Wk of May 28--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

TiffJ said:
O.k. folks ~ my mom is really making me think hard about doing the full marathon in 2007. She called today & asked if I was ever going to do a full & I told her I wanted to but DH wasn't wanting to go to WDW again in Jan (mostly because of $$ since I will have been 3 times this year plus DL) she said if I wanted to she would help me training wise & financially. WOW that makes it hard not to do it. Her condition was that I go to the Dr. first because of my "episode" with dizziness & stuff at the Minnie. I was planning on going anyway.

I told her Cam was doing it & doing the DL 1/2 & if she can do it I can do it. See how inspiring you are Cam ?! I am going to have to think about whether I can dedicate that much time to training.

Just wanted to let you guys know of the new development. Have a great weekend.

Wow! Gotta love Moms!! I think WDW would be hard to pass up under these circumstances. :Pinkbounc I am walking my first full at WDW, and when I am not :crazy: wondering what I am thinking, I am really excited about that Mickey medal. It will be fun....
In my boredome of not training, I added some WISH art to my CafePress site. Note: This is unofficial WISH stuff. I left the DISboards.com logo off because it's not mine to use. I'm going to order a shirt to see what the quality is like. I've never ordered from there but Carrie says it is reputable. MelR was the one that found the neat site last year.

So, check it out if you'd like. They have a lime green cotton T. Don't confuse it with the real shirt orders that Carrie is taking, the shirts at CafePress are NOT wicking material!


Steve - Ouch! Hope your ribs feel better soon. From what I hear, bruised ribs hurt almost as bad as broken ones, so maybe that's all you did. Can't trust those branches...

Tiff - If I had someone offering to fund my trip, I'd be signing up. Although I'm not ready to commit to even the 1/2 yet, I'm pretty sure I'd find the time if I had the $$$. If you have supportive family members, go for it!

Dave - Good luck tomorrow!

Ran/wogged 3.25 miles with DH this morning. I hate to admit it, and can't to him, but I train much better with you guys in my head than with him in real life! We end up arguing over whose training style is better and I just end up frustrated. He keeps telling me that everyone trains better with a partner and I'm thinking "but I have about 75 of them...they just live in my computer."

But I can't complain about DH too much... (Kevin, you're gonna love this one) after our run, he decided sharing the Garmin wasn't going to work, so he took me to the running store we discovered last weekend and bought me my own Garmin! So we went from having none a week ago to owning 2 this weekend (he has the 301, I have the 201). Then we went and drove the course for the 5K I'm doing next weekend - definitely more hills than at WDW, so I need to make sure I find some hills this week.

Now I'm off to do some more scheming to see if there's any way to swing a trip - my niece is getting married in July, and the wedding is only 10 miles from Disneyland, and DH and DD have never been...

skfulkers said:
Ok, so I'm pretty excited about my new toy. I finally bought a road bike. It's a Specialized Allez Sport, an entry level bike, but it's a huge upgrade from my former hybrid bike. I bought a pair of clipless pedals and shoes and I can't even begin to describe how much different my rides are now. I've improved my pace for an hour long ride from 18 mph to 22mph. It's amazing. But here's the not-so great part. Last Saturday was my first ride with the bike and I took it down to one of the bike trails around here. I was cruising along doing about 23 mph and I saw a tree down on the trail up ahead. I had passed this tree on my way out and realized it was just leaves sticking out onto the trail, so because I didn't want to slow down too much and no one else was around to worry about maneuvering around, I decided to keep my pace and just brush the leaves out of my way. Big mistake. There was a branch hidden behind the leaves and it caught me in the chest as I passed the tree. It spun me around and I was thrown to the pavement and slid about 25 feet down the path. Amazingly, the bike was just fine (I scraped one of the hoods, but that's it). I was a little beat up, though. I lost a lot of skin on the side of my leg and arm and I probably would have messed up my hands pretty good if I hadn't been wearing gloves. Everything has healed pretty well since last week, but I'm still a little worried about my ribs. It hurts to breathe sometimes and doing any core exercises hurts my chest. It may be just a bruise, but I should probably get an x-ray just be sure. I have a triathlon tomorrow (6 miles of rowing instead of swimming, 6 mile run, 18 mile bike), and I feel fine for that, but I may see the doctor next week if I still hurt.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I'll have to catch up on the whole thread for the week to see what everyone's been up to.

