Wk of May 14--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

jodistar said:

You're doing much better than me -- I took most of this week off as a rest week, I guess....I was going through a lot of what other people were talking about earlier this week, going through that time period where you start doubting yourself and just kind of sick of running.

I have a personal training session today -- I hope she is able to whip my attitude back into shape.

Have a good 10k run tomorrow --- I know you'll do great! I have my 10k on Memorial Day weekend and I'm getting pretty nervous about it! I wish the weather would straighten out, so I can train outside more - Oh well, what can you do? :confused3

Can't wait to hear about your experience at the 10k....I hope it's all flat land.

Oh thanks Jodi, I appreciate your good wishes. You and I have been going through the same thing this week. I've tried to get out and run 2x since my 6 miler last Sunday and it was just like running through quicksand. Yeah, I've been doubting myself alot recently, and I'm nervous about this 10k. Hope it's all flat land? Heck, I hope it's all downhill...
Mouse Skywalker said:
Hope it's all flat land? Heck, I hope it's all downhill...

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Okay, I hope it's all downhill too! :) Although, keep in mind that last weekend when I did the 5k, I started the race going downhill and thought "oh cool, this will be easy.....should be flat now." Boy was I wrong there were a series of about 4 big hills :scared1:

I made it through but the soreness really hit me on Monday. Everything is better now though. :thumbsup2

Anyhow, really looking forward to hearing about the 10k --- Since we started around the same time with training. I thought you might be able to share tips :goodvibes .

Hey - did you register for the Disney Marathon.....I can't remember, but the last I checked on their website they are 60% full.

Again - Good Luck! :wizard:
jodistar said:
:rotfl2: :rotfl2: Okay, I hope it's all downhill too! :) Although, keep in mind that last weekend when I did the 5k, I started the race going downhill and thought "oh cool, this will be easy.....should be flat now." Boy was I wrong there were a series of about 4 big hills :scared1:

downhill running is really for your joints. A slight incline of 0.5 to 1.5% is the best for your knees and ankles. The impact going downhill causes additional strain on the ligaments and tendons.
Hey Viking...interesting info on the downhill running. Perhaps that is why my hip joints bother me. I'm all hills....actually not really flat at all for most of my runs. SO it's up hill, down hill, up hill......Could be I need to get a treadmill so I can do some flatter runs a few times a week?! Ahhhh....don't ya' love this "free" sport!!!

Dave.....BEST OF LUCK with your race tomorrow :cheer2: . My running week was like yours and Jodi's....I had a good 6 miler then it was a bit rough since then. I think I even said it felt like quick-sand myself! The three of us all started training at almost the same time so I'm chalking it up to the natural progression of things. I was supposed to run 6 miles this morning...but my DD got sick and my other one had an early softball game so I haven't left yet. I really like to just get out there and get it done but I've got to wait. Hopefully I can squeeze it in when they get home from the game.
Viking said:
downhill running is really for your joints. A slight incline of 0.5 to 1.5% is the best for your knees and ankles. The impact going downhill causes additional strain on the ligaments and tendons.
Yes Viking, I agree. I wasn't really serious about the downhill running. I was just kidding. I know from my runs that downhill actually hurts my legs more than uphill. Just trying to be funny...
Hello everyone! Got back a while ago from my 5k Race today....ran a personal best on the hilliest course I've experienced yet, came in with a 28:55!! I was so motivated that I signed up for a 10k (first one of those for me) on Memorial Day. If I keep this up I'm gonna need to join RA (Runners Anonymous...1st step is admitting you have an addiction...lol).

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!! Go WISH team!
ScoJo15 said:
Hello everyone! Got back a while ago from my 5k Race today....ran a personal best on the hilliest course I've experienced yet, came in with a 28:55!! I was so motivated that I signed up for a 10k (first one of those for me) on Memorial Day. If I keep this up I'm gonna need to join RA (Runners Anonymous...1st step is admitting you have an addiction...lol).

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!! Go WISH team!
WTG Scott!!! :thumbsup2 That is awesome!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Sub 10 min miles. You are doing super!!!
:cheer2: FANTASTIC EFFORT SCOTT!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: Ahhhhh...to run sub 9's....that's AMAZING!

