Wk of May 20--WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

WISH Racing Team

Abra Cat Kristi NC
akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
andromedaslove Dana FL
angietuck2 Angie FL
bekagain Bekah
bekkiz WA
BiggerTigger Jeff FL
Big Vic Vic FL
blueroses WA
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
CaroleD Carole ON
cdn gal eeyore Leana Alberta
Chernabog#1Fan FL
ChiFiveO Donna IL
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cindylou Cindy
Cingoutload Dawn GA
CrazySecretRecipe Jennifer FL
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
DaddyBeast Kevin TX
deekaypee ND
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnutt Kiena OH
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
DreamBeliever IL
dthogue Tammy PA
Duanerice Duane FL
eeyore45 Sandy IL
escape Susie AR
fabumouse NJ
FirstTimertoDiz Lisa PA
FungLu Brett OR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
Goofyin08forErica Erica KY
gsu1988 Ken GA
Hey Mickey Erica NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laurie NY
Honeibee Judy NY
hoosmi Jen GA
jam217 PA
JCTigger Jill MA
jeanneg Jeanne NC
Jen117 Jen WI
Jennasis NC
jodistar Jodi CT
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
Kimickey Kim MD
Kim10110 Kim
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lenshanem Shan
Lexxiefern Becky MA
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Little Miss Mickey Ashley
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne FL
MarkMichaels Mark IA
maryliz maryliz ON
Meghan74 Meghan
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minigirl Eva
Minnie Suzy
mogulskr Scott NJ
monte Monica CO
mousemgr Susan MI
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nepatsfan73 Bill
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom Molli OH
Optimator Mike
outonarun Teri CA
padisneyfan Nancy PA
panthergirl Susan NC
patsfaninpa Jen PA
Paull117 Paul WI
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plgrn Patti and Jenn
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Pungodingy Angie NH
RedDragon Martha MA
rKyDeX Chester FL
rosy1020 Kristin Japan
RunningLilo Dena FL
runwdw2008 Dona
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
scoolover Scott CT
scuba diver Jim FL
SilverE Steve ME
SirBouncealot Andrew IA
skfulkers Steve OH
solotraveler Kevin MI
Space Ranger John
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
tiberius Richard
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
Tinks Vicki IL
TriMom TN
twotoohappy Liz MA
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
westcliffemom Stacey CO
wfloyd Bill FL
windwalker Dave KY
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
Worfiedoodles Maria MA
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
zoegirl Bree NC
Hello all, I have been away (and i hope no one minds my drop by post) with a bit of illness for a while but am back if yesterday is any indication. Vista thanks for starting us off and sorry for your loss.

Well I have run a grand total of 3 times since the Broad Street Run - that will teach me to do a 10 mile race with bronchitis - and probably over did it yesterday (no injury just soreness). Yesterday was the American Cancer Society Relay For Life event for which the running club I belong to raised over $10,000 and I was scheduled for two hour segments during the day. I had made a commitment months ago to run the entire time I was on the track in dedication to the 3 club members who have been diagnosed with cancer in the past 2 years. Here is my report: I got the baton – being running geeks, yes, we used an actual baton – and started running at 1 PM. I ran around the track a total of 30 times by 2 PM (7.5 miles). I handed off the baton and moved off to our camper area to wait for my next scheduled hour. However, I did not rest enough as I returned to the track and walked 3 separate times for about 3 additional miles before my next stint at 5 PM. At 5 PM, I returned to the track and took the baton again and started to run – the second time was much more difficult. I ran around in ovals for about 45 minutes dodging the hundreds of others aimlessly ambling around and around then crashed. Not a physical crash but a glucose crash. I stupidly had not eaten since 6 AM, we were now approaching 6 PM and I had been extremely active throughout the day. Being pre-diabetic, and having had one previous hypoglycemic episode, I knew what was wrong immediately and stopped running. Long story short, I completed my hour by navigating the track a total of 22 running laps and 4 (+4 more after brownies to increase sugar) walking laps for a total of 60 counted laps in my 2 hours of dedicated running. Oh yea, I balanced the blood sugar by downing 4 brownies and 2 slices of pizza.

