Wk of May 28--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Dave - Actually, I have fallen lately (sadly) It was a doosie too, but I think crashing and mt. biking must just go together! I think I have improved some though. Yesterday, I had the revelation that i am probably not going to have a big mt. biking breakthrough. It is bascially making a mental catalogue of how to do different technical sections and it is just going to take a long time for me to overcome the fear of pain and crashing and build that library!!! Speaking of breakthroughs though, you clearly have become quite a fast RUNNER. Great job on your run last night! That is alot of progress from couch potato status!

I have a question about Garmins vs. heart rate monitors. I have a Garmin 101 so it does not do HR. Generally, it tells me I burn about 100 calories per mile. Biking (on the road is usually much less) I just got a HRM and yesterday after riding for 2hrs and 18mins (mt. biking) it said I had burned over 1800 calories!! I could not run 18 miles in 2:18. Anyway, which is more accurate? I really don't want to get low on calories and it is so hard to eat on the bike!! Does anyone know or have an opinion on this??
magslite said:
Fellow moms - it is our job to feel guilty. I just finished school a year ago, work part time and am thinking about furthering my degree. Balance is hard. Having both a 15 year old and a 2 year old, I realize it doesn't get easier! :rotfl2: Hang in there ladies I am sure you are all GREAT moms! With or without the million dollar bday parties!

Off to go make dinner!

I'm with you Maggie though I only have on DS (12). I have been going to school so long he wouldn't know what to think if I didn't have homework. Though this master's degree is starting to kick my hinny so to speak.

With working full-time and going to school part-time all these years I've always been concerned if I was being a good enough mom so I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with these feelings.
Just a quick update:

I had xrays and a follow up appointment with my doctor and all seems to be going well. I was told to be careful as the lung could "pop" again if I did too much. I should be good to go though to fly to Florida in 5 weeks.

I do want to get back to walking even if it is slow to build up some sort of endurance again. I am certain I have lost everything and it will be like starting over but anyting is better than nothing.

Happy training everyone!!!!!!!!
Time to catch up with everyone!

Judy - you did awesome and I don't care what you say, it was a race!

Michael - :wizard: for your knee pain

Jackie - I knew you'd love your Garmin! I share DH's and it keeps me entertained. Now we both have to keep up with our runs, or in my case, wogs.

Cam - you guys are so busy lately! And I thought I was busy...

Carrie - that's awesome your parents made it to your race last year.

Dena - your DH is awesome - great page! And you are the incredible shrinking woman! 55lbs.? WOW!

MelR - snake?! :scared1:

Minnie - more :wizard: - take care of yourself!

I haven't done a blessed thing since my wog on Tuesday. :sad2: I am so bad lately! I'd like to get outside today, but I tonight is my midnight madness scrapbooking and I have to get a nap in before then. I get up at 3am for work, so I will never make it to midnight if i don't sleep. I also forgot to go get my allergy shot yesterday, so I have to fit that in this afternoon also.

Speaking of doctors - my bloodwork came back all normal. Thyroid right in the middle of the normal range. My good cholesterol is still low, but they said it was normal. :rolleyes: I know otherwise since my mom is a lab tech. They didn't list blood sugar on my postcard, but they were supposed to draw for it. Oh well!

So, I am frustrated beyond belief and I am switching to WW Core until I get to goal. Come heck or high water...I am getting to goal! ;)

I not only signed up for DL under a charity, I mailed my registration for the WDW 1/2 today! I didn't even tell Chad yet. He's wanted me to mail it, but I kept putting it off until we had more money. I finally did it to motivate myself and to be sure it didn't close before I registered. I want to find a couple local races this summer.

I have registered for:
DL 1/2
DL 5k
WDW 1/2

So, if this doesn't get my behind moving, nothing will! :teeth:

Oh, and I bought "The Courage To Start" for my friend who goes to Weight Watchers with me. She is so unmotivated to exercise, but she really needs to (I know, ironic this is coming from me!). So, I got the book of eBay. It came yesterday and now I am reading it. It's really good! Hopefully, she won't mind her used gift when I bring it to our meeting next Wednesday. :rotfl:

