Wk of May 18 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Krista - I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE OK. Those monitors are no fun, but they are for the best. That little Carter is a trooper. Wonder if he will be a football player!!!

Scott - Not sure what the deal is with the train. I find it quite humorous, I wish I could have seen it. Can't you imagine a pile of people waiting for the train to pass, walking aimlessly so they don't let their legs seize up... then the train passes and they all take off like bullets!!! :lmao: Too bad they didn't have a porta potty there!!!

Well team... Sunday is my race and rain is predicted. Let's hope it holds off till the afternoon. My allergies went through the roof this week and DH thinks I have a sinus infection. So I went off of Zyrtek and went on some OTC decongestants and I think it may be helping. I normally don't have this problem because I am a good nose blower!!! If I can clear the pressure, I should be OK and not to dizzy on the course...
Yikes!!!:scared1: I haven't been able to check this thread all week and then I read that Krista and baby Carter were in an accident. :scared1: :scared1: Glad everything is ok with you and Carter.:grouphug: Hope your SUV gets fixed up soon.
ACKKKKKK!! I am seriously NEVER going to be able to catch up! This week has been a whole new kind of "going to he** in a handbasket" kind of experience. UGH! A state supreme court argument and 2 depositions on top of all the stuff piled on my desk and the pile multiplying while I am off doing the fun stuff before a court. UGH! Did I mention "UGH?" Just :eek:

First of all, Krista, I just said a prayer of thanksgiving that you and Carter are fine. I am sorry you are feeling sore, but I am so glad to hear that little Carter is a real trooper! :hug:

Cam - Are you training for some kind of off the wall 5k or something?? Briefcase walking, Wii boxing, parade route walking, treadmill running...would prove to be an interesting race! LOL

Scott, I swear, these days it seems like every day is an endurance event. The only thing that makes me feel better is coming here and realizing you guys are doing WAYYYY more than me!!! IRL, there is no one for me to look at and feel like I am slacking. LOL! I HAVE to come here for my motivation fixes! :grouphug: Oh, and your "creepy" run gave me goosebumps just reading about it. I am so glad you are staying safe, but sorry you had some weird moments.

And speaking of weird runs, Oloha Jeff, that air quality has to be horrible for any kind of outside activity. WOW! Please take care of yourself!

Okay, I have to confess that my lurking has precipitated some very weird night time behavior in the form of ice cream on waffles. Well, heck! Isn't that why I exercise an hour almost every day? I mean, if it's not to justify ICE CREAM what good is calorie-burning?

Cam - Good variety of workouts. Boxing, eh? Remind me not ot get you mad!;) So how was the Wii fitness test. I've been debating whether to get a Wii or not. looking for some input.
I LOVE the Wii, though I haven't been able to carve out time to refine my boxing skills this week. The Wii FIT is looking like an awesome invention and a well worthwhile investment. I did the Wii Fitness test on our system to determine your "Wii Age" but sadly, it relies on depth perception for the baseball and tennis parts of the test, on which I failed dismally because of my vision problems. So, I am not sure that assessment provides any meaningful information, but the bowling and boxing are really a lot of fun!
So, how is your ankle feeling?

Things are calming down a little more. Billy nicely planned almost a weeklong celebration of his birthday. It culminated with a party Saturday and hopefully that is it for another year or so. If I ever get the chance, I will post a picture of the cake that he wanted. I think Lynnda out did herself this time and everyone thought it was great.


Howard - You can start your training by sprinting across the stage. :lmao: Although after all the hard work, you will probably want to make it last as long as possible. Cam could always tell you that you have to run home afterwards as a way to start your training. ;) If you aren't welcome on your team, you will always be welcome on mine. We have Vic take care of any dissenters...

Cam - Good luck in getting the controller. Fake money might distract him long enough.

Bill -- first of all you MUST post a pic of Lynnda's cake creation. i am trying to remember - was last year a CARS theme? I just remember being totally blown away not only by her talent but her ability to carve out the time to make such an awesome cake. We want PIX!!! Oh, and I've found a better way of seizing control of the Wii. Send Andrew to bed. LOL!! There have to be SOME advantages to being the Mom! ;) OR -- tell him it is okay to practice his drums, even though I am at home. Then, he goes off to the basement to drum and I turn up the Wii for uninterrupted fun. :laughing: Oh, and it's good to know who is responsible for keeping Howard in line. Poor Vic!