Well, I am off to get some chores done before going to coach the Area championship (about 7 hours long) meet for the CYO track team.

Great day and great training.

Mike “GG” B
Good morning everyone!

Nothing to report from the running side of the house. The foot is feeling better though.

Dave – Hope you and your DDs have a great run.

Jackie – Great job with the 4 miler.

Christa – Read your race report. Great job! Nice skirt! ;)

Kevin – Good job with the 3 miler.

Martha – Congrats to the DD, and have fun in Italy.

Mike – Great job! Take care of yourself.

Lightning's back! I've had some great runs this week since I did my speed session on Monday :cool1:
Yesterday was 4 miles at an 11:27 pace. I think I had real negative splits...mile 4 was 11:06 :woohoo: I am on track for a 2:35 at CDC and a 5:30 for the full :dance3:

Stephanie...:cheer2: Will be great to see you guys at ToT!

Christa...great race report! And very cool website...I loved the report of the half with your sister. Really cool how you get the photos to do that slide show!

Leana...enjoy your holiday!

Jackie...um...47 :scared1: What part of NC do you live in? Great pace on your run!

Martha...congrats to Lesley on her graduation! We're attending Kaley's graduation from 8th grade tomorrow.

PatsFanJen...what kind of work do you do?

Dona...congrats on your 2 miler!

Shan...how was your R10/W1?

Duane...:wizard: for your surgery!

Cam...sorry you've been working so much. Got to be hard to keep up training, but you're doing a fabulous job!

Kevin...great runs! Good luck with this week!

WindwalkerDave...dude! I think I agree with your stomach...chili with tuna?!?!?!?

Judy...rod-worthy! :lmao: I know there was a thread where we were discussing a team meet before the ToT, but not sure how far we got with it.
I don't think we should let Dave plan the menu ;)

Jen117...how was your half?

SkywalkerDave...great run! How many days a week are you running to get 20 miles in?

Lily...have a fab trip!

Speaking of trips, we're on vacation! We leave Tues for Bryson City, NC! If anyone is available late next Sat night or sometime Sunday morning that wouldn't mind posting the new thread, I would love some help! Otherwise, I will be back Monday and could post it then.

Have a good training week!
Morning, all!

Christa - Congrats on a great time for your 5K! Haven't read the race report yet; that will have to wait a bit.
Stephanie - I hope I can get DH to commit so I can see you at ToT!
Leana - Sounds like your mom is a real pistol! Have fun racing with her!
Dave -Can't wait to hear about DDs' 5K today - good luck!
Dave - Chili with tuna?!?
Jackie - Congrats on your 10:02 non-stop mile! Doesn't that feel great?
Kevin - Airfare already? Man, I'm behind!
Jen - Running at 3 a.m. -- well, I'd probably pick up the pace anyway!
Martha - Have a great trip to Italy!
Mike - Glad you're okay after a rough episode. That's a lot of track running!
Vic - Glad the foot's better.
Mel - Great workout! Hope you have a wonderful trip.

I did 6 miles yesterday. Went out WAY too fast (about 8:00 first mile) and paid the rest of the way. I really need to get a Garmin!!

Now a bit of a brag - DS kicked butt in the soccer tournament yesterday! Won the first game 6-1 and the second 4-1 against a team that had been undefeated all season. It was pretty and DS was amazing. I'll miss the semi's this morning as DD gets confirmed but hope I'll get to watch the championship this afternoon.

Happy running!
Morning team! Just got back from what was supposed to be an easy 4-5mile run. Well the first 3 miles were nice--8:40ish pace (which is about what I'm shooting for training) but then the GI gods must've been angry with me. The last 1.6 miles were awful--and not a restroom to be found!:scared1: And I, unlike some, have not yet attempted to use the woods as a port-o-potty!:eek: So, I felt better walking, but knew I would make it home faster by running--I'm sure I looked silly--I ran as far as my tummy would allow and then walked, grimacing until I felt better again. Must've been the tuna and chili I had last night, oh, wait, that wasn't me!;)

mel--Have a great Vacation! And woohoo on being Super Speedy again!