We are going up to the house on Sunapee this weekend. Hopefully the rain will hold off somewhat for us to use our new kayak (crosstraining?). I'd also like to do my walk/run up there on both Sat & Sun. But we'll see. I have to fill-in at work this Sunday, so I am commuting to Boston for the morning shift - there goes half my day.
Well, you'll all be glad to know I am a total bum. :( I didn't train this morning. And after reading all the replies from you parents I have to say, I don't know how you do it. I could not get out of bed this morning because I was sooooo tired. We have WAY too much to do. My life is just one big long to-do list. And we don't even have full-time kids! DH has four that come up every other weekend. And he has them one night a week, during which he stays at his parents because it's closer to their schools. There just isn't enough time to get everything done. Thank goodness we have a cleaning service that come in twice a month. I didn't go to bed last night until 10:30 so there is no way I could get up at 4:30. But I had so many things to get done. Important things. Like laundry. :laundy: They don't take too kindly to me showing up nekkid at work. I seriously don't know how you people who work and have kids find time to train. You are awesome and I bow to your greatness. :worship:

Christa - You shoulda whacked that LG with your noodle! ;)

Eric - I hope you are feeling better today. :tinker:

Dave - OMG that is SOO awesome! :thumbsup2 Wow! That's fabulous! You must be so happy! We are proud of you!!! :cheer2:

Kevin - That's what I told DH when he was just about to click "Submit". I said "You sure you want to do this? Cause this is it, there's no turning back now". And he went "Click". :teeth:

Minnie - We are right here for you and if you need to start all over again, we'll be with you every step of the way. :flower3: I know this may be a hard questions, but, umm, are you going to ride again?

OK, off to find a place to get my passport. We leave in six weeks. Maybe I won't have it by then and I won't have to, I mean be able to go! :smokin:

Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Oooooh, new smilies... :dogdance:
OK, I had a great run last night. It was the best I felt for a while. Had the JPMorgan Chase Corporate Challenge last night at 7:00p. There were ~9,400 runners at the RIT campus at Rochester. My team, the University of Rochester, had the largest team @ 285 runners. Eric, there was a lot of mention of the Frankfurt race at the start of ours, and how you had ~63,000 runners for the largest race in the world. Great job by your DW, BTW. OK, I finished in 34:53 min, my Garmin clocked the course 3.64 miles for 9:35 mpm pace!!! :cool1: :cool1: :cool1: Whoo hooo, I ran sub 10 min miles for the whole thing. I wasn't even trying to. I kept telling myself that I was just treating it as a training run. Because I have another 5K on Sunday that my Saturday running group has been training for. That's the race I was really shooting for. The race last night felt really easy. I walked at the first water stop to get a drink, but that was it. I just chugged along, my breathing felt really, really easy, and my legs felt alright too. I was a little worried about my shins because I had some soreness before the start. But they felt OK during the run, and I iced them when I got home.

So from January to now I've gone from the couch to sub 10 min miles of steady running. Whoo hooo!!! :thumbsup2
DAVE - :cool1: :thumbsup2 :cheer2: :woohoo: YOU DID SO GREAT!
Kristi1357 said:
So, I am frustrated beyond belief and I am switching to WW Core until I get to goal. Come heck or high water...I am getting to goal! ;)
Kristi - I do core and it has worked better for me than the flex...Flex just didnot keep me full. With core I can eat until I am full and not feel guilty! :dance3:
OK so I have totally taken up all of this page thus far!
I just got back from mu 10.6 mile run. I did it in 1:39.11. With the stops that evens out to about a 9:21 MPM (But if I take out the stops it was around 1:35 and that is an 8:58.8 MPM...I like that better...it just sounds faster.) :dance3:

I am now icing my knee b/c it hurts! I cannot figure out why though....I may have hurt it sking.

Judy - Sometimes we just need a break from training.

Minnie - :wizard: :wizard: to you!

THank you all for the noodle support!
Minnie-- I'll start again if you will :grouphug:

I am completely side-lined. Today's diagnosis: herniated disk, sciatica

The good news is I found a real human doctor with a real human receptionist. They are very nice and treated me as if I were in need of attention, which I am. I've been in constant nearly unbearable pain for days. Today I got Vicadin :sad2: I hate taking meds, but this pain is too much.

Drs orders (which I will obey 'cause he's really a human): absolutely no spine-loading exercise until I see him again next week. That means no running, weights, etc. but I can swim and I can do elliptical and recomb. bike in moderation. And believe me, at this point I am all for moderation.

RtB = Reach the Beach

Its very doubtful that I'll be able to train for this now. But I'm still heading up coordinating a team if anyone is interested!
Sunny - Herniated disc??? Ouch! Please be a very good girl and follow the drs. orders! Which disc does your doc. say is herniated?
plutosmyfav said:
Minnie-- I'll start again if you will :grouphug:

I am completely side-lined. Today's diagnosis: herniated disk, sciatica

The good news is I found a real human doctor with a real human receptionist. They are very nice and treated me as if I were in need of attention, which I am. I've been in constant nearly unbearable pain for days. Today I got Vicadin :sad2: I hate taking meds, but this pain is too much.

