Wk of May 14--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Have a great time, Lily! Sorry life has been crazy for you. I hope this week brings lots of time to relax and re-charge. :hug:
Honeibee said:
I've never told anyone this....

But....I lust in my heart.

Yes, it's true. I have a deep dark secret.

I don't know how to say this, but....but.....

I really want to be a runner.

There. I've said it.

It's out in the open.

As laughable as that might seem, with me having about 40 pounds to lose and bum knees. I long, so very much, to run. :blush:

You are a runner!

I haven't kept track of where you are in your training journey, whether you're walking, wogging or jogging at this point. But let me tell ya, baby everything in your posts scream


Now, I'm going to say this once and only once as you know I don't speak of my unmentionable body part...

I started training for the '05 half with the hopes of wogging it. I started walking long distances at ~220lbs (can we say chaffing?). Then I started doing little jog intervals (yes, still at 220 lbs). At some point I was running 3-6 miles at 5.5 mph on the treadmill still way above 200 lbs.

Fast forward to training for '06. Yes I lost most of the weight I needed to, and ran many, many miles, but in November the pain in my left knee was so unbearable I did the unthinkable and went to see an ortho/sports med guy. (turns out he's the vice chairmen of Orth/sport med at Lahey Clinic). At the height of my training, this dr who I foundly refer to as Dumb-dumb sat me down and told me "some people aren't meant to run marathons" and explained I have a deformed knee. Somewhere in early development the patella didn't fuse completely and my knee won't hold up... It was the first concrete evidence that my "superstition" about my knee was based on truth. I always knew there was something not right about it, I just didn't know what. TG, I probably wouldn't have done most of the things I've done if I knew I had a deformed knee!


Need I say more?

Dumb-dumb also told me I can't do 500 lb leg presses anymore. He was right, I do 600 lb leg presses now :teeth: :banana:

As Locke would say (I know you have no clue who Locke is) "Don't tell me what I can't do"

As Billy Blanks says "The body doesn't lead, the body follows. Your mind and your spirit lead"

Your mind/spirit is clearly a runner. You're body will follow :cloud9: :cheer2:


ETA: BTW, Billy Blanks (TaeBo) has a deformed hip and dyslexia. He was told he'd never amount to much... Have I ever mentioned he's my hero :love:
Cam-- you're right, I won't be able to run a marathon in July. I probably won't be running at all for a couple of weeks, which puts me mid-June :sad2: :furious:

Lily-- enjoy calcun! All the craziness will still be here when you get back (I promise ;) )
Judy - I have to agree with Sunny :sunny: :
YOU ARE A RUNNER!You are also a very sweet person! I love running because I only compete with ME! Never try to compare yourself with anyone else...you are the only one you are racing against.
Thanks for all the encouragement. You all make me feel beautiful! I have to say that my Tri pix is what got my butt in gear! Here is one to laugh at.

After seeing those, I knew I wanted to look different so I just really started eating healthy. I sill have about 8lbs to loose, but my Oreos get in the way!
Here is the end of the torch run...me and my "G's"...Colleen, Amy, & Pam! They are wicked fast and I busted my butt to keep up with them Wednesday!

Sunny - I hate that you are not able to run the marathon in July...I am kinda in the dark about what is going on..I know you have been sick. :cheer2: :wizard: I am cheering you on and sending PD your way!

Lily - Have fun!!!!

Howard - :banana: :wizard: :cheer2: :banana: :wizard: :cheer2: for your MARATHON! I know you will knock it out!!!
:sad: Oh my God you guys! :sad:

I'm tearing up from HAPPINESS! Thank you so much Sunny, Christa, Cam, everybody! OMG you guys are too too much!

You all don't know what a FAB-U-LOUS birthday present you just gave me!


Now, I AM a runner.