Renee--if you need any help convinicing DH to agree to ToT, let me know. I'm pretty good at it--I've already convinced DH to run the full in Jan, the minnie, and now ToT:rolleyes1

mikegoofyguy--Good job on Relay for Life. Get some rest today!

Well, I should get ready for work. It's amazing how much less I dread work, when I know the money will get me to Disney--and the new camera we're buying today!:yay:
Sorry, I don't have time to catch up with everyone this morning!

I did 30 mins. toning with one of my new DVDs just now. I think I am really going to like this DVD. You set it for your level of fitness (1 or 2), then the mins. you want to w/o. Finally, you tell it what you want to do: abs, upper body, lower body, or all. Then it mixes up the exercises for you, and goes up until to the mins. you put in. Kinda cool.

I also think yesterday also counts as xt. We went to the new indoor water park in MA. I won the tickets on a radio station. :teeth: Yesterday they were just open for us radio station winners from 3-8pm. They are not open to the public until this Wednesday, so it was a test-run for them also. We didn't even have to pay for food! Anyway, as anyone who has gone to a water park knows, climbing those stairs to the big slides, and chasing a 3 year old, is definately xt! ;)

Now, today Zack & I are off to do some glow bowling while Chad is at the Red Sox game (in the rain - ugh!).
Hi, everyone!
Stephanie -- :woohoo: on ToT!! BTW, what was the surprise at church yesterday?

Not much training to report. After 5+ hours at work yesterday, I got to the gym. 3 minutes warmup at 4.0 mph then an hour of doing anywhere from 5.2-5.0 jogging for as long as possible and walking at 4.1. I think I covered 4.4-4.5 miles in the 60 minutes. Then my 100 crunches & pushups & 50 lying abduction and adduction (leg work) at home last night.

Great news -- Howard turned in his last final and should now have time to train for CDC (around work, etc., of course! ;) ). That is, if the boy scout camping trip he is on this weekend and paintball don't wear him out! :rotfl2:

DD came home for the weekend to study for finals (rough roommate situation) and I'll have to drive her back to campus so I won't get any additional workout in this weekend except crunches, etc. before bed tonight, but hoping to fit some good W/Os in this week around hearings, briefs, etc., and a meeting with the kitchen designer :woohoo:
Greetings....just a quickie to say that I walked 10 miles the other day and it took about 3 hrs. Other than that, not too much is happening w/workouts...DH & I are getting ready to go to Virginia for my niece's wedding. My sister and I plan to workout together when I'm home, so that should be fun. Have a great week TEAM!:yay:
Hey guys!
Just checked the Fl 1/2 Ironman...

Lynne and Matt are running now...(11:56 EST)

Swim: 42.43

Swim: 1.02
Bike: 3.11

WTG Guys! We are proud!
Hello Running Gang of Friends

The guests all left this morning, so after a lot of vacuuming and laundry we are fixin' to have dinner. First the congrats are in order:

WTG Christa on a 24:02. Of course, I know you're disappointed with getting so close and missing the mark. Expectations theory is correct. Even with a great race if you were shooting for 2 seconds faster you cannot help but wonder why you couldn't find 3 more seconds on the course. I think you're fast and deserve to be congratulated.

Monte - 10 is always impressive period. Good work.

Cam - at least you're out there. And by the way, 2 years ago what would you have thought of 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise? Don't forget to look back from time to time. And congrats to my buddy Howard for getting that last final in. Year #1 on the transcript!!!!!!!!

Kristi - power and strength matter. CV work is necessary, but the core work allows you to dig deep at the end when you want more from your body.

Stephanie and Renee - 8 minute miles is clipping right along. Carrying a pace like that requires speed and strength!

Mel - 11:27 per mile??? See my comments to Cam about how far you've come in a very few years. Do the math on carrying that pace for some distance and you see a likely finishing time plus the "cushion" you've built for later miles.

Vic - get the foot better!