Drs orders (which I will obey 'cause he's really a human): absolutely no spine-loading exercise until I see him again next week. That means no running, weights, etc. but I can swim and I can do elliptical and recomb. bike in moderation. And believe me, at this point I am all for moderation.


I'm with you as soon as you are able :wizard: :grouphug:

I know the pain that you are experiencing. Last year when I was diagnosed with a sacrum issue it ended up being a herniated disk that irritated the sciatica. End result was an MRI to make sure of the diagnosis (it took me 2 chiros and 2 drs before I found one that understood and helped me) and then I ended up with injections and pain pills and I hate to say this - rest.

One thing that my physcial therapist suggested that helped was just hanging in the deep end of the pool with a noodle wrapped around my back. This helped put traction on my back and relieved the sciatica slighly.

I am so so so sorry this happened to you :grouphug: :grouphug:
To everyone that has sent :grouphug: or :wizard: thank you so much :goodvibes . You all are an inspiration in helping others when they are down and celebrating the good times also :goodvibes

Judy - Oh yes I will be riding again. Not any time soon as I am not allowed to and I have to be a good girl so that I can get on that airplane in 5 weeks to go to WDW :teeth: . This is not the first time I've taken a fall but I will say this was the scariest one :blush:

I do need some sort of endurance though to handle WDW so I'm planning atleast to start walking on my tm again :hourglass

Happy training everyone :sunny:
Dave - What a GREAT time! You have really come a long way in such a short time. I'm hoping I can keep pace with you guys! And no pain last night - hooray! I think I may finally be over the worst - I can still tell there are tender spots, but I'm really careful not to overdo it and stretch really well.

Sunny - Ouch! Listen to the human doctor. Take it easy, and don't be afraid to take the meds. Give this one a chance.

Kevin - Garmin should definitely pay you guys - I would never even have thought of buying anything like this if I hadn't read all your stories. Now I'm just worried that we may need two for when DH is out of town and wants to take it with him!

Mel - I wish you lived closer. My brother owns a bike shop and does coaching and bike fitting on the side. I'd love to get you together with him to see if he could offer pointers to make mountain biking not such a chore! I, of course, won't be caught dead on a bike other than on a flat road, so I'm no help at all.

Minnie - We're all here to cheer you on, every step. Just take it slow and easy!

No running here tonight - it's pouring rain with lots of thunder, but DD says she wants to run with me in the AM, so maybe then... Have a great weekend everyone!

Hi WISH Team!

Dave! WTG! Now don't overdo. You are doing fantastic for sure. I am so proud of you!

Sunny, :eek: seems like all those aliens are taking you down. pixiedust: for you that all works out well. Do what you are able and don't get too frustrated.

MelR, can't answer your quesiton for certain. I'd be interested in the answer if anything comes along.

All who afre healing, it is great to hear that you are progressing. WISHing you continued positive progress.

I'm not making progress here. I've got many irons in the fire getting in my way or maybe I'm letting them get in my way. I'm hoping to get out tomorrow to at least put some kind of steps in. Work is nasty. Seriously considering a major change there on my behalf not theirs.

I'm going to try to read more of what all have been up to.
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Thank you so much everyone for all the congratulations on my race at the Chase Corporate Challenge on Thursday. I really appreciate the support. Not too much to report for me today. I had my yoga x-training yesterday. Oooh, that 50 min of stretching felt good, but the 10 min of laying on my back relaxing felt the best! :thumbsup2 I'm taking a rest day today before my 5K tomorrow.

Sunny- I'm so glad you found a human doctor out there. I'm so sorry you may have a herniated disc though. Take care of yourself :wizard: :tinker: :wizard:, and be very careful with that Vicoden too.

Tiger Lily 03 said:
Dave! WTG! Now don't overdo. You are doing fantastic for sure. I am so proud of you!
Good advice Lily - I have to remember to not overdo and injure myself. The 5K tomorrow is the one that we've been building towards in my AP Learn to Run group at Fleet Feet. So it's my last session with that running group. After that 5K, I think I should take a "rest week". Maybe I won't do any running, and just do some elliptical work to give my legs a break and recover. Or maybe I'll see if I can do some deep water running. That sounds more appealing now that the temps are increasing.