OMG! :sad: Happy tears! :sad:

Took me a bit to catch up again, but I did it. Sorry for the long post. :teeth:

Pat – That is GREAT that you were able to get the time off of work in January.
Sunny – Hope you are feeling better. Please take care of yourself & get plenty of rest. You truly are an inspiration.
Nancy & Carrie – Thank you for keeping my friends daughter in your prayers. She had her 2nd surgery on Wed. where they removed parts of her brain & disconnected other parts. It may take a year to know how successful the surgeries were. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She can really use all she can get.
Mel – That is GREAT that your DD has decided to do the half.
Lynnda – CONGRATULATIONS on your Tri!!!
Jen – Happy Belated Birthday! It’s great that you found a running group in your city.
Lily – Have a fun trip.
Jodi – Thanks for the link. Very funny.
Cam – OMG, What is wrong with some people. I’m glad DH wasn’t seriously hurt.
Dena – I think you should definitely win the Weirdest Thing Seen on a Run Award. Unbelievable.
Eric – Wow, that certainly is a whole lot of people.
Dana – Hope your feeling better. Congratulations on buying a new house. Nice floor plan.
Amy – That 5 mile trail run sound like fun. I like the last place finishers prize. Pixie Dust for your DD’s. I bet they will look adorable in the wedding.
Christa – Congratulations on the new job. Great job on your Torch Run.
Judy – If you run (no matter how far the distance) you are a runner. Keep up the great job you are doing with your training.

Thank you to everyone that has been posting race reports and photos. I have really enjoyed them.

GOOD LUCK to those racing this weekend.

Pixie Dust to those struggling with motivation and/or injuries.

As for me....I am still continuing to go to the high school track 4-5 times a week doing a minimum of 3 miles each time. Some days I do a mix of walking & running, some days just walk as fast as I can, & some just walk at DH (John) or a friends pace and enjoy the company. I have also started doing a Yoga for Strength DVD.

Happy Training!!!!!!
:wave: Hi Karen!!! Some more pixie dust for your friend's DD. What a scary situation :(. I sure hope the surgeries have a positive impact on her quality of life. She will remain in my thoughts.

Also, just noticed that you are a fellow NJ girl!!! Are you doing any races this summer? It would be great to meet up! Kim (Kimwim) and I are going to meet up to do the Guts & Glory 5K in Ocean City NJ. I'm also looking for some more races this summer to keep me motivated. I'm trying to get some folks to do a half with me as a training run this October...there is one in Sandy Hook and I think there is going to be one in A.C. as well. The other half that I am considering is the Liberty Waterfront Run! All three are in early October so perfect timing for Full Marathon training ;).

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUDY!!!!!! :grouphug:
Speaking of NJ WISHers, is anyone doing the Spring Lake 5 (miles) in Spring Lake, NJ on 5/27? DH and I will be there and would LOVE it if there were other WISHers there.
Judy- I so feel your envy of the runners. I wish I was running alot more than I am (wait a minute, who said that?! There go those aliens again..... ;) ) but I am running way more than I used to be able to & it will just continue to improve! The same goes for you, at least we are getting out there & trying to do something about it. More than alot of people can say. Happy Birthday!

Howard-good luck with your marathon!

Christa-that is why I am doing all these races. I was never good at team sports, dont have the coordination to catch a ball, and this lets me just compete for me & do what I need to do.

Sunny-I just got my Billy Blanks Boot Camp DVD's & although I am still sore 2 days later I think he's going to be real good for me. The WATP tapes weren't challenging enough. He may be my new hero too. Take care of yourself & get better. Dont try to get out there too soon. :wizard:

Lily-have a great time!

Have a great weekend everyone!
well, sort of. :) I've been on the Dis for a couple of years, but just posted to the W.I.S.H. boards for the first time today. In replying to my post, TiffJ and chimera were very encouraging and invited me to join you on this thread, so here I am! Just a little background:

My name is Michael, and I live just south of Atlanta. I am a 35 year old husband and father of 4 beautiful dd. Mostly because of them, I decided a couple of months ago to get in shape. I have been very overweight and out of shape for the last 15 years. So, I started Weight Watchers, and have lost almost 30 pounds in just over 2 months! :woohoo:

As part of the weight loss process, I started walking/jogging. I am now up to 3 miles a day, at a pace of about 13 minutes a mile. I have just decided to run the 1/2 marathon at WDW this year, and I'm pumped! I plan to do a 4 mile race in June, a 10K in September, and a 1/2 marathon in October to prepare. I'm excited to have found a support group for my efforts!