Mike - ouch on the system crash. When you're out there a long time you really need and feel the fuel when it hits your system. It's so hard to juggle the hard running which makes you not want to eat with your body's need for fuel. I has a huge skeptic about gu and the like until one of my students did Boston well under 4 hours and told me when training it was a huge assist. Combine this with his 3.7 gpa at graduation and I figured I ought to trust him. I can almost feel the energy flow into my muscles when I use it, but I don't use it until I'm past 10 miles, so I could see me crashing just like you.

I was able to get an 11,000 meter run on Wednesday, but was tied up until today's hard workout on the exercise bike. I suspect I'll drop some fitness in the next 2 weeks, but who cares?

Off Topic Rant and Reflection:

It seems we've reached a crossroads with my mother. I must admit I've had a difficult relationship with her since I was about 10 years old, and Martha saw it sometimes wondered how much was justified. Sadly this weekend she saw it for what it is.

Mother has always irritated me in the extreme. Literally after less than an hour with her I'm completely insane. I see very little of her, but it doesn't matter. As soon as we get together it gets ugly fast. I've always figured this was driven by her background, which of course is also mine. She was born in a small town in Arkansas, she isn't sophisticated, she isn't particularly clever, and she isn't very functional in life. I definately came out of that world, but my father was born in a small town in Oklahoma, he had no formal education of any type, but he was wicked smart. Sadly, when you graduated from high school in western Oklahoma in 1953 and were poor as dirt, College wasn't an option. Dad started in the mail room of an oil company as a 17 year old, and his hard work gave me the opportunity he never had.

Anyway, Mother makes me mad all the time, and the early days of her visit were the same. Unfortunately yesterday, Lesley's College graduation day, was on a whole different level. She has a history of making scenes and throwing tantrums but yesterday's revealed something new to me. I know think she does this very much on purpose and has always done this as a means of controlling her environment to make sure she is the queen and focal point of every situation.

Yesterday the pre-ceremony was fine (she walked up to the tent from her room at the Conference Center), and during the ceremony she was fine as well. After the ceremony the faculty lead the procession, the students follow, then the audience files out. We were to meet at the reception, and Mother got there with Martha and her family. Just before entering the reception Mother disappeared, so we spent 30 minutes looking for her. Instead of finding families and students for greeting, congratulations, and pictures, we were looking for Mother. I call her on my cell phone and she has gone back to here room at the conference center because she "couldn't keep up" and "no one was with her." This statement, although totally false, was delivered with blubbering, crying, and 1000 pounds of guilt. I'm at a loss why she didn't want to come into the reception for greetings and congratulations, but I assume she felt she wasn't being treated appropriately, so she took off knowing we'd start searching for her.

I finally got over to her and told her that today nobody cares about you. This is Lesley's day, and no one cares if you are unhappy. Your job is to support your granddaughter, and you couldn't do that. She then blamed Martha for her predicament, which went off the end.

As we've talked about this, Lesley, Martha, and I, it appears the only solution is to terminate our relationship with her. She has a history of actions like this in situations, and under no circumstances would she ever be welcome at another commencement, or god forbid a wedding. I do respect her as my mother, but I can tolerate her actions no longer. I really don't understand why a person would behave this way, but I'm not willing to have this happen ever again. I guess I'm naive and always think the best of people's motivations, perhaps I need to come into the 21st century.

To all my good friends here, thanks for your support and congratulations to Lesley on her College graduation. The ceremony was lovely. I was sitting on the stage as she came by with her diploma and she stopped and hugged her Dad. Nothing could possibly mean more to me.

Take care and train for fun.

Hey everyone--just a quick training update...

I did 5 miles this morning at a 9:33 pace. very happy with that!

Also, today, I went and got a new pair of runnng shoes. My old ones had about 300 miles on them, and we looking pretty run down, so i headed out to our local Fleet Feet and got a new pair. I got a pair of Mizunos. This is a change for me, since I usually wear Nike, but they felt great when I went out for a little jog down the street. I even went up a half size since my toes were rubbing quite a bit in my old shoes. Hopefully, these will be better!

