Wk of May 20--WISH Walking/Running Club

Oh no Sunny!!!!! :wizard: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: Hope things are better soon!
After completing 17 weeks of training, a family crisis has me derailed. I will not be doing the VT marathon this weekend.

Thanks so much for asking. I'll try to get back to WISHing when my head has cleared a bit.

Oh shoot, I'm so sorry to hear this Sunny. I hope all is as well as it can be. Let us know if there's anything we can do, even if it is just being a sounding board for support.
Sunny--:grouphug: :grouphug: Many prayers and PD coming your way! Let us know if there is anything we can do!
Hey everyone! Today is Mist's 21st birthday! :bday: This morning she had a big bowl of carrots and tonight she will have, naturally...carrot cake! :cake:

I did three miles this morning and although I didn't break any speed records, I felt pretty strong, which was nice. :goodvibes

OK this isn't totally off topic, because it was intended to be XT, but it didn't quite work out that way. :rolleyes:

Remember we got that little row boat that we put on our pond? Well, last night I thought it was such a beautiful evening and I had some time before Charlie got home, so I was going to row some laps around the pond for upper body exercise.

So....we have a large boulder where we tie the boat up next to. So, I untie the boat, and start to get in (You can see where this story is going, can't you?) and I guess I stepped in the wrong place. Or maybe my center of gravity just isn't where it used to be - but I started falling backwards and the boat flipped up and I fell, butt first somehow, right in the water!

Now, it's not very deep here, only about three feet, so I ended up sitting on the mud. It was totally disgusting! I stood up and realized it was all silty and my feet were sinking, so I scrambled up the bank, and in doing so, I think went thru some poison ivy or something because my arms are all itchy. I was dripping wet and covered in muck and I turned around to see the boat half filled with dirty water and drifting away. OK I couldn't deal with that right now, so I just sloshed up to the house like The Creature From The Black Lagoon. I stripped in the garage and took a long, long shower. When Charlie came home he retrieved the boat and we had a good laugh. It was kinda funny, afterwards. But I realize how easily I could have hit my head on the rock, so I won't be attempting to take the boat out alone again, that's for sure!

Linda - OMG what a great story! Congratulations! :thumbsup2 I am so proud of you!

Melissa - Hey, stranger, we miss you! :hug: I'm glad the job and pup are going well. Can we have some pictures of her??

Dave - WHAT? You're still not registered for the Full? :eek: We need to work on this.

Stephanie - Ohh, I hope the knee pain turns out to be nothing. :wizard:

Carrie - You are still having pain? From the new orthodics? Or the old leg pain? :wizard:

Sunny - Oh no! I hope all ended up OK. We really miss you. A lot. :hug:
OK, it is official - today is my 29th birthday! And lucky for me it snowed this morning! Seriously, what is up with that?

It has been awhile since I have had a chance to catch up with everyone so here goes:

For my AI buddies - Yay for Jordin winning Idol! She totally rocked on Tuesday night. I do like Blake, I think he is unique, but Jordin was by far the better singer. Wish they didn't sing such hokey songs for their first official single though!