Vic -- So, I hear you have your hands full keeping those rabbits in line! How'd you get so lucky? :rolleyes1 I am so glad that circumstances have conspired to force you to rest today. :goodvibes

Howard--Relax by training for a marathon??!! Your lovely bride does plan on joining you for the MCM, right? We can have a mini meet!
Krista, aren't you sweet! Yes, I'll be there, scream teaming! I am more excited about NOT doing that race than I can tell you. LOL!

Krista - you think only girls whine? HA!!! That's one of our other issues at the moment. I also don't think taking away the Indiana Jones legos affected him much. He found two more Indy legos guys and came out to the kitchen to hand them over. Argh!

Oh, Kristi, sweetie! you poor thing! You really do have your hands full! But how sweetly honest and forthright of Zach to turn over those 2 Lego guys to you. :hug:

Cam – Busy weekend for you! How are you feeling on your C25K?

Thanks for asking, Angie!
I've finished W5D2 Wednesday night. I am very intimidated about the 20 minute jogging interval in W5D3, but may try for that during tomorrow's 5 miler, just to challenge myself. How did it go for you? PLEASE tell me it was easy! Pretty please!?!?!?!!?

So, for you Janet Evanovich fans, I think the Rock could make a passable Ranger.
Oh, BABY!!! I'm not sure anyone is hot enough to play Ranger, but the Rock may be a pretty close bet. popcorn::

Paula -- :welcome: Welcome! And congratulations on all you have already achieved. WOW!!! You are such an inspiration! :worship: Really looking forward to hearing all about your training and your races!!

Tracey - -Awesome pace on your 3 miles and after such a hectic day! :woohoo: :yay:

Cecilia -- I hope the bloodletting. ..er, I mean "bloodtests" went well. :hug:

Judy-- I hope your doctor's appointment went well. :goodvibes And I know how much you'd hate to be DNS for Monday, but maybe if you DON"T do the route tomorrow and give your body a couple of extra days to feel better, it will improve your likelihood of getting to the start. Sending you loads of pixiedust:

Patty (pjstevens) -- congrats on doing that 20 minute jogging interval today! :cool1: :woohoo: I am so proud of you!!!

As for me? Like I said, it has been a stressful week at work and I have just been feeling completely wiped out. We have a 5 mile race tomorrow and then I have no more races longer than 5k between now and January's half-marathon. I am just going to concentrate on lots of cross-training and strength training, building up my run endurance and losing weight to wear my GORGEOUS wedding gown in less than 8 months! :bride:

ETA: Sorry to everyone I missed! Welcome to all our new teammates! Good luck to everyone with events this weekend! I hope everyone has great training sessions! I really hope that everyone who was (Amy :hug: ) or is (Jen :hug:) sick will be much better very soon.
Scott - Thanks for the birthday wishes. 30 tomorrow....!!

Krista - So glad to hear that both you and the baby are okay!
Krista: Glad to hear you and the little one are OK. How scary!

I went out and did w3d3 of C25K last night. It was 80 degrees, hazy and humid, so I didn't go as great a distance in the alloted time as I'd done on d1 and d2, but I finished! And my shins are doing OK. A little sore if I press on them, but otherwise, they are just fine. I will have to check that Runner's World for the stretching exercises. I'm doing a couple, but I'm sure there are more out there. Thanks for the suggestion!

I plan to do w4d1 tomorrow. Am very nervous about the 5-minute runs, but will do my best!
TXAng==WOO HOO! Way to go on the 20 minutes! You rock!

Krista==So happy to hear that you and Carter are okay, how scary!

Paula==Welcome! This is a wonderful place to find inspiration and encouragement!

Everyone==Have a great weekend and happy training!

Me:Still battling the demon that is W5D3. Tomorrow I face it again and sooner or later I will conquer!

Krista :hug: :hug: Glad to hear that you and Carter are okay. How scary! That boy won't be afraid of anything at this rate!

Liz, I am trying to talk DBF into that! We LOVE Alton Brown. We've got all the episodes of GE on dvd!
KRISTA: OMG! How scary! I'm just so glad you and Carter are all right. :hug: I think this is a vote for you having some serious cough-potato, relaxation time. I hope you're doing all right and feeling less stressed.