Also, I'm sure many of you have done this for some time, so please give any advice you think will help me. Thanks!
:welcome: Michael!

You will fit in great here. :grouphug: All of us are right where you are. Just trying to get/stay healthy so we can really enjoy life with our families. Feel free to post ANY questions, someone will always be willing to help. We all have daily struggles and this is a GREAT place to come for support. :cheer2: Keep us up to date on your journey! See you at the 1/2!!! :cool1:

P.S. If you haven't read Marathoning for Mortals by John Bingham. Get it. Most of us find it extremely helpful, especially in the beginning.
Thanks, Dena! (I guessed at your name from your sig)

I'll check out the book, and continue to post here!

P.S. Is there a new thread each week? I noticed this one is Wk of May 14 . . . will there be a Wk of May 21 thread I need to look for?
Hello and welcome Michael!!

Congrats on the weight loss so far and I think your goal is awesome! I'm north of Atlanta and will also be running the half in January (want to run the full, but that's another story). Any chance the 10k you are planning on running is the one on Cobb Parkway in Smyrna?

Nice to have you aboard!!
ScoJo15 said:
Hello and welcome Michael!!

Congrats on the weight loss so far and I think your goal is awesome! I'm north of Atlanta and will also be running the half in January (want to run the full, but that's another story). Any chance the 10k you are planning on running is the one on Cobb Parkway in Smyrna?

Nice to have you aboard!!

I can't remember for sure, but the name of it is the Four Seasons Run for Research on September 16th. At least that's the plan for right now. I saw another 10K on the net, but the more I read about it, it looked like the course was more hilly than the one I plan to run, which is pretty much in downtown ATL, on 14th street.

And thanks, great to be here!
chimera said:
Dana and Dena...I have a race for you
Yulee Railroad Days 10K and 5K

I had mentioned doing this race to DH, but decided against it since I'd likely close the course according to last year's results. But I really wanted to do it. And since you said so, I'm going for it!!! I printed out the entry form and already filled it out! Thanks Mel! :yay:
gatorphipps said:
Sunny - I hate that you are not able to run the marathon in July...I am kinda in the dark about what is going on..I know you have been sick. :cheer2: :wizard: I am cheering you on and sending PD your way!

Thanks, Christa! I have pneumonia :furious:
Hey Dena?! If I decide to go for this will you give me directions?? I finally found a map, and this isnt' even a race in Yulee it's in Gainesville. I would love to do it, but I'm not so sure right now. That's an awful long way to drive for a race. I mean come on, it's not like it's Disney or anything!! ;)

Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

I had another stonker of a run yesterday. I didn't even make 2 miles. However, I think it was just because I ran too soon after I ate lunch, or ate too big of a lunch before my run. My stomach was getting all riled up, and I had to stop. I'm taking a rest day today. The princesses DD5 princess: and DD8 princess: are volunteering at a duathon today manning the water stop. Tomorrow is my first 10k in about 10 years. Wish me luck. I haven't had a good run since my 6 miler last Sunday, and I'm a little nervous about my legs.
Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

I had another stonker of a run yesterday. I didn't even make 2 miles. However, I think it was just because I ran too soon after I ate lunch, or ate too big of a lunch before my run. My stomach was getting all riled up, and I had to stop. I'm taking a rest day today. The princesses DD5 princess: and DD8 princess: are volunteering at a duathon today manning the water stop. Tomorrow is my first 10k in about 10 years. Wish me luck. I haven't had a good run since my 6 miler last Sunday, and I'm a little nervous about my legs.


You're doing much better than me -- I took most of this week off as a rest week, I guess....I was going through a lot of what other people were talking about earlier this week, going through that time period where you start doubting yourself and just kind of sick of running.

I have a personal training session today -- I hope she is able to whip my attitude back into shape.

Have a good 10k run tomorrow --- I know you'll do great! I have my 10k on Memorial Day weekend and I'm getting pretty nervous about it! I wish the weather would straighten out, so I can train outside more - Oh well, what can you do? :confused3

Can't wait to hear about your experience at the 10k....I hope it's all flat land.



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