Andrew - Way to go with your training. Good luck fitting in that weight training.
Kristi - Crazy story about adding 2 miles to the route! I wouldn't be thrilled if that happened to me... Way to go on signing up for your next race.
Dave - I loved your race report this weekend. Congratulations to your princesses! It must have been so special to share that time and experience with them. They are adorable. I hope you are able to register for the full!
Krista - I think I would ultimately chicken out of the tattoo as well. A few years back I did go into a parlour, looked at some books, but sitting there and listening to the sound of the needles turned me off! And I wasn't sure I wanted to commit to something so permanent...
Dana - Good luck with that marathon plan! It sure looks like a lot of running and hopefully it will help you meet your goals!
Jen - Hope you are doing ok with the work and family stress! Glad to hear your foot is feeling better. I'm with you on the race addiction! I keep checking out to see if there are any races that coordinate with long runs I have scheduled...
Megan - Good luck with the MFM training plan, and see you at ToT! Any plans to run WDW in January?
Stephanie - Congrats on getting your room sorted out for ToT!
Colleen - Sounds like a great pace for a run in hot weather. Good luck with your half coming up soon!
Laurie - Good job on getting out there even if the runs weren't great. Good luck with your 5 mile race this weekend.
Linda - Congratulations on your race in Halifax this past weekend. You should be so proud of yourself for getting out there and proving to yourself that you could do it. You are right - DLF is way better than DNS!
Melissa - Good luck with the puppy!
Jackie - WDW in 2 weeks? I hope you have a great trip!
Stacey - I feel your pain on the snow this morning!!! Thankfully tomorrow it is supposed to be sunny and 57. And definitely sign up for the half!!
Jen - Hope you are able to get back on track. Looking at weight loss in 5 lb increments is a great way to do it. I had about 30 lbs to lose too, and so far I am just shy of losing the first 10. Not focusing on those additional 20 yet though!
Stephanie - Hope your knee feels better!
Carrie - :wizard: for a pain free w/r tonight.
Cam - Wow, busy lady! Way to go on getting your workout in. Have a great visit with your friend!
Sunny - I am so sorry. :grouphug: for you.
Judy - :bday: to Mist! The 24th sure is a great day! I love carrot cake....think that is what my mom is making for me too! I'm glad you are OK after your fall into the water.

I'm supposed to run 4 miles tonight, but it is going to be a rush to try to fit it in. (My brother and I are off to see the Killers in concert tonight.) Hopefully it works out! Last night wound up being a rest day because my mom and I went out for Wing Wednesday again...
Oh how I love a good Judty story!!! (Only because I can see myself there so easily ;) ) Glad you are safe Judy!

Same old leg pain. :rolleyes: Not too bad, but really should not be feelign it. DO is likely going to yell at me next week fro running. WHat can I say. I've taken it very easy adn only run once in a week and a half. I've got a race Saturday, though. After that, I haev no race 'til CDC. SO, I'll b eoidng alternate exercise.
Sunny, so sorry about this turmoil you are going through. Please take care of yourself and your family. :grouphug: Taking care of things on the homefront is what you need to concentrate on now.

Leana, awesome post and Happy Birthday!party:

Linda, congratulations!

Did I miss it, are Craig and Martha off jetsetting?
Today I did 2.5 miles in 30 minutes. The positive points of this run were that I love having the Nike+ hooked up to my ipod, I don't ever want to run without it and that I got out this morning and did it. Unfortunately I'm still getting some pain in the lower part of my calf, I swear it's like reverse shin splints. So I ended up walking pieces of my run instead of just running the entire thing like I intended on. Tonight I'm going to find a running store to buy new sneakers!!!

Leana-Happy Birthday!!! Snow really? That wouldn't be the birthday gift I was wishing for. (Oh but seeing the killers makes up for it!) I'm in a pickle with doing WDW in January. I want to and would definitely be able to do the half by then but if my cousin goes she'll want to do the full not half. I'm not sure if I'd be ready for a full. Plus if she doesn't go I'm not sure I'm a fan of doing it alone or traveling alone. (Lame I know!)
Colleen--Craig and Martha are off to Italy for Lesley's graduation trip--Rough life, huh?

Leana--Happy Birthday!!!party: :bday: My (ahem) 29th bday;) is Tuesday! Hope you have a wonderful day!

Judy--Happy Birthday to Mist as well!:dance3: :dance3: Oh, and sorry about the boat!
Completed week 7 of 13 this morning. Man, my face was RED when I got back. I suffered! :scared:
I had to R5/W1 for 48 minutes. I went 4.05 miles at an average pace of 12:20.

Sooo, looks like I'm increasing my miles, but my pace looks to be at a plateau.

Week 1 / 7.18 miles / 13:27 average pace
Week 2 / 9.12 miles / 12:35 average pace
Week 3 / 10.59 miles / 12:24 average pace
Week 4 / 8.16 miles / 12:39 average pace
Week 5 / 8.76 miles / 12:08 average pace
Week 6 / 10.28 miles / 12:09 average pace
Week 7 / 11.97 miles / 12:10 average pace

My next run will be on the Disney Wonder! :yay:
Hope everyone has a great week while I'm gone! :goodvibes
Hey all - Oh yes, I have lots of stress. You see, without going into details, I have a wicked aunt who has waged a vendetta against my parents and is trying to ruin them and the business they own (that I work at). She also hates me just because I am their child. My mom has serious health issues and this is not good for her. So life is not good on that end.