Jackie: I like your thinking--marathon weekend, fun required, running optional. I just think you've been in a mini-taper (with the fun of Pilates and dog and DH-running!) for tomorrow's 5++ mile run. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. :thumbsup2 Oh, and I loved your anecdote about your Galloway leader's DH & his successful use of R/W. I never would have guessed a 3:1 could produce such a quick marathon pace. :woohoo: for him!

Paula: Welcome--I'm so glad you found the weekly thread. Wow! I had no idea you were so experienced. You're going to be quite the asset here. So...tell us all about the Akron marathon and why you and your team chose that event!! popcorn:: Oh, and I know there's a 1/2 in your future--you looked great after your Cleveland finish.

Tricia: Congrats on your 3.5 miler & good luck with your 5K. A local Memorial Day run with some cool bling, I hope! :thumbsup2

Tracy: For some reason, gentle yoga kicks my booty. I think it requires me to pay attention to those things I'd rather ignore. Nasty little thoughts and such. :rotfl: I'm afraid a massage might do the same thing. (Although maybe the thoughts would be different.) What a frustrating work/commute day, although the end of the day seemed to balance things out. And, heck, what kind of day isn't made better by a little exercise and ice cream. (And no, I can't believe I just included exercise in there.)

MLA: Great news on W1D3; I'm glad your running was comfortable, and I bet you're looking forward to next week know that you know your orthotics are working out for you.

Jen: Good luck with your Madison race. I :love: Madison. I hope your allergies are fine and that you have no rain. Hang the predictions! I'm sure it will be nice in the morning--you deserve it.

Aloha Jeff: 60 minutes of homework, huh? I guess school is never out for a runner. Enjoy those nice early runs this weekend. I assume you'll be having some kind of cookout, considering you "run to eat." I hope you enjoy every last bite!

Vic: "Just because" is the perfect thing to say this weekend. Enjoy your time off!

Cecilia: I hope your blood tests went well. My whole theory about the no food or drink before appointments is that it's a way to break down our wills so that we're compliant. I logically understand it's probably for other reasons, but that's my cranky response.

Judy: Oh, I hope your dr. gives you the green light. Not only for your 5K and to avoid a DNS, but because we love seeing you around these parts! :hug:

Scott: Of course I expect a review of the Enterprise. You have an audience for your TRs, you know, I just figure if I can't travel with you I can put my requests in for your destinations. It's cheaper than buying me a ticket, right? (Not that I'm opposed to you doing so--I could be your videographer, recording for posterity all those things you and Amy would rather forget...:rolleyes1) I know you won't get this before your 5K tomorrow, but I'm SO thinking good thoughts for tomorrow and a PR. And as long as I'm expending the brain waves, I'll hope for a PR for your 10K too! I'm so impressed that you're doing two this weekend!! :goodvibes

Carrie: You ARE an overachiever!! 40 minutes. An additional .2 miles, and at least .2 miles that your Garmin tried to forget (apparently it didn't want to go out either). Me, sometimes I eye that kind of distance and say, "Eh, I can see it--good enough." Sorry to hear about DH's calf, and hope you two can get out together this weekend. Maybe if you take a trip to the ice-cream shop?

Frank: It's great to hear from you! :dance3: I doubt you'll get a chance to read this, but I hope your trip is wonderful! But as a member of another team, I think any miles done in beautiful places while on vacation--say Italy or France--should count 1/2 as much. Because I'm jealous enough as it is! :rotfl2:

Liz: Add me to the list of Alton Brown fans! :woohoo: He's quirky, funny, gives clear directions, and has great recipes.

Cam: For some reason, your post makes me want to have ice cream & waffles AND buy a Wii. Hmmm, wonder how that happened? P.S. I know you can do 20 minutes straight--you've got the willpower, the strength, and the training under your belt. Good luck on tomorrow's 5-mile race! :cheer2:

Leana: Happy 30th tomorrow! Ah, to be so young and butt-kicking fit! :cloud9:

ksoehrlein: Great job getting out there & doing W3D3 even though it was hot and hazy. I'm sure your distance was great. It's good to hear the shins aren't too bad and you're doing shin exercises. The ones in June's Runner's World are on page 52--I double-checked to make sure I wasn't misremembering. My fave is the ABC ones. I just know you're going to rock W4, taking it one session at a time.