So my Saturday running group is ending this week. However, Fleet Feet is now offering a Distance Training Program that starts in a couple of weeks. I pasted the blurb from their website below. It specifically to train you to run a Fall full or half marathon. They also said it would give you a good base if you want to run a marathon after the program ends - like the WDW Marathon!!!

Distance Training Program is BACK - Wanna do a Fall Full or Half Marathon or just get faster at 5 or 10K's, then this is for you. Join the program that brings you a 15 - 18 week training schedule, group training opportunities, stretching workshops, nutrition workshops and more....

This program will train you for any Fall long distance event including Chicago Marathon, Wine Glass Marathon, NYC Marathon, Rochester or Marine Corp Marathon or any halves or fulls in between
Biked 17 miles yesterday and hope to get in, close to that, today. :yay: Have a great weekend team!
Hey everybody! Haven't posted in awhile, so I thought I'd drop by to say hi. I always tell myself I need to keep up with this thread more often, then life gets in the way. Go figure.

Dave--congratulations on your race. That's a great pace!

Sunny--I can't imagine how painful that must be. Get better soon.

Christa--doing a mile swim and THEN pulling your kids around the pool? I'm tired just thinking about it.

Ok, so I'm pretty excited about my new toy. I finally bought a road bike. It's a Specialized Allez Sport, an entry level bike, but it's a huge upgrade from my former hybrid bike. I bought a pair of clipless pedals and shoes and I can't even begin to describe how much different my rides are now. I've improved my pace for an hour long ride from 18 mph to 22mph. It's amazing. But here's the not-so great part. Last Saturday was my first ride with the bike and I took it down to one of the bike trails around here. I was cruising along doing about 23 mph and I saw a tree down on the trail up ahead. I had passed this tree on my way out and realized it was just leaves sticking out onto the trail, so because I didn't want to slow down too much and no one else was around to worry about maneuvering around, I decided to keep my pace and just brush the leaves out of my way. Big mistake. There was a branch hidden behind the leaves and it caught me in the chest as I passed the tree. It spun me around and I was thrown to the pavement and slid about 25 feet down the path. Amazingly, the bike was just fine (I scraped one of the hoods, but that's it). I was a little beat up, though. I lost a lot of skin on the side of my leg and arm and I probably would have messed up my hands pretty good if I hadn't been wearing gloves. Everything has healed pretty well since last week, but I'm still a little worried about my ribs. It hurts to breathe sometimes and doing any core exercises hurts my chest. It may be just a bruise, but I should probably get an x-ray just be sure. I have a triathlon tomorrow (6 miles of rowing instead of swimming, 6 mile run, 18 mile bike), and I feel fine for that, but I may see the doctor next week if I still hurt.

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well. I'll have to catch up on the whole thread for the week to see what everyone's been up to.

Talk to you all later!

O.k. folks ~ my mom is really making me think hard about doing the full marathon in 2007. She called today & asked if I was ever going to do a full & I told her I wanted to but DH wasn't wanting to go to WDW again in Jan (mostly because of $$ since I will have been 3 times this year plus DL) she said if I wanted to she would help me training wise & financially. WOW that makes it hard not to do it. Her condition was that I go to the Dr. first because of my "episode" with dizziness & stuff at the Minnie. I was planning on going anyway.

I told her Cam was doing it & doing the DL 1/2 & if she can do it I can do it. See how inspiring you are Cam ?! I am going to have to think about whether I can dedicate that much time to training.

Just wanted to let you guys know of the new development. Have a great weekend.
Steven - so sorry about your crash. If you've been reading posts, you know I'm a mountain biking crash expert! I do not believe in crashing my road bike!!!!! I think a road bike crash could be catastrophic due to speed! That is great that you got a road bike. I totally love riding on the road. It is amazing what a difference the right bike makes. when I switched from mt. to road i had a significant increase in speed. When I switched from a cheap trailer (for the boy) to a light weight one, it took about 5 minutes off my biking loop time and the boy and I were able to increase our distance 2 to 3 times!! Sadly, now the boy uses the trail a bike which is significantly heavier and i don't want to attach it to my road bike seatpost, so it's back to mt. bike for our rides together. I hope you heal quickly and get Krista a bike for her b-day!!

Jackie - I wish I had a coach too! I do fine on my road bike, but the mt. biking just scares me (gee, I wonder why??) After nexts weekend's off road tri (xterra) I'm becoming a roadie for a while again!

Phil and I went out for a 10 mile run. It was very hilly (over 900meters of climbing) Our pace was around 10:35mpm. Glad to have that done!!


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