I am not even going to try to catch up with last weeks post, I read them all but it will take me forever to catch up with everyone individiually...so I will start with this weeks!!

goofyguy Mike--WTG for participating in the relay for life--even when feeling like you were!! We had a local event here last night and I wanted to go, but had family events this weekend, so I couldn't make it. I really wanted to go as it was dedicated to a friend of mine's daughter who is only 1 year old and has a rare form of leukemia. I heard it was a huge event! It is great that you and so many other people attend the relay for life events to raise money for such a great cause!!

Vic--glad to hear the foot is feeling better!

Mel--Great job on your workout--nice pace!! have a great time on vacation!

Renee--Don't worry about going out too fast--I used to do that all the time, and as I did more and more workouts it got better! Hope your DS won the tournament!

Stephanie--Sorry to hear about the workout! I hate that feeling during a workout!!

Kristi--those DVDs sound neat--what DVD are they, if you don't mind my asking?

Cam--WTG for getting in a workout despite your busy work schedule!!

monte--Hope you have fun in Virginia!

Craig--First-congratulations to Lesley on her graduation! You must be so proud!! On another note, I am sorry to hear the the situation with your mom has come to this, I can imagine that it must be very hard on you, Martha and Lesley. In a way, it makes me appreciate even more the relationship I have with my parents!

I hope everyone has a great week of training!!! I am really going to try to keep up this week!!
A really quick drive by. I didn't get a long run in this weekend due to the schedules being too packed. :rolleyes: Yesterday, Lynnda was at the swimming pool to sign Billy up for lessons. She got there around 5:15 and was 13th in line.:scared1: We got the time we wanted so that was good but the time seems to get earlier each year for the summer lessons. Then we had his birthday party right after that. Here are the cakes she made. I was quite proud of her and her creations.



Yes there are two, Billy wanted the Red McQueenand the Dinaco McQueen. :rolleyes: Once that was over, there was another party and a city event we went to.

Today wasn't much better with meetings, church, someone else's birthday party, and concerts. I still have to pack for a business trip tomorrow. I will be happy just to relax for more than 10 minutes at a time.

Big milestone, Timmy actually went 8 hours between feedings last night. :banana: :banana: :banana: Unfortunately it was from 7:30 to 3:30 but at least we know it can be done. Now if we can just get the times to work a little better but we aren't complaining.

Better go now, I will catch up on everyone later.

Craig -- :hug: Congratulations to the proud papa and a sincere hug for my friend, the bewildered and disappointed and sad son. I have been there. I wish you the best. I hope it gets easier. Enjoy the anticipation of your celebration trip! :banana:

Bill -- YAY!!! :woohoo: Happy birthday to Billy!!! :cake: Tell Lynnda I envy her talent and dont' tell my son that kind of cake comes from anywhere but a bakery! :rotfl:
Good Evening!

I'm going to try to keep up this week. Last week I had one post, so if I make two this week I will have doubled my effort.:rotfl:

I did my long run yesterday of 4.75 miles, and walked for 6 today. I'm also trying out the Biggest Loser dvd, so I've done that twice.

Just a few thoughts:

Craig -- Congratulations on your daughter's graduation. What a wonderful time for your family! I empathize with you on the situation with your mother. I have an aunt who pulled something similar at my mother's funeral and right before she passed, even on that day she had to be the center of attention. I cut her off afterwards and it's hard. I feel tremendous guilt from time to time, but I know it's what I have to do for myself and my family. I can't bear the thought of her doing something similar to my child, so it stops with me.

Bill -- The cakes are awesome! Today is dh's birthday, and he's making do with store bought. Your wife is tremendously talented. You must be so proud of everyone.

HockeyGirl -- You are flying! What a terrific pace!

Cam -- All those crunches will pay off!

Kristi - Where is this water park? I think I may need to find it next winter!

nucpharm-- Hope you're feeling better now!

Renee -- Congrats on ds's success!

Chimera -- You are flying!

Vic -- So glad to hear your foot is feeling better!

Mike -- Good for you for participating in that relay, and sticking it out under rough conditions!

