name is Shannon, I am 26 years old, and currently live in Richmond, VA. I am originally from MA and went to college down in Myrtle Beach, SC. I worked for one summer at EPCOT and MGM and it was just wonderful :goodvibes

I started running in 2009...just a year ago I suppose :goodvibes I started with a 5k for our local SPCA as a challenge from co workers ( I LOVE animals too) and then proceeded to run a 10k which is very popular here in Richmond called the Ukrops Monument Ave 10k (over 35,000 people ran this year) and have done a few 5ks since. My first half marathon will be the Disney Wine & Dine in October. I am too embarassed to post times, but lets say I am slow and steady :rotfl:

The only thing standing in the way of the wine&dine half is vaca time due to starting a new job (auditing for the state) next Tuesday :scared1: I am a little nervous!!
How about Brer Rabbit's Bounders? Because we all do want to find our laughing place!!(even if it does come after a run)

I'm taking the week off from everything but C25K this week. Tomorrow will be Week 6, Day 3. We are visiting in-laws, their track has a different surface.

The high school football team has been practicing while we're running. I feel bad for those guys. It is so hot and humid. I'm looking forward to the 25 minute run tomorrow, hoping to get it in early before it gets too hot and humid.
Thanks so much for heading this group up!

Here is my introduction .... I am Beth from Wisconsin. I am 42, married to a wonderful man and have 2 kids - DD12 and DS 10. I am a 1st grade teacher trying to enjoy the last weeks of summer break.

I ran for fun many years ago in college but over the last 20 years have been on the "on and off" activity plan. My daughter ran on the middle school track team this year and watching her motivated me to try running again. Then a dear friend suggested we train for the Princess 1/2 marathon. So here I am. I am not really following a training plan yet but an going to start an official plan in September. I am planning a 5K race in late Sept., a 10K in November and the Princess 1/2 in Feb. Currently I am running 2 miles at a 13.5 pace. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Heck, I just want to finish the race!

Thanks again for setting the group up! Looking forward to this!
Hi All! My name is Allison, I am a pharmacist from South Ga. This is my first attempt at a half-marathon, well, at any race. Like many of you I have always wanted to run and have just got up the guts to actually do it. I am much farther behind all of you- I can't even walk at a 4 mile per hour pace. On the treadmill this is jogging for me. I am basically running for a minute and then walking for 2 minutes for about an hour. My pace is only about a 18 min. mile! I still have faith I will be able to do the Princess though. As far as a name goes- what about "Mickey's Marathoners". I'd love a name with an original character in it! Happy running everyone...
Hello Everyone! Hope everyone is having a great weekend! I am in week 2 of my 10K training so I am ready for my 3.5 mile run tomorrow! :thumbsup2 Hopefully it won't be too hot outside as I would love to do it outside and not on the treadmill

How about Brer Rabbit's Bounders? Because we all do want to find our laughing place!!(even if it does come after a run)

Love it! :thumbsup2

I'm taking the week off from everything but C25K this week. Tomorrow will be Week 6, Day 3. We are visiting in-laws, their track has a different surface.

Good luck! I did the couch to 5k as well and think its a wonderful program!

Thanks so much for heading this group up!

Here is my introduction .... I am Beth from Wisconsin. I am 42, married to a wonderful man and have 2 kids - DD12 and DS 10. I am a 1st grade teacher trying to enjoy the last weeks of summer break.

I ran for fun many years ago in college but over the last 20 years have been on the "on and off" activity plan. My daughter ran on the middle school track team this year and watching her motivated me to try running again. Then a dear friend suggested we train for the Princess 1/2 marathon. So here I am. I am not really following a training plan yet but an going to start an official plan in September. I am planning a 5K race in late Sept., a 10K in November and the Princess 1/2 in Feb. Currently I am running 2 miles at a 13.5 pace. Slow and steady wins the race, right? Heck, I just want to finish the race!

Thanks again for setting the group up! Looking forward to this!

Me too! I just want to finish the race and not be swept! And you are right.. slow and steady wins the race!!

Hi All! My name is Allison, I am a pharmacist from South Ga. This is my first attempt at a half-marathon, well, at any race. Like many of you I have always wanted to run and have just got up the guts to actually do it. I am much farther behind all of you- I can't even walk at a 4 mile per hour pace. On the treadmill this is jogging for me. I am basically running for a minute and then walking for 2 minutes for about an hour. My pace is only about a 18 min. mile! I still have faith I will be able to do the Princess though. As far as a name goes- what about "Mickey's Marathoners". I'd love a name with an original character in it! Happy running everyone...

Welcome Allison!! with plenty of training we all will cross the finish line! :thumbsup2
Hi~ I just caught the link to come over here :cutie:

My name is Jen and I am from Northern Cali. I am 28, married, and have two sons - ages 7 and 5 (almost 6). I have a Bachelor's Degree in Deaf Studies and work in Special Education. Last December after two months of working out and eating healthy and not losing anything, I started running. After a few months I had dropped 30 pounds. I am looking to lose some more, but am at a killer plateau :( In high school I was a cheerleader for four years and ran track/hurdles for 3, but after kids it all went downhill. It became high time for me to fix my ways so I set a goal to run a half this year. In just 4 weeks I will be running in the DL Half with a friend from church. There may be a Princess Half in my future as well if I can save up the money to go. :cheer2: Well...I am looking forward to cheering you all on. Thanks Matt for stepping up!

Or the Grim Grinning Ghosts?
I LOVE this!
Hi All! My name is Allison, I am a pharmacist from South Ga. This is my first attempt at a half-marathon, well, at any race. Like many of you I have always wanted to run and have just got up the guts to actually do it. I am much farther behind all of you- I can't even walk at a 4 mile per hour pace. On the treadmill this is jogging for me. I am basically running for a minute and then walking for 2 minutes for about an hour. My pace is only about a 18 min. mile! I still have faith I will be able to do the Princess though. As far as a name goes- what about "Mickey's Marathoners". I'd love a name with an original character in it! Happy running everyone...

Yay! Another pharmacist! :)


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