Talk to you all later!

COngrats on the bike! :scared: :eek: :faint: on the fall! You are wicked fast now! :Pinkbounc
Just checking in! Had my "stampede" 5K today...it was a bit rough. The temps were nice, around the low 60s...perfect for running. Unfortunately, it was pouring down buckets all day LOL! Now for the weird part.....SAME race number as last 5K....SAME exact finish time as last 5K. Finished in 29:31 which is very disappointing considering the goal is to always better your previous time...BUT....I did it and had fun which is most important! I had to start in the back of the pack (waiting for fellow runner to get out of the bathroom lol). So I think that definitely hurt my time....last race I was somewhere in the middle and didn't get caught up in the back. I had to get around the crowds to start my pace which may be why I felt like I was running faster but still finished with the same time??? Who knows...but overall I'm feeling good tonight and at least I got out there in the rain and did it!!! :banana:

Dena.....did you race today? How did it go??????
Steve - Hope the ribs are ok. Congrats on the new bike.

- Cool, your very own Garmin! :cool1:

- Haven't really caught up on the thread. How are you feeling?

This week has been a little more hectic than I thought and so will next week.
Unfortunately, my aunt passed away this morning :sad1: She was my Mom's younger sister. Found out about a month ago that she had a malignant tumor in her stomach. She was never sick until she passed out a month ago. That's when she found out.

My Mom's really upset. They were very close. So I'm trying to comfort her and was taking her back and forth to see my aunt in the last few days. The funeral is this week, so it'll be another tough one.

Funny thing is, I'm not that upset about her passing. I kinda feel weird about that. I will miss her. We had some fun times together. But she took care of my uncle for 8 years (he had bone cancer and was bedridden for several years before he passed away nine years ago). My aunt always said she never wanted to go through that or put her kids through that. So when I saw her yesterday, lying in the bed, half out of it, with tubes in her, I knew that she would never want to live like that. I can't even call it living. It was more like existing.

When we got the call this morning that she passed, I felt relieved that she wouldn't suffer any longer. It hit her really quick and I'm glad she didn't linger. It just seems weird to feel this way, when everyone else is crying and upset.

I'll try to check in and keep up on things this week. I've got to get training for the DL 1/2 before I go into panic mode.

TEK224 said:
Steve - Hope the ribs are ok. Congrats on the new bike.

- Cool, your very own Garmin! :cool1:

- Haven't really caught up on the thread. How are you feeling?

This week has been a little more hectic than I thought and so will next week.
Unfortunately, my aunt passed away this morning :sad1: She was my Mom's younger sister. Found out about a month ago that she had a malignant tumor in her stomach. She was never sick until she passed out a month ago. That's when she found out.

My Mom's really upset. They were very close. So I'm trying to comfort her and was taking her back and forth to see my aunt in the last few days. The funeral is this week, so it'll be another tough one.

Funny thing is, I'm not that upset about her passing. I kinda feel weird about that. I will miss her. We had some fun times together. But she took care of my uncle for 8 years (he had bone cancer and was bedridden for several years before he passed away nine years ago). My aunt always said she never wanted to go through that or put her kids through that. So when I saw her yesterday, lying in the bed, half out of it, with tubes in her, I knew that she would never want to live like that. I can't even call it living. It was more like existing.

When we got the call this morning that she passed, I felt relieved that she wouldn't suffer any longer. It hit her really quick and I'm glad she didn't linger. It just seems weird to feel this way, when everyone else is crying and upset.

I'll try to check in and keep up on things this week. I've got to get training for the DL 1/2 before I go into panic mode.


I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. My mother went through the same thing when she lost her sister, they were best friends and since they were both widows, they did everything together. God bless.


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