Wk of May 18 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Krista: Glad to hear that you and the baby are doing ok. I'm sure that was a scary experience.

Carrie: You're having a catered breakfast after the Mackinaw Bridge, cool, so am I on MOnday after my Memorial Day Race in Weston, FL on Monday. I also hate it when my Garmi has a mind of her own.

MOrgan: How are those "sick day - Wii fit playing" going? I'm still thinking about getting a Wii, but I am so put off by how much they want for one.

Liz: How is the injury coming along? Hope the recovery is going well.

Scott: Enjoyed every last blog on your site from the Minnie - so sorry now that I only got to speak to you for like 30 seconds at the WISH meet at POR. I had my massage today and he was impressed with me start some core pilates and using a foam roller. Of course not to impressed because he is like a ultramarathoner, free style biker and the such. Hope the Vegas planning is coming along.

Duckie: WHERE R U???

Mel: I also like the idea of home made ice cream. I hope I can join in on the festivities.

Ksoehrlein: (I hope I spelled that right - what is your name??) I have had shin issues, but usually crop up about 8-10 min into a walk and then last maybe til about 1 1/2 miles and then stop. But being a racewalking I get that evey now and then. I try to stretch and strengthen them and I use a foam roller to really get the kinks out.

Debra: Sorry, no pitts Marathon for me - still trying to get more WDW vacations planned, and trying to figure out were to stay for 09 marathon weekend. I did POLY this year and I hadn't stayed there for about 30 years. We were even bumped up into the Concierge building and had a great time!!!
I guess you have figure me out, Dirty girl on top of Mount Trashmore who exercises and then eat ICE CREAM!!!!. Hope your blisters are healing - ugh!

Tricia: Congrats on signing up for a 5K on Monday, I decided last week to sign up for a 5K on Monday. Good luck with yours!!

Vic: You got a rest day and an idea for a Father's Day gift - cool what a way to go.

mla1977: I find I need my orthotics even when I'm racwalking. It helps my arches, and keeping things in good alignment like ankles, knees, hips and lower back (it's all connected). If your orthotics were made for you, you can get them recovered maybe with better padding so you could were then while running.

Jen: Sorry about those allergies, I have those issues also. In south FLorida its mostly an all year thing. Good luck with your race and I hope it doesn't rain.

Jeff: Nice 6miler and with the VOG. No more SOG here because the fires are pretty much gone. I am assuming that you have heat and humidity in HI like in FL. WHat do you do for salt replenishment?? I find when I go over 8 miles I come home with salt dried up all over my face, neck and head. I am assuming I need something. I didn't do much training last summer, but with the DL coming up in Aug I am training in the summer time. I get up pretty early on my LW days so that helps. Also, what should I be expecting from CA heat - it's much drier right??

Cam: Sounda like you've had a rough week also. We both need a vacation. (want to meet me at WDW?) I hope your 5K race was a good one!!

Leana: :bday:
Lily: :bday:

Judy: I am hoping you get to do your race on Monday - take care of yourself!!

Frank: Sounds like your trip has and is a wonderful one with great sites to see!

Ang: A foam roller is great for stretching out hams, calves, shins, etc. I love mine!

As for me: I did 3 miles today, wasn't really looking for time, just to stay under 15min pace - which I did. I then went for my massage . ooooooo ahhhhhhh, it was gooooood. Went to the Grocery on my way home - trying to put errands together to save gas. Started some laundry. Watching the ACC tournament and my Miami Hurricanes!! They are playing in the final game tomorrow against VA!! It has decided to finally rain this weekend and even have a thunderstorm warning right now. I have a 5 miler scheduled for tomorrow and that will definately be about distant and not speed, so I'll see how that goes. I am also sending out gold to sell it and hoping to get some money to help with my walking/Disney addiction.

Take care all!!