I'm sooo happy for you!!! Your family must be super proud!!! :thumbsup2

I ran 6 miles today. It was a pretty good run, the weather was great! My legs felt pretty good today :thumbsup2 My splits aren't that consistent :confused3 . At mile 4 I just started to fade and there's a short but STEEP hill on that mile. It really knocked me off my stride but I'm very happy that I was able to regain my rhythm and pace for mile 5! Overall I can't complain at all.

mile 1: 9:33
mile 2: 9:57
mile 3: 10:12
mile 4: 11:06
mile 5: 10:18
mile 6: 10:55
Great job Scott! :thumbsup2

Since I've just started training, I had only been doing a maximum of 3 miles per day (6 days a week). Well, today, since I've decided to go all the way with this thing, I took a stab at 4 miles! And I did pretty well. Yesterday, I did my 3 miles in 39 minutes (13 min/mile) and today I did my 4 miles in 53 minutes (13:15 min/mile)! I was pumped! Since I plan to "run" my first race, a 4 miler, in about a month, I think I have my goal set: under 52 minutes. Wish me luck!

And let me say again how excited I am to have found you guys! I can't wait to see some of you at the 1/2 marathon in January!

Christa and Tiffj ~ Thanks for the well WISHes for my marathon run tomorrow morning!

I am picking up my race packet today and then I am going out with the beautiful and talented Cam tonight and my DS for a carb-loading feast.

I can wait for this race to arrive... I am highly anticipating it (as I have for months) and a bit nervous I am afraid. I am not looking forward to post-marathon and the "what is next" question which is inevitable.

The "What's Next" is the Spring Lake 5 (miles) in Spring Lake, NJ this coming Memorial Day Weekend, followed by the Inaugural Disneyland Half-Marathon in September with Cam and many of you. Training for it should be fun!

Thanks again! I'll post my time as early as I can or Cam will post an update on my performance.


Mouse Skywalker said:
Yes Viking, I agree. I wasn't really serious about the downhill running. I was just kidding. I know from my runs that downhill actually hurts my legs more than uphill. Just trying to be funny...

I got the joke, but as you see for some people it was also useful info ;)
Here's another downhill-story I had to think of: We spent a vacation on the island of Fuerteventura, where the club we stayed at offered a 'Downhill-only' bike tour: They had a LandRover Defender with a trailer for eight bikes and could seat eight bikers in the vehicle. They then took the bikers up a pass and sent them down on teh bikes. At the bottom the bikers & bikes were picked up and up they went again - up to eight passes a day. Fuerteventura means strong winds in Spanish and it is located in the Atlantic Oceam due West of Morocco and can be hot like hell - so only lunatics drive their bikes uphill :crazy:
BTW, we were there to do aerobics - in the open without a/c, but with a wonderful view across the sea. We did at least two hours each day for the two weeks we stayed there. We also spent a lot of time at the beach and also did some runs along the beach. The food a this club is so good that sport is mandatory - or you have to fly cargo on the way home :rotfl2:
KeenHo said:
Christa and Tiffj ~ Thanks for the well WISHes for my marathon run tomorrow morning!

I am picking up my race packet today and then I am going out with the beautiful and talented Cam tonight and my DS for a carb-loading feast.

I can wait for this race to arrive... I am highly anticipating it (as I have for months) and a bit nervous I am afraid. I am not looking forward to post-marathon and the "what is next" question which is inevitable.

The "What's Next" is the Spring Lake 5 (miles) in Spring Lake, NJ this coming Memorial Day Weekend, followed by the Inaugural Disneyland Half-Marathon in September with Cam and many of you. Training for it should be fun!

Thanks again! I'll post my time as early as I can or Cam will post an update on my performance.


I know we've never met Howard, but I just wanted to WISH you well on your marathon too. Have a great run!!!
ScoJo15 said:
Hello everyone! Got back a while ago from my 5k Race today....ran a personal best on the hilliest course I've experienced yet, came in with a 28:55!! I was so motivated that I signed up for a 10k (first one of those for me) on Memorial Day. If I keep this up I'm gonna need to join RA (Runners Anonymous...1st step is admitting you have an addiction...lol).

Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend!! Go WISH team!

RA...My name is Christa and I am a..a...a....well..you see..a runner. :rotfl2:
Scott - Congrats on your 5k. Sending :wizard: on your 10k!

Question for everyone!
I want to enter another Tri..Called the Bandits International challenge. The web page is below.
It is supper hard and HILLY! Check out the bike course...Ron (my trainer) says I can do it, but I will really have to up the training.
What do my fellow WISHers think!? :confused3


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