Monte -- You are on the move!
Craig--Congrats to Lesley on her graduation!:cool1: Hugs to you, Martha and Lesley to offset the behaviour of your mother. DH has a very strained relationship with his dad, so I can empathize. Hopefully, me being from a small AR town hasn't tarnished your opinion of me!;)

Cam--my surprise was my new camera. I met him up at the church and he took me camera shopping and out to dinner. We have a great digital camera, but it's way too big and bulky--especially for a race pack!;) So, now we're getting a really compact Sony one! :thumbsup2

Bill--Tell Lynnda that the cakes are just wonderful! Emma would love something like that for her bday--unfortunately the creative gene was left out of my chromosomes--it's store bought all the way here!:laughing:

Well, I made it through another retail pharmacy weekend w/o any foul language from customers--I did have a very inappropriate call today regarding Viagra:scared1: I know pharmacists are highly trusted professionals--but come on, somethings should just be kept in the bedroom!
Well, I made it through another retail pharmacy weekend w/o any foul language from customers--I did have a very inappropriate call today regarding Viagra:scared1: I know pharmacists are highly trusted professionals--but come on, somethings should just be kept in the bedroom!

:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl:

Craig & Martha - First a big :cool1: :banana: :cool1: for Lesley on her graduation. 2nd, I am so sorry about what you guys had to go through with your mother. I know that was just aweful for you. Lots of :wizard: :wizard: to you and your family I know there are some hard things you are having to figure out. WISH I had good advice...but here :grouphug: ..that may help.

Bill - WOW what a wonderful looking cake...

goofyguy Mike - I hope you start to feel better soon....be careful and take care of yourself.

Biked really easy today...about 9 miles with Bree. She is training to train.:woohoo:
Renee - Yep, that mile felt great! I'm still basking in the glow. Actually thinking about going out tomorrow and trying to do it again, but just looked at the forecast and decided maybe to do TM tomorrow and wait till Wed to run outdoors. How'd the soccer finals go?

Goofyguy - DD did Relay for Life here Friday night - don't know how much she actually walked, but her school had a team. Good for you for putting in the miles - but EAT next time!

- Lynnda is apparently Supermom!

Craig - I don't even know where to start... your post brought up emotions that I thought were buried with my mom, but apparently they can still rear their ugly head. She did many of the same stunts, especially when my dad wasn't well and again when he died. We mostly made peace with her when she was dying and it could finally be all about her. My heart goes out to all three of you. I hope that Lesley was able to enjoy her weekend anyway.

Did nothing this morning - DD was supposed to drive herself to work for the first time - big day. She went out the door, phone rings 60 seconds later, car dies IN THE DRIVEWAY! Spent the rest of the morning with DH trying to get the car running, but no luck. Maybe divine intervention telling us she's not ready to be solo yet...

Craig - first off, Congratulations to you, Martha & Leslie! party:
I am so sorry you had to deal with all this business with your mother. :grouphug:

- the water park is in Danvers www.cocokeyresort.com
It is WICKED expensive though - glad we got to go free. Zack keeps asking to ge back, but I doubt that is happening any time soon! I did love being in a bathing suit and not having to put a gallon of greasy sunscreen on too.

- have a fabulous vacation!

Renne - WOO HOO for your DS!

Monte - :cheer2: for those 10 miles!

Laurie - the DVDs are by Minna Lessig. The one where you can kind of customize your w/o is Total Body Toning - 1 Minute Workout. The other one I bought (but haven't tried yet) is Tank Top Arms, Bikini Belly, Boy Shorts Bottom. These were recommended by someone on a certain rock groups' message boards.

Bill - please tell Lynnda that I need a Spongebob cake for Zack's party on June 30th! ;)

Stephanie - I am so jealous! I want a new, smaller digital camera.

I am going to really try to get to the Y later this afternoon. Today is going to be crazy though. I am sneaking out of work a bit early. As soon as I can get to Chad (and get Zack), they are leaving for NY to see the Red Sox play the Yankees at Yankee Stadium. Since Chad is not sure they will be back by 3:30am tomorrow, I have to bring Zack to sleep at MIL's house & she won't be home until after 8:30pm! Who knows when I will get home tonight. Have I ever mentioned how sleep deprived I am? ;-) Just thinking about this is makind me even more tired now!


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