PS, tried my "rogue" i2i WIsh shirt today and I have to day I wouldn't wear it for more than 3miles in the South FLorida heat. It sticks to me and the sweat shows alot on the fabric.
Just wanted to share that I survived w4d1 of C25K this morning! It wasn't pretty by any stretch of the imagination, but I did the walk/run times to the letter and kept under a 15-minute-mile pace so both of my goals were accomplished. And the good news is that my shins only hurt if I press on them, so I think the stretches are helping -- as is walking backwards for a bit after the cool down. It was HOT by the time I got out to the track, though. I'll need to get out well before 9 AM if I run on the track instead of the treadmill on Monday.

Allyson, keep trying to finish that 20-minute run. You know you'll be my hero once you make it.
Cecelia, good luck with the heat and humidity. They're getting to me and I'm north of you! (Central Alabama)
Jackie, great job on your run. Take care of that ankle!!!
Dsnyfan21, I'm jealous of your massage! Good luck with tomorrow's 5 miles.

WHat do you do for salt replenishment?? I find when I go over 8 miles I come home with salt dried up all over my face, neck and head. I am assuming I need something. I didn't do much training last summer, but with the DL coming up in Aug I am training in the summer time. I get up pretty early on my LW days so that helps. Also, what should I be expecting from CA heat - it's much drier right??


I use regularly Cliff Shots or Powerbar shots, Powerbars, or Sports Jelly Belly's for long runs. Pretzels are great training food for the carbs and salt. I drink Gatorade and water everyday, even if not a running day. I try not to salt my food too often, but if I do, I use kosher salt which doesn't have iodine in it.

The inaugural Disneyland Half was decent running weather.

Last year, on the days we visited it would be over 100+ degrees around 12-7 pm. We'd hide in any indoor attractions at the parks, or go jump on Cali River Rapids just to get soaking wet. One friend got heat exhaustion, so we took him back to the hotel room for a cool shower, cold drinks, and rest. We'd head back to the parks around 7 pm, but it would still be 80 degrees at night. If there was any breeze, it felt like a blow dryer was blowing in your face.

I took to wearing my extra running shirts, and shorts instead of t-shirts and cotton shorts. I'd douse my shirt with water to keep cool.

During the race, I'd say it was 75 at 6 am at the start. By mile one, I was soaking wet from sweat. At water stops, or in the park restrooms, I would soak my dry-fit shirt with water out of the sink, just to stay cool. I'd also dunk my visor and splash my head to keep cool.

We finished just before 9 am, and people were suffering from heat exhaustion. EMT's treating several people. Must have been close to 95 degrees by the time I finished.

I put a bag of ice on my head, and it took less than 5 minutes to melt.

My group of six, we went through 3 cases of water, two cases of Gatorade, and a case of soda, in just 4 days we were there. We drank like it was going out of style!

I fully thought there would have been a giant sign at the Expo indicating due to the heat, the start time is moved up to 5 am. But NOOOOOOO, all there was was a sign indicating the different colors of heat index.


My only hope is, if the race conditions are like they were last year, they move up the start time to 5 am.

As for me, went to my chiropractor for my monthly adjustment. It was for my back and neck, not my mind, LOL. :rotfl2:

Came home to do some housework. Stripped down the old paint and rust of the screen door out front, and repainted. Started prepping camping gear for or Girl Scout Troop's Bridging camp in two weeks. Many more things to do, but it's just too hot out to move around.

Enjoy the weekend everyone. I'm out for a 10 miler again tomorrow. Thankfully the VOG has blown away today with slight tradewinds. :banana:
Jeff: I do use Cliff shots (chocolate is my fav) I do drink either gatorade/powerade or smartwater (I like that the best) with my water, just thinking maybe with more sweating I'll need something different, but I guess its just me, I tend to sweat alot and I flush (or turn red). At the Fort Lauderdale Marathon they had buckets filled with ice and water with small towels in them for the finishers. That was the best thing I ever got at a finish line - besides the medal.
I think I may send an email off to Disney Endurance Sports people suggesting an earlier start time if the weather is supposed to be very hot. I think that is a great idea!!!!


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