Allyson: You and me, we might be battling W5D3 together! I need to go back to running straight distance now that my race is done. I know you can do it, you're just sneaking up on the distance. But you know what else--Jackie's story of the Galloway runner's success with a 3/1 is mighty tempting. You'll just have to keep me on track.

Morgan: I can't remember if I told you this, but THANKS so much for suggesting 4th Street Bar and Grill in Cleveland. It was a good meal, the wait staff were very attentive to my veggie needs, and my ILs got a real kick out the place. It brought all sorts of nostalgic anecdotes to the the table. Thanks! :hug: :thumbsup2

As for me: :confused: Nothing really. Some XT today, a nap, no real special plans for Memorial Day. Maybe some packing, a run tomorrow, a bike ride or two, and the Indy movie. Geez, I'm boring!!!

I hope you all have a great weekend, though.
Craig – Wow, what a run! I’m very jealous.

Liz – I’m glad you’re feeling a little better, and so sorry that you’ll have to miss the bike ride. But I’m glad that you aren’t going to push it and end up getting even more hurt! :hug:

Ksoehrlein – WTG on your C25K! Since you’re having some pain, I’d think about taking that extra rest day that the program has, at least until you feel better. Take care of those shins!

Cecilia – 6 weeks of paperwork? I do not envy you for that.

Debra – Am I right, then, in assuming (and we all know what THAT does :rolleyes1 ) that your first half and first full marathons were the Goofy this year? I’m in awe. :worship:

Jackie – Sometimes you need to have an off kind of week. Hope your 5+ miler goes well!

Tricia – Good luck on your 5K on Monday!

MLA1977 – Sorry to hear that your PF is bugging you. WTG on finishing your first week! That’s awesome! Good luck as you start Week 2.

Scott – Good luck on both of your races this weekend! Looking forward to seeing you report back that you’ve got some new PRs.

Carrie – You are an overachiever. I’d have looked at that .2 and said forget it. :) Good luck tomorrow!

Frank – Good to see you! Glad you’re having a good trip!

Cam – Sorry to hear that work’s been so crazy! I just did W5D3 on Tuesday, and while I won’t say that it was easy, it WAS easier than I expected it to be. I did it on the TM and had to slow my pace down a bit, but I made it. Good luck – you can do it!

Leana – Happy Birthday!!

Allyson – Good luck tomorrow! I know you can do it!!

Morgan – Did you get your Wii Fit? Do you like it?

Me - Went for W6D1 today, but had to cut it short. My left hamstring said it was done before I was actually done. :sad2: So I cut the run short and spent some time stretching it out really well. It still feels a little off right now, but hopefully it'll be better in the morning.
Krista, I'm so glad you and Carter are okay. What a scary thing to have happen! Rest and take it easy this weekend, it will be good for you and wee Carter. :goodvibes
Hello everyone. I am ¾ of the way through my Italian adventure. This country is amazing. Today was the last day of biking and I will get Vic my totals for the team once I get them all tallied.

I haven’t caught up on the thread because the internet connectivity in the hotels has left something to be desired but I wanted to stop by and say hi. I didn’t fall over any hills or anything on the bike so it looks like I will return home with all my bones in tact.

Yay! We need your totals for our team. :cheer2: I hope you are taking plenty of pics and will do a trip report when you return.
Sam- I have the daily mileage (well Kilometer-age) and my total times, I just have to tally them all but I will be back before the end of the month so they will definitely be posted.

Add me to the Alton Brown fan club list. I got to meet him last year at the Cleveland Food & Wine show. I got one of his books signed and a picture with him. He is as fun and natural in person as he is on TV.

Debra- I assure you, once you bike up a Tuscan hill or two you will want the mileage to count triple, not half. :moped: It is fun but not being a biker per se made it a little harder. I hope you enjoyed Cleveland and had a good race. Once I am home I will go back through the posts and read up.

As far as a trip report goes I will definitely do one. I have about 8GB of pictures so that will not be a problem. I will have to do some photoshopping to get them smaller and post some.

