Wk of May 18 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi all.

I am going in for more blood tests today so NO COFFEE. It seems very odd to sit here and read without my coffee. And why do they schedule these tests for 11am and THEN tell you no food or drink? Do they realize how cranky I am going be when I get there?

Paula - Welcome! Wow, you are amazing! I think someone is trying to tell me something about those last 10 pounds I have never bothered to lose - just yesterday I read an article about a woman who completed the Disney Marathon in 5:10 after losing 230 pounds. We are glad you found us!

Good Morning Racing Team -

I'm going to the doctor this afternoon as a follow-up on my Bronchitis. If my lungs are clear (Which I can't imagine they are, given the rubber cement I am coughing up) tomorrow I'm going to do the course for the 5K I'm supposed to be doing Monday and hopefully it will be OK and Monday will be a go. If not, I'll have a t-shirt I don't deserve and my very first DNS. How miserable is that???? :sad2: So let's hope I'm cleared for take-off. :wizard:

I'm sorry I haven't caught up with anyone. I've been reading and lurking while I cough my damn fool head off. Grrrrrrr. :headache: I hope to be back to my charming and entertaining self very soon. :upsidedow
Big Vic - I like it...taking a day off just because...careful out there in the yard.

Jen - Good luck this weekend at the Madison race!! Have fun...hope the allergies subside so you can enjoy the event :goodvibes: Thanks for the Firefly recommendation...we're gonna try to go there for sure :)

- What an amazing walk break story! Those walks can definitely help your endurance over a long period of time...so nice to see someone PR with that ratio! Oh and...waiting 4 minutes for a TRAIN? on a marathon course? Jen, what kind of races do you guys run up there? Good luck with your 5 miler tomorrow!

- Nice run after a tough day and commute! I've got to get on board with this post-mileage ice cream plan though!

Tricia - Congrats on signing up for the 5k! Good luck :)

Paula - Welcome!! I love reading about your successes...I think you'll find a very open and welcoming group here :goodvibes:

- Ice cream tour of your home! Yay!! Supposedly the Star Trek deal beams you aboard an awesome replica of the Enterprise, we'll give you a review of it (IF we make it back from there). Take care of those blisters...and that elevated HR is normal after a big event like that, glad to see you working it out though. Oh, and Steve Buscemi??? Guess that explains the Chunky Monkey deal.

- How'd it go last night? I think you can do the every other day deal...just be sure to listen to your body and take that extra day if you feel anything acting up :)

Carrie - Did you make it out there for the run last night? Good luck this weekend!

Liz - I'm glad to see you're getting better and sorry to hear about not being able to do the ride this weekend :( At least you have things to look forward to this summer...heck, use that free time wisely and get some quality you time in :)

- Ok. I admit. I'm jealous.

- Congratulations on that run!! 20 min without a break is no joke..great job!! (of course, I knew you could do it all along :) )

Mel - I'm totally on board with that ice cream party idea!! I'll bring a spoon :rotfl:

- Good luck with the hard drive failure...hopefully they can extract those photos for you (often times just part of the drive goes bad).

- How is that Wii Fit?? Like it?

- Thanks for the story, I'll take the singing advice into consideration next time it's spooky out there...not only would my singing scare the bears away, but it'd probably kill off the plant life too. Thank you for the awesome Vegas recommendations!! And of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

- Hope you have a great weekend! I'm totally on board with your plan to go back to basics a bit with the running and think it's a great idea...and a great time to do it since there are no big events on the horizon until the fall (Baltimore?). 46 days....46 days... ;) :hug:

Scott's World
- Welp, I did the elliptical for 30 minutes on Wednesday and ran an uneventful 5 miles last night in the 'hood. I am planning on running two events this weekend. The 5k on Saturday is a repeat of one I ran last year and placed 3rd in my age group (love the small races!)...I'm going to try and PR, even though the course is a little hilly. I'm going to do a 10k on Monday on a course that I don't like (two 5k loops, yuck), but I ran it two years ago and it was the 1st 10k I had ever entered...I'm also shooting for a PR there as well. Other than that, I'm going to squeeze some cycling in and do some more obsessive Vegas planning :thumbsup2

Have a great Memorial Day weekeend everyone! Stay Safe :goodvibes:
Paula - Welcome! So glad you came! Congrats on all you have doen and I look forward to you continuing your journey with us! :goodvibes

Debra - Ice Cream tours? OMG, must convince dh. LAthough, ice cream tours shoudl suck him in too!

Cecelia - Good luck with teh test!

Judy - Hope teh doc clears you, but please take it easy!

Scott - Good luck on the hill work!

Jen & Pat - Have fun in Madison!

Debra - The run is pretty small (nothing compared to teh wakl over Labor Day, maybe 1300 people), so I'd be surprised if he covered it. We'
ll be wearing our WISH shirts, though. And I'll have my racign stripes on. :upsidedow So glad you are feeling so much better!

Tracy - I highly recommend gently yoga. I still feel it, but it's a slower pace adn I think it gives me more stretching time.

