Wk of May 20--WISH Walking/Running Club

Maria- I had been doing TM runs/walks for the past couple of years because I didn't want to go running on the streets. (I run funny, it's the years of running with my arms out in position for soccer...it's weird don't ask.) But now that I'm back to street running I don't know how I did the TM. I feel like I can see how much I've accomplished and I feel like I'm getting some place. (Even if it's just around the neighborhood.) But good luck.

I need to do cross training today. (I flaked on doing it this morning, I couldn't wake myself up today. I was still half asleep when I got to work.) What do you all do for more fun xt? Strip aerobics can only hold my attention for so long and I won't do free weights till my dad has time to plan out my workouts. Any suggestions for something else. (I can't ride a bike... I don't know how.)
Megan - Did you ever see the Friends Episode where Rachel goes running with Phoebe and was embarrassed by her running because she flailed her arms?? Is THAT how you run? :lmao:

Dave - My allergies are so very very bad right now. I don't think I had a cold last weekend, I think it was mostly my allergies giving me heck. Feel better soon!

Carrie - Hope your bumper feels better soon (my girls were told in daycare that butt is a bad word, that they should use Bumper instead). :hug: Good luck on the Bridge run. Can't wait for the report.

Judy - Oh dear, no silly things to report today. How ever will I make it through without a giggle? You have a race this weekend right? Maybe you will have a great report to share with us! GOOD LUCK! :woohoo:

OK, now I need to figure out how many weeks there are until CDC. I have been lazy this week recovering, but I guess I really should get back into it.
Well, I did not get my run in yesterday. It was just too hectic between rushing home from work, rushing to have dinner with my family, then rushing to a concert. Fingers crossed for that 4 miler tonight.

I also signed up for another 10K, the week directly after my Footstock 10K. This one is the Banff Citizen's Race and it should be a really pretty route up in the Rockies. My Footstock 10K is on a scheduled 8 miler, this 10K is on a scheduled 10K race day. I'll run my 10K at Footstock, then tack on the extra 2 miles I guess!

Megan - I'm not sure if you are looking for workouts to do at home (since I think you mentioned you were using Carmen Electra's DVDs), but I really like The Firm for XT. It combines aerobics, step and weight training and I feel like I get a really good workout. I think you can still buy their new system (box and DVDs) at Target. You can then order other DVDs through their website for more variety. http://www.firmdirect.com/firm/ecs/main/index.html

Stephanie - Great job on your run!

Maria - Good luck getting that run in outside. Don't be too scared of pounding that pavement. Once you get out there you'll never be able to go back to a TM! I definitely appreciate the scenery outside. If you need help with finding routes in the future you can always check http://www.mapmyrun.com for ideas in your area.

Carrie - Sorry the booty pain isn't getting any better. I know that booty massage hurts! Ouch! Who knew we carried so much tension in our behinds..?? I thought I just sat on mine all day...

Sara - Glad to hear you had an exciting vacation! Good luck with your taper for Grandma's. How is the running with no headphones/mp3 player going?

Melissa - Good luck getting that swim in!

Stacey - Sorry about your stonker! Here is hoping the next one is better. Congrats on signing up for the half though!
Dave - Sorry about your stonker too!

Kristi - Good job on getting out there.

Cheryl - Thanks for posting the pictures of Matt. What an amazing accomplishment. Here's hoping you stick around to keep us updated on how you are doing!

Well everyone, have a great Memorial Long Weekend! I'll be sure to report back on my race from this weekend. Good luck to all those racing as well!
I am so BUMMED! DD has been sick all week - started with fever and throwing up, then turned into coughing and chest congestion. I've been doing Airborne for a couple of days, since we leave for WDW in 13 days. I woke up this morning coughing and feeling like there's a knife in my chest. I'm supposed to do a 5 mile run with the Galloway group tomorrow, and I refuse to skip one in only the third week! (That said, I guess I'll see how I feel tomorrow morning. As long as I can breathe, I'm going to try to run. The pace group I'm in is slow enough that I think I can swing 5 miles even if I'm only 50% healthy!)

Just wanted to post a real quick drive by to keep myself accountable.

Monday - 3 miles + 1 mile with DS6 w2/r1

Wednesday - 3 miles

Thursday - 1 mile with DS6 who did a w2/r1,finished a mile in 19 minutes.

Friday - 3miles w/ another 1.25 miles with DS6 who w1/r1 and did a mile in 16:20!!
Saturday - 4miles with only DS2 in tow in the joggin stroller. 35:52!!

Fridays run seriously kicked my butt. It was such a stonker and I spent the rest of the day with my legs feeling like lead. So I took today's "longer" run a little slower to accomodate my poor legs. Michael did amazing on Friday though. We were initially going to continue the w2/r1 this week, but he was telling me about a minute through his walk that he wanted to jog again so we changed it. He did really good. He will be doing the w1/r1 all next week, then the following week we will go to w1/r2 and see how he does with that. We even went and got him his first pair of "REAL" running shoes. He loves them.

Ok gotta run to the Disney Store. I'll check back later.

I walked/jogged 3.5 miles this morning.

Does anyone have a suggestion for how to keep track of distance run and pace when running in neighborhoods, rural roads, etc. I would like to get off the treadmill more but I don't really know how to keep track of my distance and pace when I'm out in the real world -- I have a pedometer but it's not really accurate when I change stride lengths from running/walking, etc. I don't want to spend a fortune on accessories, but would love some suggestions.

My run this morning will be the last one for almost a week. You can read all about why in my journal runwdw2008 for the whole story.

Hi WISH Teammates! I'mmmm baaaccckk!

I need to read lots and do lots of checking on what everyone is doing. I won't do that tonight.

We had a great time, I'm tired, got sick (actually waited until it was time to get home to be sick so I'm here not feeling well). I did get on the beach to put steps in 3Xs this week. That is killer and no way did I do it to any qualifying time. Whew! It's fun to go play, but there's no place like home.

I've updated our calendar. Check to see if I've got yours correctly.


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