If anyone is looking for a cycling vacation I can not recommend VBT enough. The days are organized and you are given perfect instructions. Since everyone is at a different level of cycling you don’t have to stay in the group, you can go ahead or lag behind and won’t get lost. I plan on using them again once I have built back up the vacation fund…and after the podcast cruise of course.:beach:
Thank you everyone for your well wishes! I think I'm just going to give up driving for the next 11ish weeks! :) I am perfectly fine, not sore at all and Carter has been kicking and squirming non stop for the past 2 days, so apparently he is okay too. :goodvibes I'm getting ready to go up to Columbus to meet my 5 college roommates (no, I'm not driving, thankfully 2 of them live about 30 minutes from here) for a day of shopping. I only get to see them once, maybe twice a year, so I am really excited!!

Paula--:welcome: I loved hearing your story and I'm so glad you were able to run into Debra in Cleveland last weekend.

Leana--:bday: I hope you have a very happy and relaxing day. Let me know what it's like to turn 30, I'll be 30 in July. I'm not looking forward to it, I cried when I turned 25. :scared:

Pat and Jen--Good luck tomorrow!!!!!! :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

:wave: to everyone else! I'm sorry that I don't have time to talk to everyone, but I hear the shower calling. :) Have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

Krista: how scary! I am so thankful both you and the baby are fine. And I have been so out of things.......do you know for sure it is a little boy?
So, got out there bright and early this morning. Started with a walk up the hill to warm up, maybe 4 minutes. Then I started running with the hopes of hitting 20 minutes straight. Dang, I just petered out at 16:18. I walked about 2 minutes and then ran another 2 minutes, walked another 2 minutes and ran another 2 minutes or so.

Why can't I get past that 16 minutes? My legs felt good, I wasn't wheezing or anything, I just felt tired and like I had to stop. Grrrrrrr.

Debra: I would like to get a Galloway book and read it. I read Marathoning for Mortals from the library and want to get it again too. I think the run/walk thing is going to be the way to go for me. I am really interested in reading some more about it. Keep at it!

TXAng:Hope your leg feels better today!

On a side note we got our Wii Fit the other day. Love it! Very cool! I really like the Yoga and want to get into a routine with it.
School hasn't been out for 24 hours and the temperature and humidity are already climbing!

We ran at 7 am this morining and I was dripping wet by one mile in. I think the temperature and humidity were about WDW conditions for the first half hour then got worse. Dh was rethinking ever running the Disney Marathon after 7 miles!

I have to get used to though. As the runner on my triathlon team, I am going to have to run at about 10am on July 13th. Maybe it will rain?!

Krista - Glad you and the baby are safe. I know that must have been very frightning. 30 was nothing - I was pregnant and all thoughts were about the baby. 40 however, that was painful. Now that I am over it, I love being in my 40s. So far, I think it has all the other decades beat. well, except for the gray hair.

Well, I haven't kept up this week but I wanted to be sure that to say to Krista - I'm so glad you and the baby are OK!! How scary! :hug: Nothing like that ever happened to me thank goodness, but I remember that my mom once took a tumble when pregnant and landed right on her belly! She & baby were both fine, but it is really frightening. Luckily babies are pretty well-padded in there! I'm glad all is well.

This is shaping up to be a beautiful long weekend here in the Northeast. I hope that everyone here enjoys the beautiful weather and has a wonderful holiday! :goodvibes

I'm thinking I'll run today and do a biking class tomorrow morning. I'm going to go for my longest run yet - 5 miles!

By the way, we saw Cirque du Soleil's KOOZA last night and it was amazing! If it is coming to your city, you should definitely go see it. Unbelievable aerials work, and the best clowning I have ever seen. We are big Cirque fans, and my son has studied some circus arts and will be doing a circus arts camp this summer.
Allyson - If you can't find any Galloway stuff at the library, PM me and I'll be happy to loan you one. As part of the program, they give us his book every year. I'm pretty sure the one I got this year is the same as last year's with a different cover!

Krista - Hadn't gotten a chance to say it, but glad you and Carter are okay. I second the idea of not driving until he arrives!

Leana - :bday:

Ang - How's the hamstring today?

My world: I finished my 5++ run today (5.85 to be exact) with the group. Forecast was for rain, but it only drizzled a couple of times. It was great to finish the course that I died on last year and still feel good at the end. Plus, I talked to a woman the entire route and we decided we paced each other really well, so it's great to have someone to run with through the season. Now I'm nursing my right ankle and explaining to it that it cannot develop a stress fracture like the left one did last year... and off to clean the house before DD's boyfriend comes over tomorrow to watch the Indy 500.



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