Anyhoo, I did 35 minutes on the indoor track. I did speed walking instead of wogging. I want to increase my walk speed. That was fun, I actually enjoyed it. Then I had to boogie off to a school meeting. My daughters school is in turmoil and may close. She goes to a parachiol school, so I am scrambling to figure out what to do. More stress.

LEANA - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mine was last week, and I am STILL 29 (you know what I mean!!!) I'll be 29 until I am 39!

Sunny - I hope things work out for you! Sorry about the marathon.

Judy - Now that made me giggle. I know that would happen to me. I don't think that you, Carrie or I should be allowed in a boat together. Can you imagine what would happen?

Carrie - I thought about the Bridge race, but it won't work this year. The weather here is not too promising for the weekend. What about you? It could be cold and raining for your run.
Sunny -- sending you pixiedust: and prayers, sweetie. Please know we miss you and we are here if you need a place to run away to. :grouphug:

Judy -- OMG!!! Once I knew you were none the worse for wear, I was :lmao: Better watch it or the rowdies on the ToT thread will think you are the creature from the boggy creek, or whatever! LOL!!!

Jen -- I am sorry your family is going through such strife. Sending you a :hug:

Shan -- THat pace is great. Your running and walking intervals will improve pace-wise as you get used to doing them. Look how far you have come! :thumbsup2 Have fun on the Wonder-- I'll be there in 8 weeks!! :woohoo:

Leana -- Happy birthday! :cake:
I do have two GGDs shows this summer - MA (general admission pit down front) & Mohegan Sun (row 4) in CT! :banana:
I was tempted to road trip to Darien Lake, but I really should be a little bit responsible. I also was tempted to take a trip out Carrie's way since Mom is going to Kalamazoo for training the same week as the Goo show there. Being a responsible adult stinks sometimes.

Kristi - can you talk to the GGDs for me, and let them know to come back to Canada on their tour?? No dates scheduled up north as of yet..:sad:
Jen - The 3 of us could do pontoons. ;) Just stay seated unless docked! Last I checked, the weather was to be cold, but no rain. I'm haning on to that! I hate wicked aunts! They eventually seem to get what's coming to them, though, so hang in there!

Shan - Way to go! Look how far you've come from teh beginning! You will iprove, but palteaus happen. Have a WONDERful trip!

Judy's brining Harlie to ToT , so she shoudl eb ok. If he's like Scott, though, it'll just mean someone to laugh at her as she's going down. ;) You know someone truly loves you when they aren't embarrassed to be seen in public with you!:lmao:
Kristi - can you talk to the GGDs for me, and let them know to come back to Canada on their tour?? No dates scheduled up north as of yet..:sad:
OMG! Can it be? Another Goo fan here????? :yay: :dance3: :banana: :cool1:
They did do a Canadian tour last fall (I think). Did you see them then?
I know this sounds dorky, but they do pay attention to the more serious stuff on their fan club message boards. We have all been kind of complaining that they don't play any of the old stuff anymore, even stuff from A Boy Named Goo. Well, low & behold, they now have a survey up asking what old song we want to hear this summer! So, you could join and start pestering them via the boards to come back to Canada!
:bday: Oh, to be 29 again... ;)

Oh, and I didn't actually sign up for the 5k race. You have to sign up in person, it's that small of a race. But it's right down the road from the house at Lake Sunapee, so I will be there! It will be fun to do - that was Chad's very first race in 2001 when he started to train for his first marathon.

Judy - :lmao: I don't know what I would do around here without you - love ya!

Carrie - since they don't want you to run, can you walk fast with us Penguins instead?

Stephanie - 29 too? Man, I am feeling old... ;)
Kristi - It wasn't a "you can't run" it was a don't run if you don't have to. If I can run, I'd prefer to. It's a mental issue that I'll get over osmeday. FOr the race I have Saturday, it's a 12mpm limit, so Ihave to run some. However, I do think I'd have a very good time with the penguins! I'm not sure that dh would walk with me if he can still run, though. If we aren't togetherh for workouts, they happen less.


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