C25K people - I don' know the program, but if ther eis a longest run of the week, have a rest day after that for sure. Actually, I hink they're better spread out than lumped together. You're right about the mnore days off, the more you want to be lazy, though. It's easy to break the exercise habit.

Well, I did my 40 min run last night. Weatehr was a bit cool, but better than too hot. My Garmin lost singnal abouta minute thirty before I had to turn around. So, I decided to keep going so that it would catch up. It went to auto pause adn resume just as it caught signal and lost what it had missed. Grrr.... It was at least 0.2 miles off. So much for knowing how my time was going. :rolleyes: I felt good, though, so I'll take it. Plus, I got and extra 0.2 mile walk at the end. That's me. Such an over achiever. :rotfl: Been a very long week, though, I I really wanted to skip out. So, I'm glad I got out there, especially, sicn edh is still nursing his calf adn I was solo. On the bright side, he is doing much better and shoudl be fine for tomorrow.
Scott said:
Big Vic - I like it...taking a day off just because...careful out there in the yard.

Discovered the pressure washer no longer works. Guess I need to ask for a new one for Father's Day. Friday project cancelled. Darn it! :rolleyes1 :lmao:
Hello everyone. I am ¾ of the way through my Italian adventure. This country is amazing. Today was the last day of biking and I will get Vic my totals for the team once I get them all tallied.

I haven’t caught up on the thread because the internet connectivity in the hotels has left something to be desired but I wanted to stop by and say hi. I didn’t fall over any hills or anything on the bike so it looks like I will return home with all my bones in tact.
Well, is this deja vue or what??? I swear I am a good driver! I never speed, don't tail people, don't cut people off, and I use my turn signal always! Let me tell you how exciting my day was yesterday, I was leaving the doctor's office and going to work and I was in a car accident. Traffic was extremely heavy because there was a really bad wreck on the highway and it was backed up onto the road and actually backed up to our neighborhood, which is 4 miles away from the highway. So we were all clustered together, and someone further up slammed on their brakes and it was chain reaction down the row, I rear ended the car in front of me because I couldn't stop in time and traffic was on either side of me, so I didn't have anywhere to go. The car behind me came really close to rear-ending me, but thankfully the guy behind me was able to go left of center and miss me. I was wearing my seatbelt and my airbag did not go off (so thankful for that, that could have been REALLY bad). The police came and after they left I went back to the doctor (Stephen was there by then), they found the baby's heartbeat and did a non-stress test on him for about 30 minutes. My doctor felt that I was okay, but sent me to the hospital for further monitoring and also in case anything should happen, I would already be there. At the hospital they hooked me up to a machine that monitored the baby's heart rate and movement. The test was supposed to be 4 hours long, but the nurse came in at an hour and half and looked at the read outs, she thought every thing looked good, but she called my doctor and then brought in the doctor that was on call. After the doctor looked at my read outs and pushed around on my stomach, she thought the baby looked good too and released me to go home. The doctor and the nurse were both shocked because the baby's vital signs (I think that's the word they used) were stronger than a 28 week baby should be and they said my tracings were beautiful. Not sure what that meant, I'm assuming the read outs from the test. :confused3 After we left the hospital, we went home and then took my car to the dealership to be fixed (of course I was in our brand new 2 month old SUV :sad2:), but there doesn't seem to be too much damage on the car, a little bumper damage and my AC and horn weren't working--so really nothing too serious. Last night my back and my stomach where I was wearing my seatbelt were sore, but I'm not in any pain today. I am so glad that the baby is okay, I guess he is a tough little guy! And judging from what the doctor said, not too "little". :scared:

I haven't had a chance to get caught up on the thread, by the time we got home yesterday, it was almost 4:00 and I laid on the couch all night! It's amazing how stress can make you so tired. So I'm off to get caught up, hopefully I'll have time to post this afternoon, but if I don't have a wonderful holiday weekend and :wizard: for those racing!

Krista - VERY glad you and Carter are both ok. Wow...scary stuff for sure. Please be careful out there :)
Krista - :scared1: So glad you and Carter are OK!! Not sure if Carter should really have siblings, though. You don't need any more car accidents! ;)
WOW Krista! So glad you are Carter are ok!!!! :grouphug:

Hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoy your day off on Monday (if you get Monday off!!!)!

OMG! :eek: Krista! Thank God you and Carter are OK! :scared1: That is so scary! Sounds like they did a really thorough job of checking you out afterwards and I am glad of that. :hug:

Frank! Frank! Oh there you are! Thanks for checking in! Glad you're having a "favoloso" time! :thumbsup2
Wow Krista! Glad to know everything is okay. I almost got into an accident my self this morning. Everyone was moving okay but somebody up ahead slammed on their break. I was almost in your position, but swerved into the breakdown lane. All because a cop was sitting on the other side of the bridge (with his lights on! Not even sitting with radar) Take it easy and ask DH for a massage later!
Krista - Glad you and Carter are ok, that is definately not an experience to repeat too often.


Glad to read you and your baby Carter are okay. Scary!

Get your rest, and don't stress out. Take care of yourselves.



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